package xsched.analysis.core; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.Set; import java.util.Map.Entry; //this class contains the result of analyzing a task. //for each task it contains other tasks that have been found to be potentially parallel //if t1 is parallel to t2 then t2 is parallel to t1 public class AnalysisResult<Instance> { private HashMap<Instance, HashSet<Instance>> parallelTasksMap = new HashMap<Instance, HashSet<Instance>>(); public AnalysisResult() { } public interface MappingOperation<Instance, T> { public T map(Instance i); } public <T> AnalysisResult<T> collapse(MappingOperation<Instance, T> mapper) { AnalysisResult<T> result = new AnalysisResult<T>(); for(Entry<Instance, HashSet<Instance>> entry : parallelTasksMap.entrySet()) { T newID =; HashSet<T> newValues = result.parallelTasksMap.get(newID); if(newValues == null) { newValues = new HashSet<T>(); result.parallelTasksMap.put(newID, newValues); } for(Instance val : entry.getValue()) { newValues.add(; } } return result; } @Override public String toString() { return parallelTasksMap.toString(); } public <TV, SM extends TaskScheduleManager<TV>> AnalysisResult(ParallelTasksResult<Instance, TV, SM> parResults) { for(Entry<AnalysisTask<Instance, TV, SM>, HashSet<AnalysisTask<Instance, TV, SM>>> entry : parResults.parallelTasksMap.entrySet()) { HashSet<Instance> mySet = parallelTasksMap.get(entry.getKey().id); if(mySet == null) { mySet = new HashSet<Instance>(); parallelTasksMap.put(entry.getKey().id, mySet); } for(AnalysisTask<Instance, TV, SM> task : entry.getValue()) { mySet.add(; } } } public void mergeWith(AnalysisResult<Instance> other) { for(Entry<Instance, HashSet<Instance>> entry : other.parallelTasksMap.entrySet()) { HashSet<Instance> mySet = parallelTasksMap.get(entry.getKey()); if(mySet == null) { mySet = new HashSet<Instance>(); parallelTasksMap.put(entry.getKey(), mySet); } for(Instance task : entry.getValue()) { mySet.add(task); } } } public boolean isParallel(Instance one, Instance other) { HashSet<Instance> set = parallelTasksMap.get(one); if(set == null) return false; return set.contains(other); } public boolean isOrdered(Instance one, Instance other) { return ! isParallel(one, other); } public Set<Instance> tasks() { return parallelTasksMap.keySet(); } public Set<Instance> parallelTasksFor(Instance task) { HashSet<Instance> set = parallelTasksMap.get(task); if(set == null) return Collections.emptySet(); return set; } }