package org.goodev.discourse.api; import; import; import; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.HashMap; public class LatestTopics { private final HashMap<Long, ArrayList<TopicPoster>> mPosters = new HashMap<Long, ArrayList<TopicPoster>>(); /** * topic's posters info, index is the topic id */ // private final SparseArrayCompat<ArrayList<Poster>> mPosters = new SparseArrayCompat<ArrayList<Poster>>(); /** * categories, the index is the category id */ // private final SparseArrayCompat<Category> mCategories = new SparseArrayCompat<LatestTopics.Category>(); private final HashMap<Long, Category> mCategories = new HashMap<Long, Category>(); private final HashMap<Long, User> mUsers = new HashMap<Long, User>(); private final HashMap<Long, Topic> mTopics = new HashMap<Long, Topic>(); private final ArrayList<Topic> mTopicsData = new ArrayList<Topic>(); /** * users , the inex is the user id */ // private final SparseArrayCompat<User> mUsers = new SparseArrayCompat<LatestTopics.User>(); private TopicList mTopicList; public LatestTopics() { } public LatestTopics(LatestTopics lt) { mTopicList = lt.mTopicList; mCategories.putAll(lt.mCategories); mPosters.putAll(lt.mPosters); mTopics.putAll(lt.mTopics); mTopicsData.addAll(lt.mTopicsData); mUsers.putAll(lt.mUsers); } public Topic getTopic(int index) { return mTopicsData.get(index); } public void putPoster(Long topicId, TopicPoster p) { ArrayList<TopicPoster> posters = mPosters.get(topicId); if (posters == null) { posters = new ArrayList<TopicPoster>(); mPosters.put(topicId, posters); } posters.add(p); } public ArrayList<TopicPoster> getPosters(Long id) { return mPosters.get(id); } public void putCategory(Category c) { mCategories.put(, c); } public Category getCategory(Long id) { return mCategories.get(id); } public void putUser(User data) { mUsers.put(, data); } public User getUser(Long id) { return mUsers.get(id); } public void putTopic(Topic data) { mTopicsData.add(data); mTopics.put(, data); } public Topic getTopic(Long id) { return mTopics.get(id); } public int getTopicSize() { return mTopicsData.size(); } public TopicList getTopicList() { return mTopicList; } public void setTopicList(TopicList data) { mTopicList = data; } public void addAll(LatestTopics lt) { mTopicList = lt.mTopicList; mCategories.putAll(lt.mCategories); mPosters.putAll(lt.mPosters); mTopics.putAll(lt.mTopics); mTopicsData.addAll(lt.mTopicsData); mUsers.putAll(lt.mUsers); } public void clear() { mTopicList = null; mCategories.clear(); mPosters.clear(); mTopics.clear(); mTopicsData.clear(); mUsers.clear(); } public static class TopicList { public boolean can_create_topic; public String more_topics_url; public String draft; public String draft_key; public long draft_sequence; } }