package; import com.mongodb.BasicDBList; import com.mongodb.BasicDBObject; import com.mongodb.DBObject; import com.mongodb.util.JSON; import org.json.JSONArray; import org.json.JSONException; import org.json.JSONObject; public class Request extends Configuration { public Request(final JSONObject request) { super(request); } /** * Sanitizes the given array of plugins. * * @param jsonPlugins JSONArray containing plugins (may be empty) * @return Sanitized JSONArray */ private JSONArray createPluginList(final JSONArray jsonPlugins) { final JSONArray plugins = new JSONArray(); for (int i = 0; i < jsonPlugins.length(); i++) { final JSONObject jo = jsonPlugins.optJSONObject(i); if (jo == null) continue; final JSONObject plugin = new JSONObject(); plugin .put("name", jo.getString("name")) .put("version", jo.getString("version")); if (jo.has("data")) { final JSONArray jsonPluginCustomData = jo.getJSONArray("data"); final JSONArray pluginCustomData = new JSONArray(); for (int ii = 0; ii < jsonPluginCustomData.length(); ii++) { final JSONObject customData = jsonPluginCustomData.optJSONObject(ii); if (customData == null) continue; pluginCustomData.put(new JSONObject() .put("name", customData.getString("name")) .put("value", customData.get("value")) ); } plugin.put("data", pluginCustomData); } plugins.put(plugin); } return plugins; } /** * Creates a MongoDB-compatible list of plugins and their data from a JSONArray. * * @param jsonPlugins JSONArray containing plugins (may be empty) * @return BasicDBList (never null) */ private BasicDBList mongoPluginList(final JSONArray jsonPlugins) { final BasicDBList plugins = new BasicDBList(); for (int i = 0; i < jsonPlugins.length(); i++) { final JSONObject jo = jsonPlugins.optJSONObject(i); if (jo == null) continue; final BasicDBObject plugin = new BasicDBObject(); plugin .append("name", jo.getString("name")) .append("version", jo.getString("version")); if (jo.has("data")) { final JSONArray jsonPluginCustomData = jo.getJSONArray("data"); final BasicDBList pluginCustomData = new BasicDBList(); for (int ii = 0; ii < jsonPluginCustomData.length(); ii++) { final JSONObject customData = jsonPluginCustomData.optJSONObject(ii); if (customData == null) continue; pluginCustomData.add(new BasicDBObject() .append("name", customData.getString("name")) .append("value", customData.get("value")) ); } plugin.append("data", pluginCustomData); } plugins.add(plugin); } return plugins; } /** * Converts this Request to a MongoDB version. Be sure to sanitize the Request before doing this. * * @return DBObject or null */ public DBObject createMongoVersion() { final Object o = JSON.parse(this.getConfigRoot().toString()); return o instanceof DBObject ? (DBObject) o : null; } /** * Creates a new Request with only official keys. * * @return New, sanitized Request * @throws org.json.JSONException If any key is missing or invalid */ public Request sanitize() throws JSONException { final JSONObject system = this.getJSONObject("system"); final JSONObject systemOS = this.getJSONObject("system.os"); final JSONObject minecraft = this.getJSONObject("minecraft"); final JSONObject minecraftMod = this.getJSONObject("minecraft.mod"); try { return new Request(new JSONObject() .put("system", new JSONObject() .put("java", system.getString("java")) .put("cores", system.getInt("cores")) .put("memory", system.getLong("memory")) .put("os", new JSONObject() .put("name", systemOS.getString("name")) .put("version", systemOS.getString("version")) .put("arch", systemOS.getString("arch")) ) ) .put("minecraft", new JSONObject() .put("version", minecraft.getString("version")) .put("players", minecraft.getInt("players")) .put("online_mode", minecraft.getBoolean("online_mode")) .put("mod", new JSONObject() .put("name", minecraftMod.getString("name")) .put("version", minecraftMod.getString("version")) ) ) .put("plugins", this.createPluginList(this.getJSONArray("plugins")))); } catch (final NullPointerException ex) { throw new JSONException(ex); } } @Override public String toString() { return this.getConfigRoot().toString(); } }