package com.kth.baasio.entity.file; import static com.kth.common.utils.LogUtils.makeLogTag; import static; import com.kth.baasio.Baas; import com.kth.baasio.BuildConfig; import com.kth.baasio.callback.BaasioAsyncTask; import com.kth.baasio.callback.BaasioCallback; import com.kth.baasio.callback.BaasioDownloadAsyncTask; import com.kth.baasio.callback.BaasioDownloadCallback; import com.kth.baasio.callback.BaasioUploadAsyncTask; import com.kth.baasio.callback.BaasioUploadCallback; import com.kth.baasio.entity.BaasioBaseEntity; import com.kth.baasio.entity.BaasioConnectableEntity; import com.kth.baasio.entity.file.multipart.FilePart; import com.kth.baasio.entity.file.multipart.FilePart.BaasioProgressListener; import com.kth.baasio.entity.file.multipart.MultipartEntity; import com.kth.baasio.entity.file.multipart.StringPart; import com.kth.baasio.exception.BaasioError; import com.kth.baasio.exception.BaasioException; import com.kth.baasio.response.BaasioResponse; import com.kth.baasio.utils.JsonUtils; import com.kth.baasio.utils.ObjectUtils; import com.kth.common.utils.LogUtils; import org.apache.http.Header; import org.apache.http.HttpResponse; import org.apache.http.ParseException; import org.apache.http.util.EntityUtils; import org.codehaus.jackson.annotate.JsonIgnore; import org.codehaus.jackson.annotate.JsonProperty; import; import org.springframework.http.HttpMethod; import org.springframework.http.HttpStatus; import; import android.util.Log; import android.webkit.MimeTypeMap; import; import; import; import; import; import java.util.List; public class BaasioFile extends BaasioConnectableEntity { private static final String TAG = makeLogTag(BaasioFile.class); public final static String ENTITY_TYPE = "file"; public final static String PROPERTY_FILENAME = "filename"; public final static String PROPERTY_CONTENT_LENGTH = "content-length"; public final static String PROPERTY_CONTENT_TYPE = "content-type"; public final static String PROPERTY_CHECKSUM = "checksum"; public final static String PROPERTY_ETAG = "etag"; public final static String PROPERTY_SIZE = "size"; public BaasioFile() { super(); setType(ENTITY_TYPE); } public BaasioFile(BaasioConnectableEntity entity) { super(entity); } /** * Get predefined property names. * * @return List of predefined property names */ @Override @JsonIgnore public List<String> getPropertyNames() { List<String> properties = super.getPropertyNames(); properties.add(PROPERTY_FILENAME); properties.add(PROPERTY_CONTENT_LENGTH); properties.add(PROPERTY_CONTENT_TYPE); properties.add(PROPERTY_CHECKSUM); properties.add(PROPERTY_ETAG); properties.add(PROPERTY_SIZE); return properties; } /** * Get file name. * * @return File name */ @JsonSerialize(include = NON_NULL) public String getFilename() { return JsonUtils.getStringProperty(properties, PROPERTY_FILENAME); } /** * Set file name. * * @param filename File name */ public void setFilename(String filename) { JsonUtils.setStringProperty(properties, PROPERTY_FILENAME, filename); } /** * Get content length. * * @return Content length */ @JsonSerialize(include = NON_NULL) @JsonProperty(PROPERTY_CONTENT_LENGTH) public Long getContentLength() { return JsonUtils.getLongProperty(properties, PROPERTY_CONTENT_LENGTH); } /** * Set content length. * * @param contentLength content-length */ public void setContentLength(long contentLength) { JsonUtils.setLongProperty(properties, PROPERTY_CONTENT_LENGTH, contentLength); } /** * Get content type. * * @return Content type */ @JsonSerialize(include = NON_NULL) @JsonProperty(PROPERTY_CONTENT_TYPE) public String getContentType() { return JsonUtils.getStringProperty(properties, PROPERTY_CONTENT_TYPE); } /** * Set content type. * * @param contentType content-type */ public void setContentType(String contentType) { JsonUtils.setStringProperty(properties, PROPERTY_CONTENT_TYPE, contentType); } /** * Get checksum. * * @return Checksum */ @JsonSerialize(include = NON_NULL) @JsonProperty(PROPERTY_CHECKSUM) public String getChecksum() { return JsonUtils.getStringProperty(properties, PROPERTY_CHECKSUM); } /** * Set checksum. * * @param checksum Checksum */ public void setChecksum(String checksum) { JsonUtils.setStringProperty(properties, PROPERTY_CHECKSUM, checksum); } /** * Get etag. * * @return etag */ @JsonSerialize(include = NON_NULL) @JsonProperty(PROPERTY_ETAG) public String getEtag() { return JsonUtils.getStringProperty(properties, PROPERTY_ETAG); } /** * Set etag. * * @param etag ETAG */ public void setEtag(String etag) { JsonUtils.setStringProperty(properties, PROPERTY_ETAG, etag); } /** * Get etag. * * @return etag */ @JsonSerialize(include = NON_NULL) @JsonProperty(PROPERTY_SIZE) public Long getSize() { return JsonUtils.getLongProperty(properties, PROPERTY_SIZE); } /** * Set etag. * * @param size Size */ public void setSize(long size) { JsonUtils.setLongProperty(properties, PROPERTY_SIZE, size); } private static String getMimeType(File file) { String url = file.getAbsolutePath(); String type = null; int dotPos = url.lastIndexOf(".") + 1; String extension = url.substring(dotPos); if (extension != null) { MimeTypeMap mime = MimeTypeMap.getSingleton(); type = mime.getMimeTypeFromExtension(extension); } return type; } /** * Get file entity. * * @return Entity */ public BaasioFile get() throws BaasioException { BaasioBaseEntity entity = BaasioBaseEntity.get(getType(), getUniqueKey()); return entity.toType(BaasioFile.class); } /** * Get file entity. Executes asynchronously in background and the callbacks * are called in the UI thread. * * @param callback Result callback */ public void getInBackground(final BaasioCallback<BaasioFile> callback) { (new BaasioAsyncTask<BaasioFile>(callback) { @Override public BaasioFile doTask() throws BaasioException { return BaasioFile.this.get(); } }).execute(); } /** * Save file entity to * * @return Saved entity */ public BaasioFile save() throws BaasioException { if (ObjectUtils.isEmpty(getType())) { throw new IllegalArgumentException(BaasioError.ERROR_MISSING_TYPE); } if (ObjectUtils.isEmpty(getFilename())) { throw new IllegalArgumentException(BaasioError.ERROR_MISSING_FILE_NAME); } BaasioResponse response =, null, this, getType()); if (response != null) { BaasioFile entity = response.getFirstEntity().toType(BaasioFile.class); if (!ObjectUtils.isEmpty(entity)) { return entity; } throw new BaasioException(BaasioError.ERROR_UNKNOWN_NORESULT_ENTITY); } throw new BaasioException(BaasioError.ERROR_UNKNOWN_NO_RESPONSE_DATA); } /** * Save file entity to Executes asynchronously in background and * the callbacks are called in the UI thread. * * @param callback Result callback */ public void saveInBackground(final BaasioCallback<BaasioFile> callback) { (new BaasioAsyncTask<BaasioFile>(callback) { @Override public BaasioFile doTask() throws BaasioException { return save(); } }).execute(); } /** * Update file entity from * * @return Updated entity */ public BaasioFile update() throws BaasioException { if (ObjectUtils.isEmpty(getType())) { throw new IllegalArgumentException(BaasioError.ERROR_MISSING_TYPE); } if (ObjectUtils.isEmpty(getFilename())) { throw new IllegalArgumentException(BaasioError.ERROR_MISSING_FILE_NAME); } BaasioResponse response =, null, this, getType(), getUniqueKey()); if (response != null) { BaasioFile entity = response.getFirstEntity().toType(BaasioFile.class); if (!ObjectUtils.isEmpty(entity)) { return entity; } throw new BaasioException(BaasioError.ERROR_UNKNOWN_NORESULT_ENTITY); } throw new BaasioException(BaasioError.ERROR_UNKNOWN_NO_RESPONSE_DATA); } /** * Update file entity from Executes asynchronously in background * and the callbacks are called in the UI thread. * * @param callback Result callback */ public void updateInBackground(final BaasioCallback<BaasioFile> callback) { (new BaasioAsyncTask<BaasioFile>(callback) { @Override public BaasioFile doTask() throws BaasioException { return update(); } }).execute(); } /** * Delete file entity from * * @return Deleted entity */ public BaasioFile delete() throws BaasioException { if (ObjectUtils.isEmpty(getType())) { throw new IllegalArgumentException(BaasioError.ERROR_MISSING_TYPE); } BaasioResponse response =, null, this, getType(), getUniqueKey()); if (response != null) { BaasioFile entity = response.getFirstEntity().toType(BaasioFile.class); if (!ObjectUtils.isEmpty(entity)) { return entity; } throw new BaasioException(BaasioError.ERROR_UNKNOWN_NORESULT_ENTITY); } throw new BaasioException(BaasioError.ERROR_UNKNOWN_NO_RESPONSE_DATA); } /** * Delete file entity from Executes asynchronously in background * and the callbacks are called in the UI thread. * * @param callback Result callback */ public void deleteInBackground(final BaasioCallback<BaasioFile> callback) { (new BaasioAsyncTask<BaasioFile>(callback) { @Override public BaasioFile doTask() throws BaasioException { return delete(); } }).execute(); } /** * Create a file entity and upload file content to Executes * asynchronously in background and the callbacks are called in the UI * thread. * * @param localFilePath Source local file path. This must not be null. * @return The uploading task to cancel. */ public BaasioUploadAsyncTask fileUploadInBackground(final String localFilePath, final String destFileName, final BaasioUploadCallback callback) { BaasioUploadAsyncTask task = new BaasioUploadAsyncTask(callback) { private FilePart filePart = null; @Override public BaasioFile doTask() throws BaasioException { if (ObjectUtils.isEmpty(localFilePath)) { throw new IllegalArgumentException(BaasioError.ERROR_MISSING_LOCAL_FILE_PATH); } File file = new File(localFilePath); if (!file.exists()) { throw new IllegalArgumentException(BaasioError.ERROR_FILE_IS_NOT_EXIST); } StringPart stringPart = new StringPart("entity", JsonUtils.toJsonString(BaasioFile.this), "UTF-8"); if (BuildConfig.DEBUG) { LogUtils.LOGV(TAG, "StringPart:\n" + stringPart.toString()); } final long fileSize = file.length(); filePart = new FilePart("file", file, destFileName, getMimeType(file), new BaasioProgressListener() { @Override public void updateTransferred(long transferedBytes) { publishProgress(fileSize, transferedBytes); if (isCancelled()) { filePart.cancel(); Log.e("upload", "cancel"); } } }); if (BuildConfig.DEBUG) { LogUtils.LOGV(TAG, "FilePart:\n" + filePart.toString()); } MultipartEntity multipartEntity = new MultipartEntity(); multipartEntity.addPart(stringPart); multipartEntity.addPart(filePart); HttpResponse httpResponse =, multipartEntity, "files"); if (!ObjectUtils.isEmpty(httpResponse)) { if (!ObjectUtils.isEmpty(httpResponse.getStatusLine())) { if (httpResponse.getStatusLine().getStatusCode() >= 200 && httpResponse.getStatusLine().getStatusCode() < 300) { String body = null; try { body = EntityUtils.toString(httpResponse.getEntity(), "UTF-8"); } catch (ParseException e) { throw new BaasioException(e); } catch (IOException e) { throw new BaasioException(e); } if (!ObjectUtils.isEmpty(body)) { LogUtils.LOGV(TAG, "Client.httpRequest(): reponse body: " + body); BaasioResponse response = JsonUtils.parse(body, BaasioResponse.class); if (response != null) { if (response.getFirstEntity() != null) { BaasioBaseEntity entity = response.getFirstEntity(); return entity.toType(BaasioFile.class); } throw new BaasioException( BaasioError.ERROR_UNKNOWN_NORESULT_ENTITY); } } throw new BaasioException(BaasioError.ERROR_UNKNOWN_NO_RESPONSE_DATA); } HttpStatus status = HttpStatus.valueOf(httpResponse.getStatusLine() .getStatusCode()); String body = null; try { body = EntityUtils.toString(httpResponse.getEntity(), "UTF-8"); } catch (ParseException e) { throw new BaasioException(e); } catch (IOException e) { throw new BaasioException(e); } if (!ObjectUtils.isEmpty(body)) { BaasioException baasioError = new BaasioException(status, body); if (HttpStatus.UNAUTHORIZED.toString().equals( baasioError.getStatusCode())) { LogUtils.LOGV(TAG, "Need Login");; } throw baasioError; } throw new BaasioException(status, ""); } throw new BaasioException(BaasioError.ERROR_UNKNOWN_NO_STATUSLINE); } throw new BaasioException(BaasioError.ERROR_UNKNOWN_NO_HTTP_RESPONSE_DATA); } }; task.execute(); return task; } /** * Update file entity and change file content to UUID must not be * null. Executes asynchronously in background and the callbacks are called * in the UI thread. * * @param localFilePath Source local file path. This must not be null. * @return The uploading task to cancel. */ public BaasioUploadAsyncTask fileUpdateInBackground(final String localFilePath, final String destFileName, final BaasioUploadCallback callback) { BaasioUploadAsyncTask task = new BaasioUploadAsyncTask(callback) { private FilePart filePart = null; @Override public BaasioFile doTask() throws BaasioException { if (ObjectUtils.isEmpty(getUniqueKey())) { throw new IllegalArgumentException(BaasioError.ERROR_MISSING_UUID_OR_NAME); } if (ObjectUtils.isEmpty(localFilePath)) { throw new IllegalArgumentException(BaasioError.ERROR_MISSING_LOCAL_FILE_PATH); } File file = new File(localFilePath); if (!file.exists()) { throw new IllegalArgumentException(BaasioError.ERROR_FILE_IS_NOT_EXIST); } StringPart stringPart = new StringPart("entity", JsonUtils.toJsonString(BaasioFile.this), "UTF-8"); if (BuildConfig.DEBUG) { LogUtils.LOGV(TAG, "StringPart:\n" + stringPart.toString()); } final long fileSize = file.length(); filePart = new FilePart("file", file, destFileName, getMimeType(file), new BaasioProgressListener() { @Override public void updateTransferred(long transferedBytes) { publishProgress(fileSize, transferedBytes); if (isCancelled()) { filePart.cancel(); } } }); if (BuildConfig.DEBUG) { LogUtils.LOGV(TAG, "FilePart:\n" + filePart.toString()); } MultipartEntity multipartEntity = new MultipartEntity(); multipartEntity.addPart(stringPart); multipartEntity.addPart(filePart); HttpResponse httpResponse =, multipartEntity, "files", getUuid().toString()); if (!ObjectUtils.isEmpty(httpResponse)) { if (!ObjectUtils.isEmpty(httpResponse.getStatusLine())) { if (httpResponse.getStatusLine().getStatusCode() >= 200 && httpResponse.getStatusLine().getStatusCode() < 300) { String body = null; try { body = EntityUtils.toString(httpResponse.getEntity(), "UTF-8"); } catch (ParseException e) { throw new BaasioException(e); } catch (IOException e) { throw new BaasioException(e); } if (!ObjectUtils.isEmpty(body)) { LogUtils.LOGV(TAG, "Client.httpRequest(): reponse body: " + body); BaasioResponse response = JsonUtils.parse(body, BaasioResponse.class); if (response != null) { if (response.getFirstEntity() != null) { BaasioBaseEntity entity = response.getFirstEntity(); return entity.toType(BaasioFile.class); } throw new BaasioException( BaasioError.ERROR_UNKNOWN_NORESULT_ENTITY); } } throw new BaasioException(BaasioError.ERROR_UNKNOWN_NO_RESPONSE_DATA); } HttpStatus status = HttpStatus.valueOf(httpResponse.getStatusLine() .getStatusCode()); String body = null; try { body = EntityUtils.toString(httpResponse.getEntity(), "UTF-8"); } catch (ParseException e) { throw new BaasioException(e); } catch (IOException e) { throw new BaasioException(e); } if (!ObjectUtils.isEmpty(body)) { BaasioException baasioError = new BaasioException(status, body); if (HttpStatus.UNAUTHORIZED.toString().equals( baasioError.getStatusCode())) { LogUtils.LOGV(TAG, "Need Login");; } throw baasioError; } throw new BaasioException(status, ""); } throw new BaasioException(BaasioError.ERROR_UNKNOWN_NO_STATUSLINE); } throw new BaasioException(BaasioError.ERROR_UNKNOWN_NO_HTTP_RESPONSE_DATA); } }; task.execute(); return task; } /** * Download file to the local file path from Executes * asynchronously in background and the callbacks are called in the UI * thread. * * @param localFilePath Destination local file path * @return The downloading task to cancel. */ public BaasioDownloadAsyncTask fileDownloadInBackground(final String localFilePath, final BaasioDownloadCallback callback) { BaasioDownloadAsyncTask task = new BaasioDownloadAsyncTask(callback) { @Override public String doTask() throws Exception { if (ObjectUtils.isEmpty(localFilePath)) { throw new IllegalArgumentException(BaasioError.ERROR_MISSING_LOCAL_FILE_PATH); } String destFilePath = localFilePath.replace("\\", "/"); String fileName = ""; String filePath; if (destFilePath.endsWith("/")) { filePath = destFilePath.substring(0, destFilePath.length() - 1); fileName = getFilename(); } else { Uri uri = Uri.parse(destFilePath); fileName = uri.getLastPathSegment(); filePath = destFilePath.substring(0, destFilePath.length() - fileName.length() - 1); } File dir = new File(filePath); if (!dir.exists()) { dir.mkdirs(); } else { if (!dir.isDirectory()) { dir.mkdirs(); } } if (ObjectUtils.isEmpty(fileName)) { throw new IllegalArgumentException(BaasioError.ERROR_MISSING_LOCAL_FILE_NAME); } String localResultFilePath = filePath + File.separator + fileName; File file = new File(localResultFilePath); file.createNewFile(); HttpResponse httpResponse = null; httpResponse =, "files", getUniqueKey()); if (httpResponse != null) { if (httpResponse.getStatusLine() != null) { if (httpResponse.getStatusLine().getStatusCode() >= 200 && httpResponse.getStatusLine().getStatusCode() < 300) { Header[] clHeaders = httpResponse.getHeaders("Content-Length"); if (clHeaders.length > 0) { Header header = clHeaders[0]; long totalSize = Long.parseLong(header.getValue()); long downloadedSize = 0; byte buf[] = new byte[Baas.getDownloadBuffSize()]; int numBytesRead; if (httpResponse.getEntity() != null) { InputStream stream = httpResponse.getEntity().getContent(); BufferedOutputStream fos = new BufferedOutputStream( new FileOutputStream(file)); do { numBytesRead =; if (numBytesRead > 0) { fos.write(buf, 0, numBytesRead); downloadedSize += numBytesRead; if (callback != null) { callback.onProgress(totalSize, downloadedSize); } } if (isCancelled()) { if (fos != null) { fos.flush(); fos.close(); } if (stream != null) { stream.close(); } throw new IOException( BaasioError.ERROR_FILE_TASK_CANCELLED); } } while (numBytesRead > 0); if (fos != null) { fos.flush(); fos.close(); } if (stream != null) { stream.close(); } if (totalSize != downloadedSize) { throw new BaasioException( BaasioError.ERROR_FILE_SIZE_DIFFERENT); } else { return localResultFilePath; } } else { throw new BaasioException( BaasioError.ERROR_UNKNOWN_NO_RESPONSE_DATA); } } } else { HttpStatus status = HttpStatus.valueOf(httpResponse.getStatusLine() .getStatusCode()); String body = null; try { body = EntityUtils.toString(httpResponse.getEntity(), "UTF-8"); } catch (ParseException e) { throw new BaasioException(e); } catch (IOException e) { throw new BaasioException(e); } BaasioException baasioError = new BaasioException(status, body); if (HttpStatus.UNAUTHORIZED.toString().equals( baasioError.getStatusCode())) { LogUtils.LOGV(TAG, "Need Login");; } throw baasioError; } } else { throw new BaasioException(BaasioError.ERROR_UNKNOWN_NO_STATUSLINE); } } throw new BaasioException(BaasioError.ERROR_UNKNOWN_NO_HTTP_RESPONSE_DATA); } }; task.execute(); return task; } }