package; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.List; import android.database.Cursor; import net.cmikavac.autowol.models.DeviceModel; public class DbMapper extends DbConfiguration { /** * Maps DB device records to DeviceModel entities. * @param cursor DB cursor. * @return A list of DeviceModel entities. */ public List<DeviceModel> mapDevices(Cursor cursor) { List<DeviceModel> devices = new ArrayList<DeviceModel>(); if (cursor.moveToFirst()) { do { devices.add(mapDevice(cursor)); } while(cursor.moveToNext()); } return devices; } /** * Maps DB device record to DeviceModel entity. * @param cursor DB cursor. * @return DeviceModel entity. */ public DeviceModel mapDevice(Cursor cursor) { DeviceModel device = null; if (cursor != null) { device = new DeviceModel( cursor.getLong(COL_ROWID), cursor.getString(COL_NAME), cursor.getString(COL_MAC), cursor.isNull(COL_HOST) ? "" : cursor.getString(COL_HOST), // otherwise null return an empty string cursor.getString(COL_BROADCAST), cursor.getInt(COL_PORT), cursor.getString(COL_SSID), cursor.isNull(COL_QUIET_FROM) ? null : cursor.getLong(COL_QUIET_FROM), // otherwise null return 0 cursor.isNull(COL_QUIET_TO) ? null : cursor.getLong(COL_QUIET_TO), cursor.isNull(COL_IDLE_TIME) ? null : cursor.getInt(COL_IDLE_TIME), cursor.isNull(COL_LAST_DISCONNECTED) ? null : cursor.getLong(COL_LAST_DISCONNECTED) ); } return device; } }