/** * This package contains Apollo Spring integration codes and enables the following features:<br/> * <p>1. Support Spring XML based configuration</p> * <ul> * <li><apollo:config namespaces="someNamespace"/> to inject configurations from Apollo into Spring Property * Sources so that placeholders like ${someProperty} and @Value("someProperty") are supported.</li> * </ul> * <p>2. Support Spring Java based configuration</p> * <ul> * <li>@EnableApolloConfig(namespaces={"someNamespace"}) to inject configurations from Apollo into Spring Property * Sources so that placeholders like ${someProperty} and @Value("someProperty") are supported.</li> * </ul> * * With the above configuration, annotations like @ApolloConfig("someNamespace") * and @ApolloConfigChangeListener("someNamespace) are also supported.<br /> * <br /> * Requires Spring 3.1.1+ */ package com.ctrip.framework.apollo.spring;