package org.deved.antlride.internal.core.parser; import; import; import; import java.lang.reflect.Field; import java.lang.reflect.Modifier; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.Map; import org.antlr.runtime.tree.Tree; /** * Utility for generating pretty "ASCII art" representations of syntax trees. * * @author Joshua Davis * @author Steve Ebersole */ public class TreePrinter implements TreeToString { private final Map<Integer, String> tokenTypeNameCache; private final boolean showClassNames; private TreeToString toStringStrategy = this; /** * Constructs a printer. * <p/> * Delegates to {@link #TreePrinter(Class, boolean)} with * {@link #isShowClassNames showClassNames} as <tt>false</tt> * * @param tokenTypeConstants * The token types to use during printing; typically the * {vocabulary} interface generated by ANTLR. */ public TreePrinter(Class<?> tokenTypeConstants) { this(generateTokenNameCache(tokenTypeConstants), false); } public void setToStringStrategy(TreeToString toStringStrategy) { this.toStringStrategy = toStringStrategy; } public static Map<Integer, String> generateTokenNameCache(Class<?> tokenTypeInterface) { final Field[] fields = tokenTypeInterface.getFields(); Map<Integer, String> cache = new HashMap<Integer, String>((int) (fields.length * .75) + 1); for (int i = 0; i < fields.length; i++) { final Field field = fields[i]; if (Modifier.isStatic(field.getModifiers())) { try { cache.put((Integer) field.get(null), field.getName()); } catch (Throwable ignore) { } } } return cache; } public TreePrinter(boolean showClassNames) { this((Map<Integer, String>) null, showClassNames); } /** * Constructs a printer. * * @param tokenTypeConstants * The token types to use during printing; typically the * {vocabulary} interface generated by ANTLR. * @param showClassNames * Should the class names of the tree nodes impls be displayed. */ public TreePrinter(Class<?> tokenTypeConstants, boolean showClassNames) { this(generateTokenNameCache(tokenTypeConstants), showClassNames); } private TreePrinter(Map<Integer, String> tokenTypeNameCache, boolean showClassNames) { this.tokenTypeNameCache = tokenTypeNameCache; this.showClassNames = showClassNames; } /** * Getter for property 'showClassNames'. * * @return Value for property 'showClassNames'. */ public boolean isShowClassNames() { return showClassNames; } /** * Renders the tree into 'ASCII art' form and returns that string * representation. * * @param tree * The tree to display. * @param header * The header for the display. * * @return The'ASCII art' form, as a string. */ public String renderAsString(Tree tree, String header) { ByteArrayOutputStream baos = new ByteArrayOutputStream(); PrintStream ps = new PrintStream(baos); ps.println(header); render(tree, ps); ps.flush(); return new String(baos.toByteArray()); } /** * Prints the tree in 'ASCII art' form to the specified print stream. * * @param tree * The tree to print. * @param out * The print stream to which the tree should be printed. */ public void render(Tree tree, PrintStream out) { render(tree, new PrintWriter(out)); } /** * Prints the tree in 'ASCII art' tree form to the specified print writer. * * @param tree * The tree to print. * @param pw * The print writer to which the tree should be written. */ public void render(Tree tree, PrintWriter pw) { ArrayList<Tree> parents = new ArrayList<Tree>(); render(parents, pw, tree); pw.flush(); } /** * Returns the token type name for the given token type. * * @param type * The token type. * @return String - The token type name from the token type constant class, * or just the integer as a string if none exists. */ public String getTokenTypeName(int type) { final Integer typeInteger = new Integer(type); String value = null; if (tokenTypeNameCache != null) { value = tokenTypeNameCache.get(typeInteger); } if (value == null) { value = typeInteger.toString(); } return value; } private void render(ArrayList<Tree> parents, PrintWriter pw, Tree tree) { if (tree == null) { pw.println("tree is null!"); return; } // Tree.getChildIndex() -> the tree's position within its parent's // children... for (int i = 0; i < parents.size(); i++) { final Tree parent = parents.get(i); if (hasNextSibling(parent)) { pw.print(" "); } else { pw.print(" | "); } } if (hasNextSibling(tree)) { pw.print(" \\-"); } else { pw.print(" +-"); } writeNode(pw, tree); ArrayList<Tree> newParents = new ArrayList<Tree>(parents); newParents.add(tree); for (int i = 0; i < tree.getChildCount(); i++) { render(newParents, pw, tree.getChild(i)); } newParents.clear(); } private boolean hasNextSibling(Tree tree) { return tree.getParent() != null && tree.getParent().getChildCount() <= tree.getChildIndex(); } private void writeNode(PrintWriter pw, Tree tree) { pw.println(nodeToString(tree)); } private String nodeToString(Tree tree) { if (tree == null) { return "{node:null}"; } StringBuffer buf = new StringBuffer(); buf.append("[").append(getTokenTypeName(tree.getType())); if (showClassNames) { buf.append(" (").append(tree.getClass().getSimpleName()) .append(')'); } buf.append("] "); String stringTree = toStringStrategy.toString(tree); appendEscapedMultibyteChars(stringTree, buf); // if ( tree instanceof DisplayableNode ) { // DisplayableNode displayableNode = ( DisplayableNode ) tree; // buf.append( " => " ).append( displayableNode.getDisplayText() ); // } return buf.toString(); } private static void appendEscapedMultibyteChars(String text, StringBuffer buf) { char[] chars = text.toCharArray(); for (int i = 0; i < chars.length; i++) { char aChar = chars[i]; if (aChar > 256) { buf.append("\\u"); buf.append(Integer.toHexString(aChar)); } else { buf.append(aChar); } } } public static String escapeMultibyteChars(String text) { StringBuffer buf = new StringBuffer(); appendEscapedMultibyteChars(text, buf); return buf.toString(); } public String toString(Tree node) { String text = node.getText(); StringBuffer buf = new StringBuffer(); if (text != null) { buf.append("'"); buf.append(text); buf.append("'"); } return buf.toString(); } }