package; import*; import java.util.*; import java.util.concurrent.*; import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicLong; import org.slf4j.*; import com.rabbitmq.client.*; import com.rabbitmq.client.AMQP.BasicProperties; /** * * @author CHQ * 2012-3-22 */ public class ProducersGaurd { static Logger LOG = LoggerFactory.getLogger(ProducersGaurd.class); ConcurrentHashMap<String, MessageProducer> queues = new ConcurrentHashMap<String, MessageProducer>(); /** use for queue name for consumers */ HashMap<String, MessageProducer> namingQueues = new HashMap<String, MessageProducer>(); AtomicLong totalProducers = new AtomicLong(0); ConnectionFactory connectionFactory; static String EXCHANGE_NAME = "direct_data"; volatile boolean throttleAll = false; ProducerConfig config; String defaultQueueName = "/!/NamingQueue_"; public ProducersGaurd() throws IOException { super(); connectionFactory = new ConnectionFactory(); config = new ProducerConfig(); config.loadConfig(); for (String consumerName : config.consumers) { consumerName = defaultQueueName + consumerName; MessageProducer pro = new MessageProducer(consumerName, config); pro.start();"create default queue:" + consumerName); namingQueues.put(consumerName, pro); } } public void clearAll() throws IOException { throttleAll = true; for (MessageProducer entry : queues.values()) { entry.shutdown(); } queues.clear(); totalProducers.set(0); } public boolean appendData(String path, MQPacket packet) throws IOException { //if append is closed, so can't do nothing if (throttleAll) {"append is closed!"); return false; } if (path == null || packet == null) { LOG.warn("path can't be null or packet can't be null"); return false; } MessageProducer mp = queues.get(path); if (mp == null) { mp = new MessageProducer(path, config); for (Map.Entry<String, MessageProducer> pro : namingQueues.entrySet()) { String queueName = pro.getKey() + path;"create path(queue) :" + queueName); pro.getValue().addPacket(new MQPacket(queueName.getBytes("UTF-8"), null)); } queues.put(path, mp); totalProducers.addAndGet(1); mp.start(); } return mp.addPacket(packet); } class MessageProducer extends Thread { final Logger LOG = LoggerFactory.getLogger(MessageProducer.class); private BlockingQueue<MQPacket> outstandingQueue = new LinkedBlockingDeque<MQPacket>(); volatile boolean isRunning = true; Channel ch; Connection conn; final String bindName; final List<String> queues = new ArrayList<String>(); int idleLimit = 60; volatile boolean throttle = false; /** one binding to several queues for one tree node*/ MessageProducer(String queueName, ProducerConfig config) throws IOException { super("queue[" + queueName + "]"); idleLimit = config.queueIdleLimit; bindName = queueName;"start MessageProducer..."); conn = connectionFactory.newConnection(config.addrArr); ch = conn.createChannel(); // x-ha-policy Map<String, Object> haPolicy = new HashMap<String, Object>(); haPolicy.put("x-ha-policy", "nodes"); haPolicy.put("x-ha-policy-params", config.asList); // first durable if (!config.enableHA) haPolicy = null; /** * exchange - the name of the exchange type - the exchange type direct topic fanout headers durable - true if we are declaring a durable exchange (the exchange will survive a server restart) */ ch.exchangeDeclare(EXCHANGE_NAME, "direct", true); /** * queue - the name of the queue durable - true if we are declaring a durable queue (the queue will survive a server restart) exclusive - true if we are declaring an exclusive queue (restricted to this connection) autoDelete - true if we are declaring an autodelete queue (server will delete it when no longer in use) arguments - other properties (construction arguments) for the queue */ if (queueName.startsWith(defaultQueueName)) { ch.queueDeclare(queueName, true, false, false, haPolicy); ch.queueBind(queueName, EXCHANGE_NAME, bindName); queues.add(queueName); } else { for (String each : namingQueues.keySet()) { String rename = each + queueName; ch.queueDeclare(rename, true, false, false, haPolicy); /** * queue name * exchange name * bind name */ ch.queueBind(rename, EXCHANGE_NAME, bindName); queues.add(rename); } } /** * exchange - the exchange to publish the message to routingKey - the routing key props - other properties for the message - routing headers etc body - the message body */ // channel.basicPublish(EXCHANGE_NAME, routingKey, null, message.getBytes()); } @Override public void run() { int idle = 0; while(isRunning && !throttle) { try { MQPacket p = outstandingQueue.poll(1, TimeUnit.SECONDS); if (p == null) { idle++; LOG.debug("queue " + queues.toString() + " is idle[time="+idle+"]"); if (idle == idleLimit) { throttle = true;"close queue " + queues.toString() + " thread!"); shutdown(); } continue; } else { idle = 0; } // MQPacket p = outstandingQueue.take(); ch.basicPublish(EXCHANGE_NAME, bindName,,; if (p.handler != null) { p.handler.handleAck(ch.waitForConfirms()); } } catch (InterruptedException e) { LOG.warn("", e); } catch (IOException e) { LOG.warn("", e); } } } public void shutdown() throws IOException {"#shutdown"); /** refuse accepting any packet */ throttle = true; queues.remove(bindName); if (isRunning == false) return; isRunning = false; this.interrupt(); ch.close(); conn.close(); } public boolean addPacket(MQPacket p) { if (!throttle) return outstandingQueue.add(p); LOG.warn("throttle is closed!!! packet is not adding, so you should retry it!"); return false; } } public void join() throws InterruptedException { for (MessageProducer entry : queues.values()) { entry.join(); } } class ProducerConfig { Logger LOG = LoggerFactory.getLogger(ProducerConfig.class); Address[] addrArr; boolean enableHA = false; List<String> asList = null; BasicProperties mp; int queueIdleLimit = 60; boolean persistent = true; List<String> consumers = null; //List<String> consumerIDs = new ArrayList<String>(); public void loadConfig() { try { String config = "conf/config";"load Sender config: " + config); Properties p = new Properties(); p.load(new InputStreamReader(new FileInputStream( config), "UTF-8")); Object value; String addrs = (value = p.get("MQClusterAddrs")) != null ? value.toString() : null; String[] manyAddrs = addrs.split(";"); addrArr = new Address[manyAddrs.length]; int cnt = 0; for (String addr : manyAddrs) { addrArr[cnt++] = new Address(addr.split(":")[0], Integer.valueOf(addr.split(":")[1]));"MQ node:" + addr); } String haPolicy = (value = p.get("MQCluster-ha-policy")) != null ? value.toString() : null; String haPolicyDecision = haPolicy.split(";")[0]; if (haPolicyDecision.equalsIgnoreCase("true")) { enableHA = true;"enable HA"); asList= Arrays.asList(haPolicy.split(";")[1].split(",")); for (String string : asList) {"MQ ha node:" + string); } } else { enableHA = false;"disable HA"); } queueIdleLimit = Integer.valueOf((value = p.get("QueueIdle")) != null ? value.toString() : null);"Queue Idle Limit is " + queueIdleLimit); persistent = Boolean.valueOf((value = p.get("Persistent")) != null ? value.toString() : null);"Queue persistent is " + persistent); if (persistent == true) mp = MessageProperties.PERSISTENT_BASIC; else { mp = MessageProperties.BASIC; } value = (value = p.get("Consumers")) != null ? value.toString() : null; if (value != null) { consumers = Arrays.asList(value.toString().split(":")); for (String string : consumers) {"consumer id:" + string); } } assert(consumers != null); } catch (Throwable e) { LOG.error("config parse error!", e); } } } }