package org.aplikator.server.descriptor; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.List; import org.aplikator.client.shared.descriptor.EntityDTO; import org.aplikator.client.shared.descriptor.FormDTO; import org.aplikator.client.shared.descriptor.ViewDTO; import; import; import org.aplikator.server.query.QueryExpression; import org.aplikator.server.query.QueryParameterReference; import; public class View extends LocalizedServerDescriptorBase { private static final int DEFAULT_PAGE_SIZE = 15; public PersisterTriggers trigger; private List<QueryDescriptor> filters = new ArrayList<QueryDescriptor>(); private List<SortDescriptor> sorts = new ArrayList<SortDescriptor>(); private List<Function> functions = new ArrayList<Function>(); private Entity entity; private List<Property<? extends Serializable>> properties = new ArrayList<Property<? extends Serializable>>(); private List<Property<? extends Serializable>> tableProperties = new ArrayList<Property<? extends Serializable>>(); private Form form; private int pageSize = DEFAULT_PAGE_SIZE; private int listPanelWidth = 3; private boolean openAsTable = false; public View(Entity entity) { this(entity, null); } public View(Entity entity, String id) { this(entity, id, true); } public View(Entity entity, String id, boolean addDefaultSorts) { super(entity.getId().substring(entity.getId().indexOf(TYPE_DELIMITER) + 1) + (id != null ? (SUFFIX_DELIMITER + id) : "")); this.entity = entity; this.setLocalizationKey(entity.getLocalizationKey() + (id != null ? ("." + id) : "")); if (addDefaultSorts) { addSortDescriptor("id_desc", "newest", SortItem.descending(entity.getPrimaryKey())); addSortDescriptor("id_asc", "oldest", SortItem.ascending(entity.getPrimaryKey())); addSortDescriptor("latest_desc", "latest", SortItem.descending(entity.getTimeStamp())); } addQueryDescriptor(this.getId().substring(this.getId().indexOf(TYPE_DELIMITER) + 1) + "_searchall", "searchAll", null); } public View(View masterView, String id) { super(masterView.getId().substring(masterView.getId().indexOf(TYPE_DELIMITER) + 1) + SUFFIX_DELIMITER + id); this.entity = masterView.entity; this.setLocalizationKey(masterView.getLocalizationKey() + "." + id); for (QueryDescriptor qd : masterView.filters) { this.addQueryDescriptor(qd); } this.sorts = masterView.sorts; this.functions = masterView.functions; =; this.tableProperties = masterView.tableProperties; this.form = masterView.form; this.pageSize = masterView.pageSize; this.listPanelWidth = masterView.listPanelWidth; this.openAsTable = masterView.openAsTable; } public List<Property<? extends Serializable>> getProperties() { return properties; } public List<Property<? extends Serializable>> getTableProperties() { return tableProperties; } public View addProperty(Property<? extends Serializable> property) { if (property.getRefferedThrough() instanceof Collection) { return addProperty(property, true, false, false); } else { return addProperty(property, true, true, true); } } public View addProperty(Property<? extends Serializable> property, boolean forTable, boolean sort, boolean filter) { Preconditions.checkArgument(property != null, "Attempted to add null property to view: " + this.entity); properties.add(property); if (forTable) { tableProperties.add(property); } if (!property.isVirtual()) { if (sort) { addSortDescriptor(property.getId().substring(property.getId().indexOf(TYPE_DELIMITER) + 1) + "_asc", property.getLocalizationKey(), SortItem.ascending(property)); addSortDescriptor(property.getId().substring(property.getId().indexOf(TYPE_DELIMITER) + 1) + "_desc", property.getLocalizationKey(), SortItem.descending(property)); } if (filter) { addQueryDescriptor(property.getId().substring(property.getId().indexOf(TYPE_DELIMITER) + 1) + "_contains", property.getLocalizationKey(), property.STARTSWITH_IGNORECASE(QueryParameterReference.param(0)), new QueryParameter(property)); } } return this; } private QueryDescriptor createQueryDescriptor(String queryId, String queryLabel, QueryExpression queryExpression, QueryParameter[] parameters) { QueryDescriptor queryDescriptor = new QueryDescriptor(this.getId().substring(this.getId().indexOf(TYPE_DELIMITER) + 1) + SUFFIX_DELIMITER + queryId, queryLabel); queryDescriptor.setQueryExpression(queryExpression); if (parameters != null) { for (QueryParameter p : parameters) { queryDescriptor.addQueryParameter(p); } } return queryDescriptor; } public View addQueryDescriptor(String queryId, String queryLabel, QueryExpression queryExpression, QueryParameter... parameters) { QueryDescriptor queryDescriptor = createQueryDescriptor(queryId, queryLabel, queryExpression, parameters); filters.add(queryDescriptor); return this; } public View addQueryDescriptor(String queryId, String queryLabel, QueryExpression queryExpression) { return addQueryDescriptor(queryId, queryLabel, queryExpression, new QueryParameter[]{}); } public View addQueryDescriptor(QueryDescriptor queryDescriptor) { filters.add(queryDescriptor); return this; } public View insertQueryDescriptor(String queryId, String queryLabel, QueryExpression queryExpression, QueryParameter... parameters) { QueryDescriptor queryDescriptor = createQueryDescriptor(queryId, queryLabel, queryExpression, parameters); filters.add(0, queryDescriptor); return this; } public View insertQueryDescriptor(String queryId, String queryLabel, QueryExpression queryExpression) { return insertQueryDescriptor(queryId, queryLabel, queryExpression, new QueryParameter[]{}); } public View insertQueryDescriptor(QueryDescriptor queryDescriptor) { filters.add(0, queryDescriptor); return this; } List<QueryDescriptor> getQueryDescriptors() { return filters; } public QueryDescriptor getQueryDescriptor(String id) { if (id == null || "".equals(id)) { return filters.get(0); } for (QueryDescriptor desc : filters) { if (id.equals(desc.getId())) return desc; } throw new IllegalArgumentException("QueryDescriptor " + id + " not found"); } public QueryDescriptor getDefaultQueryDescriptor() { if (filters.size() > 0) { return filters.get(0); } else { return null; } } public View addSortDescriptor(String sortId, String sortLabel, SortItem... items) { SortDescriptor sd = new SortDescriptor(this.getId().substring(this.getId().indexOf(TYPE_DELIMITER) + 1) + SUFFIX_DELIMITER + sortId, sortLabel); for (SortItem it : items) { sd.addItem(it); } sorts.add(sd); return this; } public View insertFirstSortDescriptor(String sortId, String sortLabel, SortItem... items) { SortDescriptor sd = new SortDescriptor(this.getId().substring(this.getId().indexOf(TYPE_DELIMITER) + 1) + SUFFIX_DELIMITER + sortId, sortLabel); for (SortItem it : items) { sd.addItem(it); } sorts.add(0, sd); return this; } @SafeVarargs public final View setDefaultSortProperty(Property<? extends Serializable>... properties) { if (properties.length == 0) { return this; } SortItem[] sortItems = new SortItem[properties.length]; for (int i = 0; i < properties.length; i++) { sortItems[i] = SortItem.ascending(properties[i]); } insertFirstSortDescriptor("default", properties[0].getLocalizationKey(), sortItems); return this; } List<SortDescriptor> getSortDescriptors() { return sorts; } public SortDescriptor getSortDescriptor(String id) { for (SortDescriptor desc : sorts) { if (id.equals(desc.getId())) return desc; } throw new IllegalArgumentException("SortDescriptor " + id + " not found"); } public SortDescriptor getDefaultSortDescriptor() { if (sorts.size() > 0) { return sorts.get(0); } else { return null; } } public View addFunction(Function function) { functions.add(function); return this; } List<Function> getFunctions() { return functions; } public Entity getEntity() { return entity; } public int getPageSize() { return pageSize; } public View setPageSize(int pageSize) { if (pageSize <= 0) throw new IllegalArgumentException("Page size must be greater than 0"); this.pageSize = pageSize; return this; } public View setListPanelWidth(int listPanelWidth) { this.listPanelWidth = listPanelWidth; return this; } public View openAsTable() { this.openAsTable = true; return this; } public ViewDTO getViewDTO(Context ctx) { ViewDTO viewDTO = new ViewDTO(this.getId(), this.getLocalizedName(ctx), this.getPageSize()); viewDTO.setListPanelWidth(listPanelWidth); viewDTO.setOpenAsTable(openAsTable); EntityDTO ent = new EntityDTO(entity.getId(), entity.getLocalizedName(ctx)); ent.setIndexed(entity.isIndexed()); ent.setPrimaryKey(entity.getPrimaryKey().getPropertyDTO(ctx)); viewDTO.setEntity(ent); for (Property<? extends Serializable> property : getTableProperties()) { viewDTO.addProperty(property.getPropertyDTO(ctx)); } for (Function f : this.getFunctions()) { viewDTO.addFunction(f.getFunctionDTO(ctx)); } for (SortDescriptor sd : this.getSortDescriptors()) { viewDTO.addSortDescriptor(sd.getSortDescriptorDTO(ctx)); } for (QueryDescriptor qd : this.getQueryDescriptors()) { viewDTO.addQueryDescriptor(qd.getQueryDescriptorDTO(ctx)); } viewDTO.setFormDescriptor(createFormDescriptor(ctx)); return viewDTO; } private FormDTO createFormDescriptor(Context ctx) { Form f = getForm(ctx); if (f == null) { throw new IllegalStateException("Form is not defined for view " + this.getId()); } FormDTO retval = new FormDTO(f.getId(), f.getLocalizedName(ctx), f.isHorizontal()); retval.setLayout(f.getLayout().getWidgetDescriptor(ctx)); return retval; } public PersisterTriggers getPersisterTriggers() { if (trigger == null) { return getEntity().getPersisterTriggers(); } else { return this.trigger; } } public View setPersistersTriggers(PersisterTriggers triggers) { this.trigger = triggers; return this; } public Form getForm(Context context) { return form; } public View setForm(Form form) { this.form = form; return this; } public View form(Widget layout, boolean horizontal) { return setForm(Form.form(layout, horizontal)); } public View form(Widget layout) { return form(layout, true); } @Override public AccessControl getAccessControl() { AccessControl retval = super.getAccessControl(); if (retval == null) { retval = entity.getAccessControl(); } return retval; } /*public void registerClientProperty(String name, Object obj) { this.clientProperties.put(name, obj); } public void deregisterClientProperty(String name) { this.clientProperties.remove(name); } public Set<String> getClientPropertiesKeys() { return this.clientProperties.keySet(); } public Object getClientProperty(String name) { return this.clientProperties.get(name); }*/ }