package ch.usi.da.dlog.message; /* * Copyright (c) 2014 Università della Svizzera italiana (USI) * * This file is part of URingPaxos. * * URingPaxos is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * URingPaxos is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with URingPaxos. If not, see <>. */ import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.List; import org.apache.thrift.TDeserializer; import org.apache.thrift.TException; import org.apache.thrift.TSerializer; import org.apache.thrift.protocol.TBinaryProtocol; import ch.usi.da.dlog.thrift.gen.Cmd; import ch.usi.da.dlog.thrift.gen.Decision; /** * Name: Message<br> * Description: <br> * * Creation date: Apr 07, 2014<br> * $Id$ * * @author Samuel Benz */ public class Message { private final int id; private final String from; private final String to; private final List<Command> commands; private long instance = 0; private int ring = 0; private boolean skip = false; public Message(int id,String from,String to,List<Command> commands){ = id; this.from = from; = to; this.commands = commands; } public int getID(){ return id; } public String getFrom(){ return from; } public String getTo(){ return to; } public List<Command> getCommands(){ return commands; } public void setInstance(long instance){ this.instance = instance; } public long getInstnce(){ return instance; } public void setRing(int ring){ this.ring = ring; } public int getRing(){ return ring; } public void setSkip(boolean skip){ this.skip = skip; } public boolean isSkip(){ return skip; } public String toString(){ return ("Message id:" + id + " from:" + from + " to:" + to + " " + commands); } public boolean equals(Object obj) { if(obj instanceof Message){ if( == ((Message) obj).getID()){ return true; } } return false; } public int hashCode() { return id; } public static byte[] toByteArray(Message m){ TSerializer serializer = new TSerializer(new TBinaryProtocol.Factory()); ch.usi.da.dlog.thrift.gen.Message msg = new ch.usi.da.dlog.thrift.gen.Message(); msg.setId(m.getID()); msg.setFrom(m.getFrom()); msg.setTo(m.getTo()); List<Cmd> cmds = new ArrayList<Cmd>(); for(Command c : m.getCommands()){ cmds.add(Command.toCmd(c)); } msg.setCommands(cmds); try { return serializer.serialize(msg); } catch (TException e) { return new byte[0]; } } public static Message fromDecision(Decision decision){ Message m = null; if(decision.isSetValue() && decision.getValue().isSkip()){ m = new Message(0,"","",null); m.setSkip(true); }else{ m = fromByteArray(decision.getValue().getCmd()); } if(m != null){ m.setInstance(decision.getInstance()); m.setRing(decision.getRing()); } return m; } public static Message fromDecision( decision){ Message m = null; if(decision.getValue() != null && decision.getValue().isSkip()){ m = new Message(0,"","",null); m.setSkip(true); }else{ m = fromByteArray(decision.getValue().getValue()); } if(m != null){ m.setInstance(decision.getInstance()); m.setRing(decision.getRing()); } return m; } public static Message fromByteArray(byte[] b){ TDeserializer deserializer = new TDeserializer(new TBinaryProtocol.Factory()); ch.usi.da.dlog.thrift.gen.Message m = new ch.usi.da.dlog.thrift.gen.Message(); try { deserializer.deserialize(m, b); if( == null){ return null; } } catch (TException e) { return null; } List<Command> cmds = new ArrayList<Command>(); for(Cmd c : m.getCommands()){ cmds.add(Command.toCommand(c)); } return new Message(m.getId(),m.getFrom(),m.getTo(),cmds); } }