// Copyright (C) 2014 The Android Open Source Project // // Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); // you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. // You may obtain a copy of the License at // // http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 // // Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software // distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, // WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. // See the License for the specific language governing permissions and // limitations under the License. package com.google.gerrit.server.config; import org.eclipse.jgit.lib.Config; import org.joda.time.DateTime; import org.joda.time.LocalDateTime; import org.joda.time.LocalTime; import org.joda.time.MutableDateTime; import org.joda.time.format.DateTimeFormat; import org.joda.time.format.DateTimeFormatter; import org.joda.time.format.ISODateTimeFormat; import org.slf4j.Logger; import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory; import java.text.MessageFormat; import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit; public class ScheduleConfig { private static final Logger log = LoggerFactory .getLogger(ScheduleConfig.class); public static final long MISSING_CONFIG = -1L; public static final long INVALID_CONFIG = -2L; private static final String KEY_INTERVAL = "interval"; private static final String KEY_STARTTIME = "startTime"; private final long initialDelay; private final long interval; public ScheduleConfig(Config rc, String section) { this(rc, section, null); } public ScheduleConfig(Config rc, String section, String subsection) { this(rc, section, subsection, DateTime.now()); } public ScheduleConfig(Config rc, String section, String subsection, String keyInterval, String keyStartTime) { this(rc, section, subsection, keyInterval, keyStartTime, DateTime.now()); } /* For testing we need to be able to pass now */ ScheduleConfig(Config rc, String section, String subsection, DateTime now) { this(rc, section, subsection, KEY_INTERVAL, KEY_STARTTIME, now); } private ScheduleConfig(Config rc, String section, String subsection, String keyInterval, String keyStartTime, DateTime now) { this.interval = interval(rc, section, subsection, keyInterval); if (interval > 0) { this.initialDelay = initialDelay(rc, section, subsection, keyStartTime, now, interval); } else { this.initialDelay = interval; } } public long getInitialDelay() { return initialDelay; } public long getInterval() { return interval; } private static long interval(Config rc, String section, String subsection, String keyInterval) { long interval = MISSING_CONFIG; try { interval = ConfigUtil.getTimeUnit(rc, section, subsection, keyInterval, -1, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS); if (interval == MISSING_CONFIG) { log.info(MessageFormat.format( "{0} schedule parameter \"{0}.{1}\" is not configured", section, keyInterval)); } } catch (IllegalArgumentException e) { log.error(MessageFormat.format( "Invalid {0} schedule parameter \"{0}.{1}\"", section, keyInterval), e); interval = INVALID_CONFIG; } return interval; } private static long initialDelay(Config rc, String section, String subsection, String keyStartTime, DateTime now, long interval) { long delay = MISSING_CONFIG; String start = rc.getString(section, subsection, keyStartTime); try { if (start != null) { DateTimeFormatter formatter; MutableDateTime startTime = now.toMutableDateTime(); try { formatter = ISODateTimeFormat.hourMinute(); LocalTime firstStartTime = formatter.parseLocalTime(start); startTime.hourOfDay().set(firstStartTime.getHourOfDay()); startTime.minuteOfHour().set(firstStartTime.getMinuteOfHour()); } catch (IllegalArgumentException e1) { formatter = DateTimeFormat.forPattern("E HH:mm"); LocalDateTime firstStartDateTime = formatter.parseLocalDateTime(start); startTime.dayOfWeek().set(firstStartDateTime.getDayOfWeek()); startTime.hourOfDay().set(firstStartDateTime.getHourOfDay()); startTime.minuteOfHour().set(firstStartDateTime.getMinuteOfHour()); } startTime.secondOfMinute().set(0); startTime.millisOfSecond().set(0); long s = startTime.getMillis(); long n = now.getMillis(); delay = (s - n) % interval; if (delay <= 0) { delay += interval; } } else { log.info(MessageFormat.format( "{0} schedule parameter \"{0}.{1}\" is not configured", section, keyStartTime)); } } catch (IllegalArgumentException e2) { log.error( MessageFormat.format("Invalid {0} schedule parameter \"{0}.{1}\"", section, keyStartTime), e2); delay = INVALID_CONFIG; } return delay; } }