package dk.kb.yggdrasil.db; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.List; import org.apache.commons.logging.Log; import org.apache.commons.logging.LogFactory; import com.sleepycat.bind.EntryBinding; import com.sleepycat.bind.serial.SerialBinding; import com.sleepycat.bind.serial.StoredClassCatalog; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import dk.kb.yggdrasil.exceptions.ArgumentCheck; import dk.kb.yggdrasil.exceptions.YggdrasilException; /** * The StateDatabase persists incoming requests (PreservationRequestState) with a Berkeley DB JE Database */ public class StateDatabase { /** The logger used by this class. */ private static Log log = LogFactory.getLog(StateDatabase.class); /** The basedir for the database itself. */ private File databaseBaseDir; /** The subdirectory to the databaseBaseDir, where the database is located. */ private static final String DATABASE_SUBDIR = "DB"; /** The name of the database. */ private static final String DATABASE_NAME = "YGGDRASIL"; /** The name of the class database. */ private static final String CLASS_DATABASE_NAME = "classDb"; /** The Database environment. */ private Environment env; /** The request Database. */ private Database requestDB; /** The class Database. */ private Database classDB; /** The Berkeley DB binder for the data object and keyObject in our database, * i.e. PreservationRequestState. */ private EntryBinding objectBinding; /** Berkeley DB key binder. */ private EntryBinding keyBinding; /** * Constructor. * Initializes the Berkeley DB databases. * @param databasedir The directory where the database should be * @throws DatabaseException If unable to open the database */ public StateDatabase(File databasedir) throws DatabaseException{ ArgumentCheck.checkNotNull(databasedir, "File databasedir"); this.databaseBaseDir = databasedir; initializeDatabase(); } /** * Initialize the Berkeley DB databases. * @throws DatabaseException If unable to open the databases */ private void initializeDatabase() throws DatabaseException { File homeDirectory = new File(databaseBaseDir, DATABASE_SUBDIR); if (!homeDirectory.isDirectory()) { boolean success = homeDirectory.mkdirs(); log.warn("The database directory '" + homeDirectory.getAbsolutePath() + "' does not exist. Successfully created it: " + success); } ArgumentCheck.checkExistsDirectory(homeDirectory, "File homeDirectory");"Opening DB-environment in: " + homeDirectory.getAbsolutePath()); EnvironmentConfig envConfig = new EnvironmentConfig(); envConfig.setTransactional(true); envConfig.setAllowCreate(true); DatabaseConfig dbConfig = new DatabaseConfig(); dbConfig.setTransactional(true); dbConfig.setAllowCreate(true); Transaction nullTransaction = null; env = new Environment(homeDirectory, envConfig); requestDB = env.openDatabase(nullTransaction, DATABASE_NAME, dbConfig); // Open the database that stores your class information. classDB = env.openDatabase(nullTransaction, CLASS_DATABASE_NAME, dbConfig); StoredClassCatalog classCatalog = new StoredClassCatalog(classDB); // Create the binding objectBinding = new SerialBinding(classCatalog, PreservationRequestState.class); keyBinding = new SerialBinding(classCatalog, String.class); } /** * Retrieve a PreservationRequestState with the given uuid. * @param uuid A given UUID representing an element in Valhal * @return a PreservationRequestState with the given uuid * @throws YggdrasilException If it fails to retrieve the record. */ public PreservationRequestState getPreservationRecord(String uuid) throws YggdrasilException { ArgumentCheck.checkNotNullOrEmpty(uuid, "String uuid"); Transaction nullTransaction = null; LockMode nullLockMode = null; DatabaseEntry key = new DatabaseEntry(); keyBinding.objectToEntry(uuid, key); DatabaseEntry data = new DatabaseEntry(); OperationStatus status = null; try { status = requestDB.get(nullTransaction, key, data, nullLockMode); } catch (DatabaseException e) { throw new YggdrasilException( "Could not retrieve the PreservationRequestState for the record '" + uuid, e); } PreservationRequestState retrievedRequest = null; if (status == OperationStatus.SUCCESS) { retrievedRequest = (PreservationRequestState) objectBinding.entryToObject(data); } return retrievedRequest; } /** * Determine, if the database contains a PreservationRequest for a specific uuid. * @param uuid A given UUID representing an element in Valhal * @return true, if database contains a PreservationRequest for the given uuid; otherwise false * @throws YggdrasilException If it fails. */ public boolean hasPreservationEntry(String uuid) throws YggdrasilException { ArgumentCheck.checkNotNullOrEmpty(uuid, "String uuid"); return (getPreservationRecord(uuid) != null); } /** * Create a new PreservationRequest in the database. * @param uuid A given UUID representing an element in Valhal * @param request The preservation request state to put. * @throws YggdrasilException If it fails. */ public void putPreservationRecord(String uuid, PreservationRequestState request) throws YggdrasilException { ArgumentCheck.checkNotNullOrEmpty(uuid, "String uuid"); ArgumentCheck.checkNotNull(request, "PreservationRequestState request"); Transaction txn = env.beginTransaction(null, null); DatabaseEntry theKey = new DatabaseEntry(); DatabaseEntry theData = new DatabaseEntry(); keyBinding.objectToEntry(uuid, theKey); objectBinding.objectToEntry(request, theData); try { requestDB.put(txn, theKey, theData); txn.commit(); } catch (DatabaseException e) { if (txn != null) { // Roll-back txn.abort(); txn = null; } throw new YggdrasilException("Database exception occuring during ingest", e); } } /** * Retrieve list of outstanding requests. * TODO maybe change to retrieve the requests themselves as a list? * @return The list of UUIDs for the outstanding requests. * @throws YggdrasilException If it fails to extract the outstanding UUIDs. */ public List<String> getOutstandingUUIDS() throws YggdrasilException { Cursor cursor = null; CursorConfig nullCursorConfig = null; Transaction nullTransaction = null; List<String> resultList = new ArrayList<String>(); try { cursor = requestDB.openCursor(nullTransaction, nullCursorConfig); DatabaseEntry foundKey = new DatabaseEntry(); DatabaseEntry foundData = new DatabaseEntry(); while (cursor.getNext(foundKey, foundData, LockMode.DEFAULT) == OperationStatus.SUCCESS) { String keyString = (String) keyBinding.entryToObject(foundKey); resultList.add(keyString); } } catch (DatabaseException de) { throw new YggdrasilException("Error when iterating the PreservationRequestStates ", de); } finally { if (cursor != null) { try { cursor.close(); } catch (DatabaseException e) { log.warn("Database error occurred when closing the cursor: ", e); } } } return resultList; } /** * Delete the entry in the request database with the given uuid. * @param uuid A given UUID representing an element in Valhal * @throws YggdrasilException If it is not possible to remove the record. */ public void delete(String uuid) throws YggdrasilException { ArgumentCheck.checkNotNullOrEmpty(uuid, "String uuid"); Transaction txn = env.beginTransaction(null, null); DatabaseEntry key = new DatabaseEntry(); keyBinding.objectToEntry(uuid, key); try { requestDB.delete(txn, key); txn.commit(); } catch (DatabaseException e) { if (txn != null) { // Roll-back txn.abort(); txn = null; } throw new YggdrasilException( "Database exception occuring during deletion of record", e); } } /** * Close the databases and set the instance to null. */ public void cleanup() { if (requestDB != null) { try { requestDB.close(); } catch (DatabaseException e) { log.warn("Unable to close request database. The error was :", e); } } if (classDB != null) { try { classDB.close(); } catch (DatabaseException e) { log.warn("Unable to close class database. The error was :", e); } } } }