/** * * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one * or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file * distributed with this work for additional information * regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance * with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, * software distributed under the License is distributed on an * "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY * KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the * specific language governing permissions and limitations * under the License. */ package org.apache.airavata.workflow.engine.workflow.proxy; public class ProxyWSDL { // FIXME Remove this once the duel network problem is solved public static String WSDL = "<wsdl:definitions targetNamespace='http://extreme.indiana.edu/weps' " + "xmlns:soapenc='http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/encoding/' xmlns:wsdl='http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/wsdl/' " + "xmlns:tns='http://extreme.indiana.edu/weps' xmlns:http='http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/wsdl/http/' " + "xmlns:xs='http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema' xmlns:soap='http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/wsdl/soap/' " + "xmlns:mime='http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/wsdl/mime/'> " + "<wsdl:types> " + "<xs:schema elementFormDefault='qualified' " + "targetNamespace='http://extreme.indiana.edu/weps'> " + "<xs:element name='DeploymentInformation'> " + "<xs:complexType> " + "<xs:sequence> " + "<xs:element name='ProcessName' type='xs:string' /> " + "<xs:element maxOccurs='1' minOccurs='0' name='TemplateId' " + "type='xs:string' /> " + "<xs:element name='DeploymentDocuments' type='tns:DeploymentDocumentsType'> " + "</xs:element> " + "</xs:sequence> " + "</xs:complexType> " + "</xs:element> " + "<xs:complexType name='DeploymentDocumentsType'> " + "<xs:sequence> " + "<xs:element name='BPEL' type='xs:anyType' /> " + "<xs:element name='DeploymentDescriptor' type='xs:anyType' /> " + "<xs:element name='ProcessWSDL' type='tns:XMLFile' /> " + "<xs:element maxOccurs='unbounded' minOccurs='1' " + "name='ServiceWSDLs' type='tns:XMLFile' /> " + "<xs:element maxOccurs='unbounded' minOccurs='0' name='Other' " + "type='xs:anyType' /> " + "</xs:sequence> " + "</xs:complexType> " + "<xs:complexType name='XMLFile'> " + "<xs:sequence> " + "<xs:element name='FileName' type='xs:string' /> " + "<xs:element name='Content' type='xs:anyType'> " + "</xs:element> " + "</xs:sequence> " + "</xs:complexType> " + "<xs:element name='Result' type='xs:string' /> " + "<xs:element name='ProcessName' type='xs:string' /> " + "<xs:element name='CreateInstanceResponse'> " + "<xs:complexType> " + "<xs:sequence> " + "<xs:element name='ProcessName' type='xs:string' /> " + "<xs:element name='ProcessWSDL' type='xs:anyType'> " + "</xs:element> " + "</xs:sequence> " + "</xs:complexType> " + "</xs:element> " + "</xs:schema> " + "</wsdl:types> " + "<wsdl:message name='DeployRequest'> " + "<wsdl:part name='DeploymentInformation' element='tns:DeploymentInformation'> " + "</wsdl:part> " + "</wsdl:message> " + "<wsdl:message name='CreateInstanceResponse'> " + "<wsdl:part name='Response' element='tns:CreateInstanceResponse'> " + "</wsdl:part> " + "</wsdl:message> " + "<wsdl:message name='CreateInstanceRequest'> " + "<wsdl:part name='ProcessName' element='tns:ProcessName'> " + "</wsdl:part> " + "</wsdl:message> " + "<wsdl:message name='DeployResponse'> " + "<wsdl:part name='Response' element='tns:Result'> " + "</wsdl:part> " + "</wsdl:message> " + "<wsdl:portType name='WEPSPortType'> " + "<wsdl:operation name='deploy'> " + "<wsdl:input message='tns:DeployRequest'> " + "</wsdl:input> " + "<wsdl:output message='tns:DeployResponse'> " + "</wsdl:output> " + "</wsdl:operation> " + "<wsdl:operation name='createInstance'> " + "<wsdl:input message='tns:CreateInstanceRequest'> " + "</wsdl:input> " + "<wsdl:output message='tns:CreateInstanceResponse'> " + "</wsdl:output> " + "</wsdl:operation> " + "</wsdl:portType> " + "<wsdl:binding name='WEPSBinding' type='tns:WEPSPortType'> " + "<soap:binding style='document' " + "transport='http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/http' /> " + "<wsdl:operation name='deploy'> " + "<soap:operation soapAction='urn:deploy' /> " + "<wsdl:input> " + "<soap:body use='literal' /> " + "</wsdl:input> " + "<wsdl:output> " + "<soap:body use='literal' /> " + "</wsdl:output> " + "</wsdl:operation> " + "<wsdl:operation name='createInstance'> " + "<soap:operation soapAction='urn:createInstance' /> " + "<wsdl:input> " + "<soap:body use='literal' /> " + "</wsdl:input> " + "<wsdl:output> " + "<soap:body use='literal' /> " + "</wsdl:output> " + "</wsdl:operation> " + "</wsdl:binding> " + "<wsdl:service name='WEPSService'> " + "<wsdl:port name='WEPS' binding='tns:WEPSBinding'> " + "<soap:address " + "location='http://silktree.cs.indiana.edu:18080/axis2/services/WEPSService' /> " + "</wsdl:port> " + "</wsdl:service> " + "</wsdl:definitions> "; }