package; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import android.view.View; import java.lang.Boolean; import java.lang.Float; import java.lang.Integer; import java.lang.Object; import java.lang.String; import java.lang.Void; import trikita.anvil.Anvil; import trikita.anvil.BaseDSL; /** * DSL for creating views and settings their attributes. * This file has been generated by {@code gradle generateSupportCoreUiDSL}. * It contains views and their setters from the library support-core-ui. * Please, don't edit it manually unless for debugging. */ public final class SupportCoreUiDSL implements Anvil.AttributeSetter { static { Anvil.registerAttributeSetter(new SupportCoreUiDSL()); } public static BaseDSL.ViewClassResult pagerTabStrip() { return BaseDSL.v(PagerTabStrip.class); } public static Void pagerTabStrip(Anvil.Renderable r) { return BaseDSL.v(PagerTabStrip.class, r); } public static BaseDSL.ViewClassResult pagerTitleStrip() { return BaseDSL.v(PagerTitleStrip.class); } public static Void pagerTitleStrip(Anvil.Renderable r) { return BaseDSL.v(PagerTitleStrip.class, r); } public static BaseDSL.ViewClassResult viewPager() { return BaseDSL.v(ViewPager.class); } public static Void viewPager(Anvil.Renderable r) { return BaseDSL.v(ViewPager.class, r); } public static BaseDSL.ViewClassResult contentLoadingProgressBar() { return BaseDSL.v(ContentLoadingProgressBar.class); } public static Void contentLoadingProgressBar(Anvil.Renderable r) { return BaseDSL.v(ContentLoadingProgressBar.class, r); } public static BaseDSL.ViewClassResult drawerLayout() { return BaseDSL.v(DrawerLayout.class); } public static Void drawerLayout(Anvil.Renderable r) { return BaseDSL.v(DrawerLayout.class, r); } public static BaseDSL.ViewClassResult nestedScrollView() { return BaseDSL.v(NestedScrollView.class); } public static Void nestedScrollView(Anvil.Renderable r) { return BaseDSL.v(NestedScrollView.class, r); } public static BaseDSL.ViewClassResult slidingPaneLayout() { return BaseDSL.v(SlidingPaneLayout.class); } public static Void slidingPaneLayout(Anvil.Renderable r) { return BaseDSL.v(SlidingPaneLayout.class, r); } public static BaseDSL.ViewClassResult space() { return BaseDSL.v(Space.class); } public static Void space(Anvil.Renderable r) { return BaseDSL.v(Space.class, r); } public static BaseDSL.ViewClassResult swipeRefreshLayout() { return BaseDSL.v(SwipeRefreshLayout.class); } public static Void swipeRefreshLayout(Anvil.Renderable r) { return BaseDSL.v(SwipeRefreshLayout.class, r); } public static Void adapter(PagerAdapter arg) { return BaseDSL.attr("adapter", arg); } public static Void colorSchemeColors(int[] arg) { return BaseDSL.attr("colorSchemeColors", arg); } public static Void colorSchemeResources(int[] arg) { return BaseDSL.attr("colorSchemeResources", arg); } public static Void coveredFadeColor(int arg) { return BaseDSL.attr("coveredFadeColor", arg); } public static Void currentItem(int arg) { return BaseDSL.attr("currentItem", arg); } public static Void distanceToTriggerSync(int arg) { return BaseDSL.attr("distanceToTriggerSync", arg); } public static Void drawFullUnderline(boolean arg) { return BaseDSL.attr("drawFullUnderline", arg); } public static Void drawerElevation(float arg) { return BaseDSL.attr("drawerElevation", arg); } public static Void drawerLockMode(int arg) { return BaseDSL.attr("drawerLockMode", arg); } public static Void fillViewport(boolean arg) { return BaseDSL.attr("fillViewport", arg); } public static Void gravity(int arg) { return BaseDSL.attr("gravity", arg); } public static Void nestedScrollingEnabled(boolean arg) { return BaseDSL.attr("nestedScrollingEnabled", arg); } public static Void nonPrimaryAlpha(float arg) { return BaseDSL.attr("nonPrimaryAlpha", arg); } public static Void offscreenPageLimit(int arg) { return BaseDSL.attr("offscreenPageLimit", arg); } public static Void onChildScrollUpCallback(SwipeRefreshLayout.OnChildScrollUpCallback arg) { return BaseDSL.attr("onChildScrollUpCallback", arg); } public static Void onRefresh(SwipeRefreshLayout.OnRefreshListener arg) { return BaseDSL.attr("onRefresh", arg); } public static Void onScrollChange(NestedScrollView.OnScrollChangeListener arg) { return BaseDSL.attr("onScrollChange", arg); } public static Void pageMargin(int arg) { return BaseDSL.attr("pageMargin", arg); } public static Void pageMarginDrawable(Drawable arg) { return BaseDSL.attr("pageMarginDrawable", arg); } public static Void pageMarginDrawable(int arg) { return BaseDSL.attr("pageMarginDrawable", arg); } public static Void panelSlideListener(SlidingPaneLayout.PanelSlideListener arg) { return BaseDSL.attr("panelSlideListener", arg); } public static Void parallaxDistance(int arg) { return BaseDSL.attr("parallaxDistance", arg); } public static Void progressBackgroundColorSchemeColor(int arg) { return BaseDSL.attr("progressBackgroundColorSchemeColor", arg); } public static Void progressBackgroundColorSchemeResource(int arg) { return BaseDSL.attr("progressBackgroundColorSchemeResource", arg); } public static Void refreshing(boolean arg) { return BaseDSL.attr("refreshing", arg); } public static Void scrimColor(int arg) { return BaseDSL.attr("scrimColor", arg); } public static Void shadowDrawableLeft(Drawable arg) { return BaseDSL.attr("shadowDrawableLeft", arg); } public static Void shadowDrawableRight(Drawable arg) { return BaseDSL.attr("shadowDrawableRight", arg); } public static Void shadowResourceLeft(int arg) { return BaseDSL.attr("shadowResourceLeft", arg); } public static Void shadowResourceRight(int arg) { return BaseDSL.attr("shadowResourceRight", arg); } public static Void size(int arg) { return BaseDSL.attr("size", arg); } public static Void sliderFadeColor(int arg) { return BaseDSL.attr("sliderFadeColor", arg); } public static Void smoothScrollingEnabled(boolean arg) { return BaseDSL.attr("smoothScrollingEnabled", arg); } public static Void statusBarBackground(Drawable arg) { return BaseDSL.attr("statusBarBackground", arg); } public static Void statusBarBackground(int arg) { return BaseDSL.attr("statusBarBackground", arg); } public static Void statusBarBackgroundColor(int arg) { return BaseDSL.attr("statusBarBackgroundColor", arg); } public static Void tabIndicatorColor(int arg) { return BaseDSL.attr("tabIndicatorColor", arg); } public static Void tabIndicatorColorResource(int arg) { return BaseDSL.attr("tabIndicatorColorResource", arg); } public static Void textColor(int arg) { return BaseDSL.attr("textColor", arg); } public static Void textSpacing(int arg) { return BaseDSL.attr("textSpacing", arg); } public boolean set(View v, String name, final Object arg, final Object old) { switch (name) { case "adapter": if (v instanceof ViewPager && arg instanceof PagerAdapter) { ((ViewPager) v).setAdapter((PagerAdapter) arg); return true; } break; case "colorSchemeColors": if (v instanceof SwipeRefreshLayout && arg instanceof int[]) { ((SwipeRefreshLayout) v).setColorSchemeColors((int[]) arg); return true; } break; case "colorSchemeResources": if (v instanceof SwipeRefreshLayout && arg instanceof int[]) { ((SwipeRefreshLayout) v).setColorSchemeResources((int[]) arg); return true; } break; case "coveredFadeColor": if (v instanceof SlidingPaneLayout && arg instanceof Integer) { ((SlidingPaneLayout) v).setCoveredFadeColor((int) arg); return true; } break; case "currentItem": if (v instanceof ViewPager && arg instanceof Integer) { ((ViewPager) v).setCurrentItem((int) arg); return true; } break; case "distanceToTriggerSync": if (v instanceof SwipeRefreshLayout && arg instanceof Integer) { ((SwipeRefreshLayout) v).setDistanceToTriggerSync((int) arg); return true; } break; case "drawFullUnderline": if (v instanceof PagerTabStrip && arg instanceof Boolean) { ((PagerTabStrip) v).setDrawFullUnderline((boolean) arg); return true; } break; case "drawerElevation": if (v instanceof DrawerLayout && arg instanceof Float) { ((DrawerLayout) v).setDrawerElevation((float) arg); return true; } break; case "drawerLockMode": if (v instanceof DrawerLayout && arg instanceof Integer) { ((DrawerLayout) v).setDrawerLockMode((int) arg); return true; } break; case "fillViewport": if (v instanceof NestedScrollView && arg instanceof Boolean) { ((NestedScrollView) v).setFillViewport((boolean) arg); return true; } break; case "gravity": if (v instanceof PagerTitleStrip && arg instanceof Integer) { ((PagerTitleStrip) v).setGravity((int) arg); return true; } break; case "nestedScrollingEnabled": if (v instanceof NestedScrollView && arg instanceof Boolean) { ((NestedScrollView) v).setNestedScrollingEnabled((boolean) arg); return true; } if (v instanceof SwipeRefreshLayout && arg instanceof Boolean) { ((SwipeRefreshLayout) v).setNestedScrollingEnabled((boolean) arg); return true; } break; case "nonPrimaryAlpha": if (v instanceof PagerTitleStrip && arg instanceof Float) { ((PagerTitleStrip) v).setNonPrimaryAlpha((float) arg); return true; } break; case "offscreenPageLimit": if (v instanceof ViewPager && arg instanceof Integer) { ((ViewPager) v).setOffscreenPageLimit((int) arg); return true; } break; case "onChildScrollUpCallback": if (v instanceof SwipeRefreshLayout && arg instanceof SwipeRefreshLayout.OnChildScrollUpCallback) { ((SwipeRefreshLayout) v).setOnChildScrollUpCallback((SwipeRefreshLayout.OnChildScrollUpCallback) arg); return true; } break; case "onRefresh": if (v instanceof SwipeRefreshLayout && arg instanceof SwipeRefreshLayout.OnRefreshListener) { if (arg != null) { ((SwipeRefreshLayout) v).setOnRefreshListener(new SwipeRefreshLayout.OnRefreshListener() { public void onRefresh() { ((SwipeRefreshLayout.OnRefreshListener) arg).onRefresh(); Anvil.render(); } }); } else { ((SwipeRefreshLayout) v).setOnRefreshListener((SwipeRefreshLayout.OnRefreshListener) null); } return true; } break; case "onScrollChange": if (v instanceof NestedScrollView && arg instanceof NestedScrollView.OnScrollChangeListener) { if (arg != null) { ((NestedScrollView) v).setOnScrollChangeListener(new NestedScrollView.OnScrollChangeListener() { public void onScrollChange(NestedScrollView a0, int a1, int a2, int a3, int a4) { ((NestedScrollView.OnScrollChangeListener) arg).onScrollChange(a0, a1, a2, a3, a4); Anvil.render(); } }); } else { ((NestedScrollView) v).setOnScrollChangeListener((NestedScrollView.OnScrollChangeListener) null); } return true; } break; case "pageMargin": if (v instanceof ViewPager && arg instanceof Integer) { ((ViewPager) v).setPageMargin((int) arg); return true; } break; case "pageMarginDrawable": if (v instanceof ViewPager && arg instanceof Drawable) { ((ViewPager) v).setPageMarginDrawable((Drawable) arg); return true; } if (v instanceof ViewPager && arg instanceof Integer) { ((ViewPager) v).setPageMarginDrawable((int) arg); return true; } break; case "panelSlideListener": if (v instanceof SlidingPaneLayout && arg instanceof SlidingPaneLayout.PanelSlideListener) { ((SlidingPaneLayout) v).setPanelSlideListener((SlidingPaneLayout.PanelSlideListener) arg); return true; } break; case "parallaxDistance": if (v instanceof SlidingPaneLayout && arg instanceof Integer) { ((SlidingPaneLayout) v).setParallaxDistance((int) arg); return true; } break; case "progressBackgroundColorSchemeColor": if (v instanceof SwipeRefreshLayout && arg instanceof Integer) { ((SwipeRefreshLayout) v).setProgressBackgroundColorSchemeColor((int) arg); return true; } break; case "progressBackgroundColorSchemeResource": if (v instanceof SwipeRefreshLayout && arg instanceof Integer) { ((SwipeRefreshLayout) v).setProgressBackgroundColorSchemeResource((int) arg); return true; } break; case "refreshing": if (v instanceof SwipeRefreshLayout && arg instanceof Boolean) { ((SwipeRefreshLayout) v).setRefreshing((boolean) arg); return true; } break; case "scrimColor": if (v instanceof DrawerLayout && arg instanceof Integer) { ((DrawerLayout) v).setScrimColor((int) arg); return true; } break; case "shadowDrawableLeft": if (v instanceof SlidingPaneLayout && arg instanceof Drawable) { ((SlidingPaneLayout) v).setShadowDrawableLeft((Drawable) arg); return true; } break; case "shadowDrawableRight": if (v instanceof SlidingPaneLayout && arg instanceof Drawable) { ((SlidingPaneLayout) v).setShadowDrawableRight((Drawable) arg); return true; } break; case "shadowResourceLeft": if (v instanceof SlidingPaneLayout && arg instanceof Integer) { ((SlidingPaneLayout) v).setShadowResourceLeft((int) arg); return true; } break; case "shadowResourceRight": if (v instanceof SlidingPaneLayout && arg instanceof Integer) { ((SlidingPaneLayout) v).setShadowResourceRight((int) arg); return true; } break; case "size": if (v instanceof SwipeRefreshLayout && arg instanceof Integer) { ((SwipeRefreshLayout) v).setSize((int) arg); return true; } break; case "sliderFadeColor": if (v instanceof SlidingPaneLayout && arg instanceof Integer) { ((SlidingPaneLayout) v).setSliderFadeColor((int) arg); return true; } break; case "smoothScrollingEnabled": if (v instanceof NestedScrollView && arg instanceof Boolean) { ((NestedScrollView) v).setSmoothScrollingEnabled((boolean) arg); return true; } break; case "statusBarBackground": if (v instanceof DrawerLayout && arg instanceof Drawable) { ((DrawerLayout) v).setStatusBarBackground((Drawable) arg); return true; } if (v instanceof DrawerLayout && arg instanceof Integer) { ((DrawerLayout) v).setStatusBarBackground((int) arg); return true; } break; case "statusBarBackgroundColor": if (v instanceof DrawerLayout && arg instanceof Integer) { ((DrawerLayout) v).setStatusBarBackgroundColor((int) arg); return true; } break; case "tabIndicatorColor": if (v instanceof PagerTabStrip && arg instanceof Integer) { ((PagerTabStrip) v).setTabIndicatorColor((int) arg); return true; } break; case "tabIndicatorColorResource": if (v instanceof PagerTabStrip && arg instanceof Integer) { ((PagerTabStrip) v).setTabIndicatorColorResource((int) arg); return true; } break; case "textColor": if (v instanceof PagerTitleStrip && arg instanceof Integer) { ((PagerTitleStrip) v).setTextColor((int) arg); return true; } break; case "textSpacing": if (v instanceof PagerTitleStrip && arg instanceof Integer) { ((PagerTitleStrip) v).setTextSpacing((int) arg); return true; } break; } return false; } }