package de.l3s.common.features.hadoop.movingaverage; import; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.LinkedList; import; import org.apache.hadoop.mapred.JobConf; import org.apache.hadoop.mapred.MapReduceBase; import org.apache.hadoop.mapred.OutputCollector; import org.apache.hadoop.mapred.Reducer; import org.apache.hadoop.mapred.Reporter; import de.l3s.common.features.hadoop.movingaverage.SlidingWindow; import de.l3s.common.models.timeseries.TimeseriesDataPoint; import de.l3s.common.models.timeseries.TimeseriesKey; /** * MovingAverageReducer * * Example use of secondary sort and a sliding window to produce a moving * average. * * As opposed to loading all of the points into a data structure beforehand, * this Reducer loads only as many points as are needed to fill the window, * continually streaming the points through the window as it receives them. * * * Ignores the fact that values may be missing, calculates window based on time * delta as opposed to number of samples/points in window. * * When only stepping one day we could get away with a simpler algorithm that * was more efficient, but this example is meant to show how a full sliding * window would work. * * Also notice the copying of the points into the sliding window; this is * because Hadoop reusues Writables. * * * @author jpatterson * */ public class MovingAverageReducer extends MapReduceBase implements Reducer<TimeseriesKey, TimeseriesDataPoint, Text, Text> { static enum PointCounters { POINTS_SEEN, POINTS_ADDED_TO_WINDOWS, MOVING_AVERAGES_CALCD }; static long day_in_ms = 24 * 60 * 60 * 1000; private JobConf configuration; @Override public void configure(JobConf job) { this.configuration = job; } public void reduce(TimeseriesKey key, Iterator<TimeseriesDataPoint> values, OutputCollector<Text, Text> output, Reporter reporter) throws IOException { TimeseriesDataPoint next_point; float point_sum = 0; float moving_avg = 0; int iWindowSizeInDays = this.configuration.getInt( "tv.floe.caduceus.hadoop.movingaverage.windowSize", 30); int iWindowStepSizeInDays = this.configuration.getInt( "tv.floe.caduceus.hadoop.movingaverage.windowStepSize", 1); long iWindowSizeInMS = iWindowSizeInDays * day_in_ms; long iWindowStepSizeInMS = iWindowStepSizeInDays * day_in_ms; Text out_key = new Text(); Text out_val = new Text(); SlidingWindow sliding_window = new SlidingWindow(iWindowSizeInMS, iWindowStepSizeInMS, day_in_ms); while (values.hasNext()) { while (sliding_window.WindowIsFull() == false && values.hasNext()) { reporter.incrCounter(PointCounters.POINTS_ADDED_TO_WINDOWS, 1); next_point =; TimeseriesDataPoint p_copy = new TimeseriesDataPoint(); p_copy.copy(next_point); try { sliding_window.AddPoint(p_copy); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } if (sliding_window.WindowIsFull()) { reporter.incrCounter(PointCounters.MOVING_AVERAGES_CALCD, 1); LinkedList<TimeseriesDataPoint> oWindow = sliding_window .GetCurrentWindow(); String strBackDate = oWindow.getLast().getDate(); // ---------- compute the moving average here ----------- out_key.set("Group: " + key.getGroup() + ", Date: " + strBackDate); point_sum = 0; for (int x = 0; x < oWindow.size(); x++) { point_sum += oWindow.get(x).fValue; } // for moving_avg = point_sum / oWindow.size(); out_val.set("Moving Average: " + moving_avg); output.collect(out_key, out_val); // 2. step window forward sliding_window.SlideWindowForward(); } } // while out_key.set("debug > " + key.getGroup() + " --------- end of group -------------"); out_val.set(""); output.collect(out_key, out_val); } // reduce }