/* * The Alluxio Open Foundation licenses this work under the Apache License, version 2.0 * (the "License"). You may not use this work except in compliance with the License, which is * available at www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * This software is distributed on an "AS IS" basis, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, * either express or implied, as more fully set forth in the License. * * See the NOTICE file distributed with this work for information regarding copyright ownership. */ package alluxio.exception; import com.google.common.base.Preconditions; import java.text.MessageFormat; import javax.annotation.concurrent.ThreadSafe; /** * Exception messages used across Alluxio. * * Note: To minimize merge conflicts, please sort alphabetically in this section. */ @ThreadSafe public enum ExceptionMessage { // general INVALID_PREFIX("Parent path {0} is not a prefix of child {1}"), NOT_SUPPORTED("This method is not supported"), PATH_DOES_NOT_EXIST("Path {0} does not exist"), PATH_MUST_BE_FILE("Path {0} must be a file"), PATH_MUST_BE_DIRECTORY("Path {0} must be a directory"), PATH_INVALID("Path {0} is invalid"), // general block CANNOT_REQUEST_SPACE("Not enough space left on worker {0} to store blockId {1,number,#}."), NO_LOCAL_WORKER("Local address {0} requested but there is no local worker"), NO_SPACE_FOR_BLOCK_ON_WORKER("There is no worker with enough space for a new block of size {0}"), NO_WORKER_AVAILABLE_ON_ADDRESS("No Alluxio worker available for address {0}"), NO_WORKER_AVAILABLE("No available Alluxio worker found"), // block lock manager LOCK_ID_FOR_DIFFERENT_BLOCK("lockId {0,number,#} is for blockId {1,number,#}, not {2,number,#}"), LOCK_ID_FOR_DIFFERENT_SESSION( "lockId {0,number,#} is owned by sessionId {1,number,#} not {2,number,#}"), LOCK_RECORD_NOT_FOUND_FOR_BLOCK_AND_SESSION( "no lock is found for blockId {0,number,#} for sessionId {1,number,#}"), LOCK_RECORD_NOT_FOUND_FOR_LOCK_ID("lockId {0,number,#} has no lock record"), LOCK_NOT_RELEASED("lockId {0,number,#} is not released."), SESSION_NOT_CLOSED("session {0,number,#} is not closed."), // block metadata manager and view BLOCK_META_NOT_FOUND("BlockMeta not found for blockId {0,number,#}"), GET_DIR_FROM_NON_SPECIFIC_LOCATION("Cannot get path from non-specific dir {0}"), TEMP_BLOCK_META_NOT_FOUND("TempBlockMeta not found for blockId {0,number,#}"), TIER_ALIAS_NOT_FOUND("Tier with alias {0} not found"), TIER_VIEW_ALIAS_NOT_FOUND("Tier view with alias {0} not found"), // instream/outstream FAILED_CACHE("Failed to cache: {0}"), FAILED_CREATE("Failed to create {0}"), FAILED_SEEK("Failed to seek to {0}"), FAILED_SKIP("Failed to skip {0}"), INSTREAM_CANNOT_SKIP("The underlying BlockInStream could not skip {0}"), READ_CLOSED_STREAM("Cannot read from a closed stream"), SEEK_NEGATIVE("Seek position is negative: {0,number,#}"), SEEK_PAST_EOF("Seek position is past EOF: {0,number,#}, fileSize: {1,number,#}"), // netty BLOCK_WRITE_ERROR( "Error writing blockId: {0,number,#}, sessionId: {1,number,#}, address: {2}, message: {3}"), NO_RPC_HANDLER("No handler implementation for rpc message type: {0}"), UNDER_FILE_WRITE_ERROR( "Error writing to under file system fileId: {0,number,#}, addr: {1}, msg: {2}"), UNEXPECTED_RPC_RESPONSE("Unexpected response message type: {0} (expected: {1})"), WRITER_ALREADY_OPEN( "This writer is already open for address: {0}, blockId: {1,number,#}, " + "sessionId: {2,number,#}"), // storageDir ADD_EXISTING_BLOCK("blockId {0,number,#} exists in {1}"), BLOCK_NOT_FOUND_FOR_SESSION("blockId {0,number,#} in {1} not found for session {2,number,#}"), NO_SPACE_FOR_BLOCK_META( "blockId {0,number,#} is {1,number,#} bytes, but only {2,number,#} bytes available in {3}"), // tieredBlockStore BLOCK_ID_FOR_DIFFERENT_SESSION( "blockId {0,number,#} is owned by sessionId {1,number,#} not {2,number,#}"), BLOCK_NOT_FOUND_AT_LOCATION("blockId {0,number,#} not found at location: {1}"), MOVE_UNCOMMITTED_BLOCK("Cannot move uncommitted blockId {0,number,#}"), NO_BLOCK_ID_FOUND("blockId {0,number,#} not found"), NO_EVICTION_PLAN_TO_FREE_SPACE("No eviction plan by evictor to free space"), NO_SPACE_FOR_BLOCK_ALLOCATION( "Failed to allocate {0,number,#} bytes after {1} retries for blockId {2,number,#}"), NO_SPACE_FOR_BLOCK_MOVE( "Failed to find space in {0} to move blockId {1,number,#} after {2} retries"), REMOVE_UNCOMMITTED_BLOCK("Cannot remove uncommitted blockId {0,number,#}"), TEMP_BLOCK_ID_COMMITTED( "Temp blockId {0,number,#} is not available, because it is already committed"), TEMP_BLOCK_ID_EXISTS("Temp blockId {0,number,#} is not available, because it already exists"), // ufsBlockStore UFS_BLOCK_ALREADY_EXISTS_FOR_SESSION( "UFS block {0,number,#} from UFS file {1} exists for session {2,number,#}"), UFS_BLOCK_ACCESS_TOKEN_UNAVAILABLE( "Failed to acquire an access token for the UFS block {0,number,#} (filename: {1})."), UFS_BLOCK_DOES_NOT_EXIST_FOR_SESSION( "UFS block {0,number,#} does not exist for session {1,number,#}"), // journal JOURNAL_WRITE_AFTER_CLOSE("Cannot write entry after closing the stream"), JOURNAL_WRITE_FAILURE("Failed to write to journal file ({0}): {1}"), JOURNAL_FLUSH_FAILURE("Failed to flush journal file ({0}): {1}"), UNEXPECTED_JOURNAL_ENTRY("Unexpected entry in journal: {0}"), // file CANNOT_READ_DIRECTORY("Cannot read from {0} because it is a directory"), DELETE_FAILED_UFS("Failed to delete {0} from the under file system"), DELETE_NONEMPTY_DIRECTORY_NONRECURSIVE( "Cannot delete non-empty directory {0} because recursive is set to false"), DELETE_ROOT_DIRECTORY("Cannot delete the root directory"), FILE_ALREADY_EXISTS("{0} already exists"), FILE_CREATE_IS_DIRECTORY("{0} already exists. Directories cannot be overwritten with create"), PARENT_CREATION_FAILED("Unable to create parent directories for path {0}"), // file system master CANNOT_FREE_NON_EMPTY_DIR("Cannot free directory {0} which is not empty. Please set " + "the \"recursive\" flag of free operation to true"), CANNOT_FREE_NON_PERSISTED_FILE("Cannot free file {0} which is not persisted"), CANNOT_FREE_PINNED_FILE("Cannot free file {0} which is pinned. Please unpin it first or" + " set the \"forced\" flag of free operation to true"), INODE_DOES_NOT_EXIST("inodeId {0,number,#} does not exist"), INODE_DOES_NOT_EXIST_RETRIES("inodeId {0,number,#} does not exist; too many retries"), NOT_MUTABLE_INODE_PATH("Not a MutableLockedInodePath: {0}"), PATH_COMPONENTS_INVALID("Parameter pathComponents is {0}"), PATH_COMPONENTS_INVALID_START("Path starts with {0}"), PATH_INVALID_CONCURRENT_RENAME("Path is no longer valid, possibly due to a concurrent rename."), PATH_INVALID_CONCURRENT_DELETE("Path is no longer valid, possibly due to a concurrent delete."), PATH_MUST_HAVE_VALID_PARENT("{0} does not have a valid parent"), RENAME_CANNOT_BE_ACROSS_MOUNTS("Renaming {0} to {1} is a cross mount operation"), RENAME_CANNOT_BE_ONTO_MOUNT_POINT("{0} is a mount point and cannot be renamed onto"), RENAME_CANNOT_BE_TO_ROOT("Cannot rename a path to the root directory"), RENAME_CANNOT_BE_TO_SUBDIRECTORY("Cannot rename because {0} is a prefix of {1}"), ROOT_CANNOT_BE_RENAMED("The root directory cannot be renamed"), JOURNAL_ENTRY_MISSING( "Journal entries are missing between sequence number {0} (inclusive) and {1} (exclusive)."), JOURNAL_ENTRY_TRUNCATED_UNEXPECTEDLY( "Journal entry [sequence number {0}] is truncated unexpectedly."), // block master NO_WORKER_FOUND("No worker with workerId {0,number,#} is found"), // file system master ufs FAILED_UFS_CREATE("Failed to create {0} in the under file system"), FAILED_UFS_RENAME("Failed to rename {0} to {1} in the under file system"), // file system worker BAD_WORKER_FILE_ID( "Worker fileId {0,number,#} is invalid. The worker may have crashed or cleaned up " + "the client state due to a timeout."), // shell DESTINATION_CANNOT_BE_FILE( "The destination cannot be an existing file when the source is a directory or a list of " + "files."), // lineage DELETE_LINEAGE_WITH_CHILDREN("The lineage {0} to delete has child lineages"), LINEAGE_DOES_NOT_EXIST("The lineage {0} does not exist"), LINEAGE_INPUT_FILE_NOT_EXIST("The lineage input file {0} does not exist"), LINEAGE_OUTPUT_FILE_NOT_EXIST("No lineage has output file {0}"), MISSING_REINITIALIZE_FILE("Cannot reinitialize file {0} because its lineage does not exist"), UNKNOWN_LINEAGE_FILE_STATE("Unknown LineageFileState: {0}"), // client DIFFERENT_MASTER_ADDRESS("Master address {0} is different from that in file system context {1}"), INCOMPATIBLE_VERSION("{0} client version {1} is not compatible with server version {2}"), // configuration DEFAULT_PROPERTIES_FILE_DOES_NOT_EXIST("The default Alluxio properties file does not exist"), INVALID_CONFIGURATION_KEY("Invalid property key {0}"), INVALID_CONFIGURATION_VALUE("Invalid value {0} for configuration key {1}"), KEY_NOT_BOOLEAN("Configuration cannot evaluate key {0} as boolean"), KEY_NOT_BYTES("Configuration cannot evaluate key {0} as bytes"), KEY_NOT_DOUBLE("Configuration cannot evaluate key {0} as double"), KEY_NOT_FLOAT("Configuration cannot evaluate key {0} as float"), KEY_NOT_INTEGER("Configuration cannot evaluate key {0} as integer"), KEY_NOT_LONG("Configuration cannot evaluate key {0} as long"), KEY_NOT_MS("Configuration cannot evaluate key {0} as milliseconds"), UNDEFINED_CONFIGURATION_KEY("No value set for configuration key {0}"), UNKNOWN_PROPERTY("Unknown property for {0} {1}"), // security AUTHENTICATION_IS_NOT_ENABLED("Authentication is not enabled"), AUTHORIZED_CLIENT_USER_IS_NULL("The client user is not authorized so as to be null in server"), INVALID_SET_ACL_OPTIONS("Invalid set acl options: {0}, {1}, {2}"), INVALID_MODE("Invalid mode {0}"), INVALID_MODE_SEGMENT("Invalid mode {0} - contains invalid segment {1}"), INVALID_MODE_PERMISSIONS( "Invalid mode {0} - contains invalid segment {1} which has invalid permissions {2}"), INVALID_MODE_TARGETS( "Invalid mode {0} - contains invalid segment {1} which has invalid targets {2}"), PERMISSION_DENIED("Permission denied: {0}"), SECURITY_IS_NOT_ENABLED("Security is not enabled"), // yarn YARN_NOT_ENOUGH_HOSTS( "Not enough usable hosts in the cluster to launch {0} {1} containers. Only {2} hosts " + "available"), YARN_NOT_ENOUGH_RESOURCES( "{0} {1} specified above max threshold of cluster, specified={2}, max={3}"), // mounting MOUNT_POINT_ALREADY_EXISTS("Mount point {0} already exists"), MOUNT_POINT_PREFIX_OF_ANOTHER("Mount point {0} is a prefix of {1}"), MOUNT_PATH_SHADOWS_DEFAULT_UFS( "Mount path {0} shadows an existing path in the default underlying filesystem"), MOUNT_READONLY("A write operation on {0} is under a readonly mount point {1}"), UFS_PATH_DOES_NOT_EXIST("Ufs path {0} does not exist"), // key-value KEY_VALUE_TOO_LARGE("Unable to put key-value pair: key {0} bytes, value {1} bytes"), KEY_ALREADY_EXISTS("The input key already exists in the key-value store"), INVALID_KEY_VALUE_STORE_URI("The URI {0} exists but is not a key-value store"), // block worker FAILED_COMMIT_BLOCK_TO_MASTER("Failed to commit block with blockId {0,number,#} to master"), // SEMICOLON! minimize merge conflicts by putting it on its own line ; private final MessageFormat mMessage; ExceptionMessage(String message) { mMessage = new MessageFormat(message); } /** * Formats the message of the exception. * * @param params the parameters for the exception message * @return the formatted message */ public String getMessage(Object... params) { Preconditions.checkArgument(mMessage.getFormats().length == params.length, "The message takes " + mMessage.getFormats().length + " arguments, but is given " + params.length); // MessageFormat is not thread-safe, so guard it synchronized (mMessage) { return mMessage.format(params); } } /** * Formats the message of the exception with a url to consult. * * @param url the url to consult * @param params the parameters for the exception message * @return the formatted message */ public String getMessageWithUrl(String url, Object... params) { return getMessage(params) + " Please consult " + url + " for common solutions to address this problem."; } }