package cn.newgxu.jpamodel; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.List; import javax.persistence.Query; import cn.newgxu.jpamodel.JPAEntity.Pair; /** * * @author wyx * @date 2007-3-23--04:32:15 */ public class ToMany { protected Object owner; protected String prop; protected Class<?> entityType; protected String eql; protected String alias = "o"; public ToMany(Class<?> clazz, String prop,Object owner) { super(); this.owner = owner; this.prop = prop; this.entityType = clazz; initEql(); } private void initEql() { this.eql = "from " + entityType.getName() + " " + alias + " where " + alias + "." + prop + " = :" + prop; } public ToMany alias(String a) { this.alias = a; this.initEql(); return this; } Q getQByProps(Pair... props) { StringBuffer qstr = new StringBuffer(eql); List<JPAEntity.Pair> params = new ArrayList<JPAEntity.Pair>(); params.add(new Pair(prop, this.owner)); for (Pair p : props) { qstr.append(" and " + alias + "." + + " = :" +; params.add(p); } return new Q(qstr.toString(), params); } Q getDelQByProps(Pair... props) { Q q = getQByProps(props); return new Q("delete " + q.qstr, q.params); } public List<?> getAll() { return query(getQByProps()).getResultList(); } private Query query(Q q) { return JPAEntity.Q(q.qstr, q.params); } public List<?> findByProps(Pair... props) { return query(getQByProps(props)).getResultList(); } public Object findSingleByProps(Pair... conditions) { return query(getQByProps(conditions)).getSingleResult(); } public List<?> findByConditions(Object... args) { return query(getQByConditions(args)).getResultList(); } public Object findSingleByConditions(Object... args) { return query(getQByConditions(args)).getSingleResult(); } public Query qfind(Pair... props) { return query(getQByProps(props)); } public int deleteByProps(Pair... conditions) { return query(getDelQByProps(conditions)).executeUpdate(); } public static final class Q { String qstr; List<JPAEntity.Pair> params; public Q(String qstr, List<Pair> params) { super(); this.qstr = qstr; this.params = params; } public String toString() { return "qstr:" + qstr + " Params:" + params; } } public static final Pair P(Object id, Object value) { return JPAEntity.P(id, value); } Q getQByConditions(Object... args) { if (args == null || args.length == 0) throw new IllegalArgumentException("incorrect args"); String conds = (String) args[0]; String feql = this.eql + " and " + conds; List<Pair> params = new ArrayList<Pair>(); params.add(new Pair(this.prop, this.owner)); for (int i = 1; i < args.length; i++) { Object o = args[i]; if (o instanceof Pair) { params.add((Pair) o); } else throw new RuntimeException("the cdr of args must be Pair"); } return new Q(feql, params); } }