package ufit.profilecreation; import java.util.ArrayList; import ufit.expertsystem.ExpertSystems; import ufit.DatabaseUtilities.ExerciseInfo; import ufit.DatabaseUtilities.MyDbAdapter; import; import ufit.namespace.R; import ufit.profile.Profile; import; import android.content.Intent; import android.os.Bundle; import android.view.View; import android.widget.Button; import android.content.Intent; import android.os.Bundle; import android.view.View.OnClickListener; import android.widget.ImageView; import android.widget.TextView; import android.widget.Toast; public class HomeScreen extends Activity implements OnClickListener { private Profile profile; private MyApp application; public MyDbAdapter eDbAdaptor; private ExpertSystems magic; @Override protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) { super.onCreate(savedInstanceState); setContentView(R.layout.homescreen); initializeButtons(); System.gc(); application = (MyApp)getApplication(); onNewIntent(getIntent()); profile = ((MyApp)getApplication()).getProfile(); //here, this is where we save the profile! ((MyApp)getApplication()).saveProfile(); loadInformation(); ImageView profilepic = (ImageView)this.findViewById(; if (profile.getWorkoutType() == 1) { profilepic.setImageResource(this.getResources().getIdentifier("stickfig_s", "drawable", this.getPackageName())); } else if (profile.getWorkoutType() == 3) { profilepic.setImageResource(this.getResources().getIdentifier("stickfig_g", "drawable", this.getPackageName())); } else { profilepic.setImageResource(this.getResources().getIdentifier("stickfig_c", "drawable", this.getPackageName())); } //if (profile.hasBeenMonth() || profile.getID() == null || profile.getID().size() <= 0) if(profile.hasBeenMonth()) { profile.setExpertSystemFlag(true); } if(profile.getExpertSystemFlag()) { magic = new ExpertSystems(this,profile); profile.setID(magic.fetchPlan()); profile.setTodaysDate(); profile.setExpertSystemFlag(false); //utilizeDatabase();//DO NOT RUN THIS UNTIL OUR DATABSE IS COMPLETE AND IN THE ASSETS FOLDER ((MyApp)getApplication()).saveProfile(); } } /*private void utilizeDatabase() { //DO NOT RUN THIS UNTIL OUR DATABSE IS COMPLETE AND IN THE ASSETS FOLDER int workoutType; workoutType = profile.getWorkoutType(); //I have assumed the returned int matches the one in the DB int workoutGroup; //don't know where any of this is saved or how to call it, or if its one item or a list. //workoutGroup = profile.getWorkoutGroup(); //I have assumed its only one focus area, stored as an int. workoutGroup = 1; //default for now. int workoutSkill = profile.getSkill(); //I have assumed the returned int matches the one in the DB ArrayList<String> equipmentList = new ArrayList<String>(); equipmentList = profile.getEquipmentList(); //should this be profile.getID() ? if(profile.getID() == null) //if saved list of current exercises doesn't exist already { eDbAdaptor = new MyDbAdapter(this, workoutType, workoutGroup, workoutSkill, equipmentList); } else { ArrayList<Integer> storedList = profile.getID(); //should this be profile.getID() ? eDbAdaptor = new MyDbAdapter(this, workoutType,workoutGroup,workoutSkill, equipmentList, storedList); } //all valid focus group exercises should be in focusExercises when this completes ArrayList<ExerciseInfo> focusExercises; focusExercises = eDbAdaptor.fetchFocusExercises(); // do what you want with them. NOTE: the array INDEXES do NOT match up to the EXERCISE ID stored in the database. //all valid non-focus group exercises should be in otherExercises when this completes ArrayList<ExerciseInfo> otherExercises; otherExercises = eDbAdaptor.fetchOtherExercises(); //do what you want with them. NOTE: the array INDEXES do NOT match up to the EXERCISE ID stored in the database. //after the magical expert system returns a list of exercises, assumed to be an ArrayList<Integer> magicExerciseIDs ArrayList<Integer> magicExerciseIDs = null; //default for now //magicExerciseIDs = Magic.getPlannedExercises(); //magic doesn't exist yet. eDbAdaptor.setStoredExerciseIDs(magicExerciseIDs); //store the list in the profile too for later use profile.setID(magicExerciseIDs); //again might need to be setID(magic) instead eDbAdaptor.close(); }*/ private void loadInformation() { TextView name = (TextView) findViewById(; name.setText(profile.getUsername()); } protected void onNewIntent(Intent i) { Bundle b = i.getExtras(); if(b != null) { String name = b.getString("loadprofile"); if(name != null) { application.setProfile(name, this); b.remove("loadprofile"); } /*String[] details = (i.getAction()).split(" "); //Toast.makeText(this, i.getAction(), Toast.LENGTH_SHORT).show(); if(details.length == 2 && details[0].equals("newprofile")) { application.setProfile(details[1], this); i.setAction(null); }*/ } } //@Override public void onClick(View v) { if(v.getId() =={ Intent intent = new Intent(this,TodaysExercisesActivity.class); this.startActivity(intent); } else if(v.getId() == { Intent intent = new Intent(this,WeeklyPlannerActivity.class); this.startActivity(intent); } else if (v.getId() == { Intent intent = new Intent(this,ModifyOptionsScreenActivity.class); this.startActivity(intent); } else if (v.getId() == { Intent intent = new Intent(this,Progress.class); this.startActivity(intent); } else if (v.getId() == { Intent intent = new Intent(this,SkillSelection.class); this.startActivity(intent); } } public void initializeButtons() { Button homeToday = (Button) findViewById(; Button homeWeekly = (Button) findViewById(; TextView homeModify = (TextView) findViewById(; Button homeProgress = (Button) findViewById(; Button button0 = (Button) findViewById(; button0.setOnClickListener(this); homeToday.setOnClickListener(this); homeWeekly.setOnClickListener(this); homeModify.setOnClickListener(this); homeProgress.setOnClickListener(this); } }