/** * Copyright (C) 2015 Orion Health (Orchestral Development Ltd) * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package xbdd.report.assertions; import static org.assertj.core.util.Objects.areEqual; import org.assertj.core.api.AbstractAssert; import org.assertj.core.internal.Iterables; import xbdd.report.ScenarioSummary; import xbdd.report.StepSummary; /** * {@link ScenarioSummary} specific assertions - Generated by CustomAssertionGenerator. */ public class ScenarioSummaryAssert extends AbstractAssert<ScenarioSummaryAssert, ScenarioSummary> { /** * Creates a new <code>{@link ScenarioSummaryAssert}</code> to make assertions on actual ScenarioSummary. * * @param actual the ScenarioSummary we want to make assertions on. */ public ScenarioSummaryAssert(final ScenarioSummary actual) { super(actual, ScenarioSummaryAssert.class); } /** * An entry point for ScenarioSummaryAssert to follow AssertJ standard <code>assertThat()</code> statements.<br> * With a static import, one can write directly: <code>assertThat(myScenarioSummary)</code> and get specific assertion with code * completion. * * @param actual the ScenarioSummary we want to make assertions on. * @return a new <code>{@link ScenarioSummaryAssert}</code> */ public static ScenarioSummaryAssert assertThat(final ScenarioSummary actual) { return new ScenarioSummaryAssert(actual); } /** * Verifies that the actual ScenarioSummary's background contains the given StepSummary elements. * * @param background the given elements that should be contained in actual ScenarioSummary's background. * @return this assertion object. * @throws AssertionError if the actual ScenarioSummary's background does not contain all given StepSummary elements. */ public ScenarioSummaryAssert hasBackground(final StepSummary... background) { // check that actual ScenarioSummary we want to make assertions on is not null. isNotNull(); // check that given StepSummary varargs is not null. if (background == null) { throw new AssertionError("Expecting background parameter not to be null."); } // check with standard error message, to set another message call: info.overridingErrorMessage("my error message"); Iterables.instance().assertContains(this.info, this.actual.getBackground(), background); // return the current assertion for method chaining return this; } /** * Verifies that the actual ScenarioSummary has no background. * * @return this assertion object. * @throws AssertionError if the actual ScenarioSummary's background is not empty. */ public ScenarioSummaryAssert hasNoBackground() { // check that actual ScenarioSummary we want to make assertions on is not null. isNotNull(); // we override the default error message with a more explicit one final String assertjErrorMessage = "\nExpected :\n <%s>\nnot to have background but had :\n <%s>"; // check if (this.actual.getBackground().iterator().hasNext()) { failWithMessage(assertjErrorMessage, this.actual, this.actual.getBackground()); } // return the current assertion for method chaining return this; } /** * Verifies that the actual ScenarioSummary's description is equal to the given one. * * @param description the given description to compare the actual ScenarioSummary's description to. * @return this assertion object. * @throws AssertionError - if the actual ScenarioSummary's description is not equal to the given one. */ public ScenarioSummaryAssert hasDescription(final String description) { // check that actual ScenarioSummary we want to make assertions on is not null. isNotNull(); // overrides the default error message with a more explicit one final String assertjErrorMessage = "\nExpected description of:\n <%s>\nto be:\n <%s>\nbut was:\n <%s>"; // null safe check final String actualDescription = this.actual.getDescription(); if (!areEqual(actualDescription, description)) { failWithMessage(assertjErrorMessage, this.actual, description, actualDescription); } // return the current assertion for method chaining return this; } /** * Verifies that the actual ScenarioSummary's environment is equal to the given one. * * @param environment the given environment to compare the actual ScenarioSummary's environment to. * @return this assertion object. * @throws AssertionError - if the actual ScenarioSummary's environment is not equal to the given one. */ public ScenarioSummaryAssert hasEnvironment(final String environment) { // check that actual ScenarioSummary we want to make assertions on is not null. isNotNull(); // overrides the default error message with a more explicit one final String assertjErrorMessage = "\nExpected environment of:\n <%s>\nto be:\n <%s>\nbut was:\n <%s>"; // null safe check final String actualEnvironment = this.actual.getEnvironment(); if (!areEqual(actualEnvironment, environment)) { failWithMessage(assertjErrorMessage, this.actual, environment, actualEnvironment); } // return the current assertion for method chaining return this; } /** * Verifies that the actual ScenarioSummary's executionNotes is equal to the given one. * * @param executionNotes the given executionNotes to compare the actual ScenarioSummary's executionNotes to. * @return this assertion object. * @throws AssertionError - if the actual ScenarioSummary's executionNotes is not equal to the given one. */ public ScenarioSummaryAssert hasExecutionNotes(final String executionNotes) { // check that actual ScenarioSummary we want to make assertions on is not null. isNotNull(); // overrides the default error message with a more explicit one final String assertjErrorMessage = "\nExpected executionNotes of:\n <%s>\nto be:\n <%s>\nbut was:\n <%s>"; // null safe check final String actualExecutionNotes = this.actual.getExecutionNotes(); if (!areEqual(actualExecutionNotes, executionNotes)) { failWithMessage(assertjErrorMessage, this.actual, executionNotes, actualExecutionNotes); } // return the current assertion for method chaining return this; } /** * Verifies that the actual ScenarioSummary's name is equal to the given one. * * @param name the given name to compare the actual ScenarioSummary's name to. * @return this assertion object. * @throws AssertionError - if the actual ScenarioSummary's name is not equal to the given one. */ public ScenarioSummaryAssert hasName(final String name) { // check that actual ScenarioSummary we want to make assertions on is not null. isNotNull(); // overrides the default error message with a more explicit one final String assertjErrorMessage = "\nExpected name of:\n <%s>\nto be:\n <%s>\nbut was:\n <%s>"; // null safe check final String actualName = this.actual.getName(); if (!areEqual(actualName, name)) { failWithMessage(assertjErrorMessage, this.actual, name, actualName); } // return the current assertion for method chaining return this; } /** * Verifies that the actual ScenarioSummary's result is equal to the given one. * * @param result the given result to compare the actual ScenarioSummary's result to. * @return this assertion object. * @throws AssertionError - if the actual ScenarioSummary's result is not equal to the given one. */ public ScenarioSummaryAssert hasResult(final String result) { // check that actual ScenarioSummary we want to make assertions on is not null. isNotNull(); // overrides the default error message with a more explicit one final String assertjErrorMessage = "\nExpected result of:\n <%s>\nto be:\n <%s>\nbut was:\n <%s>"; // null safe check final String actualResult = this.actual.getResult(); if (!areEqual(actualResult, result)) { failWithMessage(assertjErrorMessage, this.actual, result, actualResult); } // return the current assertion for method chaining return this; } /** * Verifies that the actual ScenarioSummary's steps are the same as the given one. * * @param scenarioSummary the given ScenarioSummary. * @return this assertion object. * @throws AssertionError if the actual ScenarioSummary's steps does not contain all given ScenarioSummary steps. */ public ScenarioSummaryAssert hasSameStepsAs(final ScenarioSummary scenarioSummary) { // check that actual ScenarioSummary we want to make assertions on is not null. isNotNull(); if (scenarioSummary == null) { throw new AssertionError("Expecting scenarioSummary parameter not to be null."); } if (scenarioSummary.getSteps() == null) { throw new AssertionError("Expecting steps parameter not to be null."); } // check with standard error message, to set another message call: info.overridingErrorMessage("my error message"); Iterables.instance().assertContainsAll(this.info, this.actual.getSteps(), scenarioSummary.getSteps()); // return the current assertion for method chaining return this; } /** * Verifies that the actual ScenarioSummary has no steps. * * @return this assertion object. * @throws AssertionError if the actual ScenarioSummary's steps is not empty. */ public ScenarioSummaryAssert hasNoSteps() { // check that actual ScenarioSummary we want to make assertions on is not null. isNotNull(); // we override the default error message with a more explicit one final String assertjErrorMessage = "\nExpected :\n <%s>\nnot to have steps but had :\n <%s>"; // check if (this.actual.getSteps().iterator().hasNext()) { failWithMessage(assertjErrorMessage, this.actual, this.actual.getSteps()); } // return the current assertion for method chaining return this; } /** * Verifies that the actual ScenarioSummary's tags contains the given String elements. * * @param tags the given elements that should be contained in actual ScenarioSummary's tags. * @return this assertion object. * @throws AssertionError if the actual ScenarioSummary's tags does not contain all given String elements. */ public ScenarioSummaryAssert hasTags(final String... tags) { // check that actual ScenarioSummary we want to make assertions on is not null. isNotNull(); // check that given String varargs is not null. if (tags == null) { throw new AssertionError("Expecting tags parameter not to be null."); } // check with standard error message, to set another message call: info.overridingErrorMessage("my error message"); Iterables.instance().assertContains(this.info, this.actual.getTags(), tags); // return the current assertion for method chaining return this; } /** * Verifies that the actual ScenarioSummary has no tags. * * @return this assertion object. * @throws AssertionError if the actual ScenarioSummary's tags is not empty. */ public ScenarioSummaryAssert hasNoTags() { // check that actual ScenarioSummary we want to make assertions on is not null. isNotNull(); // we override the default error message with a more explicit one final String assertjErrorMessage = "\nExpected :\n <%s>\nnot to have tags but had :\n <%s>"; // check if (this.actual.getTags().iterator().hasNext()) { failWithMessage(assertjErrorMessage, this.actual, this.actual.getTags()); } // return the current assertion for method chaining return this; } /** * Verifies that the actual ScenarioSummary's testingTips is equal to the given one. * * @param testingTips the given testingTips to compare the actual ScenarioSummary's testingTips to. * @return this assertion object. * @throws AssertionError - if the actual ScenarioSummary's testingTips is not equal to the given one. */ public ScenarioSummaryAssert hasTestingTips(final String testingTips) { // check that actual ScenarioSummary we want to make assertions on is not null. isNotNull(); // overrides the default error message with a more explicit one final String assertjErrorMessage = "\nExpected testingTips of:\n <%s>\nto be:\n <%s>\nbut was:\n <%s>"; // null safe check final String actualTestingTips = this.actual.getTestingTips(); if (!areEqual(actualTestingTips, testingTips)) { failWithMessage(assertjErrorMessage, this.actual, testingTips, actualTestingTips); } // return the current assertion for method chaining return this; } }