package org.exist.xquery.functions.array; import com.github.krukow.clj_lang.*; import org.exist.dom.QName; import org.exist.xquery.*; import org.exist.xquery.value.*; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.List; /** * Implements the array type (XQuery 3.1). An array is also a function. This class thus extends * {@link FunctionReference} to allow the item to be called in a dynamic function * call. * * Based on immutable, persistent vectors. Operations like append, head, tail, reverse should be fast. * Remove and insert-before require copying the array. * * @author Wolf */ public class ArrayType extends FunctionReference implements Lookup.LookupSupport { // the signature of the function which is evaluated if the map is called as a function item private static final FunctionSignature ACCESSOR = new FunctionSignature( new QName("get", ArrayModule.NAMESPACE_URI, ArrayModule.PREFIX), "Internal accessor function for arrays.", new SequenceType[]{ new FunctionParameterSequenceType("n", Type.POSITIVE_INTEGER, Cardinality.EXACTLY_ONE, "the position of the item to retrieve from the array") }, new SequenceType(Type.ITEM, Cardinality.ZERO_OR_MORE)); private InternalFunctionCall accessorFunc; private IPersistentVector<Sequence> vector; private XQueryContext context; public ArrayType(XQueryContext context, List<Sequence> items) { this(context); vector = PersistentVector.create(items); } public ArrayType(XQueryContext context, Sequence items) throws XPathException { this(context); List<Sequence> itemList = new ArrayList<Sequence>(items.getItemCount()); for (SequenceIterator i = items.iterate(); i.hasNext(); ) { itemList.add(i.nextItem().toSequence()); } vector = PersistentVector.create(itemList); } public ArrayType(XQueryContext context, IPersistentVector<Sequence> vector) { this(context); this.vector = vector; } private ArrayType(XQueryContext context) { super(null); this.context = context; final Function fn = new AccessorFunc(context); this.accessorFunc = new InternalFunctionCall(fn); } public Sequence get(int n) { return vector.nth(n); } @Override public Sequence get(AtomicValue key) throws XPathException { if (!Type.subTypeOf(key.getType(), Type.INTEGER)) { throw new XPathException(ErrorCodes.XPTY0004, "position argument for array lookup must be a positive integer"); } final int pos = ((IntegerValue)key).getInt(); if (pos <= 0 || pos > getSize()) { throw new XPathException(ErrorCodes.XPTY0004, "position argument for array lookup must be > 0 and < array:size"); } return get(pos - 1); } @Override public Sequence keys() throws XPathException { return asSequence(); } public Sequence tail() throws XPathException { if (vector.length() == 2) { final Sequence tail = vector.nth(1); return new ArrayType(context, tail); } return new ArrayType(context, RT.subvec(vector, 1, vector.length())); } public ArrayType subarray(int start, int end) throws XPathException { return new ArrayType(context, RT.subvec(vector, start, end)); } public ArrayType remove(int position) throws XPathException { ITransientCollection<Sequence> ret = PersistentVector.emptyVector().asTransient(); for(int i = 0; i < vector.length(); i++) { if (position != i) { ret = ret.conj(vector.nth(i)); } } return new ArrayType(context, (IPersistentVector<Sequence>)ret.persistent()); } public ArrayType insertBefore(int position, Sequence member) throws XPathException { ITransientCollection<Sequence> ret = PersistentVector.emptyVector().asTransient(); for(int i = 0; i < vector.length(); i++) { if (position == i) { ret = ret.conj(member); } ret = ret.conj(vector.nth(i)); } if (position == vector.length()) { ret = ret.conj(member); } return new ArrayType(context, (IPersistentVector<Sequence>)ret.persistent()); } public static ArrayType join(XQueryContext context, List<ArrayType> arrays) { final ITransientCollection<Sequence> ret = PersistentVector.emptyVector().asTransient(); for (ArrayType type: arrays) { for (ISeq<Sequence> seq = type.vector.seq(); seq != null; seq = { ret.conj(seq.first()); } } return new ArrayType(context, (IPersistentVector<Sequence>)ret.persistent()); } /** * Add member. Modifies the array! Don't use unless you're constructing a new array. * * @param seq */ public void add(Sequence seq) { vector = vector.cons(seq); } /** * Return a new array with a member appended. * * @param seq * @return */ public ArrayType append(Sequence seq) { return new ArrayType(this.context, vector.cons(seq)); } public ArrayType reverse() { final IPersistentVector<Sequence> rvec = PersistentVector.create(vector.rseq()); return new ArrayType(this.context, rvec); } public Sequence asSequence() throws XPathException { ValueSequence result = new ValueSequence(vector.length()); for (int i = 0; i < vector.length(); i++) { result.addAll(vector.nth(i)); } return result; } public Sequence[] toArray() { final Sequence[] array = new Sequence[vector.length()]; return (Sequence[]) RT.seqToPassedArray(vector.seq(), array); } public int getSize() { return vector.length(); } @Override public void analyze(AnalyzeContextInfo contextInfo) throws XPathException { accessorFunc.analyze(contextInfo); } @Override public Sequence eval(Sequence contextSequence) throws XPathException { return accessorFunc.eval(contextSequence); } @Override public void setArguments(List<Expression> arguments) throws XPathException { accessorFunc.setArguments(arguments); } @Override public void resetState(boolean postOptimization) { accessorFunc.resetState(postOptimization); } @Override public int getType() { return Type.ARRAY; } @Override public int getItemType() { return Type.ARRAY; } @Override public AtomicValue atomize() throws XPathException { if (vector.length() == 0) { return null; } else if (vector.length() > 1) { throw new XPathException(ErrorCodes.XPTY0004, "Expected single atomic value but found array with length " + vector.length()); } final Sequence member = vector.nth(0); if (member.hasMany()) { throw new XPathException(ErrorCodes.XPTY0004, "Expected single atomic value but found sequence of length " + member.getItemCount()); } return member.itemAt(0).atomize(); } public ArrayType forEach(FunctionReference ref) throws XPathException { final ITransientCollection<Sequence> ret = PersistentVector.emptyVector().asTransient(); final Sequence fargs[] = new Sequence[1]; for (ISeq<Sequence> seq = vector.seq(); seq != null; seq = { fargs[0] = seq.first(); ret.conj(ref.evalFunction(null, null, fargs)); } return new ArrayType(context, (IPersistentVector<Sequence>)ret.persistent()); } public ArrayType forEachPair(ArrayType other, FunctionReference ref) throws XPathException { final ITransientCollection<Sequence> ret = PersistentVector.emptyVector().asTransient(); for (ISeq<Sequence> i1 = vector.seq(), i2 = other.vector.seq(); i1 != null && i2 != null; i1 =, i2 = { ret.conj(ref.evalFunction(null, null, new Sequence[]{ i1.first(), i2.first() })); } return new ArrayType(context, (IPersistentVector<Sequence>)ret.persistent()); } public ArrayType filter(FunctionReference ref) throws XPathException { final ITransientCollection<Sequence> ret = PersistentVector.emptyVector().asTransient(); final Sequence fargs[] = new Sequence[1]; for (ISeq<Sequence> seq = vector.seq(); seq != null; seq = { fargs[0] = seq.first(); final Sequence fret = ref.evalFunction(null, null, fargs); if (fret.effectiveBooleanValue()) { ret.conj(fargs[0]); } } return new ArrayType(context, (IPersistentVector<Sequence>)ret.persistent()); } public Sequence foldLeft(FunctionReference ref, Sequence zero) throws XPathException { for (ISeq<Sequence> seq = vector.seq(); seq != null; seq = { zero = ref.evalFunction(null, null, new Sequence[] { zero, seq.first() }); } return zero; } public Sequence foldRight(FunctionReference ref, Sequence zero) throws XPathException { ISeq<Sequence> seq = vector.seq(); return foldRight(ref, zero, seq); } private Sequence foldRight(FunctionReference ref, Sequence zero, ISeq<Sequence> seq) throws XPathException { if (seq == null) { return zero; } final Sequence head = seq.first(); final Sequence tailResult = foldRight(ref, zero,; return ref.evalFunction(null, null, new Sequence[] { head, tailResult }); } protected static Sequence flatten(Sequence input, ValueSequence result) throws XPathException { for (SequenceIterator i = input.iterate(); i.hasNext(); ) { final Item item = i.nextItem(); if (item.getType() == Type.ARRAY) { final Sequence members = ((ArrayType)item).asSequence(); flatten(members, result); } else { result.add(item); } } return result; } public static Sequence flatten(Item item) throws XPathException { if (item.getType() == Type.ARRAY) { final Sequence members = ((ArrayType)item).asSequence(); return flatten(members, new ValueSequence(members.getItemCount())); } return item.toSequence(); } /** * Flatten the given sequence by recursively replacing arrays with their member sequence. * * @param input * @return * @throws XPathException */ public static Sequence flatten(Sequence input) throws XPathException { if (input.hasOne()) { return flatten(input.itemAt(0)); } boolean flatten = false; final int itemType = input.getItemType(); if (itemType == Type.ARRAY) { flatten = true; } else if (itemType == Type.ITEM) { // may contain arrays - check for (SequenceIterator i = input.iterate(); i.hasNext(); ) { if (i.nextItem().getType() == Type.ARRAY) { flatten = true; break; } } } return flatten ? flatten(input, new ValueSequence(input.getItemCount() * 2)) : input; } /** * The accessor function which will be evaluated if the map is called * as a function item. */ private class AccessorFunc extends BasicFunction { public AccessorFunc(XQueryContext context) { super(context, ACCESSOR); } public Sequence eval(Sequence[] args, Sequence contextSequence) throws XPathException { final IntegerValue v = (IntegerValue) args[0].itemAt(0); final int n = v.getInt(); if (n <= 0 || n > ArrayType.this.getSize()) { throw new XPathException(this, ErrorCodes.FOAY0001, "Position " + n + " does not exist in this array. Length is " + ArrayType.this.getSize()); } return ArrayType.this.get(n - 1); } } }