package gov.loc.repository.bagit.verify; import; import java.nio.file.Files; import java.nio.file.Path; import java.util.ResourceBundle; import java.util.AbstractMap.SimpleImmutableEntry; import org.slf4j.Logger; import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory; import org.slf4j.helpers.MessageFormatter; import gov.loc.repository.bagit.domain.Bag; import gov.loc.repository.bagit.exceptions.InvalidPayloadOxumException; import gov.loc.repository.bagit.exceptions.PayloadOxumDoesNotExistException; import gov.loc.repository.bagit.util.PathUtils; /** * responsible for all things related to quick verification. Quick verification does not * mean that a Bag is valid, only that a cursory check has been made. For a full verification * see {@link BagVerifier} */ public final class QuickVerifier { private static final Logger logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger(QuickVerifier.class); private static final ResourceBundle messages = ResourceBundle.getBundle("MessageBundle"); private static final String PAYLOAD_OXUM_REGEX = "\\d+\\.\\d+"; private QuickVerifier(){ //intentionally left empty } /** * Determine if we can quickly verify by comparing the number of files and the total number of bytes expected * * @param bag the {@link Bag} object you wish to check * @return true if the bag can be quickly verified */ public static boolean canQuickVerify(final Bag bag){ final String payloadOxum = getPayloadOxum(bag); logger.debug(messages.getString("found_payload_oxum"), payloadOxum, bag.getRootDir()); return payloadOxum != null && payloadOxum.matches(PAYLOAD_OXUM_REGEX) && bag.getItemsToFetch().size() == 0; } /* * Get the Payload-Oxum value from the key value pairs */ private static String getPayloadOxum(final Bag bag){ for(final SimpleImmutableEntry<String,String> keyValue : bag.getMetadata().getAll()){ if("Payload-Oxum".equals(keyValue.getKey())){ return keyValue.getValue(); } } return null; } /** * Quickly verify by comparing the number of files and the total number of bytes expected * * @param bag the bag to verify by payload-oxum * * @throws IOException if there is an error reading a file * @throws InvalidPayloadOxumException if either the total bytes or the number of files * calculated for the payload directory of the bag is different than the supplied values * @throws PayloadOxumDoesNotExistException if the bag does not contain a payload-oxum. * To check, run {@link BagVerifier#canQuickVerify} */ public static void quicklyVerify(final Bag bag) throws IOException, InvalidPayloadOxumException{ final String payloadOxum = getPayloadOxum(bag); if(payloadOxum == null || !payloadOxum.matches(PAYLOAD_OXUM_REGEX)){ throw new PayloadOxumDoesNotExistException(messages.getString("payload_oxum_missing_error")); } final String[] parts = payloadOxum.split("\\."); logger.debug(messages.getString("parse_size_in_bytes"), parts[0]); final long totalSize = Long.parseLong(parts[0]); logger.debug(messages.getString("parse_number_of_files"), parts[1]); final long numberOfFiles = Long.parseLong(parts[1]); final Path payloadDir = PathUtils.getDataDir(bag); final FileCountAndTotalSizeVistor vistor = new FileCountAndTotalSizeVistor(); Files.walkFileTree(payloadDir, vistor); logger.debug(messages.getString("compare_payload_oxums"), payloadOxum, vistor.getTotalSize(), vistor.getCount(), payloadDir); if(totalSize != vistor.getTotalSize()){ final String formattedMessage = messages.getString("invalid_total_size_error"); throw new InvalidPayloadOxumException(MessageFormatter.format(formattedMessage, totalSize, vistor.getTotalSize()).getMessage()); } if(numberOfFiles != vistor.getCount()){ final String formattedMessage = messages.getString("invalid_file_cound_error"); throw new InvalidPayloadOxumException(MessageFormatter.format(formattedMessage, numberOfFiles, vistor.getCount()).getMessage()); } } }