package org.owasp.webgoat.lessons; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.List; import org.apache.ecs.Element; import org.apache.ecs.ElementContainer; import org.apache.ecs.StringElement; import org.apache.ecs.html.A; import org.apache.ecs.html.BR; import org.apache.ecs.html.H3; import org.apache.ecs.html.IMG; import org.apache.ecs.html.Input; import org.apache.ecs.html.Script; import org.apache.ecs.html.TextArea; import org.apache.ecs.xhtml.button; import org.owasp.webgoat.session.WebSession; public class SameOriginPolicyProtection extends LessonAdapter { public final static A ASPECT_LOGO = new A().setHref("") .addElement( new IMG("images/logos/aspect.jpg").setAlt("Aspect Security").setBorder(0).setHspace(0) .setVspace(0)); /** * Description of the Method * * @param s * Description of the Parameter * @return Description of the Return Value */ protected Element createContent(WebSession s) { ElementContainer ec = new ElementContainer(); try { ec.addElement(new Script().setSrc("lessonJS/sameOrigin.js")); Input hiddenWGStatus = new Input(Input.HIDDEN, "hiddenWGStatus", 0); hiddenWGStatus.setID("hiddenWGStatus"); ec.addElement(hiddenWGStatus); Input hiddenGoogleStatus = new Input(Input.HIDDEN, "hiddenGoogleStatus", 0); hiddenGoogleStatus.setID("hiddenGoogleStatus"); ec.addElement(hiddenGoogleStatus); ec.addElement(new StringElement("Enter a URL: ")); ec.addElement(new BR()); TextArea urlArea = new TextArea(); urlArea.setID("requestedURL"); urlArea.setRows(1); urlArea.setCols(60); urlArea.setWrap("SOFT"); ec.addElement(urlArea); button b = new button(); b.setValue("Go!"); b.setType(button.button); b.setName("Go!"); b.setOnClick("submitXHR();"); b.addElement("Go!"); ec.addElement(b); ec.addElement(new BR()); ec.addElement(new BR()); H3 reponseTitle = new H3("Response: "); reponseTitle.setID("responseTitle"); ec.addElement(reponseTitle); // ec.addElement(new BR()); TextArea ta = new TextArea(); ta.setName("responseArea"); ta.setID("responseArea"); ta.setCols(60); ta.setRows(4); ec.addElement(ta); ec.addElement(new BR()); String webGoatURL = "lessons/Ajax/sameOrigin.jsp"; String googleURL = ""; ec.addElement(new BR()); A webGoat = new A(); webGoat.setHref("javascript:populate(\"" + webGoatURL + "\")"); webGoat.addElement("Click here to try a Same Origin request:<BR/> " + webGoatURL); ec.addElement(webGoat); ec.addElement(new BR()); ec.addElement(new BR()); A google = new A(); google.setHref("javascript:populate(\"" + googleURL + "\")"); google.addElement("Click here to try a Different Origin request:<BR/> " + googleURL); ec.addElement(google); } catch (Exception e) { s.setMessage("Error generating " + this.getClass().getName()); e.printStackTrace(); } int hiddenWGStatusInt = s.getParser().getIntParameter("hiddenWGStatus", 0); int hiddenGoogleStatusInt = s.getParser().getIntParameter("hiddenGoogleStatus", 0); // System.out.println("hiddenWGStatus:" + hiddenWGStatusInt); // System.out.println("hiddenGoogleStatusInt:" + hiddenGoogleStatusInt); if (hiddenWGStatusInt == 1 && hiddenGoogleStatusInt == 1) { makeSuccess(s); } return (ec); } /** * Gets the hints attribute of the HelloScreen object * * @return The hints value */ public List<String> getHints(WebSession s) { List<String> hints = new ArrayList<String>(); hints.add("Enter a URL to see if it is allowed."); hints.add("Click both of the links below to complete the lesson"); return hints; } /** * Gets the ranking attribute of the HelloScreen object * * @return The ranking value */ private final static Integer DEFAULT_RANKING = new Integer(10); protected Integer getDefaultRanking() { return DEFAULT_RANKING; } protected Category getDefaultCategory() { return Category.AJAX_SECURITY; } /** * Gets the title attribute of the HelloScreen object * * @return The title value */ public String getTitle() { return ("Same Origin Policy Protection"); } public Element getCredits() { return super.getCustomCredits("", ASPECT_LOGO); } public String getInstructions(WebSession s) { String instructions = "This exercise demonstrates the " + "Same Origin Policy Protection. XHR requests can only be passed back to " + " the originating server. Attempts to pass data to a non-originating server " + " will fail."; return (instructions); } }