/* * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one * or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file * distributed with this work for additional information * regarding copyten ownership. The ASF licenses this file * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance * with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, * software distributed under the License is distributed on an * "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY * KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the * specific language governing permissions and limitations * under the License. */ package org.apache.cassandra.utils; import java.io.*; import java.util.*; import java.math.BigInteger; import org.apache.cassandra.dht.*; import static org.apache.cassandra.utils.MerkleTree.*; import org.apache.log4j.Logger; import com.google.common.collect.AbstractIterator; import org.junit.Before; import org.junit.Test; import static org.junit.Assert.*; public class MerkleTreeTest { private static final Logger logger = Logger.getLogger(MerkleTreeTest.class); public static byte[] DUMMY = "blah".getBytes(); /** * If a test assumes that the tree is 8 units wide, then it should set this value * to 8. */ public static BigInteger TOKEN_SCALE = new BigInteger("8"); protected IPartitioner partitioner; protected MerkleTree mt; @Before public void clear() { TOKEN_SCALE = new BigInteger("8"); partitioner = new RandomPartitioner(); mt = new MerkleTree(partitioner, RECOMMENDED_DEPTH, Integer.MAX_VALUE); } public static void assertHashEquals(final byte[] left, final byte[] right) { assertHashEquals("", left, right); } public static void assertHashEquals(String message, final byte[] left, final byte[] right) { String lstring = left == null ? "null" : FBUtilities.bytesToHex(left); String rstring = right == null ? "null" : FBUtilities.bytesToHex(right); assertEquals(message, lstring, rstring); } /** * The value returned by this method is affected by TOKEN_SCALE: setting TOKEN_SCALE * to 8 means that passing -1 through 8 for this method will return values mapped * between -1 and Token.MAX_VALUE. */ public static BigIntegerToken tok(int i) { if (i == -1) return new BigIntegerToken(new BigInteger("-1")); BigInteger md5_max = new BigInteger("2").pow(127); BigInteger bint = md5_max.divide(TOKEN_SCALE).multiply(new BigInteger(""+i)); return new BigIntegerToken(bint); } @Test public void testSplit() { // split the range (zero, zero] into: // (zero,four], (four,six], (six,seven] and (seven, zero] mt.split(tok(4)); mt.split(tok(6)); mt.split(tok(7)); assertEquals(4, mt.size()); assertEquals(new Range(tok(7), tok(-1)), mt.get(tok(-1))); assertEquals(new Range(tok(-1), tok(4)), mt.get(tok(3))); assertEquals(new Range(tok(-1), tok(4)), mt.get(tok(4))); assertEquals(new Range(tok(4), tok(6)), mt.get(tok(6))); assertEquals(new Range(tok(6), tok(7)), mt.get(tok(7))); // check depths assertEquals((byte)1, mt.get(tok(4)).depth); assertEquals((byte)2, mt.get(tok(6)).depth); assertEquals((byte)3, mt.get(tok(7)).depth); assertEquals((byte)3, mt.get(tok(-1)).depth); try { mt.split(tok(-1)); fail("Shouldn't be able to split outside the initial range."); } catch (AssertionError e) { // pass } } @Test public void testSplitLimitDepth() { mt = new MerkleTree(partitioner, (byte)2, Integer.MAX_VALUE); assertTrue(mt.split(tok(4))); assertTrue(mt.split(tok(2))); assertEquals(3, mt.size()); // should fail to split below hashdepth assertFalse(mt.split(tok(1))); assertEquals(3, mt.size()); assertEquals(new Range(tok(4), tok(-1)), mt.get(tok(-1))); assertEquals(new Range(tok(-1), tok(2)), mt.get(tok(2))); assertEquals(new Range(tok(2), tok(4)), mt.get(tok(4))); } @Test public void testSplitLimitSize() { mt = new MerkleTree(partitioner, RECOMMENDED_DEPTH, 2); assertTrue(mt.split(tok(4))); assertEquals(2, mt.size()); // should fail to split above maxsize assertFalse(mt.split(tok(2))); assertEquals(2, mt.size()); assertEquals(new Range(tok(4), tok(-1)), mt.get(tok(-1))); assertEquals(new Range(tok(-1), tok(4)), mt.get(tok(4))); } @Test public void testCompact() { // (zero, one], (one,two], ... (seven, zero] mt.split(tok(4)); mt.split(tok(2)); mt.split(tok(6)); mt.split(tok(1)); mt.split(tok(3)); mt.split(tok(5)); mt.split(tok(7)); // compact (zero,two] and then (four,six] mt.compact(tok(1)); mt.compact(tok(5)); assertEquals(6, mt.size()); assertEquals(new Range(tok(-1), tok(2)), mt.get(tok(2))); assertEquals(new Range(tok(2), tok(3)), mt.get(tok(3))); assertEquals(new Range(tok(3), tok(4)), mt.get(tok(4))); assertEquals(new Range(tok(4), tok(6)), mt.get(tok(5))); assertEquals(new Range(tok(6), tok(7)), mt.get(tok(7))); assertEquals(new Range(tok(7), tok(-1)), mt.get(tok(-1))); // compacted ranges should be at depth 2, and the rest at 3 for (int i : new int[]{2,6}){ assertEquals((byte)2, mt.get(tok(i)).depth); } for (int i : new int[]{3,4,7,-1}){ assertEquals((byte)3, mt.get(tok(i)).depth); } // compact (two,four] and then (six,zero] mt.compact(tok(3)); mt.compact(tok(7)); assertEquals(4, mt.size()); assertEquals(new Range(tok(-1), tok(2)), mt.get(tok(2))); assertEquals(new Range(tok(2), tok(4)), mt.get(tok(4))); assertEquals(new Range(tok(4), tok(6)), mt.get(tok(5))); assertEquals(new Range(tok(6), tok(-1)), mt.get(tok(-1))); for (int i : new int[]{2,4,5,-1}){ assertEquals((byte)2, mt.get(tok(i)).depth); } // compact (zero,four] mt.compact(tok(2)); assertEquals(3, mt.size()); assertEquals(new Range(tok(-1), tok(4)), mt.get(tok(2))); assertEquals(new Range(tok(4), tok(6)), mt.get(tok(6))); assertEquals(new Range(tok(6), tok(-1)), mt.get(tok(-1))); // compact (four, zero] mt.compact(tok(6)); assertEquals(2, mt.size()); assertEquals(new Range(tok(-1), tok(4)), mt.get(tok(2))); assertEquals(new Range(tok(4), tok(-1)), mt.get(tok(6))); assertEquals((byte)1, mt.get(tok(2)).depth); assertEquals((byte)1, mt.get(tok(6)).depth); // compact (zero, zero] (the root) mt.compact(tok(4)); assertEquals(1, mt.size()); assertEquals(new Range(tok(-1), tok(-1)), mt.get(tok(-1))); assertEquals((byte)0, mt.get(tok(-1)).depth); } @Test public void testCompactHash() { byte[] val = DUMMY; byte[] valXval = hashed(val, 1, 1); // (zero, four], (four,zero] mt.split(tok(4)); // validate both ranges mt.get(tok(4)).hash(val); mt.get(tok(-1)).hash(val); // compact (zero, eight] mt.compact(tok(4)); assertHashEquals(valXval, mt.get(tok(-1)).hash()); } @Test public void testInvalids() { Iterator<TreeRange> ranges; // (zero, zero] ranges = mt.invalids(new Range(tok(-1), tok(-1))); assertEquals(new Range(tok(-1), tok(-1)), ranges.next()); assertFalse(ranges.hasNext()); // all invalid mt.split(tok(4)); mt.split(tok(2)); mt.split(tok(6)); mt.split(tok(3)); mt.split(tok(5)); ranges = mt.invalids(new Range(tok(-1), tok(-1))); assertEquals(new Range(tok(-1), tok(2)), ranges.next()); assertEquals(new Range(tok(2), tok(3)), ranges.next()); assertEquals(new Range(tok(3), tok(4)), ranges.next()); assertEquals(new Range(tok(4), tok(5)), ranges.next()); assertEquals(new Range(tok(5), tok(6)), ranges.next()); assertEquals(new Range(tok(6), tok(-1)), ranges.next()); assertFalse(ranges.hasNext()); // some invalid mt.get(tok(2)).hash("non-null!".getBytes()); mt.get(tok(4)).hash("non-null!".getBytes()); mt.get(tok(5)).hash("non-null!".getBytes()); mt.get(tok(-1)).hash("non-null!".getBytes()); ranges = mt.invalids(new Range(tok(-1), tok(-1))); assertEquals(new Range(tok(2), tok(3)), ranges.next()); assertEquals(new Range(tok(5), tok(6)), ranges.next()); assertFalse(ranges.hasNext()); // some invalid in left subrange ranges = mt.invalids(new Range(tok(-1), tok(6))); assertEquals(new Range(tok(2), tok(3)), ranges.next()); assertEquals(new Range(tok(5), tok(6)), ranges.next()); assertFalse(ranges.hasNext()); // some invalid in right subrange ranges = mt.invalids(new Range(tok(2), tok(-1))); assertEquals(new Range(tok(2), tok(3)), ranges.next()); assertEquals(new Range(tok(5), tok(6)), ranges.next()); assertFalse(ranges.hasNext()); } @Test public void testHashFull() { byte[] val = DUMMY; Range range = new Range(tok(-1), tok(-1)); // (zero, zero] assertNull(mt.hash(range)); // validate the range mt.get(tok(-1)).hash(val); assertHashEquals(val, mt.hash(range)); } @Test public void testHashPartial() { byte[] val = DUMMY; byte[] leftval = hashed(val, 1, 1); byte[] partialval = hashed(val, 1); Range left = new Range(tok(-1), tok(4)); Range partial = new Range(tok(2), tok(4)); Range right = new Range(tok(4), tok(-1)); Range linvalid = new Range(tok(1), tok(4)); Range rinvalid = new Range(tok(4), tok(6)); // (zero,two] (two,four] (four, zero] mt.split(tok(4)); mt.split(tok(2)); assertNull(mt.hash(left)); assertNull(mt.hash(partial)); assertNull(mt.hash(right)); assertNull(mt.hash(linvalid)); assertNull(mt.hash(rinvalid)); // validate the range mt.get(tok(2)).hash(val); mt.get(tok(4)).hash(val); mt.get(tok(-1)).hash(val); assertHashEquals(leftval, mt.hash(left)); assertHashEquals(partialval, mt.hash(partial)); assertHashEquals(val, mt.hash(right)); assertNull(mt.hash(linvalid)); assertNull(mt.hash(rinvalid)); } @Test public void testHashInner() { byte[] val = DUMMY; byte[] lchildval = hashed(val, 3, 3, 2); byte[] rchildval = hashed(val, 2, 2); byte[] fullval = hashed(val, 3, 3, 2, 2, 2); Range full = new Range(tok(-1), tok(-1)); Range lchild = new Range(tok(-1), tok(4)); Range rchild = new Range(tok(4), tok(-1)); Range invalid = new Range(tok(1), tok(-1)); // (zero,one] (one, two] (two,four] (four, six] (six, zero] mt.split(tok(4)); mt.split(tok(2)); mt.split(tok(6)); mt.split(tok(1)); assertNull(mt.hash(full)); assertNull(mt.hash(lchild)); assertNull(mt.hash(rchild)); assertNull(mt.hash(invalid)); // validate the range mt.get(tok(1)).hash(val); mt.get(tok(2)).hash(val); mt.get(tok(4)).hash(val); mt.get(tok(6)).hash(val); mt.get(tok(-1)).hash(val); assertHashEquals(fullval, mt.hash(full)); assertHashEquals(lchildval, mt.hash(lchild)); assertHashEquals(rchildval, mt.hash(rchild)); assertNull(mt.hash(invalid)); } @Test public void testHashDegenerate() { TOKEN_SCALE = new BigInteger("32"); byte[] val = DUMMY; byte[] childfullval = hashed(val, 5, 5, 4); byte[] fullval = hashed(val, 5, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1); Range childfull = new Range(tok(-1), tok(4)); Range full = new Range(tok(-1), tok(-1)); Range invalid = new Range(tok(4), tok(-1)); mt = new MerkleTree(partitioner, RECOMMENDED_DEPTH, Integer.MAX_VALUE); mt.split(tok(16)); mt.split(tok(8)); mt.split(tok(4)); mt.split(tok(2)); mt.split(tok(1)); assertNull(mt.hash(full)); assertNull(mt.hash(childfull)); assertNull(mt.hash(invalid)); // validate the range mt.get(tok(1)).hash(val); mt.get(tok(2)).hash(val); mt.get(tok(4)).hash(val); mt.get(tok(8)).hash(val); mt.get(tok(16)).hash(val); mt.get(tok(-1)).hash(val); assertHashEquals(fullval, mt.hash(full)); assertHashEquals(childfullval, mt.hash(childfull)); assertNull(mt.hash(invalid)); } @Test public void testHashRandom() { int max = 1000000; TOKEN_SCALE = new BigInteger("" + max); mt = new MerkleTree(partitioner, RECOMMENDED_DEPTH, 32); Random random = new Random(); while (true) { if (!mt.split(tok(random.nextInt(max)))) break; } // validate the tree TreeRangeIterator ranges = mt.invalids(new Range(tok(-1), tok(-1))); for (TreeRange range : ranges) range.addHash(new RowHash(range.right, new byte[0])); assert null != mt.hash(new Range(tok(-1), tok(-1))) : "Could not hash tree " + mt; } /** * Generate two trees with different splits, but containing the same keys, and * check that they compare equally. * * The set of keys used in this test is: #{2,4,6,8,12,14,0} */ @Test public void testValidateTree() { TOKEN_SCALE = new BigInteger("16"); // this test needs slightly more resolution Range full = new Range(tok(-1), tok(-1)); Iterator<TreeRange> ranges; MerkleTree mt2 = new MerkleTree(partitioner, RECOMMENDED_DEPTH, Integer.MAX_VALUE); mt.split(tok(8)); mt.split(tok(4)); mt.split(tok(12)); mt.split(tok(6)); mt.split(tok(10)); ranges = mt.invalids(full); ranges.next().addAll(new HIterator(2, 4)); // (-1,4]: depth 2 ranges.next().addAll(new HIterator(6)); // (4,6] ranges.next().addAll(new HIterator(8)); // (6,8] ranges.next().addAll(new HIterator(/*empty*/ new int[0])); // (8,10] ranges.next().addAll(new HIterator(12)); // (10,12] ranges.next().addAll(new HIterator(14, -1)); // (12,-1]: depth 2 mt2.split(tok(8)); mt2.split(tok(4)); mt2.split(tok(12)); mt2.split(tok(2)); mt2.split(tok(10)); mt2.split(tok(9)); mt2.split(tok(11)); ranges = mt2.invalids(full); ranges.next().addAll(new HIterator(2)); // (-1,2] ranges.next().addAll(new HIterator(4)); // (2,4] ranges.next().addAll(new HIterator(6, 8)); // (4,8]: depth 2 ranges.next().addAll(new HIterator(/*empty*/ new int[0])); // (8,9] ranges.next().addAll(new HIterator(/*empty*/ new int[0])); // (9,10] ranges.next().addAll(new HIterator(/*empty*/ new int[0])); // (10,11]: depth 4 ranges.next().addAll(new HIterator(12)); // (11,12]: depth 4 ranges.next().addAll(new HIterator(14, -1)); // (12,-1]: depth 2 byte[] mthash = mt.hash(full); byte[] mt2hash = mt2.hash(full); assertHashEquals("Tree hashes did not match: " + mt + " && " + mt2, mthash, mt2hash); } @Test public void testSerialization() throws Exception { Range full = new Range(tok(-1), tok(-1)); ByteArrayOutputStream bout = new ByteArrayOutputStream(); ObjectOutputStream oout = new ObjectOutputStream(bout); // populate and validate the tree mt.maxsize(256); mt.init(); for (TreeRange range : mt.invalids(full)) range.addAll(new HIterator(range.right)); byte[] initialhash = mt.hash(full); oout.writeObject(mt); oout.close(); ByteArrayInputStream bin = new ByteArrayInputStream(bout.toByteArray()); ObjectInputStream oin = new ObjectInputStream(bin); MerkleTree restored = (MerkleTree)oin.readObject(); // restore partitioner after serialization restored.partitioner(partitioner); assertHashEquals(initialhash, restored.hash(full)); } @Test public void testDifference() { Range full = new Range(tok(-1), tok(-1)); int maxsize = 16; mt.maxsize(maxsize); MerkleTree mt2 = new MerkleTree(partitioner, RECOMMENDED_DEPTH, maxsize); mt.init(); mt2.init(); TreeRange leftmost = null; TreeRange middle = null; TreeRange rightmost = null; // compact the leftmost, and split the rightmost Iterator<TreeRange> ranges = mt.invalids(full); leftmost = ranges.next(); rightmost = null; while (ranges.hasNext()) rightmost = ranges.next(); mt.compact(leftmost.right); leftmost = mt.get(leftmost.right); // leftmost is now a larger range mt.split(rightmost.right); // set the hash for the left neighbor of rightmost middle = mt.get(rightmost.left); middle.hash("arbitrary!".getBytes()); byte depth = middle.depth; // add dummy hashes to the rest of both trees for (TreeRange range : mt.invalids(full)) range.addAll(new HIterator(range.right)); for (TreeRange range : mt2.invalids(full)) range.addAll(new HIterator(range.right)); // trees should disagree for leftmost, (middle.left, rightmost.right] List<TreeRange> diffs = MerkleTree.difference(mt, mt2); assertEquals(diffs + " contains wrong number of differences:", 2, diffs.size()); assertTrue(diffs.contains(leftmost)); assertTrue(diffs.contains(new Range(middle.left, rightmost.right))); } /** * Return the root hash of a binary tree with leaves at the given depths * and with the given hash val in each leaf. */ byte[] hashed(byte[] val, Integer... depths) { ArrayDeque<Integer> dstack = new ArrayDeque<Integer>(); ArrayDeque<byte[]> hstack = new ArrayDeque<byte[]>(); Iterator<Integer> depthiter = Arrays.asList(depths).iterator(); if (depthiter.hasNext()) { dstack.push(depthiter.next()); hstack.push(val); } while (depthiter.hasNext()) { Integer depth = depthiter.next(); byte[] hash = val; while (dstack.peek() == depth) { // consume the stack hash = Hashable.binaryHash(hstack.pop(), hash); depth = dstack.pop()-1; } dstack.push(depth); hstack.push(hash); } assert hstack.size() == 1; return hstack.pop(); } static class HIterator extends AbstractIterator<RowHash> { private Iterator<Token> tokens; public HIterator(int... tokens) { List<Token> tlist = new LinkedList<Token>(); for (int token : tokens) tlist.add(tok(token)); this.tokens = tlist.iterator(); } public HIterator(Token... tokens) { this.tokens = Arrays.asList(tokens).iterator(); } @Override public RowHash computeNext() { if (tokens.hasNext()) return new RowHash(tokens.next(), DUMMY); return endOfData(); } } }