package io.sloeber.core.api; import; import; import; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Set; import java.util.TreeMap; import java.util.TreeSet; import org.eclipse.core.runtime.IPath; import org.eclipse.core.runtime.IProgressMonitor; import org.eclipse.core.runtime.IStatus; import org.eclipse.core.runtime.MultiStatus; import org.eclipse.core.runtime.NullProgressMonitor; import org.eclipse.core.runtime.Path; import org.eclipse.core.runtime.Status; import io.sloeber.core.api.BoardsManager.PlatformTree.IndexFile; import io.sloeber.core.api.BoardsManager.PlatformTree.InstallableVersion; import io.sloeber.core.api.BoardsManager.PlatformTree.Platform; import io.sloeber.core.common.Common; import io.sloeber.core.common.ConfigurationPreferences; import io.sloeber.core.common.Const; import io.sloeber.core.common.InstancePreferences; import io.sloeber.core.managers.ArduinoPlatform; import io.sloeber.core.managers.Board; import io.sloeber.core.managers.Manager; import io.sloeber.core.managers.Package; import io.sloeber.core.managers.PackageIndex; import; import; /** * This class groups both boards installed by the hardware manager and boards * installed locally. * * @author jantje * */ public class BoardsManager { private static final String INO = "ino"; //$NON-NLS-1$ private static final String PDE = "pde";//$NON-NLS-1$ private static final String CPP = "cpp";//$NON-NLS-1$ private static final String C = "c";//$NON-NLS-1$ /** * Gets the board descriptor based on the information provided. If * jsonFileName="local" the board is assumed not to be installed by the * boards manager. Otherwise the boardsmanager is queried to find the board * descriptor. In this case the latest installed board will be returned * * @param jsonFileName * equals to "local" or the name of the json file used by the * boards manager to install the boards * @param packageName * if jsonFileName equals "local" the filename of the boards.txt * containing the boards. otherwise the name of the package * containing the board * @param platformName * ignored if jsonFileName equals "local" otherwise the name of * the platform containing the board * @param boardID * the id of the board in the boards.txt file * @param options * the options to specify the board (the menu named on the * boards.txt file) * @return The class BoardDescriptor or null */ static public BoardDescriptor getBoardDescriptor(String jsonFileName, String packageName, String platformName, String boardID, Map<String, String> options) { if (jsonFileName.equals("local")) { //$NON-NLS-1$ return BoardDescriptor.makeBoardDescriptor(new File(packageName), boardID, options); } return getNewestBoardIDFromBoardsManager(jsonFileName, packageName, platformName, boardID, options); } static private BoardDescriptor getNewestBoardIDFromBoardsManager(String jsonFileName, String packageName, String platformName, String boardID, Map<String, String> options) { List<Board> boards = null; Package thePackage = Manager.getPackage(jsonFileName, packageName); if (thePackage == null) { // fail("failed to find package:" + this.mPackageName); return null; } ArduinoPlatform platform = thePackage.getLatestPlatform(platformName); if (platform == null) { // fail("failed to find platform " + this.mPlatform + " in // package:" + this.mPackageName); return null; } boards = platform.getBoards(); if (boards == null) { // fail("No boards found"); return null; } for (Board curBoard : boards) { if (curBoard.getId().equals(boardID)) { boardsFile = curBoard.getPlatform().getBoardsFile(); BoardDescriptor boardid = BoardDescriptor.makeBoardDescriptor(boardsFile, curBoard.getId(), options); return boardid; } } return null; } public static void addPackageURLs(HashSet<String> packageUrlsToAdd, boolean forceDownload) { Manager.addJsonURLs(packageUrlsToAdd, forceDownload); } public static void removePackageURLs(Set<String> packageUrlsToRemove) { Manager.removePackageURLs(packageUrlsToRemove); } public static void installAllLatestPlatforms() { NullProgressMonitor monitor = new NullProgressMonitor(); List<Package> allPackages = Manager.getPackages(); for (Package curPackage : allPackages) { Collection<ArduinoPlatform> latestPlatforms = curPackage.getLatestPlatforms(); for (ArduinoPlatform curPlatform : latestPlatforms) { curPlatform.install(monitor); } } } public static void referenceLocallInstallation(String newHardwarePath) { String currentPaths[] = InstancePreferences.getPrivateHardwarePaths(); String newPaths[] = new String[currentPaths.length + 1]; for (int i = 0; i < currentPaths.length; i++) { if (currentPaths[i].equals(newHardwarePath)) { return; } newPaths[i] = currentPaths[i]; } newPaths[currentPaths.length] = newHardwarePath; InstancePreferences.setPrivateHardwarePaths(newPaths); } public static boolean isReady() { return Manager.isReady(); } /** * find all examples for this type of board. That is the examples provided * by Arduino The examples provided by the common libraries The examples * provided by the private libraries The examples provided by the platform * the board belongs to * * If the boardID is null there will be no platform examples * * @param boardID * @return */ public static TreeMap<String, IPath> getAllExamples(BoardDescriptor boardID) { TreeMap<String, IPath> examples = new TreeMap<>(String.CASE_INSENSITIVE_ORDER); // Get the examples of the library manager installed libraries String libLocations[] = InstancePreferences.getPrivateLibraryPaths(); Path exampleLocation = new Path(ConfigurationPreferences.getInstallationPathExamples().toString()); IPath CommonLibLocation = ConfigurationPreferences.getInstallationPathLibraries(); if (CommonLibLocation.toFile().exists()) { examples.putAll(getLibExampleFolders(CommonLibLocation)); } // get the examples from the user provide library locations if (libLocations != null) { for (String curLibLocation : libLocations) { if (new File(curLibLocation).exists()) { examples.putAll(getLibExampleFolders(new Path(curLibLocation))); } } } // Get the examples from the example locations if (exampleLocation.toFile().exists()) { examples.putAll(getExamplesFromFolder("", exampleLocation)); //$NON-NLS-1$ } // Get the examples of the libraries from the selected hardware // This one should be the last as hasmap overwrites doubles. This way // hardware libraries are preferred to others if (boardID != null) { IPath platformPath = boardID.getPlatformPath(); if (platformPath.toFile().exists()) { examples.putAll(getLibExampleFolders(platformPath.append(Const.LIBRARY_PATH_SUFFIX))); } } return examples; } /*** * finds all the example folders for both the version including and without * version libraries * * @param location * The parent folder of the libraries */ private static TreeMap<String, IPath> getLibExampleFolders(IPath LibRoot) { TreeMap<String, IPath> examples = new TreeMap<>(String.CASE_INSENSITIVE_ORDER); String[] Libs = LibRoot.toFile().list(); if (Libs == null) { // Either dir does not exist or is not a directory } else { for (String curLib : Libs) { IPath Lib_examples = LibRoot.append(curLib).append("examples");//$NON-NLS-1$ IPath Lib_Examples = LibRoot.append(curLib).append("Examples");//$NON-NLS-1$ if (Lib_examples.toFile().isDirectory()) { examples.putAll(getExamplesFromFolder(curLib, Lib_examples)); } else if (Lib_Examples.toFile().isDirectory()) { examples.putAll(getExamplesFromFolder(curLib, Lib_Examples)); } else // nothing found directly so maybe this is a version // based lib { String[] versions = LibRoot.append(curLib).toFile().list(); if (versions != null) { if (versions.length == 1) {// There can only be 1 // version of a lib Lib_examples = LibRoot.append(curLib).append(versions[0]).append("examples");//$NON-NLS-1$ Lib_Examples = LibRoot.append(curLib).append(versions[0]).append("Examples");//$NON-NLS-1$ if (Lib_examples.toFile().isDirectory()) { examples.putAll(getExamplesFromFolder(curLib, Lib_examples)); } else if (Lib_Examples.toFile().isDirectory()) { examples.putAll(getExamplesFromFolder(curLib, Lib_Examples)); } } } } } } return examples; } /** * This method adds a folder recursively examples. Leaves containing ino * files are assumed to be examples * * @param File */ private static TreeMap<String, IPath> getExamplesFromFolder(String prefix, IPath location) { TreeMap<String, IPath> examples = new TreeMap<>(String.CASE_INSENSITIVE_ORDER); File[] children = location.toFile().listFiles(); if (children == null) { // Either dir does not exist or is not a directory } else { for (File exampleFolder : children) { Path pt = new Path(exampleFolder.toString()); String extension = pt.getFileExtension(); if (exampleFolder.isDirectory()) { examples.putAll(getExamplesFromFolder(prefix + ' ' + location.lastSegment() + '?', new Path(exampleFolder.toString()))); } else if (INO.equalsIgnoreCase(extension) || PDE.equalsIgnoreCase(extension) || CPP.equalsIgnoreCase(extension) || C.equalsIgnoreCase(extension)) { examples.put(prefix + location.lastSegment(), location); } } } return examples; } public static void setAutoImportLibraries(boolean booleanValue) { InstancePreferences.setAutomaticallyImportLibraries(booleanValue); } public static boolean getAutoImportLibraries(boolean booleanValue) { return InstancePreferences.getAutomaticallyImportLibraries(); } public static String[] getBoardNames(String boardFile) { TxtFile theBoardsFile = new TxtFile(new File(boardFile)); return theBoardsFile.getAllNames(); } /** * Searches for all boards.txt files from the hardware folders and the * boards manager * * @return all the boards.txt files with full path and in a case insensitive * order */ public static String[] getAllBoardsFiles() { String hardwareFolders[] = getHardwarePaths(); TreeSet<String> boardFiles = new TreeSet<>(String.CASE_INSENSITIVE_ORDER); for (String CurFolder : hardwareFolders) { searchFiles(new File(CurFolder), boardFiles, Const.BOARDS_FILE_NAME, 6); } if (boardFiles.size() == 0) { Common.log(new Status(IStatus.ERROR, Const.CORE_PLUGIN_ID, Messages.Helpers_No_boards_txt_found + String.join("\n", hardwareFolders), null)); //$NON-NLS-1$ return null; } return boardFiles.toArray(new String[boardFiles.size()]); } private static void searchFiles(File folder, TreeSet<String> Hardwarelists, String Filename, int depth) { if (depth > 0) { File[] a = folder.listFiles(); if (a == null) { Common.log(new Status(IStatus.INFO, Const.CORE_PLUGIN_ID, Messages.Helpers_The_folder + folder + Messages.Helpers_is_empty, null)); return; } for (File f : a) { if (f.isDirectory()) { searchFiles(f, Hardwarelists, Filename, depth - 1); } else if (f.getName().equals(Filename)) { Hardwarelists.add(new Path(f.toString()).toString()); } } } } /** * Gets all the folders that can contain hardware * * @return a list of all the folder locations that can contain hardware */ private static String[] getHardwarePaths() { return (InstancePreferences.getPrivateHardwarePathsString() + File.pathSeparator + ConfigurationPreferences.getInstallationPath()).split(File.pathSeparator); } public static void setPrivateHardwarePaths(String[] hardWarePaths) { InstancePreferences.setPrivateHardwarePaths(hardWarePaths); } public static void setPrivateLibraryPaths(String[] libraryPaths) { InstancePreferences.setPrivateLibraryPaths(libraryPaths); } public static class PlatformTree { private TreeMap<String, IndexFile> IndexFiles = new TreeMap<>(); public class InstallableVersion implements Comparable<InstallableVersion> { private Platform platform; private ArduinoPlatform myInternalPlatformm; private boolean isInstalled; public InstallableVersion(ArduinoPlatform internalPlatformm, Platform platform) { this.platform = platform; this.myInternalPlatformm = internalPlatformm; this.isInstalled = this.myInternalPlatformm.isInstalled(); } public VersionNumber getVersion() { return new VersionNumber(this.myInternalPlatformm.getVersion()); } public boolean isInstalled() { return this.isInstalled; } public void setInstalled(boolean isInstalled) { this.isInstalled = isInstalled; } @Override public int compareTo(InstallableVersion o) { return getVersion().compareTo(o.getVersion()); } public Platform getPlatform() { return this.platform; } public ArduinoPlatform getInternalPlatform() { return this.myInternalPlatformm; } } public class Platform implements Comparable<Platform> { private String name; private String architecture; protected TreeSet<InstallableVersion> versions = new TreeSet<>(); protected String boards; private Package pac; public String getArchitecture() { return this.architecture; } public String getBoards() { return this.boards; } public Platform(ArduinoPlatform internalPlatformm, Package pac) { = internalPlatformm.getName(); this.architecture = internalPlatformm.getArchitecture(); this.versions.add(new InstallableVersion(internalPlatformm, this)); this.boards = String.join("\n", internalPlatformm.getBoardNames()); //$NON-NLS-1$ this.pac = pac; } public void addVersion(ArduinoPlatform internalPlatformm) { this.versions.add(new InstallableVersion(internalPlatformm, this)); } public Collection<InstallableVersion> getVersions() { return this.versions; } public String getName() { return; } public String getLatest() { return this.versions.last().toString(); } @Override public int compareTo(Platform other) { return; } public InstallableVersion getVersion(VersionNumber versionNumber) { for (InstallableVersion curVersion : this.versions) { if (curVersion.getVersion().compareTo(versionNumber) == 0) { return curVersion; } } return null; } public boolean isInstalled() { for (InstallableVersion curVersion : this.versions) { if (curVersion.isInstalled()) { return true; } } return false; } public Package getPackage() { return this.pac; } } /** * This class represents the json file on disk */ public class IndexFile implements Comparable<IndexFile> { protected File jsonFile; protected TreeMap<String, Package> packages = new TreeMap<>(); public IndexFile(File jsonFile) { this.jsonFile = jsonFile; } @Override public int compareTo(IndexFile other) { return this.jsonFile.compareTo(other.jsonFile); } public Collection<Package> getAllPackages() { return this.packages.values(); } public String getNiceName() { return this.jsonFile.getName(); } public String getFullName() { return this.jsonFile.getPath(); } /** * is one ore more packages of this index file installed * * @return returns true if at least one version of one child * platform of a child packageis installed */ public boolean isInstalled() { for (Package curpackage : this.packages.values()) { if (curpackage.isInstalled()) { return true; } } return false; } } public class Package implements Comparable<Package> { public String getMaintainer() { return this.maintainer; } public URL getWebsiteURL() { return this.websiteURL; } public String getEmail() { return; } private String name; private String maintainer; private URL websiteURL; private String email; protected TreeMap<String, Platform> platforms = new TreeMap<>(); private IndexFile indexFile; public Package(String name) { = name; } public Package(io.sloeber.core.managers.Package pack, IndexFile indexFile) { = pack.getName(); this.maintainer = pack.getMaintainer(); try { this.websiteURL = new URL(pack.getWebsiteURL()); } catch (MalformedURLException e) { // ignore this error } = pack.getEmail(); this.indexFile = indexFile; } public String getName() { return; } public Collection<Platform> getPlatforms() { return this.platforms.values(); } @Override public int compareTo(Package other) { return; } /** * is one ore more platforms of this package installed * * @return returns true if at least one version of one child * platform is installed */ public boolean isInstalled() { for (Platform curplatform : this.platforms.values()) { if (curplatform.isInstalled()) { return true; } } return false; } public IndexFile getIndexFile() { return this.indexFile; } } public PlatformTree() { List<PackageIndex> packageIndexes = Manager.getPackageIndices(); for (PackageIndex curPackageIndex : packageIndexes) { IndexFile curIndexFile = new IndexFile(curPackageIndex.getJsonFile()); this.IndexFiles.put(curPackageIndex.getJsonFileName(), curIndexFile); for (io.sloeber.core.managers.Package curInternalPackage : curPackageIndex.getPackages()) { Package curPackage = new Package(curInternalPackage, curIndexFile); curIndexFile.packages.put(curPackage.getName(), curPackage); for (ArduinoPlatform curInternalPlatform : curInternalPackage.getPlatforms()) { Platform curPlatform = new Platform(curInternalPlatform, curPackage); Platform foundPlatform = curPackage.platforms.get(curPlatform.getName()); if (foundPlatform == null) { curPackage.platforms.put(curPlatform.getName(), curPlatform); } else { foundPlatform.addVersion(curInternalPlatform); } } } } } public Collection<IndexFile> getAllIndexFiles() { return this.IndexFiles.values(); } public Set<Package> getAllPackages() { Set<Package> all = new TreeSet<>(); for (IndexFile indexFile : this.IndexFiles.values()) { all.addAll(indexFile.getAllPackages()); } return all; } public Collection<Platform> getAllPlatforms() { Set<Platform> all = new TreeSet<>(); for (IndexFile curIndexFile : this.IndexFiles.values()) { for (Package curPackage : curIndexFile.getAllPackages()) { all.addAll(curPackage.getPlatforms()); } } return all; } public IndexFile getIndexFile(PackageIndex packageIndex) { return this.IndexFiles.get(packageIndex.getJsonFileName()); } @SuppressWarnings("static-method") public Package getPackage(IndexFile indexFile, io.sloeber.core.managers.Package curInternalPackage) { return indexFile.packages.get(curInternalPackage.getName()); } @SuppressWarnings("static-method") public Platform getPlatform(Package curPackage, ArduinoPlatform curInternalPlatform) { return curPackage.platforms.get(curInternalPlatform.getName()); } } public static IStatus setPlatformTree(PlatformTree platformTree, IProgressMonitor monitor, MultiStatus status) { if (!Manager.isReady()) { status.add(new Status(IStatus.ERROR, Const.CORE_PLUGIN_ID, "BoardsManager is still Bussy", null)); //$NON-NLS-1$ return status; } try { Manager.setReady(false); for (IndexFile curIndexFile : platformTree.getAllIndexFiles()) { for (io.sloeber.core.api.BoardsManager.PlatformTree.Package curPackage : curIndexFile .getAllPackages()) { for (Platform curPlatform : curPackage.getPlatforms()) { for (InstallableVersion curVersion : curPlatform.getVersions()) { if (curVersion.isInstalled()) { status.add(curVersion.getInternalPlatform().install(monitor)); } else { status.add(curVersion.getInternalPlatform().remove(monitor)); } } } } } } catch (Exception e) { // do nothing } Manager.setReady(true); return status; } public static boolean getAutoImportLibraries() { return InstancePreferences.getAutomaticallyImportLibraries(); } public static String getPrivateHardwarePathsString() { return InstancePreferences.getPrivateHardwarePathsString(); } /** * returns all the menu names for all installed platforms. The return is * sorted and unique * * @return */ public static Set<String> getAllMenuNames() { Set<String> ret = new TreeSet<>(String.CASE_INSENSITIVE_ORDER); String[] boardFiles = getAllBoardsFiles(); for (String curBoardFile : boardFiles) { TxtFile txtFile = new TxtFile(new File(curBoardFile)); ret.addAll(txtFile.getMenuNames()); } return ret; } public static TreeMap<String, String> getAllmenus() { TreeMap<String, String> ret = new TreeMap<>(String.CASE_INSENSITIVE_ORDER); String[] boardFiles = getAllBoardsFiles(); for (String curBoardFile : boardFiles) { TxtFile txtFile = new TxtFile(new File(curBoardFile)); ret.putAll(txtFile.getMenus()); } return ret; } /** * Remove all packages that have a more recent version */ public static void onlyKeepLatestPlatforms() { Manager.onlyKeepLatestPlatforms(); } }