package aima.gui.fx.framework; import java.util.List; import java.util.Optional; import aima.core.util.CancelableThread; import javafx.application.Platform; import; import; import javafx.beans.value.ChangeListener; import javafx.scene.control.Button; import javafx.scene.control.ComboBox; import javafx.scene.control.Label; import javafx.scene.input.MouseButton; /** * Controller class for simulation panes. It is responsible for maintaining the * current parameter settings, the simulation state, the current simulation * thread, and for handling events (parameter change events and simulation * button events). If not otherwise stated, methods must be called from the FX * Application Thread. * * @author Ruediger Lunde */ public class SimulationPaneCtrl { public enum State { READY, RUNNING, FINISHED, PAUSED, CANCELED } public final static String PARAM_SIM_SPEED = "simSpeed"; private Button simBtn; private Label statusLabel; private List<Parameter> params; private List<ComboBox<String>> paramCombos; private Runnable initMethod; private Runnable simMethod; private ObjectProperty<State> state = new SimpleObjectProperty<>(); private Optional<CancelableThread> simThread = Optional.empty(); /** Should only be called by the SimulationPaneBuilder. */ public SimulationPaneCtrl(List<Parameter> params, List<ComboBox<String>> paramCombos, Runnable initMethod, Runnable simMethod, Button simBtn, Label statusLabel) { this.params = params; this.paramCombos = paramCombos; this.initMethod = initMethod; this.simMethod = simMethod; this.simBtn = simBtn; this.statusLabel = statusLabel; ChangeListener<String> listener = (obs, o, n) -> onParamChanged(); for (ComboBox<String> combo : paramCombos) // allow simSpeed adjustments during simulation (without // re-initialization) if (!combo.getId().equals(PARAM_SIM_SPEED)) combo.getSelectionModel().selectedItemProperty().addListener(listener); simBtn.setOnAction(ev -> onSimButtonAction()); simBtn.setOnMouseClicked(ev -> { if (ev.getButton() == MouseButton.SECONDARY) setParamValue(PARAM_SIM_SPEED, Integer.MAX_VALUE); }); updateParamVisibility(); state.addListener((obs, o, n) -> onStateChanged()); setState(State.READY); } public Optional<Parameter> getParam(String paramName) { return Parameter.find(params, paramName); } public int getParamValueIndex(String paramName) { int valIdx = -1; int paramIdx = Parameter.indexOf(params, paramName); if (paramIdx != -1) valIdx = paramCombos.get(paramIdx).getSelectionModel().getSelectedIndex(); if (valIdx == -1) throw new IllegalStateException("No selected value for parameter " + paramName); return valIdx; } public Object getParamValue(String paramName) { int valIdx = getParamValueIndex(paramName); return Parameter.find(params, paramName).get().getValues().get(valIdx); } public int getParamAsInt(String paramName) { return (Integer) getParamValue(paramName); } public double getParamAsDouble(String paramName) { return (Double) getParamValue(paramName); } public boolean isParamVisible(String paramName) { int paramIdx = Parameter.indexOf(params, paramName); return paramCombos.get(paramIdx).isVisible(); } /** Call this only for parameters which do not depend on other parameters! */ public void setParamDisable(String paramName, boolean value) { int paramIdx = Parameter.indexOf(params, paramName); paramCombos.get(paramIdx).setDisable(value); } public void setParam(String paramName, int valueIdx) { int idx = Parameter.indexOf(params, paramName); if (idx != -1) paramCombos.get(idx).getSelectionModel().select(valueIdx); else throw new IllegalStateException("Parameter " + paramName + " not found."); } public void setParamValue(String paramName, Object value) { int pIdx = Parameter.indexOf(params, paramName); if (pIdx != -1) { List<Object> values = params.get(pIdx).getValues(); for (int i = 0; i < values.size(); i++) if (values.get(i).equals(value)) { paramCombos.get(pIdx).getSelectionModel().select(i); break; } } else throw new IllegalStateException("Parameter " + paramName + " not found."); } /** Sets status label text (can be called from any thread). */ public void setStatus(final String text) { if (Platform.isFxApplicationThread()) statusLabel.setText(text); else Platform.runLater(() -> statusLabel.setText(text)); } /** * Sleeps as specified in simulation speed parameter. If the value is * <code>Integer.MAX_VALUE</code> the simulation state is set to paused. * Caller is typically not the FX Application Thread. */ public void waitAfterStep() { try { int msec = getParamAsInt(PARAM_SIM_SPEED); if (msec == Integer.MAX_VALUE) setState(State.PAUSED); Thread.sleep(msec); } catch (InterruptedException e) { // nothing to do here. } } /** * Tries to stop simulation. This will only have an effect, if all loops in * the running simulation method check {@link CancelableThread#isCanceled()} * in every time-consuming loop. */ public void cancelSimulation() { if (simThread.isPresent() && simThread.get().isAlive()) { simThread.get().cancel(); setState(State.CANCELED); if (state.get() == State.PAUSED) simThread.get().interrupt(); } } /** Can be called from FX application threads and other threads as well. */ private void setState(State newState) { if (Platform.isFxApplicationThread()) state.set(newState); else Platform.runLater(() -> state.set(newState)); } private void onParamChanged() { cancelSimulation(); setStatus(""); updateParamVisibility();; setState(State.READY); } private void onStateChanged() { if (state.get() == State.READY) simBtn.setText("Start"); else if (state.get() == State.RUNNING) simBtn.setText("Cancel"); else if (state.get() == State.PAUSED) simBtn.setText("Continue"); else if (state.get() == State.CANCELED) simBtn.setText("Stop"); else if (state.get() == State.FINISHED) simBtn.setText("Init"); boolean disable = state.get() != State.READY && state.get() != State.FINISHED; for (ComboBox<String> combo : paramCombos) if (!combo.getId().equals(PARAM_SIM_SPEED)) combo.setDisable(disable); } @SuppressWarnings("deprecation") private void onSimButtonAction() { if (state.get() == State.FINISHED) { onParamChanged(); } else if (!simThread.isPresent() || !simThread.get().isAlive()) { simThread = Optional.of(new CancelableThread(this::runSimulation)); simThread.get().setDaemon(true); simThread.get().start(); } else if (state.get() == State.PAUSED) { simThread.get().interrupt(); setState(State.RUNNING); } else if (simThread.get().isCanceled()) { simThread.get().stop(); setState(State.READY); } else { cancelSimulation(); } } private void runSimulation() { try { setState(State.RUNNING);; } catch (Exception e) { setStatus("Sorry, something went wrong during simulation: " + e.getClass().getSimpleName()); e.printStackTrace(); } catch (Error e) { setStatus("Sorry, something went totally wrong during simulation: " + e.getClass().getSimpleName()); e.printStackTrace(); } setState(State.FINISHED); } private void updateParamVisibility() { for (int i = 0; i < params.size(); i++) { String depParam = params.get(i).getDependencyParameter(); if (depParam != null) { Parameter para = params.get(i); ComboBox<String> combo = paramCombos.get(i); combo.setVisible(para.getDependencyValues().contains(getParamValue(depParam))); } } } }