/* * Copyright 2016 LinkedIn Corp. All rights reserved. * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. */ package com.github.ambry.store; import com.github.ambry.utils.MockTime; import com.github.ambry.utils.TestUtils; import com.github.ambry.utils.Time; import com.github.ambry.utils.Utils; import com.github.ambry.utils.UtilsTest; import java.io.File; import java.io.IOException; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.List; import java.util.Set; import java.util.UUID; import org.junit.After; import org.junit.Test; import static org.junit.Assert.*; /** * Tests for {@link CompactionLog}. */ public class CompactionLogTest { private static final StoreKeyFactory STORE_KEY_FACTORY; static { try { STORE_KEY_FACTORY = new MockIdFactory(); } catch (Exception e) { throw new IllegalStateException(e); } } // Variables that represent the folder where the data resides private final File tempDir; private final String tempDirStr; // the time instance that will be used in the index private final Time time = new MockTime(); private final Set<String> generatedSegmentNames = new HashSet<>(); /** * Creates a temporary directory for the compaction log file. * @throws IOException */ public CompactionLogTest() throws IOException { tempDir = StoreTestUtils.createTempDirectory("storeDir-" + UtilsTest.getRandomString(10)); tempDirStr = tempDir.getAbsolutePath(); } /** * Deletes the temporary directory. * @throws InterruptedException * @throws IOException */ @After public void cleanup() throws InterruptedException, IOException, StoreException { assertTrue(tempDir.getAbsolutePath() + " could not be deleted", StoreTestUtils.cleanDirectory(tempDir, true)); } /** * Tests the use of {@link CompactionLog} when it is used without closing b/w operations and compaction cycles. * @throws IOException */ @Test public void iterationWithoutReloadTest() throws IOException { String storeName = "store"; List<CompactionDetails> detailsList = getCompactionDetailsList(5); CompactionDetails combined = combineListOfDetails(detailsList); assertFalse("Compaction should not be in progress", CompactionLog.isCompactionInProgress(tempDirStr, storeName)); CompactionLog cLog = new CompactionLog(tempDirStr, storeName, time, combined); assertTrue("Compaction should be in progress", CompactionLog.isCompactionInProgress(tempDirStr, storeName)); int currentIdx = 0; Iterator<CompactionDetails> detailsIterator = detailsList.iterator(); CompactionDetails currDetails = detailsIterator.next(); while (currDetails != null) { detailsIterator.remove(); assertEquals("CurrentIdx not as expected", currentIdx, cLog.getCurrentIdx()); verifyEquality(combined, cLog.getCompactionDetails()); assertEquals("Should be in the PREPARE phase", CompactionLog.Phase.PREPARE, cLog.getCompactionPhase()); cLog.markCopyStart(); assertEquals("Should be in the COPY phase", CompactionLog.Phase.COPY, cLog.getCompactionPhase()); StoreFindToken safeToken = new StoreFindToken(new MockId("dummy"), new Offset(LogSegmentNameHelper.generateFirstSegmentName(true), 0), new UUID(1, 1), new UUID(1, 1)); cLog.setSafeToken(safeToken); assertEquals("Returned token not the same as the one that was set", safeToken, cLog.getSafeToken()); CompactionDetails nextDetails = detailsIterator.hasNext() ? detailsIterator.next() : null; if (nextDetails != null) { cLog.splitCurrentCycle(nextDetails.getLogSegmentsUnderCompaction().get(0)); verifyEquality(currDetails, cLog.getCompactionDetails()); } cLog.markCommitStart(); assertEquals("Should be in the SWITCH phase", CompactionLog.Phase.COMMIT, cLog.getCompactionPhase()); cLog.markCleanupStart(); assertEquals("Should be in the CLEANUP phase", CompactionLog.Phase.CLEANUP, cLog.getCompactionPhase()); cLog.markCycleComplete(); currentIdx++; currDetails = nextDetails; if (nextDetails != null) { combined = combineListOfDetails(detailsList); } } assertEquals("CurrentIdx not as expected", -1, cLog.getCurrentIdx()); assertEquals("Should be in the DONE phase", CompactionLog.Phase.DONE, cLog.getCompactionPhase()); cLog.close(); assertFalse("Compaction should not be in progress", CompactionLog.isCompactionInProgress(tempDirStr, storeName)); } /** * Tests the use of {@link CompactionLog} when it is closed and reloaded b/w operations and compaction cycles. * @throws IOException */ @Test public void iterationWithReloadTest() throws IOException { String storeName = "store"; List<CompactionDetails> detailsList = getCompactionDetailsList(5); CompactionDetails combined = combineListOfDetails(detailsList); assertFalse("Compaction should not be in progress", CompactionLog.isCompactionInProgress(tempDirStr, storeName)); CompactionLog cLog = new CompactionLog(tempDirStr, storeName, time, combined); assertTrue("Compaction should should be in progress", CompactionLog.isCompactionInProgress(tempDirStr, storeName)); int currentIdx = 0; Iterator<CompactionDetails> detailsIterator = detailsList.iterator(); CompactionDetails currDetails = detailsIterator.next(); while (currDetails != null) { detailsIterator.remove(); assertEquals("CurrentIdx not as expected", currentIdx, cLog.getCurrentIdx()); cLog.close(); cLog = new CompactionLog(tempDirStr, storeName, STORE_KEY_FACTORY, time); verifyEquality(combined, cLog.getCompactionDetails()); assertEquals("Should be in the PREPARE phase", CompactionLog.Phase.PREPARE, cLog.getCompactionPhase()); cLog.markCopyStart(); cLog.close(); cLog = new CompactionLog(tempDirStr, storeName, STORE_KEY_FACTORY, time); assertEquals("Should be in the COPY phase", CompactionLog.Phase.COPY, cLog.getCompactionPhase()); StoreFindToken safeToken = new StoreFindToken(new MockId("dummy"), new Offset(LogSegmentNameHelper.generateFirstSegmentName(true), 0), new UUID(1, 1), new UUID(1, 1)); cLog.setSafeToken(safeToken); cLog.close(); cLog = new CompactionLog(tempDirStr, storeName, STORE_KEY_FACTORY, time); assertEquals("Returned token not the same as the one that was set", safeToken, cLog.getSafeToken()); CompactionDetails nextDetails = detailsIterator.hasNext() ? detailsIterator.next() : null; if (nextDetails != null) { cLog.splitCurrentCycle(nextDetails.getLogSegmentsUnderCompaction().get(0)); verifyEquality(currDetails, cLog.getCompactionDetails()); cLog.close(); cLog = new CompactionLog(tempDirStr, storeName, STORE_KEY_FACTORY, time); verifyEquality(currDetails, cLog.getCompactionDetails()); } cLog.markCommitStart(); cLog.close(); cLog = new CompactionLog(tempDirStr, storeName, STORE_KEY_FACTORY, time); assertEquals("Should be in the SWITCH phase", CompactionLog.Phase.COMMIT, cLog.getCompactionPhase()); cLog.markCleanupStart(); cLog.close(); cLog = new CompactionLog(tempDirStr, storeName, STORE_KEY_FACTORY, time); assertEquals("Should be in the CLEANUP phase", CompactionLog.Phase.CLEANUP, cLog.getCompactionPhase()); cLog.markCycleComplete(); currentIdx++; currDetails = nextDetails; if (nextDetails != null) { combined = combineListOfDetails(detailsList); } } assertEquals("CurrentIdx not as expected", -1, cLog.getCurrentIdx()); assertEquals("Should be in the DONE phase", CompactionLog.Phase.DONE, cLog.getCompactionPhase()); cLog.close(); assertFalse("Compaction should not be in progress", CompactionLog.isCompactionInProgress(tempDirStr, storeName)); } /** * Tests phase transition order is enforced during phase transitions */ @Test public void phaseTransitionEnforcementTest() throws IOException { String storeName = "store"; CompactionLog cLog = new CompactionLog(tempDirStr, storeName, time, getCompactionDetails()); assertEquals("Should be in the PREPARE phase", CompactionLog.Phase.PREPARE, cLog.getCompactionPhase()); checkTransitionFailure(cLog, CompactionLog.Phase.COMMIT, CompactionLog.Phase.CLEANUP, CompactionLog.Phase.DONE); cLog.markCopyStart(); assertEquals("Should be in the COPY phase", CompactionLog.Phase.COPY, cLog.getCompactionPhase()); checkTransitionFailure(cLog, CompactionLog.Phase.COPY, CompactionLog.Phase.CLEANUP, CompactionLog.Phase.DONE); cLog.markCommitStart(); assertEquals("Should be in the SWITCH phase", CompactionLog.Phase.COMMIT, cLog.getCompactionPhase()); checkTransitionFailure(cLog, CompactionLog.Phase.COPY, CompactionLog.Phase.COMMIT, CompactionLog.Phase.DONE); cLog.markCleanupStart(); assertEquals("Should be in the CLEANUP phase", CompactionLog.Phase.CLEANUP, cLog.getCompactionPhase()); checkTransitionFailure(cLog, CompactionLog.Phase.COPY, CompactionLog.Phase.COMMIT, CompactionLog.Phase.CLEANUP); cLog.markCycleComplete(); assertEquals("Should be in the DONE phase", CompactionLog.Phase.DONE, cLog.getCompactionPhase()); checkTransitionFailure(cLog, CompactionLog.Phase.COPY, CompactionLog.Phase.COMMIT, CompactionLog.Phase.CLEANUP, CompactionLog.Phase.DONE); cLog.close(); } /** * Tests for construction of {@link CompactionLog} with bad arguments/state. * @throws IOException */ @Test public void constructionBadArgsTest() throws IOException { String storeName = "store"; CompactionLog cLog = new CompactionLog(tempDirStr, storeName, time, getCompactionDetails()); cLog.close(); // log file already exists try { new CompactionLog(tempDirStr, storeName, time, getCompactionDetails()); fail("Construction should have failed because compaction log file already exists"); } catch (IllegalArgumentException e) { // expected. Nothing to do. } // make sure file disappears cLog = new CompactionLog(tempDirStr, storeName, STORE_KEY_FACTORY, time); cLog.markCopyStart(); cLog.markCommitStart(); cLog.markCleanupStart(); cLog.markCycleComplete(); cLog.close(); assertFalse("Compaction should not be in progress", CompactionLog.isCompactionInProgress(tempDirStr, storeName)); // log file does not exist try { new CompactionLog(tempDirStr, storeName, STORE_KEY_FACTORY, time); fail("Construction should have failed because compaction log file does not exist"); } catch (IllegalArgumentException e) { // expected. Nothing to do. } } // helpers // general /** * @return a {@link CompactionDetails} with random data. */ private CompactionDetails getCompactionDetails() { long referenceTime = Utils.getRandomLong(TestUtils.RANDOM, 1000); return getCompactionDetails(referenceTime); } /** * A {@link CompactionDetails} with random data. * @param referenceTime the reference time to use to generate the {@link CompactionDetails} * @return {@link CompactionDetails} with random data. */ private CompactionDetails getCompactionDetails(long referenceTime) { int segmentCount = TestUtils.RANDOM.nextInt(10) + 1; List<String> segmentsUnderCompaction = new ArrayList<>(); for (int j = 0; j < segmentCount; j++) { String segmentName; do { segmentName = UtilsTest.getRandomString(10); } while (generatedSegmentNames.contains(segmentName)); generatedSegmentNames.add(segmentName); segmentsUnderCompaction.add(segmentName); } return new CompactionDetails(referenceTime, segmentsUnderCompaction); } /** * Verifies that two {@link CompactionDetails} instances are equal. * @param original the expected {@link CompactionDetails}. * @param toCheck the {@link CompactionDetails} that needs to be checked. */ private void verifyEquality(CompactionDetails original, CompactionDetails toCheck) { assertEquals("Reference time does not match", original.getReferenceTimeMs(), toCheck.getReferenceTimeMs()); assertEquals("Segments under compaction don't match", original.getLogSegmentsUnderCompaction(), toCheck.getLogSegmentsUnderCompaction()); } // iteration tests helpers /** * Gets a {@link List<CompactionDetails>} of size {@code size} with random {@link CompactionDetails}. * @param size the number of {@link CompactionDetails} required. * @return a {@link List<CompactionDetails>} of size {@code size} with random {@link CompactionDetails}. */ private List<CompactionDetails> getCompactionDetailsList(int size) { List<CompactionDetails> detailsList = new ArrayList<>(); long referenceTime = Utils.getRandomLong(TestUtils.RANDOM, 1000); for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) { CompactionDetails details = getCompactionDetails(referenceTime); detailsList.add(details); } return detailsList; } /** * Combines a {@link List<CompactionDetails>} into one {@link CompactionDetails} instance. Uses the reference time * of the first entry in the list. * @param detailsList the {@link List<CompactionDetails>} to combine. * @return combines {@code detailsList} into a single {@link CompactionDetails}. */ private CompactionDetails combineListOfDetails(List<CompactionDetails> detailsList) { List<String> allSegmentNames = new ArrayList<>(); for (CompactionDetails details : detailsList) { allSegmentNames.addAll(details.getLogSegmentsUnderCompaction()); } return new CompactionDetails(detailsList.get(0).getReferenceTimeMs(), allSegmentNames); } // phaseTransitionEnforcementTest() helpers /** * Checks that transitions to phases in {@code transitionToFailures} fails. * @param cLog the {@link CompactionLog} being used. * @param transitionToFailures the list of phases, transition to which should fail. */ private void checkTransitionFailure(CompactionLog cLog, CompactionLog.Phase... transitionToFailures) { for (CompactionLog.Phase transitionToFailure : transitionToFailures) { try { switch (transitionToFailure) { case COPY: cLog.markCopyStart(); break; case COMMIT: cLog.markCommitStart(); break; case CLEANUP: cLog.markCleanupStart(); break; case DONE: cLog.markCycleComplete(); break; default: throw new IllegalArgumentException("Unknown Phase: " + transitionToFailure); } fail("Transition should have failed"); } catch (IllegalStateException e) { // expected. Nothing to do. } } if (!cLog.getCompactionPhase().equals(CompactionLog.Phase.COPY)) { StoreFindToken safeToken = new StoreFindToken(new MockId("dummy"), new Offset(LogSegmentNameHelper.generateFirstSegmentName(true), 0), new UUID(1, 1), new UUID(1, 1)); try { cLog.setSafeToken(safeToken); fail("Setting safe token should have failed"); } catch (IllegalStateException e) { // expected. Nothing to do. } } } }