package com.fang.bbks.modules.sys.dao; import java.util.List; import; import; import; import org.springframework.stereotype.Repository; import com.fang.bbks.common.persistence.BaseDao; import com.fang.bbks.common.persistence.BaseDaoImpl; import com.fang.bbks.modules.sys.entity.User; /** * @Intro data access helper for User entity * @author Lee * @Date 2013-8-1 */ public interface UserDao extends UserDaoCustom,CrudRepository<User, Long>{ @Modifying @Query("update User set delFlag=" + User.DEL_FLAG_DELETE + " where id = ?1") public int deleteById(Long id); @Modifying @Query("update User set flowings=?1 where id = ?2") public int setFlowing(int count,Long id); @Modifying @Query("update User set floweds=?1 where id = ?2") public int setFlowed(int count,Long id); @Query("from User where username = ?1 and password = ?2 and delFlag = " +User.DEL_FLAG_NORMAL) public User findByUserNameAndPassword(String name,String pwd); @Query("from User where username = ?1 and delFlag = " +User.DEL_FLAG_NORMAL) public User findByUserName(String userName); @Query("from User where email = ?1 and delFlag = " +User.DEL_FLAG_NORMAL) public User findByEmail(String email); } interface UserDaoCustom extends BaseDao<User>{ /////////////////////////////////////// // 用户关系操作 // ////////////////////////////////////// /** * 用户u 【关注】 id的用户 * @param u 当前用户 * @param id 被关注人的id * @return */ public boolean following(User u,Long id); /** * 获取用户[id]关注的人 * @return */ public List<User> getFollowing(Long id); /** * 获取用户[id]的粉丝 * @return */ public List<User> getFollowed(Long id); } @Repository("userDao") class UserDaoImpl extends BaseDaoImpl<User> implements UserDaoCustom{ @Override public boolean following(User u, Long id) { // TODO Auto-generated method stub return false; } @Override public List<User> getFollowing(Long id) { // TODO Auto-generated method stub return null; } @Override public List<User> getFollowed(Long id) { // TODO Auto-generated method stub return null; } }