/** * Copyright (c) 2014-present, Facebook, Inc. All rights reserved. * * You are hereby granted a non-exclusive, worldwide, royalty-free license to use, * copy, modify, and distribute this software in source code or binary form for use * in connection with the web services and APIs provided by Facebook. * * As with any software that integrates with the Facebook platform, your use of * this software is subject to the Facebook Developer Principles and Policies * [http://developers.facebook.com/policy/]. This copyright notice shall be * included in all copies or substantial portions of the software. * * THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR * IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS * FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR * COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER * IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN * CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. */ package com.facebook; import android.graphics.Bitmap; import android.test.suitebuilder.annotation.LargeTest; import android.test.suitebuilder.annotation.MediumTest; import android.test.suitebuilder.annotation.SmallTest; import com.facebook.share.internal.ShareInternalUtility; import org.json.JSONArray; import org.json.JSONObject; import java.net.HttpURLConnection; import java.util.Arrays; public class AsyncRequestTests extends FacebookTestCase { @SmallTest @MediumTest @LargeTest public void testCanLaunchAsyncRequestFromUiThread() { GraphRequest request = GraphRequest.newPostRequest(null, "me/feeds", null, null); try { TestGraphRequestAsyncTask task = createAsyncTaskOnUiThread(request); assertNotNull(task); } catch (Throwable throwable) { assertNull(throwable); } } @SmallTest @MediumTest @LargeTest public void testExecuteWithNullRequestsThrows() throws Exception { try { TestGraphRequestAsyncTask task = new TestGraphRequestAsyncTask((GraphRequest[]) null); task.executeOnBlockerThread(); waitAndAssertSuccessOrRethrow(1); fail("expected NullPointerException"); } catch (NullPointerException exception) { } } @SmallTest @MediumTest @LargeTest public void testExecuteBatchWithZeroRequestsThrows() throws Exception { try { TestGraphRequestAsyncTask task = new TestGraphRequestAsyncTask(new GraphRequest[] {}); task.executeOnBlockerThread(); waitAndAssertSuccessOrRethrow(1); fail("expected IllegalArgumentException"); } catch (IllegalArgumentException exception) { } } @SmallTest @MediumTest @LargeTest public void testExecuteBatchWithNullRequestThrows() throws Exception { try { TestGraphRequestAsyncTask task = new TestGraphRequestAsyncTask( new GraphRequest[] { null }); task.executeOnBlockerThread(); waitAndAssertSuccessOrRethrow(1); fail("expected NullPointerException"); } catch (NullPointerException exception) { } } @MediumTest @LargeTest public void testExecuteSingleGet() { final AccessToken accessToken = getAccessTokenForSharedUser(); GraphRequest request = new GraphRequest(accessToken, "TourEiffel", null, null, new ExpectSuccessCallback() { @Override protected void performAsserts(GraphResponse response) { assertNotNull(response); JSONObject graphPlace = response.getJSONObject(); assertEquals("Paris", graphPlace.optJSONObject("location").optString("city")); } }); TestGraphRequestAsyncTask task = new TestGraphRequestAsyncTask(request); task.executeOnBlockerThread(); // Wait on 2 signals: request and task will both signal. waitAndAssertSuccess(2); } @MediumTest @LargeTest public void testExecuteSingleGetUsingHttpURLConnection() { final AccessToken accessToken = getAccessTokenForSharedUser(); GraphRequest request = new GraphRequest(accessToken, "TourEiffel", null, null, new ExpectSuccessCallback() { @Override protected void performAsserts(GraphResponse response) { assertNotNull(response); JSONObject graphPlace = response.getJSONObject(); assertEquals("Paris", graphPlace.optJSONObject("location").optString("city")); } }); HttpURLConnection connection = GraphRequest.toHttpConnection(request); TestGraphRequestAsyncTask task = new TestGraphRequestAsyncTask(connection, Arrays.asList(new GraphRequest[] { request })); task.executeOnBlockerThread(); // Wait on 2 signals: request and task will both signal. waitAndAssertSuccess(2); } @MediumTest @LargeTest public void testExecuteSingleGetFailureCase() { final AccessToken accessToken = getAccessTokenForSharedUser(); GraphRequest request = new GraphRequest(accessToken, "-1", null, null, new ExpectFailureCallback()); TestGraphRequestAsyncTask task = new TestGraphRequestAsyncTask(request); task.executeOnBlockerThread(); // Wait on 2 signals: request and task will both signal. waitAndAssertSuccess(2); } @SmallTest @MediumTest @LargeTest public void testBatchWithoutAppIDIsError() throws Throwable { GraphRequest request1 = new GraphRequest(null, "TourEiffel", null, null, new ExpectFailureCallback()); GraphRequest request2 = new GraphRequest(null, "SpaceNeedle", null, null, new ExpectFailureCallback()); TestGraphRequestAsyncTask task = new TestGraphRequestAsyncTask(request1, request2); task.executeOnBlockerThread(); // Wait on 3 signals: request1, request2, and task will all signal. waitAndAssertSuccessOrRethrow(3); } @LargeTest public void testMixedSuccessAndFailure() { final AccessToken accessToken = getAccessTokenForSharedUser(); final int NUM_REQUESTS = 8; GraphRequest[] requests = new GraphRequest[NUM_REQUESTS]; for (int i = 0; i < NUM_REQUESTS; ++i) { boolean shouldSucceed = (i % 2) == 1; if (shouldSucceed) { requests[i] = new GraphRequest(accessToken, "me", null, null, new ExpectSuccessCallback()); } else { requests[i] = new GraphRequest(accessToken, "-1", null, null, new ExpectFailureCallback()); } } TestGraphRequestAsyncTask task = new TestGraphRequestAsyncTask(requests); task.executeOnBlockerThread(); // Note: plus 1, because the overall async task signals as well. waitAndAssertSuccess(NUM_REQUESTS + 1); } @MediumTest @LargeTest public void testStaticExecuteMeAsync() { final AccessToken accessToken = getAccessTokenForSharedUser(); class MeCallback extends ExpectSuccessCallback implements GraphRequest.GraphJSONObjectCallback { @Override public void onCompleted(JSONObject me, GraphResponse response) { assertNotNull(me); assertEquals(accessToken.getUserId(), me.optString("id")); RequestTests.validateMeResponse(accessToken, response); onCompleted(response); } } runOnBlockerThread(new Runnable() { @Override public void run() { GraphRequest.newMeRequest(accessToken, new MeCallback()).executeAsync(); } }, false); waitAndAssertSuccess(1); } @MediumTest @LargeTest public void testStaticExecuteMyFriendsAsync() { final AccessToken accessToken = getAccessTokenForSharedUser(); class FriendsCallback extends ExpectSuccessCallback implements GraphRequest.GraphJSONArrayCallback { @Override public void onCompleted(JSONArray friends, GraphResponse response) { assertNotNull(friends); RequestTests.validateMyFriendsResponse(response); onCompleted(response); } } runOnBlockerThread(new Runnable() { @Override public void run() { GraphRequest.newMyFriendsRequest(accessToken, new FriendsCallback()).executeAsync(); } }, false); waitAndAssertSuccess(1); } @LargeTest public void testBatchUploadPhoto() { final AccessToken accessToken = getAccessTokenForSharedUserWithPermissions(null, "user_photos", "publish_actions"); final int image1Size = 120; final int image2Size = 150; Bitmap bitmap1 = createTestBitmap(image1Size); Bitmap bitmap2 = createTestBitmap(image2Size); GraphRequest uploadRequest1 = ShareInternalUtility.newUploadPhotoRequest( accessToken, bitmap1, null); uploadRequest1.setBatchEntryName("uploadRequest1"); GraphRequest uploadRequest2 = ShareInternalUtility.newUploadPhotoRequest( accessToken, bitmap2, null); uploadRequest2.setBatchEntryName("uploadRequest2"); GraphRequest getRequest1 = new GraphRequest( accessToken, "{result=uploadRequest1:$.id}", null, null, new ExpectSuccessCallback() { @Override protected void performAsserts(GraphResponse response) { assertNotNull(response); JSONObject retrievedPhoto = response.getJSONObject(); assertNotNull(retrievedPhoto); assertEquals(image1Size, retrievedPhoto.optInt("width")); } }); GraphRequest getRequest2 = new GraphRequest( accessToken, "{result=uploadRequest2:$.id}", null, null, new ExpectSuccessCallback() { @Override protected void performAsserts(GraphResponse response) { assertNotNull(response); JSONObject retrievedPhoto = response.getJSONObject(); assertNotNull(retrievedPhoto); assertEquals(image2Size, retrievedPhoto.optInt("width")); } }); TestGraphRequestAsyncTask task = new TestGraphRequestAsyncTask( uploadRequest1, uploadRequest2, getRequest1, getRequest2); task.executeOnBlockerThread(); // Wait on 3 signals: getRequest1, getRequest2, and task will all signal. waitAndAssertSuccess(3); } @MediumTest @LargeTest public void testShortTimeoutCausesFailure() { final AccessToken accessToken = getAccessTokenForSharedUser(); GraphRequest request = new GraphRequest(accessToken, "me/likes", null, null, new ExpectFailureCallback()); GraphRequestBatch requestBatch = new GraphRequestBatch(request); // 1 millisecond timeout should be too short for response from server. requestBatch.setTimeout(1); TestGraphRequestAsyncTask task = new TestGraphRequestAsyncTask(requestBatch); task.executeOnBlockerThread(); // Note: plus 1, because the overall async task signals as well. waitAndAssertSuccess(2); } @LargeTest public void testLongTimeoutAllowsSuccess() { final AccessToken accessToken = getAccessTokenForSharedUser(); GraphRequest request = new GraphRequest(accessToken, "me", null, null, new ExpectSuccessCallback()); GraphRequestBatch requestBatch = new GraphRequestBatch(request); // 10 second timeout should be long enough for successful response from server. requestBatch.setTimeout(10000); TestGraphRequestAsyncTask task = new TestGraphRequestAsyncTask(requestBatch); task.executeOnBlockerThread(); // Note: plus 1, because the overall async task signals as well. waitAndAssertSuccess(2); } }