package; import org.junit.Test; import; import java.text.MessageFormat; import java.util.Arrays; import static org.hamcrest.CoreMatchers.equalTo; import static org.hamcrest.MatcherAssert.assertThat; import static; import static; import static; /** * User: hrundelb * Date: 28.02.14 * Time: 16:51 */ public class AllureAspectUtilsTest { private final static String NAME_PATTERN_WITH_TWO_ARGS = "{method} (first arg:{0}, second arg:{1})"; private final static String NAME_PATTERN_WITH_ONE_ARG = "{method} (arg:{0})"; private final static String NAME_PATTERN_WITH_THIS = "{method} this:{this} ()"; private final static String METHOD_NAME = "getSomethingNew"; private final static String TITLE_STRING_WITH_TWO_ARGS = "{0} (first arg:{1}, second arg:{2})"; private final static String TITLE_STRING_WITH_ONE_ARG = "{0} (arg:{1})"; private final static String TITLE_STRING_WITH_THIS = "{0} this:{1} ()"; public static final String TOO_LONG_NAME = "this name pattern is too long, over 150 symbols! Guys, what are" + " you thinking for when you made so long title??? Could you please made it more carefully...?"; @Test public void getTitleWithStringArray() { String[] firstArg = {"one string", "two string", "three string"}; int secondArg = 2454575; String title = getTitle(NAME_PATTERN_WITH_TWO_ARGS, METHOD_NAME, null, new Object[]{firstArg, secondArg}); Object[] args = {METHOD_NAME, Arrays.toString(firstArg), secondArg}; assertThat("Method with String[] and int arguments is processed incorrectly", title, equalTo(MessageFormat.format(TITLE_STRING_WITH_TWO_ARGS, args))); } @Test public void getTitleWithLongArray() { long[] firstArg = {20000L, 464564L, 8798765465465465132L}; Integer secondArg = 1546825; String title = getTitle(NAME_PATTERN_WITH_TWO_ARGS, METHOD_NAME, null, new Object[]{firstArg, secondArg}); Object[] args = {METHOD_NAME, Arrays.toString(firstArg), secondArg}; assertThat("Method with long[] and Integer arguments is processed incorrectly", title, equalTo(MessageFormat.format(TITLE_STRING_WITH_TWO_ARGS, args))); } @Test public void getTitleWithIntArray() { int[] firstArg = {1, 2, 3}; String title = getTitle(NAME_PATTERN_WITH_TWO_ARGS, METHOD_NAME, null, new Object[]{firstArg, true}); Object[] args = {METHOD_NAME, Arrays.toString(firstArg), true}; assertThat("Method with int[] and String arguments is processed incorrectly", title, equalTo(MessageFormat.format(TITLE_STRING_WITH_TWO_ARGS, args))); } @Test public void getTitleWithShortArray() { short[] firstArg = {32767, 0, -32768}; String secondArg = "aaabbbbccdddd"; String title = getTitle(NAME_PATTERN_WITH_TWO_ARGS, METHOD_NAME, null, new Object[]{firstArg, secondArg}); Object[] args = {METHOD_NAME, Arrays.toString(firstArg), secondArg}; assertThat("Method with short[] and String arguments is processed incorrectly", title, equalTo(MessageFormat.format(TITLE_STRING_WITH_TWO_ARGS, args))); } @Test public void getTitleWithCharArray() { char[] firstArg = {'a', 'b', 'z'}; double secondArg = 25.546548946; String title = getTitle(NAME_PATTERN_WITH_TWO_ARGS, METHOD_NAME, null, new Object[]{firstArg, secondArg}); Object[] args = {METHOD_NAME, Arrays.toString(firstArg), secondArg}; assertThat("Method with char[] and double arguments is processed incorrectly", title, equalTo(MessageFormat.format(TITLE_STRING_WITH_TWO_ARGS, args))); } @Test public void getTitleWithByteArray() { byte[] firstArg = {1, 127, -128}; char secondArg = 'x'; String title = getTitle(NAME_PATTERN_WITH_TWO_ARGS, METHOD_NAME, null, new Object[]{firstArg, secondArg}); Object[] args = {METHOD_NAME, Arrays.toString(firstArg), secondArg}; assertThat("Method with byte[] and char arguments is processed incorrectly", title, equalTo(MessageFormat.format(TITLE_STRING_WITH_TWO_ARGS, args))); } @Test public void getTitleWithBooleanArray() { boolean[] firstArg = {true, false, false}; float secondArg = 0.00005F; String title = getTitle(NAME_PATTERN_WITH_TWO_ARGS, METHOD_NAME, null, new Object[]{firstArg, secondArg}); Object[] args = {METHOD_NAME, Arrays.toString(firstArg), secondArg}; assertThat("Method with boolean[] and float arguments is processed incorrectly", title, equalTo(MessageFormat.format(TITLE_STRING_WITH_TWO_ARGS, args))); } @Test public void getTitleWithFloatArray() { float[] firstArg = {0.1F, 1.002F, 6.45F}; byte secondArg = 127; String title = getTitle(NAME_PATTERN_WITH_TWO_ARGS, METHOD_NAME, null, new Object[]{firstArg, secondArg}); Object[] args = {METHOD_NAME, Arrays.toString(firstArg), secondArg}; assertThat("Method with float[] and byte arguments is processed incorrectly", title, equalTo(MessageFormat.format(TITLE_STRING_WITH_TWO_ARGS, args))); } @Test public void getTitleWithDoubleArray() { double[] firstArg = {4.0000006, 0.4, 6.0}; short secondArg = -5462; String title = getTitle(NAME_PATTERN_WITH_TWO_ARGS, METHOD_NAME, null, new Object[]{firstArg, secondArg}); Object[] args = {METHOD_NAME, Arrays.toString(firstArg), secondArg}; assertThat("Method with double[] and short arguments is processed incorrectly", title, equalTo(MessageFormat.format(TITLE_STRING_WITH_TWO_ARGS, args))); } @Test public void getTitleWithoutArray() { double firstArg = 0.00000001; String secondArg = "second arg"; String title = getTitle(NAME_PATTERN_WITH_TWO_ARGS, METHOD_NAME, null, new Object[]{firstArg, secondArg}); Object[] args = {METHOD_NAME, firstArg, secondArg}; assertThat("Method with double and String arguments is processed incorrectly", title, equalTo(MessageFormat.format("{0} (first arg:{1}, second arg:{2})", args))); } @Test public void getTitleWithEmptyArray() { String[] firstArg = new String[0]; long secondArg = 1000000000000L; String title = getTitle(NAME_PATTERN_WITH_TWO_ARGS, METHOD_NAME, null, new Object[]{firstArg, secondArg}); Object[] args = {METHOD_NAME, Arrays.toString(firstArg), secondArg}; assertThat("Method with empty String[] and long arguments is processed incorrectly", title, equalTo(MessageFormat.format(TITLE_STRING_WITH_TWO_ARGS, args))); } @Test public void getTitleWithoutParams() { String title = getTitle("{method}", METHOD_NAME, null, null); Object[] args = {METHOD_NAME}; assertThat("Method without arguments is processed incorrectly", title, equalTo(MessageFormat.format("{0}", args))); } @Test public void getTitleWithTooLongTitle() { String title = getTitle(TOO_LONG_NAME, METHOD_NAME, null, null); assertThat("Wrong title shortcut", title, equalTo(cutEnd(TOO_LONG_NAME, AllureConfig.newInstance().getMaxTitleLength()))); } @Test public void getTitleWithNullParam() { String title = getTitle(NAME_PATTERN_WITH_ONE_ARG, METHOD_NAME, null, new Object[]{null}); Object[] args = {METHOD_NAME, null}; assertThat("Method with null String argument is processed incorrectly", title, equalTo(MessageFormat.format(TITLE_STRING_WITH_ONE_ARG, args))); } @Test public void getTitleWithNullArgInArrayParam() { String[] firstArg = new String[]{null, "something"}; String title = getTitle(NAME_PATTERN_WITH_ONE_ARG, METHOD_NAME, null, new Object[]{firstArg}); Object[] args = {METHOD_NAME, Arrays.toString(firstArg)}; assertThat("Method with String[] argument that has nulls is processed incorrectly", title, equalTo(MessageFormat.format(TITLE_STRING_WITH_ONE_ARG, args))); } @Test public void getTitleWithArrayOfArrays() { Object[] firstArg = new Object[]{new String[]{"a", "b"}, "something", null}; String title = getTitle(NAME_PATTERN_WITH_ONE_ARG, METHOD_NAME, null, new Object[]{firstArg}); Object[] args = {METHOD_NAME, Arrays.toString(firstArg)}; assertThat("Method with array of arrays argument that has nulls is processed incorrectly", title, equalTo(MessageFormat.format(TITLE_STRING_WITH_ONE_ARG, args))); } @Test public void getTitleWithThis() { String thisObject = "something"; String title = getTitle(NAME_PATTERN_WITH_THIS, METHOD_NAME, thisObject, new Object[]{}); Object[] args = {METHOD_NAME, thisObject}; assertThat("Method with {this} is processed incorrectly", title, equalTo(MessageFormat.format(TITLE_STRING_WITH_THIS, args))); } @Test public void getNameLongMethodNameTest() throws Exception { String name = getName(TOO_LONG_NAME, null); assertThat("Invalid method name short cut", name, equalTo("... 150 symbols! Guys, what are you thinking for when you made so long title??? Could" + " you please made it more carefully...?")); } @Test public void getNameLongMethodNameAndParametersTest() throws Exception { String name = getName(METHOD_NAME, new Object[]{TOO_LONG_NAME}); assertThat("Invalid method name short cut", name, equalTo("getSomethingNew[this name pattern is too long, over 150 symbols! Guys, what are you " + "thinking for when you made so long t...]")); } }