/* * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one * or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file * distributed with this work for additional information * regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance * with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, * software distributed under the License is distributed on an * "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY * KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the * specific language governing permissions and limitations * under the License. */ package org.apache.thrift.protocol; import java.nio.ByteBuffer; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.List; import junit.framework.TestCase; import org.apache.thrift.Fixtures; import org.apache.thrift.TBase; import org.apache.thrift.TDeserializer; import org.apache.thrift.TException; import org.apache.thrift.TSerializer; import org.apache.thrift.transport.TMemoryBuffer; import thrift.test.CompactProtoTestStruct; import thrift.test.HolyMoley; import thrift.test.Nesting; import thrift.test.OneOfEach; import thrift.test.Srv; public abstract class ProtocolTestBase extends TestCase { /** Does it make sense to call methods like writeI32 directly on your protocol? */ protected abstract boolean canBeUsedNaked(); /** The protocol factory for the protocol being tested. */ protected abstract TProtocolFactory getFactory(); public void testDouble() throws Exception { if (canBeUsedNaked()) { TMemoryBuffer buf = new TMemoryBuffer(1000); TProtocol proto = getFactory().getProtocol(buf); proto.writeDouble(123.456); assertEquals(123.456, proto.readDouble()); } internalTestStructField(new StructFieldTestCase(TType.DOUBLE, (short)15) { @Override public void readMethod(TProtocol proto) throws TException { assertEquals(123.456, proto.readDouble()); } @Override public void writeMethod(TProtocol proto) throws TException { proto.writeDouble(123.456); } }); } public void testSerialization() throws Exception { internalTestSerialization(OneOfEach.class, Fixtures.oneOfEach); internalTestSerialization(Nesting.class, Fixtures.nesting); internalTestSerialization(HolyMoley.class, Fixtures.holyMoley); internalTestSerialization(CompactProtoTestStruct.class, Fixtures.compactProtoTestStruct); } public void testBinary() throws Exception { for (byte[] b : Arrays.asList(new byte[0], new byte[]{0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10}, new byte[]{0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14}, new byte[]{0x5D}, new byte[]{(byte)0xD5,(byte)0x5D}, new byte[]{(byte)0xFF,(byte)0xD5,(byte)0x5D}, new byte[128])) { if (canBeUsedNaked()) { internalTestNakedBinary(b); } internalTestBinaryField(b); } if (canBeUsedNaked()) { byte[] data = {1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6}; TMemoryBuffer buf = new TMemoryBuffer(0); TProtocol proto = getFactory().getProtocol(buf); ByteBuffer bb = ByteBuffer.wrap(data); bb.get(); proto.writeBinary(bb.slice()); assertEquals(ByteBuffer.wrap(data, 1, 5), proto.readBinary()); } } public void testString() throws Exception { for (String s : Arrays.asList("", "short", "borderlinetiny", "a bit longer than the smallest possible")) { if (canBeUsedNaked()) { internalTestNakedString(s); } internalTestStringField(s); } } public void testLong() throws Exception { if (canBeUsedNaked()) { internalTestNakedI64(0); } internalTestI64Field(0); for (int i = 0; i < 62; i++) { if (canBeUsedNaked()) { internalTestNakedI64(1L << i); internalTestNakedI64(-(1L << i)); } internalTestI64Field(1L << i); internalTestI64Field(-(1L << i)); } } public void testInt() throws Exception { for (int i : Arrays.asList(0, 1, 7, 150, 15000, 31337, 0xffff, 0xffffff, -1, -7, -150, -15000, -0xffff, -0xffffff)) { if (canBeUsedNaked()) { internalTestNakedI32(i); } internalTestI32Field(i); } } public void testShort() throws Exception { for (int s : Arrays.asList(0, 1, 7, 150, 15000, 0x7fff, -1, -7, -150, -15000, -0x7fff)) { if (canBeUsedNaked()) { internalTestNakedI16((short)s); } internalTestI16Field((short)s); } } public void testByte() throws Exception { if (canBeUsedNaked()) { internalTestNakedByte(); } for (int i = 0; i < 128; i++) { internalTestByteField((byte)i); internalTestByteField((byte)-i); } } private void internalTestNakedByte() throws Exception { TMemoryBuffer buf = new TMemoryBuffer(1000); TProtocol proto = getFactory().getProtocol(buf); proto.writeByte((byte)123); assertEquals((byte) 123, proto.readByte()); } private void internalTestByteField(final byte b) throws Exception { internalTestStructField(new StructFieldTestCase(TType.BYTE, (short)15) { public void writeMethod(TProtocol proto) throws TException { proto.writeByte(b); } public void readMethod(TProtocol proto) throws TException { assertEquals((byte)b, proto.readByte()); } }); } private void internalTestNakedI16(short n) throws Exception { TMemoryBuffer buf = new TMemoryBuffer(0); TProtocol proto = getFactory().getProtocol(buf); proto.writeI16(n); assertEquals(n, proto.readI16()); } private void internalTestI16Field(final short n) throws Exception { internalTestStructField(new StructFieldTestCase(TType.I16, (short)15) { public void writeMethod(TProtocol proto) throws TException { proto.writeI16(n); } public void readMethod(TProtocol proto) throws TException { assertEquals(n, proto.readI16()); } }); } private void internalTestNakedI32(int n) throws Exception { TMemoryBuffer buf = new TMemoryBuffer(0); TProtocol proto = getFactory().getProtocol(buf); proto.writeI32(n); assertEquals(n, proto.readI32()); } private void internalTestI32Field(final int n) throws Exception { internalTestStructField(new StructFieldTestCase(TType.I32, (short)15) { public void writeMethod(TProtocol proto) throws TException { proto.writeI32(n); } public void readMethod(TProtocol proto) throws TException { assertEquals(n, proto.readI32()); } }); } private void internalTestNakedI64(long n) throws Exception { TMemoryBuffer buf = new TMemoryBuffer(0); TProtocol proto = getFactory().getProtocol(buf); proto.writeI64(n); assertEquals(n, proto.readI64()); } private void internalTestI64Field(final long n) throws Exception { internalTestStructField(new StructFieldTestCase(TType.I64, (short)15) { public void writeMethod(TProtocol proto) throws TException { proto.writeI64(n); } public void readMethod(TProtocol proto) throws TException { assertEquals(n, proto.readI64()); } }); } private void internalTestNakedString(String str) throws Exception { TMemoryBuffer buf = new TMemoryBuffer(0); TProtocol proto = getFactory().getProtocol(buf); proto.writeString(str); assertEquals(str, proto.readString()); } private void internalTestStringField(final String str) throws Exception { internalTestStructField(new StructFieldTestCase(TType.STRING, (short)15) { public void writeMethod(TProtocol proto) throws TException { proto.writeString(str); } public void readMethod(TProtocol proto) throws TException { assertEquals(str, proto.readString()); } }); } private void internalTestNakedBinary(byte[] data) throws Exception { TMemoryBuffer buf = new TMemoryBuffer(0); TProtocol proto = getFactory().getProtocol(buf); proto.writeBinary(ByteBuffer.wrap(data)); assertEquals(ByteBuffer.wrap(data), proto.readBinary()); } private void internalTestBinaryField(final byte[] data) throws Exception { internalTestStructField(new StructFieldTestCase(TType.STRING, (short)15) { public void writeMethod(TProtocol proto) throws TException { proto.writeBinary(ByteBuffer.wrap(data)); } public void readMethod(TProtocol proto) throws TException { assertEquals(ByteBuffer.wrap(data), proto.readBinary()); } }); } private <T extends TBase> void internalTestSerialization(Class<T> klass, T expected) throws Exception { TMemoryBuffer buf = new TMemoryBuffer(0); TBinaryProtocol binproto = new TBinaryProtocol(buf); expected.write(binproto); buf = new TMemoryBuffer(0); TProtocol proto = getFactory().getProtocol(buf); expected.write(proto); System.out.println("Size in " + proto.getClass().getSimpleName() + ": " + buf.length()); T actual = klass.newInstance(); actual.read(proto); assertEquals(expected, actual); } public void testMessage() throws Exception { List<TMessage> msgs = Arrays.asList(new TMessage[]{ new TMessage("short message name", TMessageType.CALL, 0), new TMessage("1", TMessageType.REPLY, 12345), new TMessage("loooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooong", TMessageType.EXCEPTION, 1 << 16), new TMessage("Janky", TMessageType.CALL, 0), }); for (TMessage msg : msgs) { TMemoryBuffer buf = new TMemoryBuffer(0); TProtocol proto = getFactory().getProtocol(buf); TMessage output = null; proto.writeMessageBegin(msg); proto.writeMessageEnd(); output = proto.readMessageBegin(); assertEquals(msg, output); } } public void testServerRequest() throws Exception { Srv.Iface handler = new Srv.Iface() { public int Janky(int i32arg) throws TException { return i32arg * 2; } public int primitiveMethod() throws TException { return 0; } public CompactProtoTestStruct structMethod() throws TException { return null; } public void voidMethod() throws TException { } public void methodWithDefaultArgs(int something) throws TException { } @Override public void onewayMethod() throws TException { } }; Srv.Processor testProcessor = new Srv.Processor(handler); TMemoryBuffer clientOutTrans = new TMemoryBuffer(0); TProtocol clientOutProto = getFactory().getProtocol(clientOutTrans); TMemoryBuffer clientInTrans = new TMemoryBuffer(0); TProtocol clientInProto = getFactory().getProtocol(clientInTrans); Srv.Client testClient = new Srv.Client(clientInProto, clientOutProto); testClient.send_Janky(1); // System.out.println(clientOutTrans.inspect()); testProcessor.process(clientOutProto, clientInProto); // System.out.println(clientInTrans.inspect()); assertEquals(2, testClient.recv_Janky()); } public void testTDeserializer() throws TException { TSerializer ser = new TSerializer(getFactory()); byte[] bytes = ser.serialize(Fixtures.compactProtoTestStruct); TDeserializer deser = new TDeserializer(getFactory()); CompactProtoTestStruct cpts = new CompactProtoTestStruct(); deser.deserialize(cpts, bytes); assertEquals(Fixtures.compactProtoTestStruct, cpts); } // // Helper methods // private void internalTestStructField(StructFieldTestCase testCase) throws Exception { TMemoryBuffer buf = new TMemoryBuffer(0); TProtocol proto = getFactory().getProtocol(buf); TField field = new TField("test_field", testCase.type_, testCase.id_); proto.writeStructBegin(new TStruct("test_struct")); proto.writeFieldBegin(field); testCase.writeMethod(proto); proto.writeFieldEnd(); proto.writeStructEnd(); proto.readStructBegin(); TField readField = proto.readFieldBegin(); assertEquals(testCase.id_, readField.id); assertEquals(testCase.type_, readField.type); testCase.readMethod(proto); proto.readStructEnd(); } private static abstract class StructFieldTestCase { byte type_; short id_; public StructFieldTestCase(byte type, short id) { type_ = type; id_ = id; } public abstract void writeMethod(TProtocol proto) throws TException; public abstract void readMethod(TProtocol proto) throws TException; } private static final int NUM_TRIALS = 5; private static final int NUM_REPS = 10000; protected void benchmark() throws Exception { for (int trial = 0; trial < NUM_TRIALS; trial++) { TSerializer ser = new TSerializer(getFactory()); byte[] serialized = null; long serStart = System.currentTimeMillis(); for (int rep = 0; rep < NUM_REPS; rep++) { serialized = ser.serialize(Fixtures.holyMoley); } long serEnd = System.currentTimeMillis(); long serElapsed = serEnd - serStart; System.out.println("Ser:\t" + serElapsed + "ms\t" + ((double)serElapsed / NUM_REPS) + "ms per serialization"); HolyMoley cpts = new HolyMoley(); TDeserializer deser = new TDeserializer(getFactory()); long deserStart = System.currentTimeMillis(); for (int rep = 0; rep < NUM_REPS; rep++) { deser.deserialize(cpts, serialized); } long deserEnd = System.currentTimeMillis(); long deserElapsed = deserEnd - deserStart; System.out.println("Des:\t" + deserElapsed + "ms\t" + ((double)deserElapsed / NUM_REPS) + "ms per deserialization"); } } }