package com.bc.util.encoder; import junit.framework.TestCase; import*; import; import java.util.Arrays; public class MD5EncoderTest extends TestCase { private MD5Encoder encoder; public void testConversion() throws NoSuchAlgorithmException { final String hallo = encoder.encode("hallo"); final String welt = encoder.encode("welt"); assertEquals(32, hallo.length()); assertEquals(32, welt.length()); assertEquals("598d4c200461b81522a3328565c25f7c", hallo); assertEquals("99329e3cb25a82f1506ade731612a715", welt); assertFalse(hallo.equals(welt)); } public void testUpdateAndDigest() { final String hallo_full = encoder.encode("hallo, du alter sack"); encoder.update("hallo, ".getBytes()); encoder.update("du alter ".getBytes()); encoder.update("sack".getBytes()); final String hallo_in_parts = encoder.digest(); assertEquals(hallo_full, hallo_in_parts); } private static final byte testBinaryFileContent[] = new byte[]{-85, 35, -123, 100, -105, 30, 63, 85, -125, -3, -118, -80, 69, 8, -105, -68, -7, -83, -21, -126, 124, -36, -57, 45, -111, 6, 87, -91, 81, -6, 13, -41, -115, 117, 8, 1, -113, -53, -85, 33, -11, -109, -26, 107, -38, -18, -30, -127, 33, 24}; // //this is just here for reference in case the testBinaryFile field needs to be regenerated // private static void printRandomBinary() { // SecureRandom r = new SecureRandom(); // for(int i=0; i<50; i++) { // int rand = r.nextInt(255); // System.out.print(rand-127 + ", "); // } // } public void testUpdateAndDigest_binary() { encoder.update(testBinaryFileContent); String hashResult = encoder.digest(); assertEquals("d57c03c25ea4bf4ad45870a2837731c3", hashResult); } public void testUpdateAndDigest_binary_in_parts() { byte[][] brokenUp = new byte[][]{ Arrays.copyOfRange(testBinaryFileContent, 0, 8), Arrays.copyOfRange(testBinaryFileContent, 8, 24), Arrays.copyOfRange(testBinaryFileContent, 24, 30), Arrays.copyOfRange(testBinaryFileContent, 30, 31), Arrays.copyOfRange(testBinaryFileContent, 31, 39), Arrays.copyOfRange(testBinaryFileContent, 39, 47), Arrays.copyOfRange(testBinaryFileContent, 47, 50) }; for (byte[] bytes : brokenUp) { encoder.update(bytes); } String hashResult = encoder.digest(); assertEquals("d57c03c25ea4bf4ad45870a2837731c3", hashResult); } public void testUpdateAndDigest_binary_in_parts_using_offset() { encoder.update(testBinaryFileContent, 0, 8); encoder.update(testBinaryFileContent, 8, 24 - 8); encoder.update(testBinaryFileContent, 24, 30 - 24); encoder.update(testBinaryFileContent, 30, 31 - 30); encoder.update(testBinaryFileContent, 31, 39 - 31); encoder.update(testBinaryFileContent, 39, 47 - 39); encoder.update(testBinaryFileContent, 47, 50 - 47); String hashResult = encoder.digest(); assertEquals("d57c03c25ea4bf4ad45870a2837731c3", hashResult); } public void testEncodeInputStream() throws Exception { InputStream bytesIn = new ByteArrayInputStream(testBinaryFileContent); String hashResult = encoder.encode(bytesIn); assertEquals("d57c03c25ea4bf4ad45870a2837731c3", hashResult); } public void testEncodeFile() throws Exception { final File dummyFile = new File("dummyFile") { @Override public String getPath() { return super.getPath(); } }; final File[] incomingFile = new File[]{null}; final int[] methodCalls = new int[]{0}; final MD5Encoder encoder = new MD5Encoder() { @Override protected InputStream getInputStreamFromFile(File inputFile) throws FileNotFoundException { incomingFile[0] = inputFile; methodCalls[0]++; return new ByteArrayInputStream(testBinaryFileContent); } }; String hashResult = encoder.encode(dummyFile); assertEquals("d57c03c25ea4bf4ad45870a2837731c3", hashResult); assertSame(dummyFile, incomingFile[0]); assertEquals(1, methodCalls[0]); } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /////// END OF PUBLIC //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// protected void setUp() throws Exception { encoder = new MD5Encoder(); } }