package com.aincc.seoulexcursion.ui; import android.content.Context; import android.content.Intent; import; import android.location.GpsStatus; import android.location.Location; import android.location.LocationProvider; import android.os.Bundle; import android.view.Menu; import android.view.MenuItem; import com.aincc.lib.common.MapBaseActivity; import com.aincc.seoulexcursion.util.Logger; import com.aincc.seoulexcursion.R; import com.aincc.seoulexcursion.ui.scene.setting.SettingActivity; /** * * <h3><b>SeoulBaseActivity</b></h3></br> * * 기본 액티비티 * * @author * @version 1.0.0 * @since 1.0.0 */ abstract public class SeoulMapBaseActivity extends MapBaseActivity { protected static final String LOG = "Seoul"; protected Context context; // GUI 위젯은 하위 클래스에서 선언한다. @Override protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) { super.onCreate(savedInstanceState); context = this; } @Override public boolean onCreateOptionsMenu(Menu menu) { // 옵션메뉴설정 getMenuInflater().inflate(, menu); return true; } @Override public boolean onOptionsItemSelected(MenuItem item) { // 옵션메뉴동작 설정 switch (item.getItemId()) { case Intent intent = new Intent(this, SettingActivity.class); startActivity(intent); break; } return super.onOptionsItemSelected(item); } @Override protected void initializeUI() { super.initializeUI(); // 상단 공통 네비게이션바 초기화 initializeNavibar(); } /** * 상단 네비게이션 바 초기화 * * @since 1.0.0 */ protected void initializeNavibar() { // 초기화를 할 Navibar 객체는 하위 클래스에서 선언한다. } /** * 리소스 문자열 가져오기 * * @since 1.0.0 * @param id * @return String */ protected String string(int id) { return getResources().getString(id); } /** * 리소스 문자열 배열 가져오기 * * @since 1.0.0 * @param id * @return String[] */ protected String[] stringArray(int id) { return getResources().getStringArray(id); } /** * 리소스 Drawable 가져오기 * * @since 1.0.0 * @param id * @return Drawable */ protected Drawable drawable(int id) { return getResources().getDrawable(id); } @Override protected boolean isRouteDisplayed() { return false; } @Override protected void onLocationLost() { Logger.e("onLocationLost"); } @Override protected void onLocationChanged(Location location) { Logger.e("onLocationChanged " + location.getProvider() + " (" + location.getLatitude() + " , " + location.getLongitude() + ")"); } @Override protected void onStatusChanged(String provider, int status, Bundle extras) { switch (status) { case LocationProvider.TEMPORARILY_UNAVAILABLE: Logger.d("onStatusChanged " + provider + " : TEMPORARILY_UNAVAILABLE"); break; case LocationProvider.OUT_OF_SERVICE: Logger.d("onStatusChanged " + provider + " : OUT_OF_SERVICE"); break; case LocationProvider.AVAILABLE: Logger.d("onStatusChanged " + provider + " : AVAILABLE"); break; } } @Override protected void onGpsStatusChanged(int event) { switch (event) { case GpsStatus.GPS_EVENT_FIRST_FIX: Logger.d("onGpsStatusChanged GPS_EVENT_FIRST_FIX"); break; case GpsStatus.GPS_EVENT_SATELLITE_STATUS: Logger.d("onGpsStatusChanged GPS_EVENT_SATELLITE_STATUS"); break; case GpsStatus.GPS_EVENT_STARTED: Logger.d("onGpsStatusChanged GPS_EVENT_STARTED"); break; case GpsStatus.GPS_EVENT_STOPPED: Logger.d("onGpsStatusChanged GPS_EVENT_STOPPED"); break; } // public static final int GPS_EVENT_STARTED // Event sent when the GPS system has started. // Constant Value: 1 (0x00000001) // public static final int GPS_EVENT_STOPPED // Event sent when the GPS system has stopped. // Constant Value: 2 (0x00000002) // public static final int GPS_EVENT_FIRST_FIX // Event sent when the GPS system has received its first fix since starting. Call getTimeToFirstFix() to find the time from start to first fix. // Constant Value: 3 (0x00000003) // public static final int GPS_EVENT_SATELLITE_STATUS // Event sent periodically to report GPS satellite status. Call getSatellites() to retrieve the status for each satellite. // Constant Value: 4 (0x00000004) } }