package com.legind.web.WebTransport; import; import; import; import; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import com.legind.ssl.SSLHandler.SSLHandler; public class WebTransportConnection{ private WebTransport parent; private SSLHandler sslhandler; private ArrayList<String> lastHeaders; private String lastDocument; private X509Certificate serverCertificate; public WebTransportConnection(WebTransport webtransport){ lastDocument = new String(); lastHeaders = new ArrayList<String>(); parent = webtransport; } public void open() throws KeyManagementException, IOException{ parent.setLocked(true); if(parent.getSsl()){ sslhandler = new SSLHandler(parent.getHost(), parent.getPort());; serverCertificate = sslhandler.getServerCertificate(); } } public void close(){ parent.setLocked(false); if(parent.getSsl()){ sslhandler.close(); } } /** * Send a request over the http(s) socket * @param requestLines an array of strings, each a line of the request */ public void sendRequest(String[] requestLines) throws IOException{ try { if(parent.getSsl()){ for(String requestLine : requestLines){ sslhandler.writeLine(requestLine); } sslhandler.writeLine(""); } } catch (IOException e){ throw new IOException(e.toString()); } } public void handleResponse() throws IOException, WebTransportException{ handleHeaders(); handleDocument(); } /** Sort the response into headers, document */ public void handleHeaders() throws IOException, WebTransportException{ String line; lastHeaders.clear(); if(parent.getSsl()){ do{ line = sslhandler.readLine(); if(line.trim().contentEquals("HTTP/1.1 408 Request Timeout")) throw new WebTransportException("Request Timeout"); if(line.trim() != "") lastHeaders.add(line.trim()); } while(line.trim() != ""); } } public void handleDocument() throws IOException, WebTransportException{ if(!lastHeaders.isEmpty()){ for(String header : lastHeaders){ if(header.contains("Content-Length: ")){ // Pass the Content-Length so readBuffer knows when to stop reading lastDocument = sslhandler.readBuffer(Integer.parseInt(header.replace("Content-Length: ", ""))); break; } } } else { throw new WebTransportException("Empty Header"); } } public ArrayList<String> getLastHeaders(){ return lastHeaders; } public String getLastDocument(){ return lastDocument; } public BufferedInputStream getInputStream(){ if(parent.getSsl()){ return sslhandler.getInputStream(); } return null; } public OutputStream getOutputStream(){ if(parent.getSsl()){ return sslhandler.getOutputStream(); } return null; } public X509Certificate getServerCertificate(){ return serverCertificate; } }