package com.apollographql.apollo.internal.cache.http; import com.apollographql.apollo.cache.http.HttpCacheRecord; import com.apollographql.apollo.cache.http.HttpCacheRecordEditor; import com.apollographql.apollo.cache.http.HttpCacheStore; import com.apollographql.apollo.internal.util.ApolloLogger; import; import javax.annotation.Nonnull; import okhttp3.Interceptor; import okhttp3.Response; import okio.ForwardingSource; import okio.Sink; import okio.Source; import static com.apollographql.apollo.api.internal.Utils.checkNotNull; import static com.apollographql.apollo.internal.cache.http.Utils.copyResponseBody; @SuppressWarnings("WeakerAccess") public final class HttpCache { public static final String CACHE_KEY_HEADER = "X-APOLLO-CACHE-KEY"; public static final String CACHE_FETCH_STRATEGY_HEADER = "X-APOLLO-CACHE-FETCH-STRATEGY"; public static final String CACHE_SERVED_DATE_HEADER = "X-APOLLO-SERVED-DATE"; public static final String CACHE_PREFETCH_HEADER = "X-APOLLO-PREFETCH"; public static final String CACHE_EXPIRE_TIMEOUT_HEADER = "X-APOLLO-EXPIRE-TIMEOUT"; public static final String CACHE_EXPIRE_AFTER_READ_HEADER = "X-APOLLO-EXPIRE-AFTER-READ"; private final HttpCacheStore cacheStore; private final ApolloLogger logger; public HttpCache(@Nonnull HttpCacheStore cacheStore, @Nonnull ApolloLogger logger) { this.cacheStore = checkNotNull(cacheStore, "cacheStore can't be null"); this.logger = checkNotNull(logger, "logger can't be null"); } public void clear() { try { cacheStore.delete(); } catch (IOException e) { logger.e(e, "Failed to clear http cache"); } } public void remove(@Nonnull String cacheKey) throws IOException { cacheStore.remove(cacheKey); } public void removeQuietly(@Nonnull String cacheKey) { try { remove(cacheKey); } catch (Exception ignore) { logger.w(ignore, "Failed to remove cached record for key: %s", cacheKey); } } public Response read(@Nonnull final String cacheKey) { return read(cacheKey, false); } public Response read(@Nonnull final String cacheKey, final boolean expireAfterRead) { HttpCacheRecord responseCacheRecord = null; try { responseCacheRecord = cacheStore.cacheRecord(cacheKey); if (responseCacheRecord == null) { return null; } final HttpCacheRecord cacheRecord = responseCacheRecord; Source cacheResponseSource = new ForwardingSource(responseCacheRecord.bodySource()) { @Override public void close() throws IOException { super.close(); closeQuietly(cacheRecord); if (expireAfterRead) { removeQuietly(cacheKey); } } }; Response response = new ResponseHeaderRecord(responseCacheRecord.headerSource()).response(); String contentType = response.header("Content-Type"); String contentLength = response.header("Content-Length"); return response.newBuilder() .body(new CacheResponseBody(cacheResponseSource, contentType, contentLength)) .build(); } catch (Exception e) { closeQuietly(responseCacheRecord); logger.e(e, "Failed to read http cache entry for key: %s", cacheKey); return null; } } public Interceptor interceptor() { return new HttpCacheInterceptor(this, logger); } Response cacheProxy(@Nonnull Response response, @Nonnull String cacheKey) { HttpCacheRecordEditor cacheRecordEditor = null; try { cacheRecordEditor = cacheStore.cacheRecordEditor(cacheKey); if (cacheRecordEditor != null) { Sink headerSink = cacheRecordEditor.headerSink(); try { new ResponseHeaderRecord(response).writeTo(headerSink); } finally { closeQuietly(headerSink); } return response.newBuilder() .body(new ResponseBodyProxy(cacheRecordEditor, response, logger)) .build(); } } catch (Exception e) { abortQuietly(cacheRecordEditor); logger.e(e, "Failed to proxy http response for key: %s", cacheKey); } return response; } void write(@Nonnull Response response, @Nonnull String cacheKey) { HttpCacheRecordEditor cacheRecordEditor = null; try { cacheRecordEditor = cacheStore.cacheRecordEditor(cacheKey); if (cacheRecordEditor != null) { Sink headerSink = cacheRecordEditor.headerSink(); try { new ResponseHeaderRecord(response).writeTo(headerSink); } finally { closeQuietly(headerSink); } Sink bodySink = cacheRecordEditor.bodySink(); try { copyResponseBody(response, bodySink); } finally { closeQuietly(bodySink); } cacheRecordEditor.commit(); } } catch (Exception e) { abortQuietly(cacheRecordEditor); logger.e(e, "Failed to cache http response for key: %s", cacheKey); } } private void closeQuietly(HttpCacheRecord cacheRecord) { try { if (cacheRecord != null) { cacheRecord.close(); } } catch (Exception ignore) { logger.w(ignore, "Failed to close cache record"); } } private void abortQuietly(HttpCacheRecordEditor cacheRecordEditor) { try { if (cacheRecordEditor != null) { cacheRecordEditor.abort(); } } catch (Exception ignore) { logger.w(ignore, "Failed to abort cache record edit"); } } private void closeQuietly(Sink sink) { try { sink.close(); } catch (Exception ignore) { logger.w(ignore, "Failed to close sink"); } } }