package haven; import haven.Resource.Image; import java.awt.Color; import java.awt.event.KeyEvent; import java.awt.font.TextAttribute; import java.awt.image.BufferedImage; import; import; import; import; import java.util.Properties; public class ToolbarWnd extends Window implements DTarget, DropTarget { private static final Color pressedColor = new Color(196, 196, 196, 196); public final static Tex bg = Resource.loadtex("gfx/hud/invsq"); private static final int BELTS_NUM = 15; private static final BufferedImage ilockc = Resource.loadimg("gfx/hud/lockc"); private static final BufferedImage ilockch = Resource.loadimg("gfx/hud/lockch"); private static final BufferedImage ilocko = Resource.loadimg("gfx/hud/locko"); private static final BufferedImage ilockoh = Resource.loadimg("gfx/hud/lockoh"); @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") private static final Indir<Resource>[] defbelt = new Indir[10]; public final static Coord bgsz =, -1); private Properties beltsConfig; private Coord gsz, off, beltNumC; public Slot pressed, dragging, layout[]; private IButton lockbtn, flipbtn, minus, plus; public boolean flipped = false, locked = false; public int belt, key; private Tex[] nums; private static Tex[] beltNums; public String name; public final static RichText.Foundry ttfnd = new RichText.Foundry(TextAttribute.FAMILY, "SansSerif", TextAttribute.SIZE, 10); static { /* Text rendering is slow, so pre-cache the belt numbers. */ beltNums = new Tex[BELTS_NUM]; for (int i = 0; i < BELTS_NUM; i++) { beltNums[i] = new TexI(Utils.outline2(Text.render(Integer.toString(i)).img, Color.BLACK, true)); } } public ToolbarWnd(Coord c, Widget parent, String name, Properties bc) { super(c, Coord.z, parent, null); = name; beltsConfig = bc; init(1, 10, new Coord(5, 10), KeyEvent.VK_0); } public ToolbarWnd(Coord c, Widget parent, String name, Properties bc, int belt, int key, int sz, Coord off) { super(c, Coord.z, parent, null); = name; beltsConfig = bc; init(belt, sz, off, key); } public ToolbarWnd(Coord c, Widget parent, String name, Properties bc, int belt, int key) { super(c, Coord.z, parent, null); = name; beltsConfig = bc; init(belt, 10, new Coord(5, 10), key); } private void loadOpts() { synchronized (Config.window_props) { if (Config.window_props.getProperty(name + "_locked", "false").equals("true")) { locked = true; } if (Config.window_props.getProperty(name + "_flipped", "false").equals("true")) { flip(); } if (Config.window_props.getProperty(name + "_folded", "false").equals("true")) { folded = true; checkfold(); } visible = Config.window_props.getProperty(name, "true").equals("true"); c = new Coord(Config.window_props.getProperty(name + "_pos", c.toString())); } } private void init(int belt, int sz, Coord off, int key) { gsz = new Coord(1, sz); = off;; mrgn = new Coord(2, 18); layout = new Slot[sz]; loadOpts(); cbtn.visible = false; lockbtn = new IButton(Coord.z, this, locked ? ilockc : ilocko, locked ? ilocko : ilockc, locked ? ilockch : ilockoh) { public void click() { locked = !locked; if (locked) { up = ilockc; down = ilocko; hover = ilockch; } else { up = ilocko; down = ilockc; hover = ilockoh; } Config.setWindowOpt(name + "_locked", locked); } }; lockbtn.recthit = true; flipbtn = new IButton(Coord.z, this, Resource.loadimg("gfx/hud/flip"), Resource.loadimg("gfx/hud/flip"), Resource.loadimg("gfx/hud/flipo")) { public void click() { flip(); } }; minus = new IButton(Coord.z, this, Resource.loadimg("gfx/hud/charsh/minusup"), Resource.loadimg("gfx/hud/charsh/minusdown")) { public void click() { prevBelt(); } }; plus = new IButton(Coord.z, this, Resource.loadimg("gfx/hud/charsh/plusup"), Resource.loadimg("gfx/hud/charsh/plusdown")) { public void click() { nextBelt(); } }; flipbtn.recthit = true; loadBelt(belt); this.key = key; pack(); /* Text rendering is slow, so pre-cache the hotbar numbers. */ nums = new Tex[sz]; for (int i = 0; i < sz; i++) { String slot; if (key == KeyEvent.VK_0) { slot = Integer.toString(i); } else if (key == KeyEvent.VK_F1) { slot = "F" + Integer.toString(i + 1); } else { slot = "N" + Integer.toString(i); } nums[i] = new TexI(Utils.outline2(Text.render(slot).img, Color.BLACK, true)); } } protected void nextBelt() { loadBelt(belt + 2); } protected void prevBelt() { loadBelt(belt - 2); } public static Properties getBelts() { Properties loadInfo = new Properties(); try { String configFileName = "belts_" + MaidFrame.getCurrentSession().getUI().sess.charname.replaceAll("[^a-zA-Z()]", "_") + ".conf"; loadInfo.load(new FileInputStream(configFileName)); } catch (FileNotFoundException e) { } catch (Exception e) { } return loadInfo; } protected void loadBelt(int beltNr) { belt = beltNr % BELTS_NUM; if (belt < 0) belt += BELTS_NUM; synchronized (beltsConfig) { for (int slot = 0; slot < layout.length; slot++) { String icon = beltsConfig.getProperty("belt_" + belt + "_" + slot, ""); if (icon.length() > 0) { layout[slot] = new Slot(icon, belt, slot); } else { layout[slot] = null; } } } } public void saveBelts() { synchronized (beltsConfig) { String charName = MaidFrame.getCurrentSession().getUI().sess.charname; if (charName == null) return; String configFileName = "belts_" + charName.replaceAll("[^a-zA-Z()]", "_") + ".conf"; try { FileOutputStream(configFileName), "Belts actions for " + MaidFrame.getCurrentSession().getUI().sess.charname); } catch (FileNotFoundException e) { } catch (IOException e) { } } } public void wdgmsg(Widget sender, String msg, Object... args) { if (sender == cbtn) ui.destroy(this); Boolean _folded = folded; if (sender == fbtn) super.wdgmsg(sender, msg, args); if (_folded != folded) { Config.setWindowOpt(name + "_folded", folded); } } public void draw(GOut g) { super.draw(g); if (folded) return; for (int y = 0; y < gsz.y; y++) { for (int x = 0; x < gsz.x; x++) { Coord p = getcoord(x, y); g.image(bg, p); int slot = x + y; if (key == KeyEvent.VK_0) slot = (slot + 1) % 10; Slot s = layout[x + y]; Resource btn = (s == null) ? null : s.getres(); if (btn != null) { Image img = btn.layer(Resource.imgc); if (img != null) { Tex btex = img.tex(); if (s == pressed) { g.chcolor(pressedColor); } if (Config.highlightSkills) g.chcolor(btn.getStateColor()); g.image(btex, p.add(1, 1)); } else { System.out.println(; } } g.aimage(nums[slot], p.add(, 1, 1); g.chcolor(); } } g.chcolor(); Resource res; if ((dragging != null) && ((res = dragging.getres()) != null)) { final Tex dt = res.layer(Resource.imgc).tex(); ui.drawafter(new UI.AfterDraw() { public void draw(GOut g) { g.image(dt,; } }); } g.aimage(beltNums[belt], beltNumC, 1, 1); } private Coord getcoord(int x, int y) { Coord p = xlate(bgsz.mul(new Coord(x, y)), true); if (off.x > 0) if (flipped) { p.x += off.y * (x / off.x); } else { p.y += off.y * (y / off.x); } return p; } public void checkfold() { super.checkfold(); Coord max = new Coord(ssz); if ((folded) && (flipped)) { max.x = 0; recalcsz(max); } placecbtn(); } protected void recalcsz(Coord max) { sz = max.add(wbox.bsz().add(mrgn.mul(2)).add(tlo).add(rbo)).add(-1, -1); wsz = sz.sub(tlo).sub(rbo); if (folded) if (flipped) wsz.x = wsz.x / 2; else wsz.y = wsz.y / 2; asz = wsz.sub(; } public void flip() { flipped = !flipped; gsz = new Coord(gsz.y, gsz.x); mrgn = new Coord(mrgn.y, mrgn.x); pack(); Config.setWindowOpt(name + "_flipped", flipped); } protected void placecbtn() { cbtn.c = new Coord(wsz.x - 3 - Utils.imgsz(cbtni[0]).x, 3).sub(mrgn).sub(wbox.tloff()); if (flipped) { fbtn.c = new Coord(cbtn.c.x, wsz.y - 3 - Utils.imgsz(fbtni[0]).y - mrgn.y - wbox.tloff().y); if (lockbtn != null) lockbtn.c = new Coord(3 - wbox.tloff().x - mrgn.x, cbtn.c.y); if (flipbtn != null) flipbtn.c = new Coord(5 - wbox.tloff().x - mrgn.x, fbtn.c.y); if (plus != null) plus.c = cbtn.c.sub(16, 0); if (minus != null) { minus.c = fbtn.c.sub(16, 0); beltNumC = minus.c.add(plus.c).div(2).add(36, 22); } } else { fbtn.c = new Coord(3 - wbox.tloff().x, cbtn.c.y); if (lockbtn != null) lockbtn.c = new Coord(fbtn.c.x, wsz.y - 21 - mrgn.y - wbox.tloff().y); if (flipbtn != null) flipbtn.c = new Coord(cbtn.c.x - 2, wsz.y - 21 - mrgn.y - wbox.tloff().y); if (plus != null) plus.c = flipbtn.c.sub(0, 16); if (minus != null) { minus.c = lockbtn.c.sub(0, 16); beltNumC = minus.c.add(plus.c).div(2).add(20, 38); } } } public void pack() { ssz = bgsz.mul(gsz); if (off.x > 0) if (flipped) { ssz.x += off.y * ((gsz.x / off.x) - ((gsz.x % off.x == 0) ? 1 : 0)) + 16; } else { ssz.y += off.y * ((gsz.y / off.x) - ((gsz.y % off.x == 0) ? 1 : 0)) + 16; } checkfold(); placecbtn(); } private Slot bhit(Coord c) { int i = index(c); if (i >= 0) return (layout[i]); else return (null); } private int index(Coord c) { for (int y = 0; y < gsz.y; y++) { for (int x = 0; x < gsz.x; x++) { if (c.isect(getcoord(x, y), bgsz)) return x + y; } } return -1; } public boolean mousedown(Coord c, int button) { Slot h = bhit(c); if (button == 1) { if (h != null) { pressed = h; ui.grabmouse(this); } else { super.mousedown(c, button); } } else if ((button == 3) && (!locked)) { clearslot(index(c)); } return (true); } public boolean mouseup(Coord c, int button) { Slot h = bhit(c); if (button == 1) { if (dragging != null) { ui.dropthing(ui.root,, dragging.getres()); dragging = pressed = null; } else if (pressed != null) { if (pressed == h) h.use(); pressed = null; } ui.grabmouse(null); } if (dm) { Config.setWindowOpt(name + "_pos", this.c.toString()); } super.mouseup(c, button); return (true); } public void clearslot(int slot) { if ((slot < 0) || (slot >= layout.length)) { return; } Slot s = layout[slot]; layout[slot] = null; setBeltSlot(slot, ""); if ((s != null) && (s.isitem)) { ui.slen.wdgmsg("belt", s.slot, 3, ui.modflags()); } } public void mousemove(Coord c) { if ((!locked) && (dragging == null) && (pressed != null)) { dragging = pressed; int slot = index(c); if (slot >= 0) { clearslot(slot); } pressed = null; } else { super.mousemove(c); } } public boolean drop(Coord cc, Coord ul) { if (!locked) { int s = getbeltslot(); if (s < 0) { String msg = "No empty item slots!"; ui.cons.out.println(msg); ui.slen.error(msg); } else { int slot = index(cc); if (slot >= 0) { String val = "@" + s; layout[slot] = new Slot(val, belt, slot); ui.slen.wdgmsg("setbelt", s, 0); setbeltslot(belt, slot, val); } } } return (true); } public boolean iteminteract(Coord cc, Coord ul) { return (false); } public boolean dropthing(Coord c, Object thing) { if ((!locked) && (thing instanceof Resource)) { int slot = index(c); if (slot < 0) { return false; } Resource res = (Resource) thing; setBeltSlot(slot,; layout[slot] = new Slot(, belt, slot); return true; } return false; } private void setBeltSlot(int slot, String icon) { setbeltslot(belt, slot, icon); } private Resource curttr = null; private boolean curttl = false; private Text curtt = null; private long hoverstart; public Object tooltip(Coord c, boolean again) { Slot slot = bhit(c); Resource res = (slot == null) ? null : slot.getres(); long now = System.currentTimeMillis(); if ((res != null) && ((res.layer(Resource.action) != null) || (res.layer(Resource.tooltip) != null))) { if (!again) hoverstart = now; boolean ttl = (now - hoverstart) > 500; if ((res != curttr) || (ttl != curttl)) { curtt = rendertt(res, ttl); curttr = res; curttl = ttl; } return (curtt); } else { hoverstart = now; return (""); } } private static Text rendertt(Resource res, boolean withpg) { Resource.AButton ad = res.layer(Resource.action); Resource.Pagina pg = res.layer(Resource.pagina); String tt; if (ad != null) { tt =; } else { tt = res.layer(Resource.tooltip).t; } if (withpg && (pg != null)) { tt += "\n\n" + pg.text; } return (ttfnd.render(tt, 0)); } private boolean checkKey(char ch, KeyEvent ev) { if (!visible) { return false; } int code = ev.getKeyCode(); int slot = code - key; boolean alt = ev.isAltDown(); boolean ctrl = ev.isControlDown(); if (alt && key == KeyEvent.VK_F1) { slot = code - KeyEvent.VK_0; if ((slot > 0) && (slot <= 5)) { loadBelt(slot * 2); return true; } } else if (ctrl && key == KeyEvent.VK_0) { slot = code - KeyEvent.VK_0; if ((slot > 0) && (slot <= 5)) { slot = ((slot - 1) << 1) + 1; loadBelt(slot); return true; } } else if (!alt && !ctrl && (slot >= 0) && (slot < gsz.x * gsz.y)) { if (key == KeyEvent.VK_0) slot = (slot == 0) ? 9 : slot - 1; Slot h = layout[slot]; if (h != null) h.use(); return true; } return false; } public boolean globtype(char ch, KeyEvent ev) { if (!checkKey(ch, ev)) return (super.globtype(ch, ev)); else return true; } public boolean type(char key, KeyEvent ev) { if (key == 27) { wdgmsg(fbtn, "click"); return (true); } if (!checkKey(key, ev)) return (super.type(key, ev)); else return true; } public void removedef(int slot) { for (int i = 0; i < layout.length; i++) { Slot s = layout[i]; if ((s != null) && s.isitem && (s.slot == slot)) { clearslot(i); } } } public static void setbelt(int slot, Indir<Resource> res) { synchronized (defbelt) { defbelt[slot] = res; } if (res == null) { MenuGrid mnu = MaidFrame.getCurrentSession().getUI().mnu; mnu.digitbar.removedef(slot); mnu.functionbar.removedef(slot); mnu.numpadbar.removedef(slot); } } public static Indir<Resource> getbelt(int slot) { Indir<Resource> res; synchronized (defbelt) { res = defbelt[slot]; } return res; } public static int getbeltslot() { synchronized (defbelt) { for (int i = 0; i < defbelt.length; i++) { if (defbelt[i] == null) { return i; } } } return -1; } private void setbeltslot(int belt, int slot, String value) { synchronized (beltsConfig) { beltsConfig.setProperty("belt_" + belt + "_" + slot, value); } saveBelts(); } public static class Slot { public boolean isitem; public String action; public int slot; public Resource res; public int belt, ind; public Slot(String str, int belt, int ind) { this.ind = ind; this.belt = belt; if (str.charAt(0) == '@') { isitem = true; slot = Integer.decode(str.substring(1)); } else { isitem = false; action = str; res = Resource.load(action); } } public Resource getres() { if ((res == null) && (isitem)) { Indir<Resource> indir = getbelt(slot); if (indir == null) { res = null; } else { res = indir.get(); } } return res; } public void use() { UI ui = UI.instance; if (isitem) { if (slot >= 0) { ui.slen.wdgmsg("belt", slot, 1, ui.modflags()); } } else if (ui.mnu != null) { ui.mnu.use(res); } } } }