package org.act.tstream.ui; import; import; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Map.Entry; import java.util.TreeMap; import javax.faces.context.FacesContext; import org.apache.commons.lang.StringUtils; import org.apache.thrift7.protocol.TBinaryProtocol; import org.apache.thrift7.transport.TFramedTransport; import org.apache.thrift7.transport.TSocket; import org.apache.thrift7.transport.TTransportException; import org.yaml.snakeyaml.Yaml; import backtype.storm.Config; import backtype.storm.generated.Bolt; import backtype.storm.generated.ClusterSummary; import backtype.storm.generated.ErrorInfo; import backtype.storm.generated.Nimbus.Client; import backtype.storm.generated.SpoutSpec; import backtype.storm.generated.StormTopology; import backtype.storm.generated.SupervisorSummary; import backtype.storm.generated.TaskStats; import backtype.storm.generated.TaskSummary; import backtype.storm.generated.TopologyInfo; import backtype.storm.generated.TopologySummary; import backtype.storm.generated.WorkerSummary; import backtype.storm.utils.NimbusClient; import backtype.storm.utils.Utils; import org.act.tstream.client.ConfigExtension; import org.act.tstream.common.stats.StatBuckets; import org.act.tstream.common.stats.StaticsType; import org.act.tstream.ui.model.ClusterSumm; import org.act.tstream.ui.model.ComponentTask; import org.act.tstream.ui.model.Components; import org.act.tstream.ui.model.SupervisorSumm; import org.act.tstream.ui.model.TopologySumm; import org.act.tstream.utils.JStormUtils; import org.act.tstream.utils.NetWorkUtils; public class UIUtils { private static int maxErrortime = 1800; private static int maxErrornum = 200; public static String getWindow(FacesContext ctx) { String window = null; if (ctx.getExternalContext().getRequestParameterMap().get("window") != null) { window = (String) ctx.getExternalContext().getRequestParameterMap() .get("window"); } return StatBuckets.getTimeKey(window); } public static List nimbusClientandConn(String host, Integer port) throws TTransportException { TSocket ts = new TSocket(host, port); TFramedTransport tt = new TFramedTransport(ts); TBinaryProtocol prot = new TBinaryProtocol(tt); Client nc = new Client(prot);; List l = new ArrayList(); l.add(nc); l.add(tt); return l; } public static final String SPOUT_STR = "spout"; public static final String BOLT_STR = "bolt"; public static String componentType(StormTopology topology, String id) { Map<String, Bolt> bolts = topology.get_bolts(); Map<String, SpoutSpec> spouts = topology.get_spouts(); String type = ""; if (bolts.containsKey(id)) { type = BOLT_STR; } else if (spouts.containsKey(id)) { type = SPOUT_STR; } return type; } private List<Double> addPairs(ArrayList<Double> p1, ArrayList<Double> p2) { if (p1 == null || p2 == null) { return null; } else { int p1Size = p1.size(); int p2Size = p2.size(); if (p1Size != p2Size) { return null; } else { List<Double> rtn = new ArrayList<Double>(); for (int i = 0; i < p1Size; i++) { rtn.set(i, p1.get(i) + p2.get(i)); } return rtn; } } } public static void addTask(Map<String, List<TaskSummary>> taskMap, TaskSummary t, String componentId) { List<TaskSummary> taskList = taskMap.get(componentId); if (taskList == null) { taskList = new ArrayList<TaskSummary>(); taskMap.put(componentId, taskList); } taskList.add(t); } /** * Merge stream value * * @param rawMap * Map<String, Map<K, V>> rawMap * @param keySample * @param zeroValue * 0 Value * @return Map<String, V> */ public static <K, V> Map<String, V> mergeStream( Map<String, Map<K, V>> rawMap, V zeroValue) { Map<String, V> ret = new HashMap<String, V>(); for (Entry<String, Map<K, V>> rawEntry : rawMap.entrySet()) { String window = rawEntry.getKey(); Map<K, V> streamMap = rawEntry.getValue(); V retValue = zeroValue; if (streamMap != null) { for (Entry<K, V> streamEntry : streamMap.entrySet()) { K entry = streamEntry.getKey(); V counter = streamEntry.getValue(); retValue = (V) JStormUtils.add(retValue, counter); } } ret.put(window, retValue); } return ret; } public static Map<StaticsType, List<Object>> mergeStream( List<TaskSummary> taskSummaries, String window) { Map<StaticsType, List<Object>> ret = new HashMap<StaticsType, List<Object>>(); List<Object> emitted = new ArrayList<Object>(); List<Object> sendTps = new ArrayList<Object>(); List<Object> recvTps = new ArrayList<Object>(); List<Object> acked = new ArrayList<Object>(); List<Object> failed = new ArrayList<Object>(); List<Object> process = new ArrayList<Object>(); ret.put(StaticsType.emitted, emitted); ret.put(StaticsType.send_tps, sendTps); ret.put(StaticsType.recv_tps, recvTps); ret.put(StaticsType.acked, acked); ret.put(StaticsType.failed, failed); ret.put(StaticsType.process_latencies, process); for (TaskSummary taskSummary : taskSummaries) { TaskStats taskStats = taskSummary.get_stats(); if (taskStats == null) { continue; } Map<String, Long> emittedMap = mergeStream(taskStats.get_emitted(), Long.valueOf(0)); emitted.add(emittedMap.get(window)); Map<String, Double> rendTpsMap = mergeStream( taskStats.get_send_tps(), Double.valueOf(0)); sendTps.add(rendTpsMap.get(window)); Map<String, Double> recvTpsMap = mergeStream( taskStats.get_recv_tps(), Double.valueOf(0)); recvTps.add(recvTpsMap.get(window)); Map<String, Long> ackedMap = mergeStream(taskStats.get_acked(), Long.valueOf(0)); acked.add(ackedMap.get(window)); Map<String, Long> failedMap = mergeStream(taskStats.get_failed(), Long.valueOf(0)); failed.add(failedMap.get(window)); Map<String, Double> processMap = mergeStream( taskStats.get_process_ms_avg(), Double.valueOf(0)); process.add(processMap.get(window)); } return ret; } public static Map<StaticsType, Object> mergeTasks( List<TaskSummary> taskSummaries, String window) { Map<StaticsType, Object> ret = new HashMap<StaticsType, Object>(); Map<StaticsType, List<Object>> mergedStreamTasks = mergeStream( taskSummaries, window); for (Entry<StaticsType, List<Object>> entry : mergedStreamTasks .entrySet()) { StaticsType type = entry.getKey(); List<Object> valueList = entry.getValue(); Object valueSum = JStormUtils.mergeList(valueList); ret.put(type, valueSum); } // special handle process Object value = ret.get(StaticsType.process_latencies); if (value != null && taskSummaries.size() > 0) { Double process = (Double) value; process = process / taskSummaries.size(); ret.put(StaticsType.process_latencies, process); } return ret; } public static Components getComponent(List<TaskSummary> taskSummaries, String componentId, String type, String window) { Map<StaticsType, Object> staticsType = UIUtils.mergeTasks( taskSummaries, window); Components component = new Components(); component.setType(type); component.setComponetId(componentId); component.setParallelism(String.valueOf(taskSummaries.size())); component.setValues(staticsType); return component; } /** * Convert thrift TaskSummary to UI bean ComponentTask * * @param summ * @return */ public static ComponentTask getComponentTask(TaskSummary task, String topologyid) { ComponentTask componentTask = new ComponentTask(); componentTask.setComponentid(task.get_component_id()); componentTask.setTaskid(String.valueOf(task.get_task_id())); componentTask.setHost(task.get_host()); componentTask.setPort(String.valueOf(task.get_port())); componentTask.setStatus(task.get_status()); if (componentTask.getStatus() == null) { // This is for old jstorm version componentTask.setStatus(ConfigExtension.TASK_STATUS_ACTIVE); } if (componentTask.getStatus().equals(ConfigExtension.TASK_STATUS_ACTIVE)) { componentTask.setUptime(StatBuckets.prettyUptimeStr(task .get_uptime_secs())); componentTask.setLastErr(UIUtils.getTaskError(task.get_errors())); } componentTask.setIp(NetWorkUtils.host2Ip(task.get_host())); componentTask.setTopologyid(topologyid); return componentTask; } public static List<TaskSummary> getTaskList( List<TaskSummary> taskSummaries, String componentId) { List<TaskSummary> ret = new ArrayList<TaskSummary>(); for (TaskSummary task : taskSummaries) { if (componentId.equals(task.get_component_id())) { ret.add(task); } } return ret; } public static String mostRecentError(List<TaskSummary> summarys) { String rtn = ""; int summarysSzie = 0; if (summarys != null) { summarysSzie = summarys.size(); } for (int i = 0; i < summarysSzie; i++) { List<ErrorInfo> einfos = summarys.get(i).get_errors(); rtn += getTaskError(einfos); } return rtn; } public static String getTaskError(List<ErrorInfo> errList) { if (errList == null) { return ""; } List<String> errors = new ArrayList<String>(); for (ErrorInfo einfo : errList) { long current = System.currentTimeMillis() / 1000; //shorten the most recent time for "queue is full" error int maxTime = JStormUtils.MIN_30; if (einfo.get_error().indexOf("queue is full") != -1) maxTime = JStormUtils.MIN_1*3; else if (einfo.get_error().indexOf("is dead on") != -1) maxTime = JStormUtils.DAY_1*3; if (current - einfo.get_error_time_secs() < maxTime) { errors.add(einfo.get_error()); } } String rtn = ""; int size = 0; for (String e : errors) { if (size >= maxErrornum) { break; } rtn += e + ";"; size++; } return rtn; } /** * Convert thrift TopologySummary to UI bean TopologySumm * * @param ts * @return */ public static List<TopologySumm> topologySummary(List<TopologySummary> ts) { List<TopologySumm> tsumm = new ArrayList<TopologySumm>(); if (ts != null) { for (TopologySummary t : ts) { TopologySumm topologySumm = new TopologySumm(); topologySumm.setTopologyId(t.get_id()); topologySumm.setTopologyName(t.get_name()); topologySumm.setStatus(t.get_status()); topologySumm.setUptime(StatBuckets.prettyUptimeStr(t .get_uptime_secs())); topologySumm.setNumWorkers(String.valueOf(t.get_num_workers())); topologySumm.setNumTasks(String.valueOf(t.get_num_tasks())); topologySumm.setErrorInfo(t.get_error_info()); tsumm.add(topologySumm); } } return tsumm; } /** * Convert thrift TopologyInfo to UI bean TopologySumm * * @param summ * @return */ public static List<TopologySumm> topologySummary(TopologyInfo t) { List<WorkerSummary> workers = t.get_workers(); int taskNum = 0; int memNum = 0; for (WorkerSummary worker : workers) { taskNum += worker.get_tasks_size(); } List<TopologySumm> tsumm = new ArrayList<TopologySumm>(); // TopologySumm ts = new TopologySumm(summ.get_name(), summ.get_id(), // summ.get_status(), StatBuckets.prettyUptimeStr(summ // .get_uptime_secs()), String.valueOf(workers.size()), // String.valueOf(taskSize), summ.get_uptime_secs()); TopologySumm topologySumm = new TopologySumm(); topologySumm.setTopologyId(t.get_id()); topologySumm.setTopologyName(t.get_name()); topologySumm.setStatus(t.get_status()); topologySumm .setUptime(StatBuckets.prettyUptimeStr(t.get_uptime_secs())); topologySumm.setNumWorkers(String.valueOf(workers.size())); topologySumm.setNumTasks(String.valueOf(taskNum)); tsumm.add(topologySumm); return tsumm; } /** * Connvert thrift ClusterSummary to UI bean ClusterSumm * * @param summ * @return */ public static List<ClusterSumm> clusterSummary(ClusterSummary summ, NimbusClient client, Map conf) throws Exception { // "Supervisors" "Used slots" "Free slots" "Total slots" "Running task" List<SupervisorSummary> sups = summ.get_supervisors(); int supSize = 0; int totalMemSlots = 0; int useMemSlots = 0; int freeMemSlots = 0; int totalPortSlots = 0; int usePortSlots = 0; int freePortSlots = 0; if (sups != null) { supSize = sups.size(); for (SupervisorSummary ss : sups) { totalPortSlots += ss.get_num_workers(); usePortSlots += ss.get_num_used_workers(); } freeMemSlots = totalMemSlots - useMemSlots; freePortSlots = totalPortSlots - usePortSlots; } // "Running tasks" int totalTasks = 0; List<TopologySummary> topos = summ.get_topologies(); if (topos != null) { int topoSize = topos.size(); for (int j = 0; j < topoSize; j++) { totalTasks += topos.get(j).get_num_tasks(); } } String nimbustime = StatBuckets.prettyUptimeStr(summ .get_nimbus_uptime_secs()); List<ClusterSumm> clusumms = new ArrayList<ClusterSumm>(); ClusterSumm clusterSumm = new ClusterSumm(); String master = client.getMasterHost(); clusterSumm.setNimbusHostname(master); if (master.contains(":")) { clusterSumm.setNimbusIp(NetWorkUtils.host2Ip(master.substring(0, master.indexOf(":")))); } else { clusterSumm.setNimbusIp(NetWorkUtils.host2Ip(master)); } int port = ConfigExtension.getNimbusDeamonHttpserverPort(conf); clusterSumm.setNimbusLogPort(String.valueOf(port)); clusterSumm.setNimbusUptime(nimbustime); clusterSumm.setSupervisorNum(String.valueOf(supSize)); clusterSumm.setRunningTaskNum(String.valueOf(totalTasks)); clusterSumm.setTotalPortSlotNum(String.valueOf(totalPortSlots)); clusterSumm.setUsedPortSlotNum(String.valueOf(usePortSlots)); clusterSumm.setFreePortSlotNum(String.valueOf(freePortSlots)); clusterSumm.setVersion(summ.get_version()); clusumms.add(clusterSumm); return clusumms; } /** * Convert thrift SupervisorSummary to UI bean SupervisorSumm * * @param ss * @return */ public static List<SupervisorSumm> supervisorSummary( List<SupervisorSummary> ss) { // uptime host slots usedslots List<SupervisorSumm> ssumm = new ArrayList<SupervisorSumm>(); if (ss == null) { ss = new ArrayList<SupervisorSummary>(); } for (SupervisorSummary s : ss) { SupervisorSumm ssum = new SupervisorSumm(s); ssumm.add(ssum); } return ssumm; } public static Map readUiConfig() { Map ret = Utils.readStormConfig(); String curDir = System.getProperty("user.home"); String confPath = curDir + File.separator + ".tstream" + File.separator + "storm.yaml"; File file = new File(confPath); if (file.exists()) { FileInputStream fileStream; try { fileStream = new FileInputStream(file); Yaml yaml = new Yaml(); Map clientConf = (Map) yaml.load(fileStream); if (clientConf != null) { ret.putAll(clientConf); } } catch (FileNotFoundException e) { // TODO Auto-generated catch block } } if (ret.containsKey(Config.NIMBUS_HOST) == false) { ret.put(Config.NIMBUS_HOST, "localhost"); } return ret; } public static double getDoubleValue(Double value) { double ret = (value != null ? value.doubleValue() : 0.0); return ret; } public static void getClusterInfoByName(Map conf, String clusterName) { List<Map> uiClusters = ConfigExtension.getUiClusters(conf); Map cluster = ConfigExtension.getUiClusterInfo( uiClusters, clusterName); conf.put(Config.STORM_ZOOKEEPER_ROOT, ConfigExtension.getUiClusterZkRoot(cluster)); conf.put(Config.STORM_ZOOKEEPER_SERVERS, ConfigExtension.getUiClusterZkServers(cluster)); conf.put(Config.STORM_ZOOKEEPER_PORT, ConfigExtension.getUiClusterZkPort(cluster)); } public static NimbusClient getNimbusClient(Map conf, String clusterName) throws Exception{ if(StringUtils.isBlank(clusterName) == false) { getClusterInfoByName(conf, clusterName); } return NimbusClient.getConfiguredClient(conf); } public static void main(String[] args) { } }