package it.fdev.utils; import it.fdev.unisaconnect.R; import; import android.content.Context; import; import; import android.view.View; import android.widget.FrameLayout; import android.widget.ImageView; import android.widget.TextView; public class QustomDialogBuilder extends AlertDialog.Builder { /** The custom_body layout */ private View mDialogView; /** optional dialog title layout */ private TextView mTitle; /** optional alert dialog image */ private ImageView mIcon; /** optional message displayed below title if title exists */ private TextView mMessage; /** The colored holo divider. You can set its color with the setDividerColor method */ private View mDivider; public QustomDialogBuilder(Context context) { super(context); mDialogView = View.inflate(context, R.layout.qustom_dialog_layout, null); setView(mDialogView); mTitle = (TextView) mDialogView.findViewById(; mMessage = (TextView) mDialogView.findViewById(; mIcon = (ImageView) mDialogView.findViewById(; mDivider = mDialogView.findViewById(; } /** * Use this method to color the divider between the title and content. Will not display if no title is set. * * @param colorString * for passing "#ffffff" */ public QustomDialogBuilder setDividerColor(String colorString) { setDividerColor(Color.parseColor(colorString)); return this; } public QustomDialogBuilder setDividerColor(int color) { mDivider.setBackgroundColor(color); return this; } @Override public QustomDialogBuilder setTitle(CharSequence text) { mTitle.setText(text); return this; } public QustomDialogBuilder setTitleColor(String colorString) { mTitle.setTextColor(Color.parseColor(colorString)); return this; } @Override public QustomDialogBuilder setMessage(int textResId) { mMessage.setText(textResId); return this; } @Override public QustomDialogBuilder setMessage(CharSequence text) { mMessage.setText(text); return this; } @Override public QustomDialogBuilder setIcon(int drawableResId) { mIcon.setImageResource(drawableResId); return this; } @Override public QustomDialogBuilder setIcon(Drawable icon) { mIcon.setImageDrawable(icon); return this; } /** * This allows you to specify a custom layout for the area below the title divider bar in the dialog. As an example you can look at example_ip_address_layout.xml and how I added it in * * @param resId * of the layout you would like to add * @param context */ public QustomDialogBuilder setCustomView(int resId, Context context) { View customView = View.inflate(context, resId, null); ((FrameLayout) mDialogView.findViewById(; return this; } @Override public AlertDialog show() { try { if (mTitle.getText().equals("")) mDialogView.findViewById(; return; } catch (Exception e) { return null; } } }