package; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.List; import java.util.Locale; import java.util.StringTokenizer; import; import android.content.Context; import; import; import; import; import; import; import android.util.Log; public class FfmpegController { private String mFfmpegBin; private final static String TAG = "FFMPEG"; private File mFileTemp; private String mCmdCat = "sh cat"; public FfmpegController(Context context, File fileTemp) throws FileNotFoundException, IOException { mFileTemp = fileTemp; installBinaries(context, false); } public void installBinaries(Context context, boolean overwrite) { mFfmpegBin = installBinary(context, R.raw.ffmpeg, "ffmpeg", overwrite); } public String getBinaryPath () { return mFfmpegBin; } private static String installBinary(Context ctx, int resId, String filename, boolean upgrade) { try { File f = new File(ctx.getDir("bin", 0), filename); if (f.exists()) { f.delete(); } copyRawFile(ctx, resId, f, "0755"); return f.getCanonicalPath(); } catch (Exception e) { Log.e(TAG, "installBinary failed: " + e.getLocalizedMessage()); return null; } } /** * Copies a raw resource file, given its ID to the given location * @param ctx context * @param resid resource id * @param file destination file * @param mode file permissions (E.g.: "755") * @throws IOException on error * @throws InterruptedException when interrupted */ private static void copyRawFile(Context ctx, int resid, File file, String mode) throws IOException, InterruptedException { final String abspath = file.getAbsolutePath(); // Write the iptables binary final FileOutputStream out = new FileOutputStream(file); final InputStream is = ctx.getResources().openRawResource(resid); byte buf[] = new byte[1024]; int len; while ((len = > 0) { out.write(buf, 0, len); } out.close(); is.close(); // Change the permissions Runtime.getRuntime().exec("chmod "+mode+" "+abspath).waitFor(); } private void execFFMPEG (List<String> cmd, ShellCallback sc, File fileExec) throws IOException, InterruptedException { enablePermissions(); execProcess (cmd, sc, fileExec); } private void enablePermissions () throws IOException { Runtime.getRuntime().exec("chmod 700 " + mFfmpegBin); } private void execFFMPEG (List<String> cmd, ShellCallback sc) throws IOException, InterruptedException { execFFMPEG (cmd, sc, new File(mFfmpegBin).getParentFile()); } private int execProcess(List<String> cmds, ShellCallback sc, File fileExec) throws IOException, InterruptedException { //ensure that the arguments are in the correct Locale format for (String cmd :cmds) { cmd = String.format(Locale.US, "%s", cmd); } ProcessBuilder pb = new ProcessBuilder(cmds);; StringBuffer cmdlog = new StringBuffer(); for (String cmd : cmds) { cmdlog.append(cmd); cmdlog.append(' '); } sc.shellOut(cmdlog.toString()); //pb.redirectErrorStream(true); Process process = pb.start(); // any error message? StreamGobbler errorGobbler = new StreamGobbler( process.getErrorStream(), "ERROR", sc); // any output? StreamGobbler outputGobbler = new StreamGobbler(process.getInputStream(), "OUTPUT", sc); errorGobbler.start(); outputGobbler.start(); int exitVal = process.waitFor(); sc.processComplete(exitVal); return exitVal; } private int execProcess(String cmd, ShellCallback sc, File fileExec) throws IOException, InterruptedException { //ensure that the argument is in the correct Locale format cmd = String.format(Locale.US, "%s", cmd); ProcessBuilder pb = new ProcessBuilder(cmd);; // pb.redirectErrorStream(true); Process process = pb.start(); // any error message? StreamGobbler errorGobbler = new StreamGobbler(process.getErrorStream(), "ERROR", sc); // any output? StreamGobbler outputGobbler = new StreamGobbler(process.getInputStream(), "OUTPUT", sc); // kick them off errorGobbler.start(); outputGobbler.start(); int exitVal = process.waitFor(); sc.processComplete(exitVal); return exitVal; } public class Argument { String key; String value; public static final String VIDEOCODEC = "-vcodec"; public static final String AUDIOCODEC = "-acodec"; public static final String VIDEOBITSTREAMFILTER = "-vbsf"; public static final String AUDIOBITSTREAMFILTER = "-absf"; public static final String VERBOSITY = "-v"; public static final String FILE_INPUT = "-i"; public static final String SIZE = "-s"; public static final String FRAMERATE = "-r"; public static final String FORMAT = "-f"; public static final String BITRATE_VIDEO = "-b:v"; public static final String BITRATE_AUDIO = "-b:a"; public static final String CHANNELS_AUDIO = "-ac"; public static final String FREQ_AUDIO = "-ar"; public static final String STARTTIME = "-ss"; public static final String DURATION = "-t"; } public void processVideo(Clip in, Clip out, boolean enableExperimental, ShellCallback sc) throws Exception { ArrayList<String> cmd = new ArrayList<String>(); cmd.add(mFfmpegBin); cmd.add("-y"); if (in.format != null) { cmd.add(Argument.FORMAT); cmd.add(in.format); } if (in.videoCodec != null) { cmd.add(Argument.VIDEOCODEC); cmd.add(in.videoCodec); } if (in.audioCodec != null) { cmd.add(Argument.AUDIOCODEC); cmd.add(in.audioCodec); } cmd.add("-i"); cmd.add(new File(in.path).getCanonicalPath()); if (out.videoBitrate > 0) { cmd.add(Argument.BITRATE_VIDEO); cmd.add(out.videoBitrate + "k"); } if (out.width > 0) { cmd.add(Argument.SIZE); cmd.add(out.width + "x" + out.height); } if (out.videoFps != null) { cmd.add(Argument.FRAMERATE); cmd.add(out.videoFps); } if (out.videoCodec != null) { cmd.add(Argument.VIDEOCODEC); cmd.add(out.videoCodec); } if (out.videoBitStreamFilter != null) { cmd.add(Argument.VIDEOBITSTREAMFILTER); cmd.add(out.videoBitStreamFilter); } if (out.videoFilter != null) { cmd.add("-vf"); cmd.add(out.videoFilter); } if (out.audioCodec != null) { cmd.add(Argument.AUDIOCODEC); cmd.add(out.audioCodec); } if (out.audioBitStreamFilter != null) { cmd.add(Argument.AUDIOBITSTREAMFILTER); cmd.add(out.audioBitStreamFilter); } if (out.audioChannels > 0) { cmd.add(Argument.CHANNELS_AUDIO); cmd.add(out.audioChannels+""); } if (out.audioBitrate > 0) { cmd.add(Argument.BITRATE_AUDIO); cmd.add(out.audioBitrate + "k"); } if (out.format != null) { cmd.add("-f"); cmd.add(out.format); } if (out.duration > 0) { cmd.add(Argument.DURATION); cmd.add(out.duration); } if (enableExperimental) { cmd.add("-strict"); cmd.add("-2");//experimental } cmd.add(new File(out.path).getCanonicalPath()); execFFMPEG(cmd, sc); } public Clip createSlideshowFromImagesAndAudio (ArrayList<Clip> images, Clip audio, Clip out, int durationPerSlide, ShellCallback sc) throws Exception { final String imageBasePath = new File(mFileTemp,"image-").getCanonicalPath(); final String imageBaseVariablePath = imageBasePath + "%03d.jpg"; ArrayList<String> cmd = new ArrayList<String>(); String newImagePath = null; int imageCounter = 0; Clip imageCover = images.get(0); //add the first image twice cmd = new ArrayList<String>(); cmd.add(mFfmpegBin); cmd.add("-y"); cmd.add("-i"); cmd.add(new File(imageCover.path).getCanonicalPath()); if (out.width != -1 && out.height != -1) { cmd.add("-s"); cmd.add(out.width + "x" + out.height); } newImagePath = imageBasePath + String.format(Locale.US, "%03d", imageCounter++) + ".jpg"; cmd.add(newImagePath); execFFMPEG(cmd, sc); for (Clip image : images) { cmd = new ArrayList<String>(); cmd.add(mFfmpegBin); cmd.add("-y"); cmd.add("-i"); cmd.add(new File(image.path).getCanonicalPath()); if (out.width != -1 && out.height != -1) { cmd.add("-s"); cmd.add(out.width + "x" + out.height); } newImagePath = imageBasePath + String.format(Locale.US, "%03d", imageCounter++) + ".jpg"; cmd.add(newImagePath); execFFMPEG(cmd, sc); } //then combine them cmd = new ArrayList<String>(); cmd.add(mFfmpegBin); cmd.add("-y"); cmd.add("-loop"); cmd.add("0"); cmd.add("-f"); cmd.add("image2"); cmd.add("-r"); cmd.add("1/" + durationPerSlide); cmd.add("-i"); cmd.add(imageBaseVariablePath); cmd.add("-strict"); cmd.add("-2");//experimental String fileTempMpg = new File(mFileTemp,"tmp.mpg").getCanonicalPath(); cmd.add(fileTempMpg); execFFMPEG(cmd, sc); //now combine and encode cmd = new ArrayList<String>(); cmd.add(mFfmpegBin); cmd.add("-y"); cmd.add("-i"); cmd.add(fileTempMpg); if (audio != null && audio.path != null) { cmd.add("-i"); cmd.add(new File(audio.path).getCanonicalPath()); cmd.add("-map"); cmd.add("0:0"); cmd.add("-map"); cmd.add("1:0"); cmd.add(Argument.AUDIOCODEC); cmd.add("aac"); cmd.add(Argument.BITRATE_AUDIO); cmd.add("128k"); } cmd.add("-strict"); cmd.add("-2");//experimental cmd.add(Argument.VIDEOCODEC); if (out.videoCodec != null) cmd.add(out.videoCodec); else cmd.add("mpeg4"); if (out.videoBitrate != -1) { cmd.add(Argument.BITRATE_VIDEO); cmd.add(out.videoBitrate + "k"); } cmd.add(new File(out.path).getCanonicalPath()); execFFMPEG(cmd, sc); return out; } /* * ffmpeg -y -loop 0 -f image2 -r 0.5 -i image-%03d.jpg -s:v 1280x720 -b:v 1M \ -i soundtrack.mp3 -t 01:05:00 -map 0:0 -map 1:0 out.avi -loop_input – loops the images. Disable this if you want to stop the encoding when all images are used or the soundtrack is finished. -r 0.5 – sets the framerate to 0.5, which means that each image will be shown for 2 seconds. Just take the inverse, for example if you want each image to last for 3 seconds, set it to 0.33. -i image-%03d.jpg – use these input files. %03d means that there will be three digit numbers for the images. -s 1280x720 – sets the output frame size. -b 1M – sets the bitrate. You want 500MB for one hour, which equals to 4000MBit in 3600 seconds, thus a bitrate of approximately 1MBit/s should be sufficient. -i soundtrack.mp3 – use this soundtrack file. Can be any format. -t 01:05:00 – set the output length in hh:mm:ss format. out.avi – create this output file. Change it as you like, for example using another container like MP4. */ public Clip combineAudioAndVideo (Clip videoIn, Clip audioIn, Clip out, ShellCallback sc) throws Exception { ArrayList<String> cmd = new ArrayList<String>(); cmd.add(mFfmpegBin); cmd.add("-y"); cmd.add("-i"); cmd.add(new File(videoIn.path).getCanonicalPath()); cmd.add("-i"); cmd.add(new File(audioIn.path).getCanonicalPath()); cmd.add("-strict"); cmd.add("-2");//experimental cmd.add(Argument.AUDIOCODEC); if (out.audioCodec != null) cmd.add(out.audioCodec); else { cmd.add("copy"); } cmd.add(Argument.VIDEOCODEC); if (out.videoCodec != null) cmd.add(out.videoCodec); else { cmd.add("copy"); } if (out.videoBitrate != -1) { cmd.add(Argument.BITRATE_VIDEO); cmd.add(out.videoBitrate + "k"); } if (out.videoFps != null) { cmd.add(Argument.FRAMERATE); cmd.add(out.videoFps); } if (out.audioBitrate != -1) { cmd.add(Argument.BITRATE_AUDIO); cmd.add(out.audioBitrate + "k"); } cmd.add("-y"); cmd.add("-cutoff"); cmd.add("15000"); if (out.width > 0) { cmd.add(Argument.SIZE); cmd.add(out.width + "x" + out.height); } if (out.format != null) { cmd.add("-f"); cmd.add(out.format); } File fileOut = new File(out.path); cmd.add(fileOut.getCanonicalPath()); execFFMPEG(cmd, sc); return out; } public Clip convertImageToMP4 (Clip mediaIn, int duration, String outPath, ShellCallback sc) throws Exception { Clip result = new Clip (); ArrayList<String> cmd = new ArrayList<String>(); // ffmpeg -loop 1 -i IMG_1338.jpg -t 10 -r 29.97 -s 640x480 -qscale 5 test.mp4 cmd = new ArrayList<String>(); //convert images to MP4 cmd.add(mFfmpegBin); cmd.add("-y"); cmd.add("-loop"); cmd.add("1"); cmd.add("-i"); cmd.add(new File(mediaIn.path).getCanonicalPath()); cmd.add(Argument.FRAMERATE); cmd.add(mediaIn.videoFps); cmd.add("-t"); cmd.add(duration + ""); cmd.add("-qscale"); cmd.add("5"); //a good value 1 is best 30 is worst if (mediaIn.width != -1) { cmd.add(Argument.SIZE); cmd.add(mediaIn.width + "x" + mediaIn.height); // cmd.add("-vf"); // cmd.add("\"scale=-1:" + mediaIn.width + "\""); } if (mediaIn.videoBitrate != -1) { cmd.add(Argument.BITRATE_VIDEO); cmd.add(mediaIn.videoBitrate + ""); } // -ar 44100 -acodec pcm_s16le -f s16le -ac 2 -i /dev/zero -acodec aac -ab 128k \ // -map 0:0 -map 1:0 result.path = outPath; result.videoBitrate = mediaIn.videoBitrate; result.videoFps = mediaIn.videoFps; result.mimeType = "video/mp4"; cmd.add(new File(result.path).getCanonicalPath()); execFFMPEG(cmd, sc); return result; } //based on this gist: //ffmpeg -i input1.mp4 -vcodec copy -vbsf h264_mp4toannexb -acodec copy part1.ts //ffmpeg -i input2.mp4 -c copy -bsf:v h264_mp4toannexb -f mpegts intermediate2.ts public Clip convertToMP4Stream (Clip mediaIn, String startTime, double duration, String outPath, ShellCallback sc) throws Exception { ArrayList<String> cmd = new ArrayList<String>(); Clip mediaOut = new Clip(); mediaOut.path = outPath; String mediaPath = new File(mediaIn.path).getCanonicalPath(); cmd = new ArrayList<String>(); cmd.add(mFfmpegBin); cmd.add("-y"); if (startTime != null) { cmd.add(Argument.STARTTIME); cmd.add(startTime); } if (duration != -1) { cmd.add(Argument.DURATION); double dValue = mediaIn.duration; int hours = (int)(dValue/3600f); dValue -= (hours*3600); cmd.add("0"); cmd.add(String.format(Locale.US,"%s",hours)); cmd.add(":"); int min = (int)(dValue/60f); dValue -= (min*60); cmd.add("0"); cmd.add(String.format(Locale.US,"%s",min)); cmd.add(":"); cmd.add(String.format(Locale.US,"%f",dValue)); //cmd.add("00:00:" + String.format(Locale.US,"%f",mediaIn.duration)); } cmd.add("-i"); cmd.add(mediaPath); cmd.add("-f"); cmd.add("mpegts"); cmd.add("-c"); cmd.add("copy"); cmd.add("-an"); //cmd.add(Argument.VIDEOBITSTREAMFILTER); cmd.add("-bsf:v"); cmd.add("h264_mp4toannexb"); File fileOut = new File(mediaOut.path); mediaOut.path = fileOut.getCanonicalPath(); cmd.add(mediaOut.path); execFFMPEG(cmd, sc); return mediaOut; } public Clip convertToWaveAudio (Clip mediaIn, String outPath, int sampleRate, int channels, ShellCallback sc) throws Exception { ArrayList<String> cmd = new ArrayList<String>(); cmd.add(mFfmpegBin); cmd.add("-y"); if (mediaIn.startTime != null) { cmd.add("-ss"); cmd.add(mediaIn.startTime); } if (mediaIn.duration != -1) { cmd.add("-t"); cmd.add(String.format(Locale.US,"%f",mediaIn.duration)); } cmd.add("-i"); cmd.add(new File(mediaIn.path).getCanonicalPath()); cmd.add("-ar"); cmd.add(sampleRate + ""); cmd.add("-ac"); cmd.add(channels + ""); cmd.add("-vn"); Clip mediaOut = new Clip(); File fileOut = new File(outPath); mediaOut.path = fileOut.getCanonicalPath(); cmd.add(mediaOut.path); execFFMPEG(cmd, sc); return mediaOut; } public Clip convertTo3GPAudio (Clip mediaIn, Clip mediaOut, ShellCallback sc) throws Exception { ArrayList<String> cmd = new ArrayList<String>(); cmd.add(mFfmpegBin); cmd.add("-y"); cmd.add("-i"); cmd.add(new File(mediaIn.path).getCanonicalPath()); if (mediaIn.startTime != null) { cmd.add("-ss"); cmd.add(mediaIn.startTime); } if (mediaIn.duration != -1) { cmd.add("-t"); cmd.add(String.format(Locale.US,"%f",mediaIn.duration)); } cmd.add("-vn"); if (mediaOut.audioCodec != null) { cmd.add("-acodec"); cmd.add(mediaOut.audioCodec); } if (mediaOut.audioBitrate != -1) { cmd.add("-ab"); cmd.add(mediaOut.audioBitrate + "k"); } cmd.add("-strict"); cmd.add("-2"); File fileOut = new File(mediaOut.path); cmd.add(fileOut.getCanonicalPath()); execFFMPEG(cmd, sc); return mediaOut; } public Clip convert (Clip mediaIn, String outPath, ShellCallback sc) throws Exception { ArrayList<String> cmd = new ArrayList<String>(); cmd.add(mFfmpegBin); cmd.add("-y"); cmd.add("-i"); cmd.add(new File(mediaIn.path).getCanonicalPath()); if (mediaIn.startTime != null) { cmd.add("-ss"); cmd.add(mediaIn.startTime); } if (mediaIn.duration != -1) { cmd.add("-t"); cmd.add(String.format(Locale.US,"%f",mediaIn.duration)); } Clip mediaOut = new Clip(); File fileOut = new File(outPath); mediaOut.path = fileOut.getCanonicalPath(); cmd.add(mediaOut.path); execFFMPEG(cmd, sc); return mediaOut; } public Clip convertToMPEG (Clip mediaIn, String outPath, ShellCallback sc) throws Exception { ArrayList<String> cmd = new ArrayList<String>(); cmd.add(mFfmpegBin); cmd.add("-y"); cmd.add("-i"); cmd.add(new File(mediaIn.path).getCanonicalPath()); if (mediaIn.startTime != null) { cmd.add("-ss"); cmd.add(mediaIn.startTime); } if (mediaIn.duration != -1) { cmd.add("-t"); cmd.add(String.format(Locale.US,"%f",mediaIn.duration)); } //cmd.add("-strict"); //cmd.add("experimental"); //everything to mpeg cmd.add("-f"); cmd.add("mpeg"); Clip mediaOut = mediaIn.clone(); File fileOut = new File(outPath); mediaOut.path = fileOut.getCanonicalPath(); cmd.add(mediaOut.path); execFFMPEG(cmd, sc); return mediaOut; } public void concatAndTrimFilesMPEG (ArrayList<Clip> videos,Clip out, boolean preConvert, ShellCallback sc) throws Exception { int idx = 0; if (preConvert) { for (Clip mdesc : videos) { if (mdesc.path == null) continue; //extract MPG video ArrayList<String> cmd = new ArrayList<String>(); cmd.add(mFfmpegBin); cmd.add("-y"); cmd.add("-i"); cmd.add(mdesc.path); if (mdesc.startTime != null) { cmd.add("-ss"); cmd.add(mdesc.startTime); } if (mdesc.duration != -1) { cmd.add("-t"); cmd.add(String.format(Locale.US,"%f",mdesc.duration)); } /* cmd.add ("-acodec"); cmd.add("pcm_s16le"); cmd.add ("-vcodec"); cmd.add("mpeg2video"); */ if (out.audioCodec == null) cmd.add("-an"); //no audio //cmd.add("-strict"); //cmd.add("experimental"); //everything to mpeg cmd.add("-f"); cmd.add("mpeg"); cmd.add(out.path + '.' + idx + ".mpg"); execFFMPEG(cmd, sc); idx++; } } StringBuffer cmdRun = new StringBuffer(); cmdRun.append(mCmdCat); idx = 0; for (Clip vdesc : videos) { if (vdesc.path == null) continue; if (preConvert) cmdRun.append(out.path).append('.').append(idx++).append(".mpg").append(' '); //leave a space at the end! else cmdRun.append(vdesc.path).append(' '); } String mCatPath = out.path + ".full.mpg"; cmdRun.append("> "); cmdRun.append(mCatPath); String[] cmds = {"sh","-c",cmdRun.toString()}; Runtime.getRuntime().exec(cmds).waitFor(); Clip mInCat = new Clip(); mInCat.path = mCatPath; processVideo(mInCat, out, false, sc); out.path = mCatPath; } public void extractAudio (Clip mdesc, String audioFormat, File audioOutPath, ShellCallback sc) throws IOException, InterruptedException { //no just extract the audio ArrayList<String> cmd = new ArrayList<String>(); cmd.add(mFfmpegBin); cmd.add("-y"); cmd.add("-i"); cmd.add(new File(mdesc.path).getCanonicalPath()); cmd.add("-vn"); if (mdesc.startTime != null) { cmd.add("-ss"); cmd.add(mdesc.startTime); } if (mdesc.duration != -1) { cmd.add("-t"); cmd.add(String.format(Locale.US,"%f",mdesc.duration)); } cmd.add("-f"); cmd.add(audioFormat); //wav //everything to WAV! cmd.add(audioOutPath.getCanonicalPath()); execFFMPEG(cmd, sc); } private class FileMover { InputStream inputStream; File destination; public FileMover(InputStream _inputStream, File _destination) { inputStream = _inputStream; destination = _destination; } public void moveIt() throws IOException { OutputStream destinationOut = new BufferedOutputStream(new FileOutputStream(destination)); int numRead; byte[] buf = new byte[1024]; while ((numRead = ) >= 0) { destinationOut.write(buf, 0, numRead); } destinationOut.flush(); destinationOut.close(); } } public int killVideoProcessor (boolean asRoot, boolean waitFor) throws IOException { int killDelayMs = 300; int result = -1; int procId = -1; while ((procId = ShellUtils.findProcessId(mFfmpegBin)) != -1) { // Log.d(TAG, "Found PID=" + procId + " - killing now..."); String[] cmd = { ShellUtils.SHELL_CMD_KILL + ' ' + procId + "" }; try { result = ShellUtils.doShellCommand(cmd,new ShellCallback () { @Override public void shellOut(String msg) { } @Override public void processComplete(int exitValue) { } }, asRoot, waitFor); Thread.sleep(killDelayMs); } catch (Exception e){} } return result; } public Clip trim (Clip mediaIn, boolean withSound, String outPath, ShellCallback sc) throws Exception { ArrayList<String> cmd = new ArrayList<String>(); Clip mediaOut = new Clip(); String mediaPath = mediaIn.path; cmd = new ArrayList<String>(); cmd.add(mFfmpegBin); cmd.add("-y"); if (mediaIn.startTime != null) { cmd.add(Argument.STARTTIME); cmd.add(mediaIn.startTime); } if (mediaIn.duration != -1) { cmd.add("-t"); cmd.add(String.format(Locale.US,"%f",mediaIn.duration)); } cmd.add("-i"); cmd.add(mediaPath); if (!withSound) cmd.add("-an"); cmd.add("-strict"); cmd.add("-2");//experimental mediaOut.path = outPath; cmd.add(mediaOut.path); execFFMPEG(cmd, sc); return mediaOut; } public void concatAndTrimFilesMP4Stream (ArrayList<Clip> videos,Clip out, boolean preconvertClipsToMP4, boolean useCatCmd, ShellCallback sc) throws Exception { File fileExportOut = new File(out.path); StringBuffer sbCat = new StringBuffer(); int tmpIdx = 0; for (Clip vdesc : videos) { Clip mdOut = null; if (preconvertClipsToMP4) { File fileOut = new File(mFileTemp,tmpIdx + "-trim.mp4"); if (fileOut.exists()) fileOut.delete(); boolean withSound = false; mdOut = trim(vdesc,withSound,fileOut.getCanonicalPath(), sc); fileOut = new File(mFileTemp,tmpIdx + ".ts"); if (fileOut.exists()) fileOut.delete(); mdOut = convertToMP4Stream(mdOut,null,-1,fileOut.getCanonicalPath(), sc); } else { File fileOut = new File(mFileTemp,tmpIdx + ".ts"); if (fileOut.exists()) fileOut.delete(); mdOut = convertToMP4Stream(vdesc,vdesc.startTime,vdesc.duration,fileOut.getCanonicalPath(), sc); } if (mdOut != null) { if (sbCat.length()>0) sbCat.append("|"); sbCat.append(new File(mdOut.path).getCanonicalPath()); tmpIdx++; } } File fileExportOutTs = new File(fileExportOut.getCanonicalPath() + ".ts"); if (useCatCmd) { //cat 0.ts 1.ts > foo.ts StringBuffer cmdBuff = new StringBuffer(); cmdBuff.append(mCmdCat); cmdBuff.append(" "); StringTokenizer st = new StringTokenizer(sbCat.toString(),"|"); while(st.hasMoreTokens()) cmdBuff.append(st.nextToken()).append(" "); cmdBuff.append("> "); cmdBuff.append(fileExportOut.getCanonicalPath() + ".ts"); Runtime.getRuntime().exec(cmdBuff.toString()); ArrayList<String> cmd = new ArrayList<String>(); cmd = new ArrayList<String>(); cmd.add(mFfmpegBin); cmd.add("-y"); cmd.add("-i"); cmd.add(fileExportOut.getCanonicalPath() + ".ts"); cmd.add("-c"); cmd.add("copy"); cmd.add("-an"); cmd.add(fileExportOut.getCanonicalPath()); execFFMPEG(cmd, sc, null); } else { //ffmpeg -i "concat:intermediate1.ts|intermediate2.ts" -c copy -bsf:a aac_adtstoasc output.mp4 ArrayList<String> cmd = new ArrayList<String>(); cmd.add(mFfmpegBin); cmd.add("-y"); cmd.add("-i"); cmd.add("concat:" + sbCat.toString()); cmd.add("-c"); cmd.add("copy"); cmd.add("-an"); cmd.add(fileExportOut.getCanonicalPath()); execFFMPEG(cmd, sc); } if ((!fileExportOut.exists()) || fileExportOut.length() == 0) { throw new Exception("There was a problem rendering the video: " + fileExportOut.getCanonicalPath()); } } public Clip getInfo (Clip in) throws IOException, InterruptedException { ArrayList<String> cmd = new ArrayList<String>(); cmd = new ArrayList<String>(); cmd.add(mFfmpegBin); cmd.add("-y"); cmd.add("-i"); cmd.add(new File(in.path).getCanonicalPath()); InfoParser ip = new InfoParser(in); execFFMPEG(cmd,ip, null); try{Thread.sleep(200);} catch (Exception e){} return in; } private class InfoParser implements ShellCallback { private Clip mMedia; private int retValue; public InfoParser (Clip media) { mMedia = media; } @Override public void shellOut(String shellLine) { if (shellLine.contains("Duration:")) { // Duration: 00:01:01.75, start: 0.000000, bitrate: 8184 kb/s String[] timecode = shellLine.split(",")[0].split(":"); double duration = 0; duration = Double.parseDouble(timecode[1].trim())*60*60; //hours duration += Double.parseDouble(timecode[2].trim())*60; //minutes duration += Double.parseDouble(timecode[3].trim()); //seconds mMedia.duration = duration; } // Stream #0:0(eng): Video: h264 (High) (avc1 / 0x31637661), yuv420p, 1920x1080, 16939 kb/s, 30.02 fps, 30 tbr, 90k tbn, 180k tbc else if (shellLine.contains(": Video:")) { String[] line = shellLine.split(":"); String[] videoInfo = line[3].split(","); mMedia.videoCodec = videoInfo[0]; } //Stream #0:1(eng): Audio: aac (mp4a / 0x6134706D), 48000 Hz, stereo, s16, 121 kb/s else if (shellLine.contains(": Audio:")) { String[] line = shellLine.split(":"); String[] audioInfo = line[3].split(","); mMedia.audioCodec = audioInfo[0]; } // //Stream #0.0(und): Video: h264 (Baseline), yuv420p, 1280x720, 8052 kb/s, 29.97 fps, 90k tbr, 90k tbn, 180k tbc //Stream #0.1(und): Audio: mp2, 22050 Hz, 2 channels, s16, 127 kb/s } @Override public void processComplete(int exitValue) { retValue = exitValue; } } private class StreamGobbler extends Thread { InputStream is; String type; ShellCallback sc; StreamGobbler(InputStream is, String type, ShellCallback sc) { = is; this.type = type; = sc; } public void run() { try { InputStreamReader isr = new InputStreamReader(is); BufferedReader br = new BufferedReader(isr); String line=null; while ( (line = br.readLine()) != null) if (sc != null) sc.shellOut(line); } catch (IOException ioe) { // Log.e(TAG,"error reading shell slog",ioe); ioe.printStackTrace(); } } } public static Bitmap getVideoFrame(String videoPath,long frameTime) throws Exception { MediaMetadataRetriever retriever = new MediaMetadataRetriever(); try { retriever.setDataSource(videoPath); return retriever.getFrameAtTime(frameTime, MediaMetadataRetriever.OPTION_CLOSEST); } finally { try { retriever.release(); } catch (RuntimeException ex) { } } } } /* * Main options: -L show license -h show help -? show help -help show help --help show help -version show version -formats show available formats -codecs show available codecs -bsfs show available bit stream filters -protocols show available protocols -filters show available filters -pix_fmts show available pixel formats -sample_fmts show available audio sample formats -loglevel loglevel set libav* logging level -v loglevel set libav* logging level -debug flags set debug flags -report generate a report -f fmt force format -i filename input file name -y overwrite output files -n do not overwrite output files -c codec codec name -codec codec codec name -pre preset preset name -t duration record or transcode "duration" seconds of audio/video -fs limit_size set the limit file size in bytes -ss time_off set the start time offset -itsoffset time_off set the input ts offset -itsscale scale set the input ts scale -timestamp time set the recording timestamp ('now' to set the current time) -metadata string=string add metadata -dframes number set the number of data frames to record -timelimit limit set max runtime in seconds -target type specify target file type ("vcd", "svcd", "dvd", "dv", "dv50", "pal-vcd", "ntsc-svcd", ...) -xerror exit on error -frames number set the number of frames to record -tag fourcc/tag force codec tag/fourcc -filter filter_list set stream filterchain -stats print progress report during encoding -attach filename add an attachment to the output file -dump_attachment filename extract an attachment into a file -bsf bitstream_filters A comma-separated list of bitstream filters -dcodec codec force data codec ('copy' to copy stream) Advanced options: -map[:syncfile.syncstream] set input stream mapping -map_channel[:syncfile.syncstream] map an audio channel from one stream to another -map_meta_data outfile[,metadata]:infile[,metadata] DEPRECATED set meta data information of outfile from infile -map_metadata outfile[,metadata]:infile[,metadata] set metadata information of outfile from infile -map_chapters input_file_index set chapters mapping -benchmark add timings for benchmarking -dump dump each input packet -hex when dumping packets, also dump the payload -re read input at native frame rate -loop_input deprecated, use -loop -loop_output deprecated, use -loop -vsync video sync method -async audio sync method -adrift_threshold threshold audio drift threshold -copyts copy timestamps -copytb source copy input stream time base when stream copying -shortest finish encoding within shortest input -dts_delta_threshold threshold timestamp discontinuity delta threshold -copyinkf copy initial non-keyframes -q q use fixed quality scale (VBR) -qscale q use fixed quality scale (VBR) -streamid streamIndex:value set the value of an outfile streamid -muxdelay seconds set the maximum demux-decode delay -muxpreload seconds set the initial demux-decode delay -fpre filename set options from indicated preset file Video options: -vframes number set the number of video frames to record -r rate set frame rate (Hz value, fraction or abbreviation) -s size set frame size (WxH or abbreviation) -aspect aspect set aspect ratio (4:3, 16:9 or 1.3333, 1.7777) -bits_per_raw_sample number set the number of bits per raw sample -croptop size Removed, use the crop filter instead -cropbottom size Removed, use the crop filter instead -cropleft size Removed, use the crop filter instead -cropright size Removed, use the crop filter instead -padtop size Removed, use the pad filter instead -padbottom size Removed, use the pad filter instead -padleft size Removed, use the pad filter instead -padright size Removed, use the pad filter instead -padcolor color Removed, use the pad filter instead -vn disable video -vcodec codec force video codec ('copy' to copy stream) -sameq use same quantizer as source (implies VBR) -same_quant use same quantizer as source (implies VBR) -pass n select the pass number (1 or 2) -passlogfile prefix select two pass log file name prefix -vf filter list video filters -b bitrate video bitrate (please use -b:v) -dn disable data Advanced Video options: -pix_fmt format set pixel format -intra use only intra frames -vdt n discard threshold -rc_override override rate control override for specific intervals -deinterlace deinterlace pictures -psnr calculate PSNR of compressed frames -vstats dump video coding statistics to file -vstats_file file dump video coding statistics to file -intra_matrix matrix specify intra matrix coeffs -inter_matrix matrix specify inter matrix coeffs -top top=1/bottom=0/auto=-1 field first -dc precision intra_dc_precision -vtag fourcc/tag force video tag/fourcc -qphist show QP histogram -force_fps force the selected framerate, disable the best supported framerate selection -force_key_frames timestamps force key frames at specified timestamps -vbsf video bitstream_filters deprecated -vpre preset set the video options to the indicated preset Audio options: -aframes number set the number of audio frames to record -aq quality set audio quality (codec-specific) -ar rate set audio sampling rate (in Hz) -ac channels set number of audio channels -an disable audio -acodec codec force audio codec ('copy' to copy stream) -vol volume change audio volume (256=normal) -rmvol volume rematrix volume (as factor) */ /* * //./ffmpeg -y -i test.mp4 -vframes 999999 -vf 'redact=blurbox.txt [out] [d], [d]nullsink' -acodec copy outputa.mp4 //ffmpeg -v 10 -y -i /sdcard/org.witness.sscvideoproto/videocapture1042744151.mp4 -vcodec libx264 //-b 3000k -s 720x480 -r 30 -acodec copy -f mp4 -vf 'redact=/data/data/org.witness.sscvideoproto/redact_unsort.txt' ///sdcard/org.witness.sscvideoproto/new.mp4 //"-vf" , "redact=" + Environment.getExternalStorageDirectory().getPath() + "/" + PACKAGENAME + "/redact_unsort.txt", // Need to make sure this will create a legitimate mp4 file //"-acodec", "ac3", "-ac", "1", "-ar", "16000", "-ab", "32k", String[] ffmpegCommand = {"/data/data/"+PACKAGENAME+"/ffmpeg", "-v", "10", "-y", "-i", recordingFile.getPath(), "-vcodec", "libx264", "-b", "3000k", "-vpre", "baseline", "-s", "720x480", "-r", "30", //"-vf", "drawbox=10:20:200:60:red@0.5", "-vf" , "\"movie="+ overlayImage.getPath() +" [logo];[in][logo] overlay=0:0 [out]\"", "-acodec", "copy", "-f", "mp4", savePath.getPath()+"/output.mp4"}; //ffmpeg -i source-video.avi -s 480x320 -vcodec mpeg4 -acodec aac -ac 1 -ar 16000 -r 13 -ab 32000 -aspect 3:2 output-video.mp4/ */ /* concat doesn't seem to work cmd.add("-i"); StringBuffer concat = new StringBuffer(); for (int i = 0; i < videos.size(); i++) { if (i > 0) concat.append("|"); concat.append(out.path + '.' + i + ".wav"); } cmd.add("concat:\"" + concat.toString() + "\""); */