/* * Copyright (C) 2009 Android Shuffle Open Source Project * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package org.dodgybits.shuffle.android.preference.model; import android.content.Context; import android.content.SharedPreferences; import android.preference.PreferenceManager; import android.util.Log; public class Preferences { private static final String cTag = "Preferences"; public static final String FIRST_TIME = "first_time"; public static final String SCREEN_KEY = "screen"; public static final String DELETE_COMPLETED_PERIOD_KEY = "delete_complete_period_str"; public static final String LAST_DELETE_COMPLETED_KEY = "last_delete_completed"; public static final String LAST_INBOX_CLEAN_KEY = "last_inbox_clean"; public static final String DISPLAY_CONTEXT_ICON_KEY = "display_context_icon"; public static final String DISPLAY_CONTEXT_NAME_KEY = "display_context_name"; public static final String DISPLAY_PROJECT_KEY = "display_project"; public static final String DISPLAY_DETAILS_KEY = "display_details"; public static final String DISPLAY_DUE_DATE_KEY = "display_due_date"; public static final String PROJECT_VIEW_KEY = "project_view"; public static final String CONTEXT_VIEW_KEY = "context_view"; public static final String TOP_LEVEL_COUNTS_KEY = "top_level_counts"; public static final String CALENDAR_ID_KEY = "calendar_id"; public static final String DEFAULT_REMINDER_KEY = "default_reminder"; public static final String KEY_DEFAULT_REMINDER = "default_reminder"; public static final String TRACKS_URL = "tracks_url"; public static final String TRACKS_USER = "tracks_user"; public static final String TRACKS_PASSWORD = "tracks_password"; public static final String TRACKS_INTERVAL = "tracks_interval"; public static final String WIDGET_QUERY_PREFIX = "widget_query_"; public static boolean validateTracksSettings(Context context) { String url = getTracksUrl(context); String password = getTracksPassword(context); String user = getTracksUser(context); return user.length() != 0 && password.length() != 0 && url.length() != 0; } public static int getTracksInterval(Context context) { getSharedPreferences(context); return sPrefs.getInt(TRACKS_INTERVAL, 0); } public enum DeleteCompletedPeriod { hourly, daily, weekly, never } private static SharedPreferences sPrefs = null; private static SharedPreferences getSharedPreferences(Context context) { if (sPrefs == null) { sPrefs = PreferenceManager.getDefaultSharedPreferences(context); } return sPrefs; } public static boolean isFirstTime(Context context) { getSharedPreferences(context); return sPrefs.getBoolean(FIRST_TIME, true); } public static String getTracksUrl(Context context) { getSharedPreferences(context); return sPrefs.getString(TRACKS_URL, context.getString(org.dodgybits.android.shuffle.R.string.tracks_url_settings)); } public static String getTracksUser(Context context) { getSharedPreferences(context); return sPrefs.getString(TRACKS_USER, ""); } public static String getTracksPassword(Context context) { getSharedPreferences(context); return sPrefs.getString(TRACKS_PASSWORD, ""); } public static String getDeleteCompletedPeriod(Context context) { getSharedPreferences(context); return sPrefs.getString(DELETE_COMPLETED_PERIOD_KEY, DeleteCompletedPeriod.never.name()); } public static long getLastDeleteCompleted(Context context) { getSharedPreferences(context); return sPrefs.getLong(LAST_DELETE_COMPLETED_KEY, 0L); } public static long getLastInboxClean(Context context) { getSharedPreferences(context); return sPrefs.getLong(LAST_INBOX_CLEAN_KEY, 0L); } public static int getDefaultReminderMinutes(Context context) { getSharedPreferences(context); String durationString = sPrefs.getString(Preferences.DEFAULT_REMINDER_KEY, "0"); return Integer.parseInt(durationString); } public static Boolean isProjectViewExpandable(Context context) { getSharedPreferences(context); return !sPrefs.getBoolean(PROJECT_VIEW_KEY, false); } public static Boolean isContextViewExpandable(Context context) { getSharedPreferences(context); return !sPrefs.getBoolean(CONTEXT_VIEW_KEY, true); } public static boolean displayContextIcon(Context context) { getSharedPreferences(context); return sPrefs.getBoolean(DISPLAY_CONTEXT_ICON_KEY, true); } public static boolean displayContextName(Context context) { getSharedPreferences(context); return sPrefs.getBoolean(DISPLAY_CONTEXT_NAME_KEY, true); } public static boolean displayDueDate(Context context) { getSharedPreferences(context); return sPrefs.getBoolean(DISPLAY_DUE_DATE_KEY, true); } public static boolean displayProject(Context context) { getSharedPreferences(context); return sPrefs.getBoolean(DISPLAY_PROJECT_KEY, true); } public static boolean displayDetails(Context context) { getSharedPreferences(context); return sPrefs.getBoolean(DISPLAY_DETAILS_KEY, true); } public static int[] getTopLevelCounts(Context context) { getSharedPreferences(context); String countString = sPrefs.getString(Preferences.TOP_LEVEL_COUNTS_KEY, null); int[] result = null; if (countString != null) { String[] counts = countString.split(","); result = new int[counts.length]; for(int i = 0; i < counts.length; i++) { result[i] = Integer.parseInt(counts[i]); } } return result; } public static int getCalendarId(Context context) { getSharedPreferences(context); int id = 1; String calendarIdStr = sPrefs.getString(CALENDAR_ID_KEY, null); if (calendarIdStr != null) { try { id = Integer.parseInt(calendarIdStr, 10); } catch (NumberFormatException e) { Log.e(cTag, "Failed to parse calendar id: " + e.getMessage()); } } return id; } public static String getWidgetQueryKey(int widgetId) { return WIDGET_QUERY_PREFIX + widgetId; } public static String getWidgetQuery(Context context, String key) { getSharedPreferences(context); return sPrefs.getString(key, null); } public static SharedPreferences.Editor getEditor(Context context) { getSharedPreferences(context); return sPrefs.edit(); } public static void cleanUpInbox(Context context) { SharedPreferences.Editor ed = getEditor(context); ed.putLong(LAST_INBOX_CLEAN_KEY, System.currentTimeMillis()); ed.commit(); } }