package org.activiti.crystalball.simulator; import org.activiti.crystalball.simulator.impl.cfg.BeansConfigurationHelper; import org.activiti.crystalball.simulator.impl.cfg.StandaloneInMemSimulationEngineConfiguration; import org.activiti.crystalball.simulator.impl.cfg.StandaloneSimulationEngineConfiguration; import org.activiti.engine.ProcessEngines; import javax.sql.DataSource; import; /** Configuration information from which a process engine can be build. * * <p>Most common is to create a process engine based on the default configuration file: * <pre>ProcessEngine processEngine = ProcessEngineConfiguration * .createProcessEngineConfigurationFromResourceDefault() * .buildProcessEngine(); * </pre> * </p> * * <p>To create a process engine programatic, without a configuration file, * the first option is {@link #createStandaloneProcessEngineConfiguration()} * <pre>ProcessEngine processEngine = ProcessEngineConfiguration * .createStandaloneProcessEngineConfiguration() * .buildProcessEngine(); * </pre> * This creates a new process engine with all the defaults to connect to * a remote h2 database (jdbc:h2:tcp://localhost/activiti) in standalone * mode. Standalone mode means that Activiti will manage the transactions * on the JDBC connections that it creates. One transaction per * service method. * For a description of how to write the configuration files, see the * userguide. * </p> * * <p>The second option is great for testing: {@link #createStandalonInMemeProcessEngineConfiguration()} * <pre>ProcessEngine processEngine = ProcessEngineConfiguration * .createStandaloneInMemProcessEngineConfiguration() * .buildProcessEngine(); * </pre> * This creates a new process engine with all the defaults to connect to * an memory h2 database (jdbc:h2:tcp://localhost/activiti) in standalone * mode. The DB schema strategy default is in this case <code>create-drop</code>. * Standalone mode means that Activiti will manage the transactions * on the JDBC connections that it creates. One transaction per * service method. * </p> * * <p>On all forms of creating a process engine, you can first customize the configuration * before calling the {@link #buildSimulationEngine()} method by calling any of the * setters like this: * <pre>ProcessEngine processEngine = ProcessEngineConfiguration * .createProcessEngineConfigurationFromResourceDefault() * .setMailServerHost("") * .setJdbcUsername("mickey") * .setJdbcPassword("mouse") * .buildProcessEngine(); * </pre> * </p> * * @see ProcessEngines * @author Tom Baeyens */ public abstract class SimulationEngineConfiguration implements EngineServices { /** Checks the version of the DB schema against the library when * the process engine is being created and throws an exception * if the versions don't match. */ public static final String DB_SCHEMA_UPDATE_FALSE = "false"; /** Creates the schema when the process engine is being created and * drops the schema when the process engine is being closed. */ public static final String DB_SCHEMA_UPDATE_CREATE_DROP = "create-drop"; /** Upon building of the process engine, a check is performed and * an update of the schema is performed if it is necessary. */ public static final String DB_SCHEMA_UPDATE_TRUE = "true"; protected String simulationEngineName = "default"; protected int idBlockSize = 100; protected boolean jobExecutorActivate = true; protected String databaseType; protected String databaseSchemaUpdate = DB_SCHEMA_UPDATE_FALSE; protected String jdbcDriver = "org.h2.Driver"; // protected String jdbcUrl = "jdbc:h2:tcp://localhost/crystalball"; protected String jdbcUrl = "jdbc:h2:target/crystalball"; protected String jdbcUsername = "sa"; protected String jdbcPassword = ""; protected String dataSourceJndiName = null; protected int jdbcMaxActiveConnections; protected int jdbcMaxIdleConnections; protected int jdbcMaxCheckoutTime; protected int jdbcMaxWaitTime; protected boolean jdbcPingEnabled = false; protected String jdbcPingQuery = null; protected int jdbcPingConnectionNotUsedFor; protected DataSource dataSource; protected boolean transactionsExternallyManaged = false; protected String jpaPersistenceUnitName; protected Object jpaEntityManagerFactory; protected boolean jpaHandleTransaction; protected boolean jpaCloseEntityManager; protected ClassLoader classLoader; /** use one of the static createXxxx methods instead */ protected SimulationEngineConfiguration() { } public abstract SimulationEngine buildSimulationEngine(); public static SimulationEngineConfiguration createSimulationEngineConfigurationFromResourceDefault() { return createSimulationEngineConfigurationFromResource("crystalball.cfg.xml", "simulationEngineConfiguration"); } public static SimulationEngineConfiguration createSimulationEngineConfigurationFromResource(String resource) { return createSimulationEngineConfigurationFromResource(resource, "simulationEngineConfiguration"); } public static SimulationEngineConfiguration createSimulationEngineConfigurationFromResource(String resource, String beanName) { return BeansConfigurationHelper.parseSimulationEngineConfigurationFromResource(resource, beanName); } public static SimulationEngineConfiguration createSimulationEngineConfigurationFromInputStream(InputStream inputStream) { return createSimulationEngineConfigurationFromInputStream(inputStream, "simulationEngineConfiguration"); } public static SimulationEngineConfiguration createSimulationEngineConfigurationFromInputStream(InputStream inputStream, String beanName) { return BeansConfigurationHelper.parseSimulationEngineConfigurationFromInputStream(inputStream, beanName); } public static SimulationEngineConfiguration createStandaloneSimulationEngineConfiguration() { return new StandaloneSimulationEngineConfiguration(); } public static SimulationEngineConfiguration createStandaloneInMemSimulationEngineConfiguration() { return new StandaloneInMemSimulationEngineConfiguration(); } // TODO add later when we have test coverage for this // public static ProcessEngineConfiguration createJtaProcessEngineConfiguration() { // return new JtaProcessEngineConfiguration(); // } // getters and setters ////////////////////////////////////////////////////// public String getSimulationEngineName() { return simulationEngineName; } public SimulationEngineConfiguration setSimulationEngineName(String simulationEngineName) { this.simulationEngineName = simulationEngineName; return this; } public int getIdBlockSize() { return idBlockSize; } public SimulationEngineConfiguration setIdBlockSize(int idBlockSize) { this.idBlockSize = idBlockSize; return this; } public String getDatabaseType() { return databaseType; } public SimulationEngineConfiguration setDatabaseType(String databaseType) { this.databaseType = databaseType; return this; } public String getDatabaseSchemaUpdate() { return databaseSchemaUpdate; } public SimulationEngineConfiguration setDatabaseSchemaUpdate(String databaseSchemaUpdate) { this.databaseSchemaUpdate = databaseSchemaUpdate; return this; } public DataSource getDataSource() { return dataSource; } public SimulationEngineConfiguration setDataSource(DataSource dataSource) { this.dataSource = dataSource; return this; } public String getJdbcDriver() { return jdbcDriver; } public SimulationEngineConfiguration setJdbcDriver(String jdbcDriver) { this.jdbcDriver = jdbcDriver; return this; } public String getJdbcUrl() { return jdbcUrl; } public SimulationEngineConfiguration setJdbcUrl(String jdbcUrl) { this.jdbcUrl = jdbcUrl; return this; } public String getJdbcUsername() { return jdbcUsername; } public SimulationEngineConfiguration setJdbcUsername(String jdbcUsername) { this.jdbcUsername = jdbcUsername; return this; } public String getJdbcPassword() { return jdbcPassword; } public SimulationEngineConfiguration setJdbcPassword(String jdbcPassword) { this.jdbcPassword = jdbcPassword; return this; } public boolean isTransactionsExternallyManaged() { return transactionsExternallyManaged; } public SimulationEngineConfiguration setTransactionsExternallyManaged(boolean transactionsExternallyManaged) { this.transactionsExternallyManaged = transactionsExternallyManaged; return this; } public int getJdbcMaxActiveConnections() { return jdbcMaxActiveConnections; } public SimulationEngineConfiguration setJdbcMaxActiveConnections(int jdbcMaxActiveConnections) { this.jdbcMaxActiveConnections = jdbcMaxActiveConnections; return this; } public int getJdbcMaxIdleConnections() { return jdbcMaxIdleConnections; } public SimulationEngineConfiguration setJdbcMaxIdleConnections(int jdbcMaxIdleConnections) { this.jdbcMaxIdleConnections = jdbcMaxIdleConnections; return this; } public int getJdbcMaxCheckoutTime() { return jdbcMaxCheckoutTime; } public SimulationEngineConfiguration setJdbcMaxCheckoutTime(int jdbcMaxCheckoutTime) { this.jdbcMaxCheckoutTime = jdbcMaxCheckoutTime; return this; } public int getJdbcMaxWaitTime() { return jdbcMaxWaitTime; } public SimulationEngineConfiguration setJdbcMaxWaitTime(int jdbcMaxWaitTime) { this.jdbcMaxWaitTime = jdbcMaxWaitTime; return this; } public boolean isJdbcPingEnabled() { return jdbcPingEnabled; } public SimulationEngineConfiguration setJdbcPingEnabled(boolean jdbcPingEnabled) { this.jdbcPingEnabled = jdbcPingEnabled; return this; } public String getJdbcPingQuery() { return jdbcPingQuery; } public SimulationEngineConfiguration setJdbcPingQuery(String jdbcPingQuery) { this.jdbcPingQuery = jdbcPingQuery; return this; } public int getJdbcPingConnectionNotUsedFor() { return jdbcPingConnectionNotUsedFor; } public SimulationEngineConfiguration setJdbcPingConnectionNotUsedFor(int jdbcPingNotUsedFor) { this.jdbcPingConnectionNotUsedFor = jdbcPingNotUsedFor; return this; } public ClassLoader getClassLoader() { return classLoader; } public SimulationEngineConfiguration setClassLoader(ClassLoader classLoader) { this.classLoader = classLoader; return this; } public Object getJpaEntityManagerFactory() { return jpaEntityManagerFactory; } public SimulationEngineConfiguration setJpaEntityManagerFactory(Object jpaEntityManagerFactory) { this.jpaEntityManagerFactory = jpaEntityManagerFactory; return this; } public boolean isJpaHandleTransaction() { return jpaHandleTransaction; } public SimulationEngineConfiguration setJpaHandleTransaction(boolean jpaHandleTransaction) { this.jpaHandleTransaction = jpaHandleTransaction; return this; } public boolean isJpaCloseEntityManager() { return jpaCloseEntityManager; } public SimulationEngineConfiguration setJpaCloseEntityManager(boolean jpaCloseEntityManager) { this.jpaCloseEntityManager = jpaCloseEntityManager; return this; } public String getJpaPersistenceUnitName() { return jpaPersistenceUnitName; } public void setJpaPersistenceUnitName(String jpaPersistenceUnitName) { this.jpaPersistenceUnitName = jpaPersistenceUnitName; } public String getDataSourceJndiName() { return dataSourceJndiName; } public void setDataSourceJndiName(String dataSourceJndiName) { this.dataSourceJndiName = dataSourceJndiName; } public boolean isJobExecutorActivate() { return jobExecutorActivate; } public SimulationEngineConfiguration setJobExecutorActivate(boolean jobExecutorActivate) { this.jobExecutorActivate = jobExecutorActivate; return this; } }