package org.batfish.datamodel; import; import com.fasterxml.jackson.annotation.JsonPropertyDescription; public final class TcpFlags implements Serializable { public static final int ACK = 0x10; public static final int CWR = 0x80; public static final int ECE = 0x40; public static final int FIN = 0x01; public static final int PSH = 0x08; public static final int RST = 0x04; /** * */ private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L; public static final int SYN = 0x02; public static final int URG = 0x20; private boolean _ack; private boolean _cwr; private boolean _ece; private boolean _fin; private boolean _psh; private boolean _rst; private boolean _syn; private boolean _urg; private boolean _useAck; private boolean _useCwr; private boolean _useEce; private boolean _useFin; private boolean _usePsh; private boolean _useRst; private boolean _useSyn; private boolean _useUrg; @Override public boolean equals(Object obj) { if (this == obj) { return true; } TcpFlags other = (TcpFlags) obj; if (other.toString().equals(this.toString())) { return true; } else { return false; } } @JsonPropertyDescription("Value for ACK bit if used (true->1/false->0)") public boolean getAck() { return _ack; } @JsonPropertyDescription("Value for CWR bit if used (true->1/false->0)") public boolean getCwr() { return _cwr; } @JsonPropertyDescription("Value for ECE bit if used (true->1/false->0)") public boolean getEce() { return _ece; } @JsonPropertyDescription("Value for FIN bit if used (true->1/false->0)") public boolean getFin() { return _fin; } @JsonPropertyDescription("Value for PSH bit if used (true->1/false->0)") public boolean getPsh() { return _psh; } @JsonPropertyDescription("Value for RST bit if used (true->1/false->0)") public boolean getRst() { return _rst; } @JsonPropertyDescription("Value for SYN bit if used (true->1/false->0)") public boolean getSyn() { return _syn; } @JsonPropertyDescription("Value for URG bit if used (true->1/false->0)") public boolean getUrg() { return _urg; } @JsonPropertyDescription("Whether or not to match against the ACK bit") public boolean getUseAck() { return _useAck; } @JsonPropertyDescription("Whether or not to match against the CWR bit") public boolean getUseCwr() { return _useCwr; } @JsonPropertyDescription("Whether or not to match against the ECE bit") public boolean getUseEce() { return _useEce; } @JsonPropertyDescription("Whether or not to match against the FIN bit") public boolean getUseFin() { return _useFin; } @JsonPropertyDescription("Whether or not to match against the PSH bit") public boolean getUsePsh() { return _usePsh; } @JsonPropertyDescription("Whether or not to match against the RST bit") public boolean getUseRst() { return _useRst; } @JsonPropertyDescription("Whether or not to match against the SYN bit") public boolean getUseSyn() { return _useSyn; } @JsonPropertyDescription("Whether or not to match against the URG bit") public boolean getUseUrg() { return _useUrg; } @Override public int hashCode() { // TODO: implement better hashcode return 0; } public void setAck(boolean ack) { _ack = ack; } public void setCwr(boolean cwr) { _cwr = cwr; } public void setEce(boolean ece) { _ece = ece; } public void setFin(boolean fin) { _fin = fin; } public void setPsh(boolean psh) { _psh = psh; } public void setRst(boolean rst) { _rst = rst; } public void setSyn(boolean syn) { _syn = syn; } public void setUrg(boolean urg) { _urg = urg; } public void setUseAck(boolean useAck) { _useAck = useAck; } public void setUseCwr(boolean useCwr) { _useCwr = useCwr; } public void setUseEce(boolean useEce) { _useEce = useEce; } public void setUseFin(boolean useFin) { _useFin = useFin; } public void setUsePsh(boolean usePsh) { _usePsh = usePsh; } public void setUseRst(boolean useRst) { _useRst = useRst; } public void setUseSyn(boolean useSyn) { _useSyn = useSyn; } public void setUseUrg(boolean useUrg) { _useUrg = useUrg; } @Override public String toString() { StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); sb.append(toString(_cwr, _useCwr)); sb.append(toString(_ece, _useEce)); sb.append(toString(_urg, _useUrg)); sb.append(toString(_ack, _useAck)); sb.append(toString(_psh, _usePsh)); sb.append(toString(_rst, _useRst)); sb.append(toString(_syn, _useSyn)); sb.append(toString(_fin, _useFin)); return sb.toString(); } private String toString(boolean bit, boolean useBit) { if (useBit) { if (bit) { return "1"; } else { return "0"; } } else { return "x"; } } }