package arkref.ext.fig.basic; import static arkref.ext.fig.basic.LogInfo.*; import*; import java.util.*; import arkref.ext.fig.basic.*; /** * Maps (object, object) pairs to objects. * Based on T2VMap. * It's useful when the number of second objects for a fixed first string * is small. * Most of the operations in this class parallel that of T2VMap<T>, * but just applied to two keys. The implementation is essentially dispatching * down to T2VMap<T>. * Typical usage: conditional probability table. */ public class T2VMap<S, T, V> extends AbstractT2Map implements Iterable<Map.Entry<S, TVMap<T, V>>>, Serializable { protected static final long serialVersionUID = 42; public T2VMap() { this.keyFunc = AbstractTMap.defaultFunctionality; this.valueFunc = AbstractTMap.defaultFunctionality; } public T2VMap(AbstractTMap.Functionality<T> keyFunc, AbstractTMap.Functionality<V> valueFunc) { this.keyFunc = keyFunc; this.valueFunc = valueFunc; } public void initKeys(AbstractT2Map map) { this.locked = map.locked; // HACK: BAD dependencies if(map instanceof T2DoubleMap) { for(Map.Entry<S, TDoubleMap<T>> e : (T2DoubleMap<S, T>)map) put(e.getKey(), new TVMap<T, V>(e.getValue(), valueFunc)); } else if(map instanceof T2VMap) { // Not exactly right: need to check type of V for(Map.Entry<S, TVMap<T, V>> e : ((T2VMap<S, T, V>)map)) put(e.getKey(), new TVMap<T, V>(e.getValue(), valueFunc)); } else throw new RuntimeException(""); } // Main operations public boolean containsKey(S key1, T key2) { TVMap<T, V> map = getMap(key1, false); return map != null && map.containsKey(key2); } public V get(S key1, T key2, V defaultValue) { TVMap<T, V> map = getMap(key1, false); return map == null ? defaultValue : map.get(key2, defaultValue); } public V getWithErrorMsg(S key1, T key2, V defaultValue) { TVMap<T, V> map = getMap(key1, false); if(map == null) errors("(%s, %s) not in map, using %f", key1, key2, defaultValue); return map == null ? defaultValue : map.get(key2, defaultValue); } public V getSure(S key1, T key2) { // Throw exception if key doesn't exist. TVMap<T, V> map = getMap(key1, false); if(map == null) throw new RuntimeException("Missing key: " + key1); return map.getSure(key2); } public void put(S key1, TVMap<T, V> map) { // Risky if(locked) throw new RuntimeException("Cannot make new entry for " + key1 + ", because map is locked"); maps.put(key1, map); } public void put(S key1, T key2, V value) { TVMap<T, V> map = getMap(key1, true); map.put(key2, value); } public int size() { return maps.size(); } // Return number of entries public int totalSize() { int n = 0; for(TVMap<T, V> map : maps.values()) n += map.size(); return n; } public void gut() { for(TVMap<T, V> map : maps.values()) map.gut(); } public Iterator<Map.Entry<S, TVMap<T, V>>> iterator() { return maps.entrySet().iterator(); } public Set<Map.Entry<S, TVMap<T, V>>> entrySet() { return maps.entrySet(); } public Set<S> keySet() { return maps.keySet(); } public Collection<TVMap<T, V>> values() { return maps.values(); } // If keys are locked, we can share the same keys. public T2VMap<S, T, V> copy() { return copy(newMap()); } public T2VMap<S, T, V> copy(T2VMap<S, T, V> newMap) { newMap.locked = locked; for(Map.Entry<S, TVMap<T, V>> e : maps.entrySet()) newMap.maps.put(e.getKey(), e.getValue().copy()); return newMap; } public T2VMap<S, T, V> restrict(Set<S> set1, Set<T> set2) { return restrict(newMap(), set1, set2); } public T2VMap<S, T, V> restrict(T2VMap<S, T, V> newMap, Set<S> set1, Set<T> set2) { newMap.locked = locked; for(Map.Entry<S, TVMap<T, V>> e : maps.entrySet()) if(set1.contains(e.getKey())) newMap.maps.put(e.getKey(), e.getValue().restrict(set2)); return newMap; } public T2VMap<T, S, V> reverse(T2VMap<T, S, V> newMap) { // Return a map with (key2, key1) pairs for(Map.Entry<S, TVMap<T, V>> e1 : maps.entrySet()) { S key1 = e1.getKey(); TVMap<T, V> map = e1.getValue(); for(TVMap<T, V>.Entry e2 : map) { T key2 = e2.getKey(); V value = e2.getValue(); newMap.put(key2, key1, value); } } return newMap; } public void lock() { for(TVMap<T, V> map : maps.values()) map.lock(); } public void switchToSortedList() { for(TVMap<T, V> map : maps.values()) map.switchToSortedList(); } public void switchToHashTable() { for(TVMap<T, V> map : maps.values()) map.switchToHashTable(); } protected T2VMap<S, T, V> newMap() { return new T2VMap<S, T, V>(keyFunc, valueFunc); } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// public TVMap<T, V> getMap(S key1, boolean modify) { if(key1 == lastKey) return lastMap; TVMap<T, V> map = maps.get(key1); if(map != null) return map; if(modify) { if(locked) throw new RuntimeException("Cannot make new entry for " + key1 + ", because map is locked"); maps.put(key1, map = new TVMap<T, V>(keyFunc, valueFunc)); lastKey = key1; lastMap = map; return map; } else return null; } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// private Map<S, TVMap<T, V>> maps = new HashMap<S, TVMap<T, V>>(); private S lastKey; // Cache last access private TVMap<T, V> lastMap; // Cache last access protected TVMap.Functionality<V> valueFunc; }