package com.num.models; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.HashMap; import org.json.JSONArray; import org.json.JSONException; import org.json.JSONObject; import com.num.database.DatabaseOutput; import com.num.database.datasource.LatencyDataSource; import com.num.database.datasource.ThroughputDataSource; import com.num.graph.PingGraph; import com.num.utils.DeviceUtil; import com.num.utils.SHA1Util; import com.num.R; import android.content.Context; public class Measurement implements MainModel{ ArrayList<Ping> pings; ArrayList<LastMile> lastMiles; Device device; Network network; Sim sim; Throughput throughput; Loss loss; Ipdv ipdv; WarmupExperiment warmupExperiment; public boolean isComplete = false; ArrayList<Screen> screens = new ArrayList<Screen>(); boolean isManual = false; private static String DESCRIPTION = "Details of delay in milliseconds experienced on the network for the different destination servers"; public ArrayList<LastMile> getLastMiles() { return lastMiles; } public void setLastMiles(ArrayList<LastMile> lastMiles) { this.lastMiles = lastMiles; } public String getDescription() { return DESCRIPTION; } public boolean isManual() { return isManual; } public void setManual(boolean isManual) { this.isManual = isManual; } public ArrayList<Screen> getScreens() { return screens; } public void setScreens(ArrayList<Screen> screens) { this.screens = screens; } GPS gps; State state; public State getState() { return state; } public void setState(State state) { this.state = state; } String time; String localTime; public String getLocalTime() { return localTime; } public void setLocalTime(String localTime) { this.localTime = localTime; } String deviceId; Usage usage; Battery battery; Wifi wifi; public Wifi getWifi() { return wifi; } public void setWifi(Wifi wifi) { this.wifi = wifi; } public Battery getBattery() { return battery; } public void setBattery(Battery battery) { this.battery = battery; } public Usage getUsage() { return usage; } public void setUsage(Usage usage) { this.usage = usage; } public Device getDevice() { return device; } public void setDevice(Device device) { this.device = device; } public Network getNetwork() { return network; } public void setNetwork(Network network) { = network; } public Sim getSim() { return sim; } public void setSim(Sim sim) { this.sim = sim; } public Throughput getThroughput() { return throughput; } public void setThroughput(Throughput throughput) { this.throughput = throughput; } public String getTime() { return time; } public void setTime(String time) { this.time = time; } public WarmupExperiment getWarmupExperiment() { return warmupExperiment; } public void setWarmupExperiment(WarmupExperiment warmupExperiment) { this.warmupExperiment = warmupExperiment; } public String getDeviceId() { return deviceId; } public void setDeviceId(String deviceId) { this.deviceId = deviceId; } public ArrayList<Ping> getPings() { return pings; } public void setPings(ArrayList<Ping> pings) { this.pings = pings; } public Measurement() { throughput = new Throughput(); device = new Device(); gps = new GPS(); } public GPS getGps() { return gps; } public void setGps(GPS gps) { this.gps = gps; } public JSONObject toJSON() { JSONObject obj = new JSONObject(); try { putSafe(obj,"time", time); putSafe(obj,"localtime",localTime); putSafe(obj,"deviceid", SHA1Util.SHA1(deviceId)); JSONArray array = new JSONArray(); try{ for(Ping p: pings){ array.put(p.toJSON()); } } catch(Exception e){ } putSafe(obj,"pings", array); JSONArray tmparray = new JSONArray(); try{ for(LastMile p: lastMiles){ tmparray.put(p.toJSON()); } } catch(Exception e) { } putSafe(obj,"lastmiles", tmparray); JSONArray array2 = new JSONArray(); for(Screen s: screens){ array2.put(s.toJSON()); } putSafe(obj,"screens", array2); putSafe(obj,"device",device.toJSON()); putSafe(obj,"throughput",throughput.toJSON()); putSafe(obj,"gps",gps.toJSON()); putSafe(obj,"battery", battery.toJSON()); putSafe(obj,"usage",usage.toJSON()); putSafe(obj,"network",network.toJSON()); putSafe(obj,"warmup_experiment",warmupExperiment.toJSON()); putSafe(obj,"sim",sim.toJSON()); if(wifi!=null) putSafe(obj,"wifi", wifi.toJSON()); putSafe(obj,"state",state.toJSON()); if(isManual) putSafe(obj, "isManual", 1); else putSafe(obj, "isManual", 0); if(loss!=null) putSafe(obj, "loss", loss.toJSON()); if(ipdv!=null) putSafe(obj, "delay_variation", ipdv.toJSON()); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } return obj; } public void putSafe(JSONObject obj,String key,Object text){ try { obj.put(key,text); } catch (JSONException e) { } } public String getTitle() { return "Latency"; } public ArrayList<Row> getDisplayData(Context context){ ArrayList<Row> data = new ArrayList<Row>(); try{ data.add(new Row("ROUND TRIP")); int pingMax = 1; for(Ping p: pings) pingMax = Math.max((int)p.measure.getAverage(), pingMax); pingMax*=1.2; for(Ping p: pings){ ArrayList<String> str = new ArrayList<String>(); if (p != null) { if (p.measure != null) { if(p.getDst().getTagname().equals("localhost")) continue; try { data.add(new Row(new PingGraph(p, pingMax))); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } } } } catch (Exception e) { ClientLog.log(context, e, "Measurement Display"); } /*data.add(new Row("FIRST HOP")); for(LastMile p: lastMiles){ ArrayList<String> str = new ArrayList<String>(); if (p != null) { if (p.measure != null) { try { if(p.getDst().getTagname().equals("localhost")) continue; data.add(new Row(p.getDst().getTagname(),(int)p.measure.getAverage()*100/pingMax,((int)p.measure.getAverage()) +" ms")); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } } } if(isComplete) { data.add(new Row("GRAPHS")); LatencyDataSource dataSource = new LatencyDataSource(context); String connection = DeviceUtil.getNetworkInfo(context); HashMap<String,ArrayList<GraphPoint>> graphPoints = dataSource.getGraphData(); GraphData graphdata = new GraphData(graphPoints.get("ping")); graphdata.setxAxisTitle("Historical trend of Roundtrip tests for " + connection); data.add(new Row(graphdata)); //GraphData graphdata2 = new GraphData(graphPoints.get("firsthop")); //graphdata2.setxAxisTitle("Historical trend of FirstHop tests for " + connection); //data.add(new Row(graphdata2)); }*/ return data; } public int getIcon() { return R.drawable.png; } public void setLoss(Loss loss) { this.loss = loss; this.ipdv = loss.ipdv; } }