/** * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more * contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with * this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership. * The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0 * (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with * the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package org.apache.activemq.camel; import java.sql.ResultSet; import java.sql.SQLException; import java.util.concurrent.Executors; import javax.jms.Connection; import javax.jms.MessageProducer; import javax.jms.Session; import javax.jms.TextMessage; import javax.sql.DataSource; import org.apache.activemq.ActiveMQConnectionFactory; import org.apache.activemq.broker.BrokerPlugin; import org.apache.activemq.broker.BrokerPluginSupport; import org.apache.activemq.broker.BrokerService; import org.apache.activemq.broker.ConnectionContext; import org.apache.activemq.command.ActiveMQQueue; import org.apache.activemq.command.TransactionId; import org.apache.activemq.util.Wait; import org.apache.camel.test.spring.CamelSpringTestSupport; import org.junit.Test; import org.slf4j.Logger; import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory; import org.springframework.context.support.AbstractXmlApplicationContext; import org.springframework.context.support.ClassPathXmlApplicationContext; /** * shows broker 'once only delivery' and recovery with XA */ public class JmsJdbcXATest extends CamelSpringTestSupport { private static final Logger LOG = LoggerFactory.getLogger(JmsJdbcXATest.class); BrokerService broker = null; int messageCount; public java.sql.Connection initDb() throws Exception { String createStatement = "CREATE TABLE SCP_INPUT_MESSAGES (" + "id int NOT NULL GENERATED ALWAYS AS IDENTITY, " + "messageId varchar(96) NOT NULL, " + "messageCorrelationId varchar(96) NOT NULL, " + "messageContent varchar(2048) NOT NULL, " + "PRIMARY KEY (id) )"; java.sql.Connection conn = getJDBCConnection(); try { conn.createStatement().execute(createStatement); } catch (SQLException alreadyExists) { log.info("ex on create tables", alreadyExists); } try { conn.createStatement().execute("DELETE FROM SCP_INPUT_MESSAGES"); } catch (SQLException ex) { log.info("ex on create delete all", ex); } return conn; } private java.sql.Connection getJDBCConnection() throws Exception { DataSource dataSource = getMandatoryBean(DataSource.class, "managedDataSourceWithRecovery"); return dataSource.getConnection(); } private int dumpDb(java.sql.Connection jdbcConn) throws Exception { int count = 0; ResultSet resultSet = jdbcConn.createStatement().executeQuery("SELECT * FROM SCP_INPUT_MESSAGES"); while (resultSet.next()) { count++; log.info("message - seq:" + resultSet.getInt(1) + ", id: " + resultSet.getString(2) + ", corr: " + resultSet.getString(3) + ", content: " + resultSet.getString(4)); } return count; } @Test public void testRecoveryCommit() throws Exception { java.sql.Connection jdbcConn = initDb(); sendJMSMessageToKickOffRoute(); LOG.info("waiting for route to kick in, it will kill the broker on first 2pc commit"); // will be stopped by the plugin on first 2pc commit broker.waitUntilStopped(); assertEquals("message in db, commit to db worked", 1, dumpDb(jdbcConn)); LOG.info("Broker stopped, restarting..."); broker = createBroker(false); broker.start(); broker.waitUntilStarted(); assertEquals("pending transactions", 1, broker.getBroker().getPreparedTransactions(null).length); // TM stays actively committing first message ack which won't get redelivered - xa once only delivery LOG.info("waiting for recovery to complete"); assertTrue("recovery complete in time", Wait.waitFor(new Wait.Condition() { @Override public boolean isSatisified() throws Exception { return broker.getBroker().getPreparedTransactions(null).length == 0; } })); // verify recovery complete assertEquals("recovery complete", 0, broker.getBroker().getPreparedTransactions(null).length); final java.sql.Connection freshConnection = getJDBCConnection(); assertTrue("did not get replay", Wait.waitFor(new Wait.Condition() { @Override public boolean isSatisified() throws Exception { return 1 == dumpDb(freshConnection); } })); assertEquals("still one message in db", 1, dumpDb(freshConnection)); // let once complete ok sendJMSMessageToKickOffRoute(); assertTrue("got second message", Wait.waitFor(new Wait.Condition() { @Override public boolean isSatisified() throws Exception { return 2 == dumpDb(freshConnection); } })); assertEquals("two messages in db", 2, dumpDb(freshConnection)); } private void sendJMSMessageToKickOffRoute() throws Exception { ActiveMQConnectionFactory factory = new ActiveMQConnectionFactory("vm://testXA"); factory.setWatchTopicAdvisories(false); Connection connection = factory.createConnection(); connection.start(); Session session = connection.createSession(false, Session.AUTO_ACKNOWLEDGE); MessageProducer producer = session.createProducer(new ActiveMQQueue("scp_transacted")); TextMessage message = session.createTextMessage("Some Text, messageCount:" + messageCount++); message.setJMSCorrelationID("pleaseCorrelate"); producer.send(message); connection.close(); } private BrokerService createBroker(boolean deleteAllMessages) throws Exception { BrokerService brokerService = new BrokerService(); brokerService.setDeleteAllMessagesOnStartup(deleteAllMessages); brokerService.setBrokerName("testXA"); brokerService.setAdvisorySupport(false); brokerService.setUseJmx(false); brokerService.setDataDirectory("target/data"); brokerService.addConnector("tcp://"); return brokerService; } @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") @Override protected AbstractXmlApplicationContext createApplicationContext() { deleteDirectory("target/data/howl"); // make broker available to recovery processing on app context start try { broker = createBroker(true); broker.setPlugins(new BrokerPlugin[]{ new BrokerPluginSupport() { @Override public void commitTransaction(ConnectionContext context, TransactionId xid, boolean onePhase) throws Exception { if (onePhase) { super.commitTransaction(context, xid, onePhase); } else { // die before doing the commit // so commit will hang as if reply is lost context.setDontSendReponse(true); Executors.newSingleThreadExecutor().execute(new Runnable() { @Override public void run() { LOG.info("Stopping broker post commit..."); try { broker.stop(); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } }); } } } }); broker.start(); } catch (Exception e) { throw new RuntimeException("Failed to start broker", e); } return new ClassPathXmlApplicationContext("org/apache/activemq/camel/jmsXajdbc.xml"); } }