package; import; import; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.LinkedList; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Set; import javax.jcr.Node; import javax.jcr.Session; import javax.jcr.nodetype.NodeType; import; import org.apache.commons.lang.StringUtils; import org.apache.felix.scr.annotations.Component; import org.apache.felix.scr.annotations.Reference; import org.apache.felix.scr.annotations.Service; import org.apache.jackrabbit.commons.JcrUtils; import; import; import; import; import org.slf4j.Logger; import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory; @Service @Component(label = "AC Config Files Retriever", description = "Provides a map path->yamlConfigContent of relevant configs") public class ConfigFilesRetrieverImpl implements ConfigFilesRetriever { private static final Logger LOG = LoggerFactory.getLogger(ConfigFilesRetrieverImpl.class); @Reference private SlingSettingsService slingSettingsService; @Reference private SlingRepository repository; @Override public Map<String, String> getConfigFileContentFromNode(String rootPath, Session session) throws Exception { Node rootNode = session.getNode(rootPath); if (rootNode == null) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("No configuration path configured! please check the configuration of AcService!"); } Map<String, String> configurations = getConfigurations(new NodeInJcr(rootNode)); return configurations; } @Override public Map<String, String> getConfigFileContentFromPackage(Archive archive) throws Exception { Entry rootEntry = archive.getJcrRoot(); if (rootEntry == null) { throw new IllegalStateException("Invalid package: It does not contain a JCR root element"); } Map<String, String> configurations = getConfigurations(new EntryInPackage(archive, "/", rootEntry)); return configurations; } private Map<String, String> getConfigurations(PackageEntryOrNode configFileOrDir) throws Exception { Map<String, String> configs = new HashMap<String, String>(); Set<String> currentRunModes = slingSettingsService.getRunModes(); for (PackageEntryOrNode entry : configFileOrDir.getChildren()) { if (entry.isDirectory()) { Map<String, String> resultsFromDir = getConfigurations(entry); configs.putAll(resultsFromDir); continue; } if (isRelevantConfiguration(entry.getName(), configFileOrDir.getName(), currentRunModes)) { LOG.debug("Found relevant YAML file {}", entry.getName()); configs.put(entry.getPath(), entry.getContentAsString()); } } return configs; } static boolean isRelevantConfiguration(final String entryName, final String parentName, final Set<String> currentRunModes) { if (!entryName.endsWith(".yaml") && !entryName.equals("config") /* name 'config' without .yaml allowed for backwards compatibility */) { return false; } // extract runmode from parent name (if parent has "." in it) Set<Set<String>> requiredRunModes = extractRunModesFromName(parentName); if (requiredRunModes.isEmpty()) { LOG.debug("Install file '{}', because parent name '{}' does not have a run mode specified.", entryName, parentName); return true; } // check the OR concatenated run modes for (Set<String> andRunModes : requiredRunModes) { // within each OR section is a number of AND concatenated run modes boolean restrictionFulfilled = true; for (String andRunMode : andRunModes) { // all must be fulfilled if (!currentRunModes.contains(andRunMode)) { restrictionFulfilled = false; break; } } if (restrictionFulfilled) { LOG.debug("The following run modes are all set: {}, there proceed installing file '{}'", StringUtils.join(andRunModes,","), entryName); return true; } } LOG.debug("The run mode restrictions could not be fullfilled, therefore not installing file '{}'", entryName); return false; } /** * * @param name a name containing a number of runmodes concatenated with AND and OR. The name must stick to the following grammar * <pre><somename>['.'{<runmode>'.'|<runmode>','}]</pre> * The separator '.' means AND, "," means OR. * As usual in most programming languages the AND has a higher precendence. * @return the run modes being extracted from the given name * (the outer set of run modes represent OR concatenated run modes, the inner set AND concatenated run modes) */ static Set<Set<String>> extractRunModesFromName(final String name) { Set<Set<String>> requiredRunModes = new HashSet<Set<String>>(); // strip prefix as the name starts usually with config. int positionDot = name.indexOf("."); if (positionDot == -1) { return requiredRunModes; } String allSegments = name.substring(positionDot + 1); String[] orSegments = allSegments.split(","); for (String orSegment : orSegments) { Set<String> andRunModes = new HashSet<String>(); String[] andSegments = orSegment.split("\\."); for (String andSegment : andSegments) { andRunModes.add(andSegment); } requiredRunModes.add(andRunModes); } return requiredRunModes; } /** Internal representation of either a package entry or a node to be able to use one algorithm for both InstallHook/JMX scenarios. */ private static interface PackageEntryOrNode { String getName() throws Exception; String getPath() throws Exception; List<PackageEntryOrNode> getChildren() throws Exception; boolean isDirectory() throws Exception; String getContentAsString() throws Exception; } private static class NodeInJcr implements PackageEntryOrNode { private final Node node; public NodeInJcr(Node node) { this.node = node; } @Override public String getName() throws Exception { return node.getName(); } @Override public String getPath() throws Exception { return node.getPath(); } @Override @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") public List<PackageEntryOrNode> getChildren() throws Exception { List<PackageEntryOrNode> children = new LinkedList<PackageEntryOrNode>(); Iterator<Node> childNodesIt = node.getNodes(); while (childNodesIt.hasNext()) { children.add(new NodeInJcr(; } return children; } @Override public boolean isDirectory() throws Exception { return node.getPrimaryNodeType().isNodeType(NodeType.NT_FOLDER); } @Override public String getContentAsString() throws Exception { final InputStream configInputStream = JcrUtils.readFile(node); try { StringWriter writer = new StringWriter(); IOUtils.copy(configInputStream, writer, "UTF-8"); String configData = writer.toString(); if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(configData)) { LOG.debug("found configuration data of node: {}", node.getPath()); return configData; } else { throw new IllegalStateException("File " + node.getPath() + " is empty!"); } } finally { configInputStream.close(); } } } private static class EntryInPackage implements PackageEntryOrNode { private final Entry entry; private final String path; private final Archive archive; public EntryInPackage(Archive archive, String parentPath, Entry entry) { this.archive = archive; this.entry = entry; path = parentPath + "/" + entry.getName(); } @Override public String getName() throws Exception { return entry.getName(); } @Override public String getPath() { return path; } @Override @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") public List<PackageEntryOrNode> getChildren() throws Exception { List<PackageEntryOrNode> children = new LinkedList<PackageEntryOrNode>(); Collection<? extends Entry> entryChildren = entry.getChildren(); for (Entry childEntry : entryChildren) { children.add(new EntryInPackage(archive, getPath(), childEntry)); } return children; } @Override public boolean isDirectory() throws Exception { return entry.isDirectory(); } @Override public String getContentAsString() throws Exception { LOG.debug("Reading YAML file {}", getPath()); InputStream input = archive.getInputSource(entry).getByteStream(); if (input == null) { throw new IllegalStateException("Could not get input stream from entry " + getPath()); } StringWriter writer = new StringWriter(); IOUtils.copy(input, writer, "UTF-8"); return writer.toString(); } } }