package nl.joshuaslik.tudelft.UFMGame.gui; import; import nl.joshuaslik.tudelft.UFMGame.backend.Game; import nl.joshuaslik.tudelft.UFMGame.backend.Save; import javafx.application.Application; import javafx.fxml.FXMLLoader; import javafx.scene.Scene; import javafx.scene.control.ScrollPane; import javafx.scene.input.KeyCombination; import javafx.scene.layout.AnchorPane; import javafx.scene.layout.BorderPane; import javafx.scene.text.Font; import javafx.stage.Stage; /** * The main scene for the application * * @author <a href="" target="_blank">Joshua Slik</a> * */ public class Main extends Application { /** * Create new variables */ public static Stage stage; /** * Create a borderpane */ public static BorderPane rootLayout; /** * Launch the application * * @param args * is an array of command line arguments */ public static void main(String[] args) { launch(args); } /** * Method to load the rootlayout of the game */ @Override public void start(Stage primaryStage) throws IOException { Main.loadFonts(); rootLayout = (BorderPane) FXMLLoader.load(Class.class.getResource("/data/gui/pages-menu/RootLayout.fxml")); primaryStage.setTitle("Ultimate Football Manager"); Scene scene = null; if (Save.getOption("difficulty") == null) { Game.setDifficulty(7); } else { if (Save.getOption("difficulty").equals("Easy")) { Game.setDifficulty(9); } else if (Save.getOption("difficulty").equals("Normal")) { Game.setDifficulty(7); } else if (Save.getOption("difficulty").equals("Difficult")) { Game.setDifficulty(4); } } if (Save.getOption("fullscreen") != null && !Boolean.parseBoolean(Save.getOption("fullscreen"))) { ScrollPane scroll = new ScrollPane(rootLayout); scroll.setPrefSize(1400.0, 700.0); scene = new Scene(scroll); } else { scene = new Scene(rootLayout); primaryStage.setFullScreenExitKeyCombination(KeyCombination.NO_MATCH); primaryStage.setFullScreen(true); } primaryStage.setScene(scene);; stage = primaryStage; MainMenu.start(); } /** * Sets the scene of main * * @param scn * is set */ public static void setScene(Scene scn) { stage.setScene(scn); } /** * Set the center of the border pane * * @param scene * to be displayed in the center */ public static void setCenter(AnchorPane scene) { rootLayout.setCenter(scene); } /** * Sets the Top of the border pane * * @param pane * to be displayed in the top of the screen */ public static void setTop(AnchorPane pane) { rootLayout.setTop(pane); } /** * Sets the bottom of the border pane * * @param pane * to be displayed in the bottom */ public static void setBottom(AnchorPane pane) { rootLayout.setBottom(pane); } /** * Get the stage of the game * * @return current stage */ public static Stage stage() { return stage; } /** * Method to load the quicksand font */ public static void loadFonts() { Font.loadFont(Class.class.getResource("/data/gui/fonts/Quicksand.ttf").toExternalForm(), 10); } }