package com.jasonchen.microlang.database; import android.content.ContentValues; import android.database.Cursor; import android.database.DatabaseUtils; import android.database.SQLException; import android.database.sqlite.SQLiteDatabase; import android.text.TextUtils; import; import; import com.jasonchen.microlang.beans.MessageBean; import com.jasonchen.microlang.beans.MessageListBean; import com.jasonchen.microlang.database.table.HomeOtherGroupTable; import com.jasonchen.microlang.debug.AppLogger; import com.jasonchen.microlang.utils.AppConfig; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.List; /** * jasonchen * 2015/04/21 */ public class HomeOtherGroupTimeLineDBTask { private HomeOtherGroupTimeLineDBTask() { } private static SQLiteDatabase getWsd() { DatabaseHelper databaseHelper = DatabaseHelper.getInstance(); return databaseHelper.getWritableDatabase(); } private static SQLiteDatabase getRsd() { DatabaseHelper databaseHelper = DatabaseHelper.getInstance(); return databaseHelper.getReadableDatabase(); } private static void addHomeLineMsg(MessageListBean list, String accountId, String groupId) { if (list == null || list.getSize() == 0) { return; } Gson gson = new Gson(); List<MessageBean> msgList = list.getItemList(); DatabaseUtils.InsertHelper ih = new DatabaseUtils.InsertHelper(getWsd(), HomeOtherGroupTable.HomeOtherGroupDataTable.TABLE_NAME); final int mblogidColumn = ih.getColumnIndex(HomeOtherGroupTable.HomeOtherGroupDataTable.MBLOGID); final int accountidColumn = ih.getColumnIndex(HomeOtherGroupTable.HomeOtherGroupDataTable.ACCOUNTID); final int jsondataColumn = ih.getColumnIndex(HomeOtherGroupTable.HomeOtherGroupDataTable.JSONDATA); final int groupidColumn = ih.getColumnIndex(HomeOtherGroupTable.HomeOtherGroupDataTable.GROUPID); try { getWsd().beginTransaction(); for (int i = 0; i < msgList.size(); i++) { MessageBean msg = msgList.get(i); ih.prepareForInsert(); if (msg != null) { ih.bind(mblogidColumn, msg.getId()); ih.bind(accountidColumn, accountId); String json = gson.toJson(msg); ih.bind(jsondataColumn, json); ih.bind(groupidColumn, groupId); } else { ih.bind(mblogidColumn, "-1"); ih.bind(accountidColumn, accountId); ih.bind(jsondataColumn, ""); ih.bind(groupidColumn, groupId); } ih.execute(); } getWsd().setTransactionSuccessful(); } catch (SQLException e) { } finally { getWsd().endTransaction(); ih.close(); } reduceHomeOtherGroupTable(accountId, groupId); } private static void reduceHomeOtherGroupTable(String accountId, String groupId) { String searchCount = "select count(" + HomeOtherGroupTable.HomeOtherGroupDataTable.ID + ") as total" + " from " + HomeOtherGroupTable.HomeOtherGroupDataTable.TABLE_NAME + " where " + HomeOtherGroupTable.HomeOtherGroupDataTable.ACCOUNTID + " = " + accountId + " and " + HomeOtherGroupTable.HomeOtherGroupDataTable.GROUPID + " = " + groupId; int total = 0; Cursor c = getWsd().rawQuery(searchCount, null); if (c.moveToNext()) { total = c.getInt(c.getColumnIndex("total")); } c.close(); AppLogger.e("total=" + total); int needDeletedNumber = total - AppConfig.DEFAULT_HOME_DB_CACHE_COUNT; if (needDeletedNumber > 0) { AppLogger.e("" + needDeletedNumber); String sql = " delete from " + HomeOtherGroupTable.HomeOtherGroupDataTable.TABLE_NAME + " where " + HomeOtherGroupTable.HomeOtherGroupDataTable.ID + " in " + "( select " + HomeOtherGroupTable.HomeOtherGroupDataTable.ID + " from " + HomeOtherGroupTable.HomeOtherGroupDataTable.TABLE_NAME + " where " + HomeOtherGroupTable.HomeOtherGroupDataTable.ACCOUNTID + " in " + "(" + accountId + ") " + " and " + HomeOtherGroupTable.HomeOtherGroupDataTable.GROUPID + " = " + groupId + " order by " + HomeOtherGroupTable.HomeOtherGroupDataTable.ID + " desc limit " + needDeletedNumber + " ) "; getWsd().execSQL(sql); } } public static void replace(MessageListBean list, String accountId, String groupId) { deleteGroupTimeLine(accountId, groupId); addHomeLineMsg(list, accountId, groupId); } static void deleteGroupTimeLine(String accountId, String groupId) { String sql = "delete from " + HomeOtherGroupTable.HomeOtherGroupDataTable.TABLE_NAME + " where " + HomeOtherGroupTable.HomeOtherGroupDataTable.ACCOUNTID + " in " + "(" + accountId + ")" + " and " + HomeOtherGroupTable.HomeOtherGroupDataTable.GROUPID + " = " + groupId; getWsd().execSQL(sql); } public static MessageListBean get(String accountId, String groupId, int limitCount) { Gson gson = new Gson(); MessageListBean result = new MessageListBean(); int limit = limitCount > AppConfig.DEFAULT_MSG_COUNT_50 ? limitCount : AppConfig.DEFAULT_MSG_COUNT_50; List<MessageBean> msgList = new ArrayList<MessageBean>(); String sql = "select * from " + HomeOtherGroupTable.HomeOtherGroupDataTable.TABLE_NAME + " where " + HomeOtherGroupTable.HomeOtherGroupDataTable.ACCOUNTID + " = " + accountId + " and " + HomeOtherGroupTable.HomeOtherGroupDataTable.GROUPID + " = " + groupId + " order by " + HomeOtherGroupTable.HomeOtherGroupDataTable.ID + " asc limit " + limit; Cursor c = getRsd().rawQuery(sql, null); while (c.moveToNext()) { String json = c.getString(c.getColumnIndex(HomeOtherGroupTable.HomeOtherGroupDataTable.JSONDATA)); if (!TextUtils.isEmpty(json)) { try { MessageBean value = gson.fromJson(json, MessageBean.class); value.getListViewSpannableString(); msgList.add(value); } catch (JsonSyntaxException e) { AppLogger.e(e.getMessage()); } } else { msgList.add(null); } } // delete the null flag at the head positon and the end position for (int i = msgList.size() - 1; i >= 0; i--) { if (msgList.get(i) == null) { msgList.remove(i); } else { break; } } for (int i = 0; i < msgList.size(); i++) { if (msgList.get(i) == null) { msgList.remove(i); } else { break; } } result.setStatuses(msgList); c.close(); return result; } static void updateCount(String msgId, int commentCount, int repostCount) { String sql = "select * from " + HomeOtherGroupTable.HomeOtherGroupDataTable.TABLE_NAME + " where " + HomeOtherGroupTable.HomeOtherGroupDataTable.MBLOGID + " = " + msgId + " order by " + HomeOtherGroupTable.HomeOtherGroupDataTable.ID + " asc limit 50"; Cursor c = getRsd().rawQuery(sql, null); Gson gson = new Gson(); while (c.moveToNext()) { String id = c.getString(c.getColumnIndex(HomeOtherGroupTable.HomeOtherGroupDataTable.ID)); String json = c.getString(c.getColumnIndex(HomeOtherGroupTable.HomeOtherGroupDataTable.JSONDATA)); if (!TextUtils.isEmpty(json)) { try { MessageBean value = gson.fromJson(json, MessageBean.class); value.setComments_count(commentCount); value.setReposts_count(repostCount); String[] args = { id }; ContentValues cv = new ContentValues(); cv.put(HomeOtherGroupTable.HomeOtherGroupDataTable.JSONDATA, gson.toJson(value)); getWsd().update(HomeOtherGroupTable.HomeOtherGroupDataTable.TABLE_NAME, cv, HomeOtherGroupTable.HomeOtherGroupDataTable.ID + "=?", args); } catch (JsonSyntaxException e) { } } } } }