package; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Set; import java.util.TreeMap; /** * 配置信息的传输对象,用于master向slave传输配置信息 * * @author fangweng * */ public class Rule implements Serializable { private static final long serialVersionUID = -4977691745701083747L; /** * entry定义池 */ private Map<String, ReportEntry> entryPool; /** * 报表定义池 */ private Map<String, Report> reportPool; /** * 支持多个master来分担合并数据的任务,这里保存的是报表和master的对应关系 * reportid,masterip:port */ private Map<String, String> report2Master; /** * 别名定义池 */ private Map<String, Alias> aliasPool; /** * 父亲entry定义池 */ Map<String, ReportEntry> parentEntryPool; /** * 记录所有被引用的Entry的定义,用于过滤没有被引用的entry定义 */ private Map<String, ReportEntry> referEntrys; /** * 配置信息的版本号 格式为TimeInMillis值 */ private long version; /** * 所属域 */ private String domain; //用于将某些字段替换成短标识放入到key中,节省计算的内存 private List<InnerKey> innerKeyPool; /** * 目前集群中所有的master */ private Set<String> masters; public Rule() { entryPool = new HashMap<String, ReportEntry>(); parentEntryPool = new HashMap<String, ReportEntry>(); reportPool = new TreeMap<String, Report>(); report2Master = new HashMap<String,String>(); aliasPool = new HashMap<String, Alias>(); referEntrys = new HashMap<String, ReportEntry>(); innerKeyPool = new ArrayList<InnerKey>(); version = System.currentTimeMillis(); } public void clear() { entryPool.clear(); parentEntryPool.clear(); reportPool.clear(); aliasPool.clear(); referEntrys.clear(); innerKeyPool.clear(); report2Master.clear(); domain = null; version = 0; } public Map<String, String> getReport2Master() { return report2Master; } public void setReport2Master(Map<String, String> report2Master) { this.report2Master = report2Master; } public List<InnerKey> getInnerKeyPool() { return innerKeyPool; } public void setInnerKeyPool(List<InnerKey> innerKeyPool) { this.innerKeyPool = innerKeyPool; } public String getDomain() { return domain; } public Map<String, ReportEntry> getReferEntrys() { return referEntrys; } public void setReferEntrys(Map<String, ReportEntry> referEntrys) { this.referEntrys = referEntrys; } public void setDomain(String domain) { this.domain = domain; } public Map<String, ReportEntry> getParentEntryPool() { return parentEntryPool; } public void setParentEntryPool(Map<String, ReportEntry> parentEntryPool) { this.parentEntryPool = parentEntryPool; } public Map<String, ReportEntry> getEntryPool() { return entryPool; } public void setEntryPool(Map<String, ReportEntry> entryPool) { this.entryPool = entryPool; } public Map<String, Report> getReportPool() { return reportPool; } public void setReportPool(Map<String, Report> reportPool) { this.reportPool = reportPool; } public Map<String, Alias> getAliasPool() { return aliasPool; } public void setAliasPool(Map<String, Alias> aliasPool) { this.aliasPool = aliasPool; } public long getVersion() { return version; } public void setVersion(long version) { this.version = version; } /** * @return the masters */ public Set<String> getMasters() { return masters; } /** * @param masters the masters to set */ public void setMasters(Set<String> masters) { this.masters = masters; } }