package sizzle.compiler; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.List; import sizzle.aggregators.AggregatorSpec; import sizzle.parser.syntaxtree.ArrayType; import sizzle.parser.syntaxtree.Assignment; import sizzle.parser.syntaxtree.Block; import sizzle.parser.syntaxtree.BreakStatement; import sizzle.parser.syntaxtree.BytesLiteral; import sizzle.parser.syntaxtree.Call; import sizzle.parser.syntaxtree.CharLiteral; import sizzle.parser.syntaxtree.Comparison; import sizzle.parser.syntaxtree.Component; import sizzle.parser.syntaxtree.Composite; import sizzle.parser.syntaxtree.Conjunction; import sizzle.parser.syntaxtree.ContinueStatement; import sizzle.parser.syntaxtree.Declaration; import sizzle.parser.syntaxtree.DoStatement; import sizzle.parser.syntaxtree.EmitStatement; import sizzle.parser.syntaxtree.ExprList; import sizzle.parser.syntaxtree.ExprStatement; import sizzle.parser.syntaxtree.Expression; import sizzle.parser.syntaxtree.Factor; import sizzle.parser.syntaxtree.FingerprintLiteral; import sizzle.parser.syntaxtree.FloatingPointLiteral; import sizzle.parser.syntaxtree.ForExprStatement; import sizzle.parser.syntaxtree.ForStatement; import sizzle.parser.syntaxtree.ForVarDecl; import sizzle.parser.syntaxtree.Function; import sizzle.parser.syntaxtree.FunctionType; import sizzle.parser.syntaxtree.Identifier; import sizzle.parser.syntaxtree.IdentifierList; import sizzle.parser.syntaxtree.IfStatement; import sizzle.parser.syntaxtree.Index; import sizzle.parser.syntaxtree.IntegerLiteral; import sizzle.parser.syntaxtree.MapType; import sizzle.parser.syntaxtree.Node; import sizzle.parser.syntaxtree.NodeChoice; import sizzle.parser.syntaxtree.NodeSequence; import sizzle.parser.syntaxtree.NodeToken; import sizzle.parser.syntaxtree.Operand; import sizzle.parser.syntaxtree.OutputType; import sizzle.parser.syntaxtree.Pair; import sizzle.parser.syntaxtree.PairList; import sizzle.parser.syntaxtree.Program; import sizzle.parser.syntaxtree.Proto; import sizzle.parser.syntaxtree.ProtoFieldDecl; import sizzle.parser.syntaxtree.ProtoMember; import sizzle.parser.syntaxtree.ProtoMemberList; import sizzle.parser.syntaxtree.ProtoTupleType; import sizzle.parser.syntaxtree.Regexp; import sizzle.parser.syntaxtree.RegexpList; import sizzle.parser.syntaxtree.ResultStatement; import sizzle.parser.syntaxtree.ReturnStatement; import sizzle.parser.syntaxtree.Selector; import sizzle.parser.syntaxtree.SimpleExpr; import sizzle.parser.syntaxtree.SimpleMember; import sizzle.parser.syntaxtree.SimpleMemberList; import sizzle.parser.syntaxtree.SimpleTupleType; import sizzle.parser.syntaxtree.Start; import sizzle.parser.syntaxtree.Statement; import sizzle.parser.syntaxtree.StatementExpr; import sizzle.parser.syntaxtree.StaticVarDecl; import sizzle.parser.syntaxtree.StringLiteral; import sizzle.parser.syntaxtree.SwitchStatement; import sizzle.parser.syntaxtree.Term; import sizzle.parser.syntaxtree.TimeLiteral; import sizzle.parser.syntaxtree.TupleType; import sizzle.parser.syntaxtree.Type; import sizzle.parser.syntaxtree.TypeDecl; import sizzle.parser.syntaxtree.VarDecl; import sizzle.parser.syntaxtree.WhenStatement; import sizzle.parser.syntaxtree.WhileStatement; import sizzle.parser.visitor.GJDepthFirst; import sizzle.types.SizzleArray; import sizzle.types.SizzleBool; import sizzle.types.SizzleBytes; import sizzle.types.SizzleFingerprint; import sizzle.types.SizzleFloat; import sizzle.types.SizzleFunction; import sizzle.types.SizzleInt; import sizzle.types.SizzleMap; import sizzle.types.SizzleName; import sizzle.types.SizzleScalar; import sizzle.types.SizzleString; import sizzle.types.SizzleTable; import sizzle.types.SizzleTime; import sizzle.types.SizzleTuple; import sizzle.types.SizzleType; /** * Prescan the Sizzle program and check that all variables are consistently * typed. * * @author anthonyu * */ public class TypeCheckingVisitor extends GJDepthFirst<SizzleType, SymbolTable> { /** {@inheritDoc} */ @Override public SizzleType visit(final Start n, final SymbolTable argu) { return n.f0.accept(this, argu); } /** {@inheritDoc} */ @Override public SizzleType visit(final Program n, final SymbolTable argu) { for (final Node node : n.f0.nodes) node.accept(this, argu); return null; } /** {@inheritDoc} */ @Override public SizzleType visit(final Declaration n, final SymbolTable argu) { switch (n.f0.which) { case 0: // type declaration case 1: // static variable declaration case 2: // variable declaration return n.f0.choice.accept(this, argu); default: throw new RuntimeException("unexpected choice " + n.f0.which + " is " + n.f0.choice.getClass()); } } /** {@inheritDoc} */ @Override public SizzleType visit(final TypeDecl n, final SymbolTable argu) { final String id = n.f1.f0.tokenImage; if (argu.hasType(id)) throw new TypeException(id + " already defined as " + argu.getType(id)); argu.setType(id, new SizzleName(n.f3.accept(this, argu))); return null; } /** {@inheritDoc} */ @Override public SizzleType visit(final StaticVarDecl n, final SymbolTable argu) { return n.f1.accept(this, argu); } /** {@inheritDoc} */ @Override public SizzleType visit(final VarDecl n, final SymbolTable argu) { final String id = n.f0.f0.tokenImage; if (argu.contains(id)) throw new TypeException("variable " + id + " already declared as " + argu.get(id)); SizzleType rhs = null; if (n.f3.present()) { final NodeChoice nodeChoice = (NodeChoice) n.f3.node; switch (nodeChoice.which) { case 0: // initializer rhs = ((NodeSequence) nodeChoice.choice).elementAt(1).accept(this, argu); break; default: throw new RuntimeException("unexpected choice " + nodeChoice.which + " is " + nodeChoice.choice.getClass()); } } SizzleType lhs; if (n.f2.present()) { lhs = n.f2.node.accept(this, argu); if (rhs != null && !lhs.assigns(rhs) && !argu.hasCast(lhs, rhs)) throw new TypeException("incorrect type " + rhs + " for assignment to " + id + ':' + lhs); } else { if (rhs == null) throw new TypeException("variable declaration requires a type or an initializer"); lhs = rhs; } argu.set(id, lhs); // switch (n.f2.which) { // case 0: // identifier // final SizzleType ittype = argu.getType(((Identifier) // n.f2.choice).f0.tokenImage); // // if (n.f3.present()) { // final SizzleType ietype = ((Initializer) ((NodeSequence) // n.f3.node).nodes.get(1)).accept(this, argu); // // if (!ittype.assigns(ietype) && !argu.hasCast(ittype, ietype)) // throw new TypeException("incorrect type " + ietype + // " for assignment to " + id + ':' + ittype); // // argu.set(id, ittype, false); // } else // argu.set(id, ittype); // break; // case 1: // map // final NodeSequence seq = (NodeSequence) n.f2.choice; // final SizzleType mvtype = new SizzleMap((SizzleScalar) // argu.getType(((Identifier) seq.elementAt(2)).f0.tokenImage), // (SizzleScalar) argu.getType(((Identifier) // seq.elementAt(5)).f0.tokenImage)); // // if (n.f3.present()) { // final SizzleType mitype = ((Initializer) ((NodeSequence) // n.f3.node).nodes.get(1)).accept(this, argu); // // if (!mvtype.assigns(mitype)) // throw new TypeException("incorrect type " + mitype + // " for assignment to " + id + ':' + mvtype); // } // // argu.set(id, mvtype); // break; return null; } /** {@inheritDoc} */ @Override public SizzleType visit(final Type n, final SymbolTable argu) { switch (n.f0.which) { case 0: // identifier case 1: // array case 2: // map case 3: // tuple case 4: // table return n.f0.choice.accept(this, argu); default: throw new RuntimeException("unexpected choice " + n.f0.which + " is " + n.f0.choice.getClass()); } } /** {@inheritDoc} */ @Override public SizzleType visit(final Component n, final SymbolTable argu) { return n.f1.accept(this, argu); } /** {@inheritDoc} */ @Override public SizzleType visit(final ArrayType n, final SymbolTable argu) { return new SizzleArray(n.f2.accept(this, argu)); } /** {@inheritDoc} */ @Override public SizzleType visit(final TupleType n, final SymbolTable argu) { return n.f0.choice.accept(this, argu); } /** {@inheritDoc} */ @Override public SizzleType visit(final SimpleTupleType n, final SymbolTable argu) { if (n.f1.present()) return new SizzleTuple(this.check((SimpleMemberList) n.f1.node, argu)); else return new SizzleTuple(new ArrayList<SizzleType>()); } /** {@inheritDoc} */ @Override public SizzleType visit(final SimpleMemberList n, final SymbolTable argu) { throw new RuntimeException("unimplemented"); } /** {@inheritDoc} */ @Override public SizzleType visit(final SimpleMember n, final SymbolTable argu) { return n.f0.choice.accept(this, argu); } /** {@inheritDoc} */ @Override public SizzleType visit(final ProtoTupleType n, final SymbolTable argu) { throw new RuntimeException("unimplemented"); } /** {@inheritDoc} */ @Override public SizzleType visit(final ProtoMemberList n, final SymbolTable argu) { throw new RuntimeException("unimplemented"); } /** {@inheritDoc} */ @Override public SizzleType visit(final ProtoMember n, final SymbolTable argu) { throw new RuntimeException("unimplemented"); } /** {@inheritDoc} */ @Override public SizzleType visit(final ProtoFieldDecl n, final SymbolTable argu) { throw new RuntimeException("unimplemented"); } /** {@inheritDoc} */ @Override public SizzleType visit(final MapType n, final SymbolTable argu) { return new SizzleMap(n.f2.accept(this, argu), n.f5.accept(this, argu)); } /** {@inheritDoc} */ @Override public SizzleType visit(final OutputType n, final SymbolTable argu) { List<SizzleScalar> indexTypes = null; if (n.f3.present()) { indexTypes = new ArrayList<SizzleScalar>(); for (final Node node : n.f3.nodes) { final SizzleType sizzleType = ((NodeSequence) node).elementAt(1).accept(this, argu); if (!(sizzleType instanceof SizzleScalar)) throw new TypeException("incorrect type " + sizzleType + " for index"); indexTypes.add((SizzleScalar) sizzleType); } } final SizzleType type = n.f5.accept(this, argu); final AggregatorSpec annotation = argu.getAggregators(n.f1.f0.tokenImage, type).get(0).getAnnotation(AggregatorSpec.class); SizzleScalar tweight = null; if (n.f6.present()) { if (annotation.weightType().equals("none")) throw new TypeException("unexpected weight for table declaration"); final SizzleType aweight = argu.getType(annotation.weightType()); tweight = (SizzleScalar) ((NodeSequence) n.f6.node).nodes.get(1).accept(this, argu); if (!aweight.assigns(tweight)) throw new TypeException("incorrect weight type for table declaration"); } else if (!annotation.weightType().equals("none")) throw new TypeException("missing weight for table declaration"); if (n.f2.present()) if (annotation.formalParameters().length == 0) throw new TypeException("no arguments for table " + n.f1.f0.tokenImage); return new SizzleTable(type, indexTypes, tweight); } /** {@inheritDoc} */ @Override public SizzleType visit(final ExprList n, final SymbolTable argu) { final List<SizzleType> types = this.check(n, argu); final SizzleType t = types.get(0); for (int i = 1; i < types.size(); i++) if (!t.assigns(types.get(i))) return new SizzleTuple(types); return new SizzleArray(t); } /** {@inheritDoc} */ @Override public SizzleType visit(final FunctionType n, final SymbolTable argu) { throw new RuntimeException("unimplemented"); } /** {@inheritDoc} */ @Override public SizzleType visit(final Statement n, final SymbolTable argu) { return n.f0.choice.accept(this, argu); } /** {@inheritDoc} */ @Override public SizzleType visit(final Assignment n, final SymbolTable argu) { final SizzleType lhs = n.f0.accept(this, argu); final SizzleType rhs = n.f2.accept(this, argu); if (!lhs.assigns(rhs)) throw new TypeException("invalid type " + rhs + " for assignment to " + lhs); return null; } /** {@inheritDoc} */ @Override public SizzleType visit(final Block n, final SymbolTable argu) { if (n.f1.present()) for (final Node node : n.f1.nodes) node.accept(this, argu); return null; } /** {@inheritDoc} */ @Override public SizzleType visit(final BreakStatement n, final SymbolTable argu) { throw new RuntimeException("unimplemented"); } /** {@inheritDoc} */ @Override public SizzleType visit(final ContinueStatement n, final SymbolTable argu) { throw new RuntimeException("unimplemented"); } /** {@inheritDoc} */ @Override public SizzleType visit(final DoStatement n, final SymbolTable argu) { throw new RuntimeException("unimplemented"); } /** {@inheritDoc} */ @Override public SizzleType visit(final EmitStatement n, final SymbolTable argu) { final String id = n.f1.f0.tokenImage; final SizzleTable t = (SizzleTable) argu.get(id); if (t == null) throw new TypeException("emitting to undeclared table " + id); if (n.f2.present()) { final List<SizzleType> indices = new ArrayList<SizzleType>(); for (final Node node : n.f2.nodes) indices.add(((NodeSequence) node).nodes.get(1).accept(this, argu)); if (indices.size() != t.countIndices()) throw new TypeException("incorrect number of indices for " + id); for (int i = 0; i < t.countIndices(); i++) if (!t.getIndex(i).assigns(indices.get(i))) throw new TypeException("incorrect type " + indices.get(i) + " for index " + i); } else if (t.countIndices() > 0) throw new TypeException("indices missing from emit"); final SizzleType expression = n.f4.accept(this, argu); if (!t.accepts(expression)) throw new TypeException("incorrect type " + expression + " for " + id + ":" + t); if (n.f5.present()) { if (t.getWeightType() == null) throw new TypeException("unexpected weight specified by emit"); final SizzleType wtype = ((NodeSequence) n.f5.node).nodes.get(1).accept(this, argu); if (!t.acceptsWeight(wtype)) throw new TypeException("incorrect type " + wtype + " for weight of " + id + ":" + t.getWeightType()); } else if (t.getWeightType() != null) throw new TypeException("no weight specified by emit"); return null; } /** {@inheritDoc} */ @Override public SizzleType visit(final ExprStatement n, final SymbolTable argu) { final SizzleType type = n.f0.accept(this, argu); if (n.f1.present() && !(type instanceof SizzleInt)) throw new TypeException(type + " not valid for operator " + n.f1.toString()); return type; } /** {@inheritDoc} */ @Override public SizzleType visit(final ForStatement n, final SymbolTable argu) { SymbolTable st; try { st = argu.cloneNonLocals(); } catch (final IOException e) { throw new RuntimeException(e.getClass().getSimpleName() + " caught", e); } if (n.f2.present()) ((NodeChoice) n.f2.node).choice.accept(this, st); if (n.f4.present()) n.f4.accept(this, st); if (n.f6.present()) ((NodeChoice) n.f6.node).choice.accept(this, st); n.f8.accept(this, st); return null; } /** {@inheritDoc} */ @Override public SizzleType visit(final ForVarDecl n, final SymbolTable argu) { final VarDecl varDecl = new VarDecl(n.f0, n.f1, n.f2, n.f3, new NodeToken(";")); return varDecl.accept(this, argu); } /** {@inheritDoc} */ @Override public SizzleType visit(final ForExprStatement n, final SymbolTable argu) { final ExprStatement exprStatement = new ExprStatement(n.f0, n.f1, new NodeToken(";")); return exprStatement.accept(this, argu); } /** {@inheritDoc} */ @Override public SizzleType visit(final IfStatement n, final SymbolTable argu) { final SizzleType test = n.f2.accept(this, argu); if (!(test instanceof SizzleBool) && !(test instanceof SizzleFunction && ((SizzleFunction) test).getType() instanceof SizzleBool)) throw new TypeException("invalid type " + test + " for if test"); n.f4.accept(this, argu); if (n.f5.present()) ((Statement) ((NodeSequence) n.f5.node).elementAt(1)).accept(this, argu); return null; } /** {@inheritDoc} */ @Override public SizzleType visit(final ResultStatement n, final SymbolTable argu) { throw new RuntimeException("unimplemented"); } /** {@inheritDoc} */ @Override public SizzleType visit(final ReturnStatement n, final SymbolTable argu) { throw new RuntimeException("unimplemented"); } /** {@inheritDoc} */ @Override public SizzleType visit(final SwitchStatement n, final SymbolTable argu) { throw new RuntimeException("unimplemented"); } /** {@inheritDoc} */ @Override public SizzleType visit(final WhenStatement n, final SymbolTable argu) { SymbolTable st; try { st = argu.cloneNonLocals(); } catch (final IOException e) { throw new RuntimeException(e.getClass().getSimpleName() + " caught", e); } for (final Node node : n.f2.nodes) { final SizzleType type = ((NodeSequence) node).nodes.get(3).accept(this, argu); final IdentifierList identifierList = (IdentifierList) ((NodeSequence) node).nodes.get(0); st.set(identifierList.f0.f0.tokenImage, type); if (identifierList.f1.present()) for (final Node nod : identifierList.f1.nodes) st.set(((Identifier) ((NodeSequence) nod).elementAt(1)).f0.tokenImage, type); } n.f3.accept(this, st); n.f5.accept(this, st); return null; } /** {@inheritDoc} */ @Override public SizzleType visit(final IdentifierList n, final SymbolTable argu) { throw new RuntimeException("unimplemented"); } /** {@inheritDoc} */ @Override public SizzleType visit(final WhileStatement n, final SymbolTable argu) { throw new RuntimeException("unimplemented"); } /** {@inheritDoc} */ @Override public SizzleType visit(final Expression n, final SymbolTable argu) { final SizzleType ltype = n.f0.accept(this, argu); if (n.f1.present()) { if (!(ltype instanceof SizzleBool)) throw new TypeException("invalid type " + ltype + " for disjunction"); final SizzleType rtype = n.f0.accept(this, argu); if (!(rtype instanceof SizzleBool)) throw new TypeException("invalid type " + rtype + " for disjunction"); return new SizzleBool(); } return ltype; } /** {@inheritDoc} */ @Override public SizzleType visit(final Conjunction n, final SymbolTable argu) { final SizzleType lhs = n.f0.accept(this, argu); if (n.f1.present()) { final SizzleType rhs = n.f0.accept(this, argu); if (!rhs.compares(lhs)) throw new TypeException("invalid type " + rhs + " for conjunction with " + lhs); return new SizzleBool(); } return lhs; } /** {@inheritDoc} */ @Override public SizzleType visit(final Comparison n, final SymbolTable argu) { final SizzleType lhs = n.f0.accept(this, argu); if (n.f1.present()) { final SizzleType rhs = ((NodeSequence) n.f1.node).nodes.get(1).accept(this, argu); if (!rhs.compares(lhs)) throw new TypeException("invalid type " + rhs + " for comparison with " + lhs); return new SizzleBool(); } return lhs; } /** {@inheritDoc} */ @Override public SizzleType visit(final SimpleExpr n, final SymbolTable argu) { SizzleType type = n.f0.accept(this, argu); if (n.f1.present()) { for (final Node node : n.f1.nodes) { final SizzleType accept = ((NodeSequence) node).nodes.get(1).accept(this, argu); type = type.arithmetics(accept); } } return type; } /** {@inheritDoc} */ @Override public SizzleType visit(final Term n, final SymbolTable argu) { final SizzleType accepts = n.f0.accept(this, argu); if (n.f1.present()) { SizzleScalar type; if (accepts instanceof SizzleFunction) type = (SizzleScalar) ((SizzleFunction) accepts).getType(); else type = (SizzleScalar) accepts; for (final Node node : n.f1.nodes) { final SizzleType accept = ((NodeSequence) node).nodes.get(1).accept(this, argu); type = type.arithmetics(accept); } return type; } return accepts; } /** {@inheritDoc} */ @Override public SizzleType visit(final Factor n, final SymbolTable argu) { if (n.f1.present()) { for (final Node node : n.f1.nodes) { final NodeChoice nodeChoice = (NodeChoice) node; switch (nodeChoice.which) { case 0: // member final SizzleType soperand = n.f0.accept(this, argu); if (!(soperand instanceof SizzleTuple)) throw new TypeException("invalid operand type " + soperand + " for member selection"); // final SizzleType selector = ((Selector) // nodeChoice.choice).accept(this, argu); return ((SizzleTuple) soperand).getMember(((Selector) nodeChoice.choice).f1.f0.tokenImage); case 1: // index final SizzleType ioperand = n.f0.accept(this, argu); final SizzleType index = ((Index) nodeChoice.choice).accept(this, argu); if (ioperand instanceof SizzleArray) { if (!(index instanceof SizzleInt)) throw new TypeException("invalid operand type " + index + " for indexing into array"); return ((SizzleArray) ioperand).getType(); } else if (ioperand instanceof SizzleMap) { if (!((SizzleMap) ioperand).getIndexType().assigns(index)) throw new TypeException("invalid operand type " + index + " for indexing into " + ioperand); return ((SizzleMap) ioperand).getType(); } else { throw new TypeException("invalid operand type " + ioperand + " for indexing expression"); } case 2: // call final List<SizzleType> formalParameters = this.check((Call) nodeChoice.choice, argu); final SizzleFunction f = new FunctionFindingVisitor(formalParameters).visit(n.f0, argu); // if (f.countParameters() != formalParameters.size()) // for (int i = 0; i < formalParameters.size(); i++) // if (!f.getParameter(i).assigns(formalParameters.get(i))) // throw new TypeException("invalid args " + // formalParameters + " for call to " + f); return f; default: throw new RuntimeException("unexpected choice " + nodeChoice.which + " is " + nodeChoice.choice.getClass()); } } } return n.f0.accept(this, argu); } /** {@inheritDoc} */ @Override public SizzleType visit(final Selector n, final SymbolTable argu) { return null; } /** {@inheritDoc} */ @Override public SizzleType visit(final Index n, final SymbolTable argu) { final SizzleType index = n.f1.accept(this, argu); if (index == null) throw new RuntimeException(); if (n.f2.present()) { if (!(index instanceof SizzleInt)) throw new RuntimeException("invalid type " + index + " for slice expression"); final SizzleType slice = ((NodeSequence) n.f2.node).elementAt(1).accept(this, argu); if (!(slice instanceof SizzleInt)) throw new RuntimeException("invalid type " + slice + " for slice expression"); } return index; } /** {@inheritDoc} */ @Override public SizzleType visit(final Call n, final SymbolTable argu) { if (n.f1.present()) return n.f1.node.accept(this, argu); return new SizzleArray(); } /** {@inheritDoc} */ @Override public SizzleType visit(final RegexpList n, final SymbolTable argu) { throw new RuntimeException("unimplemented"); } /** {@inheritDoc} */ @Override public SizzleType visit(final Regexp n, final SymbolTable argu) { throw new RuntimeException("unimplemented"); } /** {@inheritDoc} */ @Override public SizzleType visit(final Operand n, final SymbolTable argu) { switch (n.f0.which) { case 0: // identifier case 1: // string literal case 2: // integer literal case 3: // floating point literal case 4: // composite return n.f0.choice.accept(this, argu); case 9: // parenthetical return ((NodeSequence) n.f0.choice).nodes.elementAt(1).accept(this, argu); default: throw new RuntimeException("unexpected choice " + n.f0.which + " is " + n.f0.choice.getClass()); } } /** {@inheritDoc} */ @Override public SizzleType visit(final Composite n, final SymbolTable argu) { if (n.f1.present()) { final NodeChoice nodeChoice = (NodeChoice) n.f1.node; switch (nodeChoice.which) { case 0: // pair list case 1: // expression list return nodeChoice.choice.accept(this, argu); case 2: // empty map return new SizzleMap(); default: throw new RuntimeException("unexpected choice " + nodeChoice.which + " is " + nodeChoice.choice.getClass()); } } return new SizzleArray(); } /** {@inheritDoc} */ @Override public SizzleType visit(final PairList n, final SymbolTable argu) { final SizzleMap sizzleMap = (SizzleMap) n.f0.accept(this, argu); if (n.f1.present()) for (final Node node : n.f1.nodes) if (!sizzleMap.assigns(((NodeSequence) node).elementAt(1).accept(this, argu))) throw new TypeException("incorrect type " + node + " for " + sizzleMap); return sizzleMap; } /** {@inheritDoc} */ @Override public SizzleType visit(final Pair n, final SymbolTable argu) { return new SizzleMap(n.f0.accept(this, argu), n.f2.accept(this, argu)); } /** {@inheritDoc} */ @Override public SizzleType visit(final Function n, final SymbolTable argu) { throw new RuntimeException("unimplemented"); } /** {@inheritDoc} */ @Override public SizzleType visit(final StatementExpr n, final SymbolTable argu) { throw new RuntimeException("unimplemented"); } /** {@inheritDoc} */ @Override public SizzleType visit(final Proto n, final SymbolTable argu) { final String tokenImage = n.f1.f0.tokenImage; argu.importProto(tokenImage.substring(1, tokenImage.length() - 1)); return null; } /** {@inheritDoc} */ @Override public SizzleType visit(final Identifier n, final SymbolTable argu) { final String id = n.f0.tokenImage; if (argu.hasType(id)) return argu.getType(id); return argu.get(id); } /** {@inheritDoc} */ @Override public SizzleType visit(final IntegerLiteral n, final SymbolTable argu) { return new SizzleInt(); } /** {@inheritDoc} */ @Override public SizzleType visit(final FingerprintLiteral n, final SymbolTable argu) { return new SizzleFingerprint(); } /** {@inheritDoc} */ @Override public SizzleType visit(final FloatingPointLiteral n, final SymbolTable argu) { return new SizzleFloat(); } /** {@inheritDoc} */ @Override public SizzleType visit(final CharLiteral n, final SymbolTable argu) { return new SizzleInt(); } /** {@inheritDoc} */ @Override public SizzleType visit(final StringLiteral n, final SymbolTable argu) { return new SizzleString(); } /** {@inheritDoc} */ @Override public SizzleType visit(final BytesLiteral n, final SymbolTable argu) { return new SizzleBytes(); } /** {@inheritDoc} */ @Override public SizzleType visit(final TimeLiteral n, final SymbolTable argu) { return new SizzleTime(); } List<SizzleType> check(final Call c, final SymbolTable argu) { if (c.f1.present()) return this.check((ExprList) c.f1.node, argu); return new ArrayList<SizzleType>(); } private List<SizzleType> check(final ExprList e, final SymbolTable argu) { final List<SizzleType> types = new ArrayList<SizzleType>(); types.add(e.f0.accept(this, argu)); if (e.f1.present()) for (final Node node : e.f1.nodes) types.add(((NodeSequence) node).elementAt(1).accept(this, argu)); return types; } private List<SizzleType> check(final SimpleMemberList e, final SymbolTable argu) { final List<SizzleType> types = new ArrayList<SizzleType>(); types.add(e.f0.accept(this, argu)); if (e.f1.present()) for (final Node node : e.f1.nodes) types.add(((NodeSequence) node).elementAt(1).accept(this, argu)); return types; } // private final NameFindingVisitor namefinder; // // /** // * Construct a TypeCheckingVisitor. // * // * @param namefinder // * A {@link NameFindingVisitor} used to find names. // */ // public TypeCheckingVisitor(final NameFindingVisitor namefinder) { // this.namefinder = namefinder; // } // // public List<SizzleType> check(final ExpressionRest e, final SymbolTable // argu) { // final List<SizzleType> types = new ArrayList<SizzleType>(); // // types.add(e.f1.accept(this, argu)); // // return types; // } // // public List<SizzleScalar> check(final TypleList t, final SymbolTable // argu) { // final List<SizzleScalar> types = new ArrayList<SizzleScalar>(); // // final SizzleType type = t.f0.accept(this, argu); // if (type instanceof SizzleScalar) // types.add((SizzleScalar) type); // else // throw new TypeException("unexpected type " + type + " in a typle list"); // // if (t.f1.present()) // for (final Node i : t.f1.nodes) // types.addAll(this.check((TypleRest) i, argu)); // // return types; // } // // public List<SizzleScalar> check(final TypleRest t, final SymbolTable // argu) { // final List<SizzleScalar> types = new ArrayList<SizzleScalar>(); // // final SizzleType type = t.f1.accept(this, argu); // if (type instanceof SizzleScalar) // types.add((SizzleScalar) type); // else // throw new TypeException("unexpected type " + type + " in a typle list"); // // return types; // } // // // FIXME: really support implicit cast on assignment? // /** {@inheritDoc} */ // /** {@inheritDoc} */ @Override // public SizzleType visit(final Assignment n, final SymbolTable argu) { // final String id = n.f0.f0.tokenImage; // final SizzleType t = argu.get(id); // final SizzleType u = n.f2.accept(this, argu); // // if (t.assigns(u)) // return t; // // if (argu.hasCast(u, t)) // return t; // // throw new TypeException("incorrect type " + u + " for assignment to " + // id + ':' + t); // } // // /** {@inheritDoc} */ // /** {@inheritDoc} */ @Override // public SizzleType visit(final AssignmentList n, final SymbolTable argu) { // n.f0.accept(this, argu); // if (n.f1.present()) // for (final Node node : n.f1.nodes) // ((EmitStatement) node).accept(this, argu); // // return null; // } // // /** {@inheritDoc} */ // /** {@inheritDoc} */ @Override // public SizzleType visit(final AssignmentRest n, final SymbolTable argu) { // throw new RuntimeException("unimplemented"); // } // // /** {@inheritDoc} */ // /** {@inheritDoc} */ @Override // public SizzleType visit(final AssignmentStatement n, final SymbolTable // argu) { // return n.f0.accept(this, argu); // } // // /** {@inheritDoc} */ // /** {@inheritDoc} */ @Override // public SizzleType visit(final Block n, final SymbolTable argu) { // // if (n.f1.present()) { // SymbolTable st; // try { // st = argu.cloneNonLocals(); // } catch (final IOException e) { // throw new RuntimeException(e.getClass().getSimpleName() + " caught", e); // } // // for (final Node node : n.f1.nodes) // ((Statement) node).accept(this, st); // } // // return null; // } // // /** {@inheritDoc} */ // /** {@inheritDoc} */ @Override // public SizzleType visit(final CallExpression n, final SymbolTable argu) { // final String name = n.f0.f0.tokenImage; // // if (n.f2.present()) // return argu.getFunction(name, this.check((ExpressionList) n.f2.node, // argu)); // else // return argu.getFunction(name); // } // // // /** {@inheritDoc} */ // /** {@inheritDoc} */ @Override // public SizzleType visit(final ExpressionList n, final SymbolTable argu) { // final SizzleType type = n.f0.accept(this, argu); // // if (n.f1.present()) // for (final Node node : n.f1.nodes) // if (!type.assigns(((ExpressionRest) node).accept(this, argu))) // throw new TypeException("invalid expression list"); // // return new SizzleArray((SizzleScalar) type); // } // // /** {@inheritDoc} */ // /** {@inheritDoc} */ @Override // public SizzleType visit(final ExpressionRest n, final SymbolTable argu) { // return n.f1.accept(this, argu); // } // // /** {@inheritDoc} */ // /** {@inheritDoc} */ @Override // public SizzleType visit(final FloatingPointLiteral n, final SymbolTable // argu) { // throw new RuntimeException("unimplemented"); // } // // /** {@inheritDoc} */ // /** {@inheritDoc} */ @Override // public SizzleType visit(final ForStatement n, final SymbolTable argu) { // SymbolTable st; // try { // st = argu.cloneNonLocals(); // } catch (final IOException e) { // throw new RuntimeException(e.getClass().getSimpleName() + " caught", e); // } // // if (n.f2.present()) // ((AssignmentList) n.f2.node).accept(this, st); // if (n.f4.present()) // ((ExpressionList) n.f4.node).accept(this, st); // if (n.f6.present()) // ((ExpressionList) n.f6.node).accept(this, st); // // n.f8.accept(this, st); // // return null; // } // // /** {@inheritDoc} */ // /** {@inheritDoc} */ @Override // public SizzleType visit(final IdentifierList n, final SymbolTable argu) { // for (final String id : this.namefinder.visit(n)) // if (argu.contains(id)) // throw new TypeException(id + " already declared as " + argu.get(id)); // // return null; // } // // /** {@inheritDoc} */ // /** {@inheritDoc} */ @Override // public SizzleType visit(final IdentifierRest n, final SymbolTable argu) { // throw new RuntimeException("unimplemented"); // } // // /** {@inheritDoc} */ // /** {@inheritDoc} */ @Override // public SizzleType visit(final IndexExpression n, final SymbolTable argu) // { // final SizzleType type = n.f0.accept(this, argu); // // if (n.f1.present()) { // final SizzleType itype = ((NodeSequence) // n.f1.node).nodes.get(1).accept(this, argu); // if (type instanceof SizzleArray) { // if (!new SizzleInt().assigns(itype)) // throw new TypeException("incorrect type " + itype + // " for indexing into array"); // // return ((SizzleArray) type).getType(); // } else if (type instanceof SizzleMap) { // final SizzleScalar ktype = ((SizzleMap) type).getIndexType(); // // if (!ktype.assigns(itype)) // throw new TypeException("incorrect type " + itype + " for indexing into " // + type); // // return ((SizzleMap) type).getType(); // } else // throw new TypeException("type " + type + " cannot be indexed into"); // } // // return type; // } // // /** {@inheritDoc} */ // /** {@inheritDoc} */ @Override // public SizzleType visit(final Initializer n, final SymbolTable argu) { // switch (n.f0.which) { // case 0: // expression // return n.f0.accept(this, argu); // case 1: // return ((NodeSequence) n.f0.choice).nodes.get(1).accept(this, argu); // default: // throw new RuntimeException("unexpected choice " + n.f0.which + " is " + // n.f0.choice.getClass()); // } // // } // // /** {@inheritDoc} */ // /** {@inheritDoc} */ @Override // public SizzleType visit(final IntegerLiteral n, final SymbolTable argu) { // throw new RuntimeException("unimplemented"); // } // // /** {@inheritDoc} */ // /** {@inheritDoc} */ @Override // public SizzleType visit(final MemberExpression n, final SymbolTable argu) // { // final String id = n.f0.f0.tokenImage; // final String member = n.f2.f0.tokenImage; // // final SizzleType stype = argu.get(id); // // if (!(stype instanceof SizzleTuple)) // throw new TypeException(id + " is not a tuple" + // stype.getClass().getName()); // // final SizzleType mtype = ((SizzleTuple) stype).getMember(member); // // if (mtype == null) // throw new TypeException("no such member " + member + " in " + id); // // return mtype; // } // // /** {@inheritDoc} */ // /** {@inheritDoc} */ @Override // public SizzleType visit(final Pair n, final SymbolTable argu) { // final SizzleType vtype = n.f0.accept(this, argu); // if (!vtype.getClass().getSuperclass().equals(SizzleScalar.class)) // throw new TypeException("invalid type " + vtype + " for map value"); // // final SizzleType ktype = n.f2.accept(this, argu); // if (!ktype.getClass().getSuperclass().equals(SizzleScalar.class)) // throw new TypeException("invalid type " + ktype + " for map key"); // // return new SizzleMap((SizzleScalar) vtype, (SizzleScalar) ktype); // } // // /** {@inheritDoc} */ // /** {@inheritDoc} */ @Override // public SizzleType visit(final PairList n, final SymbolTable argu) { // final SizzleMap mtype = (SizzleMap) n.f0.accept(this, argu); // // if (n.f1.present()) // for (final Node node : n.f1.nodes) { // final SizzleType rtype = node.accept(this, argu); // if (!mtype.assigns(rtype)) // throw new TypeException("invalid type " + rtype + " for entry in " + // mtype); // } // // return mtype; // } // // /** {@inheritDoc} */ // /** {@inheritDoc} */ @Override // public SizzleType visit(final ParentheticalExpression n, final // SymbolTable argu) { // throw new RuntimeException("unimplemented"); // } // // /** {@inheritDoc} */ // /** {@inheritDoc} */ @Override // public SizzleType visit(final SliceExpression n, final SymbolTable argu) // { // final String id = n.f0.f0.tokenImage; // final SizzleType type = argu.get(id); // // if (n.f1.present()) // for (final Node node : n.f1.nodes) { // final SizzleType slicetype = ((NodeSequence) // node).nodes.get(1).accept(this, argu); // if (slicetype.getClass() != SizzleInt.class) // throw new TypeException("invalid type " + slicetype + // " for indexing into an array"); // final SizzleType slicetype2 = ((NodeSequence) // node).nodes.get(3).accept(this, argu); // if (slicetype2.getClass() != SizzleInt.class) // throw new TypeException("invalid type " + slicetype2 + // " for indexing into an array"); // } // // return type; // } // // // /** {@inheritDoc} */ // /** {@inheritDoc} */ @Override // public SizzleType visit(final Statement n, final SymbolTable argu) { // switch (n.f0.which) { // case 0: // block // ((Block) n.f0.choice).accept(this, argu); // break; // case 4: // assignment statement // ((Block) n.f0.choice).accept(this, argu); // break; // case 5: // emit statement // ((AssignmentStatement) n.f0.choice).accept(this, argu); // break; // case 6: // emit statement // ((EmitStatement) n.f0.choice).accept(this, argu); // break; // case 7: // emit statement // ((IfStatement) n.f0.choice).accept(this, argu); // break; // case 9: // for statement // ((ForStatement) n.f0.choice).accept(this, argu); // break; // case 10: // when statement // ((WhenStatement) n.f0.choice).accept(this, argu); // break; // case 11: // when statement // ((ProtoStatement) n.f0.choice).accept(this, argu); // break; // default: // throw new RuntimeException("unexpected choice " + n.f0.which + " is " + // n.f0.choice.getClass()); // } // // return null; // } // // /** {@inheritDoc} */ // /** {@inheritDoc} */ @Override // public SizzleType visit(final StringLiteral n, final SymbolTable argu) { // throw new RuntimeException("unimplemented"); // } // // /** {@inheritDoc} */ // /** {@inheritDoc} */ @Override // public SizzleType visit(final Term n, final SymbolTable argu) { // switch (n.f0.which) { // case 0: // call // return n.f0.choice.accept(this, argu); // case 1: // member // return n.f0.choice.accept(this, argu); // case 2: // slice // return n.f0.choice.accept(this, argu); // case 3: // index // return n.f0.choice.accept(this, argu); // case 4: // parenthetical // return ((ParentheticalExpression) n.f0.choice).f1.accept(this, argu); // case 5: // atom // return n.f0.choice.accept(this, argu); // default: // throw new RuntimeException("unexpected choice " + n.f0.which + " is " + // n.f0.choice.getClass()); // } // } // // // /** {@inheritDoc} */ // /** {@inheritDoc} */ @Override // public SizzleType visit(final Type n, final SymbolTable argu) { // switch (n.f0.which) { // case 0: // identifier // return argu.getType(((Identifier) n.f0.choice).f0.tokenImage); // case 2: // tuple // return new SizzleTuple(new LinkedHashMap<String, SizzleType>()); // default: // throw new RuntimeException("unexpected choice " + n.f0.which + " is " + // n.f0.choice.getClass()); // } // } // // /** {@inheritDoc} */ // /** {@inheritDoc} */ @Override // public SizzleType visit(final TypeDeclaration n, final SymbolTable argu) // { // throw new RuntimeException("unimplemented"); // } // // /** {@inheritDoc} */ // /** {@inheritDoc} */ @Override // public SizzleType visit(final TypleList n, final SymbolTable argu) { // throw new RuntimeException("unimplemented"); // } // // /** {@inheritDoc} */ // /** {@inheritDoc} */ @Override // public SizzleType visit(final TypleRest n, final SymbolTable argu) { // throw new RuntimeException("unimplemented"); // } // // /** {@inheritDoc} */ // /** {@inheritDoc} */ @Override // public SizzleType visit(final UnaryExpression n, final SymbolTable argu) // { // final SizzleType type = n.f0.accept(this, argu); // // if (n.f1.present()) // if (!type.getClass().equals(SizzleInt.class)) // throw new TypeException("unary arithmetic on non-integer " + // type.toString()); // // return type; // } // }