package; import com.ausregistry.jtoolkit2.ErrorPkg; import org.w3c.dom.Element; /** * Use this to request the update of a contact object provisioned in an EPP * Registry. Instances of this class generate RFC5730 and RFC5733 compliant * contact update EPP command service elements via the toXML method. The * response expected from a server should be handled by a Response object. * * @see */ public class ContactUpdateCommand extends UpdateCommand { private static final long serialVersionUID = -8110771660904052882L; /** * Minimal constructor for changing the authinfo of a contact. */ public ContactUpdateCommand(String id, String pw) { this(id, pw, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null); } /** * The complete set of attributes of a contact which may be updated as per * RFC5733. * * @throws IllegalArgumentException if {@code id} is {@code null}. */ public ContactUpdateCommand(String id, String pw, Status[] addStatuses, String[] remStatuses, IntPostalInfo newIntPostalInfo, LocalPostalInfo newLocPostalInfo, String newVoice, String newVoiceExt, String newFax, String newFaxExt, String newEmail, Disclose disclose) { super(StandardObjectType.CONTACT, id); if (id == null) { throw new IllegalArgumentException(ErrorPkg.getMessage( "")); } if (addStatuses != null) { Element add = xmlWriter.appendChild(objElement, "add"); for (Status status : addStatuses) { xmlWriter.appendChild(add, "status", status.getRationale(), "s", status.toString()); } } if (remStatuses != null) { Element rem = xmlWriter.appendChild(objElement, "rem"); for (String status : remStatuses) { xmlWriter.appendChild(rem, "status", "s", status); } } if (pw == null && newIntPostalInfo == null && newLocPostalInfo == null && newVoice == null && newFax == null && newEmail == null && disclose == null) { return; } Element chg = xmlWriter.appendChild(objElement, "chg"); if (newIntPostalInfo != null) { newIntPostalInfo.appendToElement(xmlWriter, chg); } if (newLocPostalInfo != null) { newLocPostalInfo.appendToElement(xmlWriter, chg); } if (newVoice != null) { Element voice = xmlWriter.appendChild(chg, "voice"); if (newVoiceExt != null) { voice.setAttribute("x", newVoiceExt); } voice.setTextContent(newVoice); } if (newFax != null) { Element fax = xmlWriter.appendChild(chg, "fax"); if (newFaxExt != null) { fax.setAttribute("x", newFaxExt); } fax.setTextContent(newFax); } if (newEmail != null) { xmlWriter.appendChild(chg, "email").setTextContent(newEmail); } if (pw != null) { xmlWriter.appendChild( xmlWriter.appendChild( chg, "authInfo"), "pw").setTextContent(pw); } if (disclose != null) { disclose.appendToElement(xmlWriter, chg); } } }